General Bibliography Primary Printed Sources The Annual Register, or, a View of the History, Politics, and Literature for the Year 1806, London, 1807. The Annual Register, or, a View of the History, Politics, and Literature for the Year 1813, London, 1814. ‘ART. XIV. An Essay on the Diseases Incident to Indian Seamen, or Lascars, on Long Voyages. By William Hunter’ in Aikin, Arthur ed., The Annual Review and History of Literature, 7 vols, London, 1802–8, vol. V (1806), 685–7. A Bill to Consolidate and Amend the Several Laws Now in Force with Respect to Trade from and to Places within the Limits of the Charter of the East India Company, and for Making Further Provision with Respect to Such Trade, London: House of Commons, 1823. Anonymous, The Case of the Masters of Ships, and Other Officers, and Seamen, in the Merchants Service, London, 1720[?]. Anonymous, A Clause Humbly Offered to the Consideration of the Honourable House of Commons, London, 1700. 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Bellonus, Marcus Antonius, Decisiones Rotae Genuae de Mercatura, Frankfurt, 1592. Betagh, William, A Voyage Round the World, London, 1728. Blackstone, William, Commentaries on the Laws of England, 4 vols, Oxford, 1765–1769. Blount, Thomas, Glossographia, or A Dictionary Interpreting All Such Hard Words of Whatsoever Language Now Used in Our Refined English Tongue, London, 1661. Boucher, F.B., Consulat de la mer ou pandecte de droit commercial et maritime, Paris, 1803, reprint Osnabrück, 1978. Brooks, F.W. ed., ‘A Calendar of the Early Judgements of the Hull Trinity House’, Miscellanea Yorkshire Archaeological Society V, Hull, 1951, 1–45. Brooks, F.W. ed., ‘A Calendar of Early Orders from the Oath and Bond Book of the Hull Trinity House’, in Miscellanea Yorkshire Archaeological Society V, Hull, 1951, 47–67. 311 312 General Bibliography Brooks, F.W. ed., The First Order Book of the Hull Trinity House, 1632–1665, Hull, 1942. Buckingham, James Silk, The Parliamentary Review and Family Magazine, London, 1833–4. Casaregi, Giuseppe Maria, Il Consolato del Mare colla spiegazione di Giuseppe Maria Casaregi, Lucca, 1720. Castanheda, Fernão Lopes de, História do Descobrimento e Conquista da Índia pelos Portugueses, Coimbra, 1552–1561. Chitty, J., A Treatise on the Laws of Commerce and Manufactures, and the Contracts Relating Thereto, 4 vols, London, 1824. Cleirac, Estienne, Us et coustumes de la mer, Bordeaux, 1647. Clerke, Francis, Praxis Curiæ Admiralitatiæ Angliæ, Dublin, 1666. Translated as The Practice of the Court of Admiralty of England, London, 1722. Cooke, Edward, A Voyage to the South Sea and Round the World, London, 1712. Coolhaas, W.Ph., Van Goor, J., Schooneveld-Oosterling, J.E. and s’Jacob, H.K. eds, Generale Missiven van Gouverneurs-General en Raden aan Heren XVII der Veregenigde Oostindische Compagnie, 13 vols, The Hague, 1960–2007. The Courier and Evening Gazette, London, 1792–1804. 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Docker, H., Memorial of Mr. Hilton Docker to the Honorable Court of Directors in Reply to the Memorial of the Asiatic Society, London, 1815. The Edinburgh Annual Register for 1816, Edinburgh, 1820. Elton, Richard, To the Right Honorable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, Assembled in Parliament. A Proposal for Encouragement of Seamen, and Advancing the Credit of the Navy, London, 1704. East India Company, ed., Further Papers Respecting the Trade between India and Europe, London, 1802. The Englishman, London, 1713–14. The Evangelical Magazine, London, 1793–1868. Exton, J., The Maritime Dicaeologie, or, Sea-Jurisdiction of England, London, 1664. Fernández de Navarrete, M. ed., Colección de documentos y manuscriptos compilados por Fernández de Navarrete, 32 vols, Liechtenstein, 1971. Firth, C.H. and Raits, R.S. eds, Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642–1660, 2 vols, London, 1911. Forster, E.R. ed., Proceedings in Parliament, 1610, 2 vols, London, 1966. Funnell, William, A Voyage Round the World, London, 1707. The Gentleman’s Magazine, London, 1731–1922. Godolphin, John, ΣΥΝΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΙΟΣ [Synegoros Thalassios]. A Vievv of the Admiral Iurisdiction, London, 1661. General Bibliography 313 Gray, Geoffrey, The Royal Navy Suitably Manned, London, 1725. Haafner, Jacob, De werken van Jacob Haafner, J. de Moor and P. van der Velde eds, 3 vols, Zutphen, 1992–1997. Handtvesten, ofte Privilegien, Handelingen, Costumen, ende Willekeuren der Stadt Aemstelredam: Mitsgaders concept vande geraemde poincten op ‘t stuck vande Iustitie, ofte maniere van procederen in civile saecken binnen deser stede: Met verscheyden Placcaten dienstigh in diversche saecken. Als mede de Zee ende Scheeps-rechten van Wisbuy, vande Oude Hanse steden, van Keyser Karel ende Koningh Philips: Met een Tractaet van Avarije. Alles verrijckt met een wijtloopig ende Wel geordonneert Register. Hier achter zijn by- gevoeght de Rechten ende Costumen van Antwerpen, Amsterdam, 1639. Harris, G.G. ed., Trinity House of Deptford Transactions, 1609–35, London, 1983. Heeringa, K. ed., Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van den Levantschen handel (1590–1826), 6 vols, The Hague, 1910–1966. Her Majesties Most Gracious Declaration, for the Incouragement of Her Ships of War and Privateers, London, 1702. Hodges, William, Ruin to Ruin, After Misery to Misery, London, 1699. Hodges, William, Humble Proposals for the Relief, Encouragement, Security and Happiness of the Loyal, Couragious Seamen, London, 1696. Hodges, William, An Humble Representation of the Seamens Mistery, London, 1695. Hodges, William, Great Britain’s Groans, London 1695. Hodges, William, An Humble Representation of the Sad and Distressed Case of Many Thousands of their Most Gratious Majesties Loyal Seamen, London, 1693. Hughes, C. ed., Shakespeare’s Europe: Unpublished chapters of Fynes Moryson’s Itinerary, London, 1903. Instructien en ordonnantien voor de commissarissen van zee zaken, Amsterdam, 1774. Introduzione alla pratica del commercio, ovvero notizie necessarie per l’esercizio della mer- catura, Livorno, 1759. Isambert, F.-A., Decrusy, [?], Jourdan, A.-J.-L. and Taillandier, A.-H., eds, Recueil général des anciennes lois françaises, depuis l’an 420 jusqu’à la Révolution de 1789, 29 vols and index, Paris, 1821–1833. Jenkins, Leoline, ‘Argument, in Behalf of a Bill to Ascertain the Jurisdiction of the Admiralty, in the House of Lords’, in William Wynne ed., The Life of Sir Leoline Jenkins, 2 vols, London, 1724, I: 76–85. Journal of the House of Commons, 73 vols, London, 1802–1829. Journal of the House of Lords, 123 vols, London, 1767–1891. Justice, Alexander, A General Treatise of the Dominion of the Sea. And a Compleat Body of the Sea-Laws, London, 1724. Ker, William, Remarks on the Government of several parts of Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Hamburgh, Lubeck, and Hansiatick-Towns [...], London, 1727. Laffemas, Barthelemy de, Mémoire pour dresser les manufactures et ouvrages du royaume, Paris, 1596. Lambe, Aaron, A Proposal for the Encouragement of Seamen, London, 1727. The London Packet or New Lloyd’s Evening Post, London, 1772–1836. Malynes, Gerard, Consuetudo, vel, Lex Mercatoria, London, 1622. Meyer, Martin, Theatrum Europaeum, vol. IX, 1660–5, Frankfurt, 1672. Miege, Guy, The Ancient Sea-Laws of Oleron, Wisby, and the Hanse-towns, London, 1686. Molloy, Charles, De Jure Maritimo et Navali, London, 1676. Morin, Thomas and Jennings, Nicholas, A Proposal for the Incouragement of Seamen, London, 1697. The Missionary Register for the Year 1814, London, 1814. 314 General Bibliography The Morning Chronicle, London, 1770–1865. The Morning Post, London, 1772–1900. Moryson, Fynes, An Itinerary vvritten by Fynes Moryson Gent. First in the Latine tongue, and then translated by him into English: containing his ten yeeres trauell through the tvve- lue dominions of Germany, Bohmerland, Sweitzerland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland, Jtaly, Turky, France, England, Scotland, and Ireland. Diuided into III parts. The I. part. Containeth a iournall through all the said twelue dominions: shewing particularly the number of miles, the soyle of the country, the situation of cities, the descriptions of them, with all monuments in each place worth the seeing, as also the rates of hiring coaches or horses from place to place, with each daies expences for diet, horse-meate, and the like. The II. part. Containeth the rebellion of Hugh, Earle of Tyrone, and the appeasing thereof: written also in forme of a iournall.
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