2016 Sustainability Report MULTI BINTANG INDONESIA 1 2 2016 Sustainability Report MULTI BINTANG INDONESIA 2016 Sustainability Report MULTI BINTANG INDONESIA 3 DAFTAR ISI Content Ikhtisar Profil perusahaan Laporan manajemen highlights company management profile report 06 Informasi bagi Pemegang 13 Visi dan Misi Kami 32 Surat dari Dewan Saham Our Vision and Mission Komisaris Information For Letter from the Board of 20 Sejarah Perusahaan Shareholders Commissioners Company Milestones 07 Kronologi Pencatatan 40 Profil Dewan Komisaris 22 Struktur Organisasi Saham Profil Board of Organization Structure Chronology of Share Commissioners Listing 25 Penghargaan 2016 48 Laporan Direksi Award Received in 2016 10 Ikhtisar Data Keuangan Report of the Board of Summary of Financial 28 Peristiwa Penting 2016 Directors Data 2016 Event Highlights 58 Profil Direksi Profile of the Board of Directors 4 2016 Sustainability Report MULTI BINTANG INDONESIA Analisa dan pembahasan manajemen Tata kelola perusahaan Laporan keuangan management's corporate financial discussion and governance statements analysis 65 Tinjauan Industri 110 Struktur Tata Kelola 140 Surat Pernyataan Anggota Industry Review GCG Structures Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi tentang Tanggung 66 Tinjauan Usaha 131 Sekretaris Perusahaan Jawab atas Laporan Tahunan Operational Review Corporate Secretary 2016 90 Tinjauan Keuangan 135 Manajemen Risiko Board of Directors and Board Financial Review Risk Management of Commissioners‘ Statement 98 Tanggung Jawab Sosial regarding the Responsibility Perusahaan for the 2016 Annual Report Corporate Social Responsibility 2016 Sustainability Report MULTI BINTANG INDONESIA 5 INFORMASI KHUSUS BAGI PEMEGANG SAHAM Specific Information for Shareholder PEMEGANG SAHAM SHAREHOLDER KEPEMILIKAN MODAL DITEMPATKAN PT MULTI BINTANG INDONESIA TBK SEBAGAI BERIKUT : The ownership of the issued share capital of PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk is as follows: 18.22% Publik | Public 81.78% Heineken International BV Jumlah Saham Pemegang Saham | Shareholder % Nilai Nominal Number of Shares Par Value Heineken International BV 1,723,151,000 81.78% 17,231,510,000 Publik | Public 383,849,000 18.22% 3,838,490,000 2,107,000,000 100.00% 21,070,000,000 6 2016 Sustainability Report MULTI BINTANG INDONESIA KOMPOSISI PEMEGANG SAHAM\ COMPOSITION OF SHAREHOLDERS Heineken International B.V. memiliki 1.723.151.000 Heineken International BV owned 1,723,151,000 shares lembar saham atau 81,78% dari jumlah total saham pada or 81.78% of the total shares as of 31 December 2016. The 31 Desember 2016. Sisa saham 18,22% selebihnya dimiliki remaining 18.22% of the shares were owned by the public oleh publik (lihat tabel), dimana masing-masing pemegang (see table), with each shareholder owning less than 5% of saham memiliki kurang dari 5% jumlah total saham. the total shares. Tidak ada pemegang saham kelompok perorangan yang No single group of public shareholders holds more than menguasai lebih dari 5% jumlah total saham. 5% of the total shares. Tidak ada seorang pun anggota Dewan Komisaris atau None of the Company’s Commissioners or Directors own Direksi Perseroan yang memiliki saham Perseroan. any of the Company’s shares. PEMEGANG SAHAM PUBLIK DENGAN KEPEMILIKAN DI BAWAH 5% (Per 31 Desember 2016) Public shareholders with holding of less than 5% (As per 31 December 2016) Total Jumlah Pemegang Status Pemegang Saham Total Jumlah Saham % Shareholder Status Saham Number of Shares Number of Shareholders Perorangan 1,260 53,988,200 2.56% Individual Dana Pensiun 19 3,464,500 0.16% Pension fund Asuransi 1 10,000 0.00% Insurance Perseroan Terbatas 43 26,965,700 1.28% Limited Liability Company Lembaga Korporasi 41 299,049,600 14.19% Corporate Bodies Lain-lain 4 371,000 0.02% Others Total 1,368 383,849,000 18.22% Total KRONOLOGI PENCATATAN SAHAM CHRONOLOGY OF SHARE LISTING Total Kenaikan/Penurunan Tanggal Aksi Korporasi Total Saham Date CORPORATE ACTION Saham Total share TOTAL INCREASE/ DECREASE IN SHARE 15 Desember/ Penawaran Umum 3,520,012 December 1981 - Pemegang saham Indonesia yang sudah ada 358,012 - Saham yang ditawarkan kepada masyarakat Indonesia 3,162,000 Initial Public Offering - Existing Indonesia Shareholders -Shares offered to Indonesian public 12 Januari/ Company Listing 17,549,988 21,070,000 January 2001 10 Februari/ Transfer kepemilikan saham dari Heineken International BV 21,070,000 February 2010 ke Asia Pacific Breweries Ltd Transfer of share ownership from Heineken International BV to Asia Pacific Breweries Ltd 23 September/ Transfer kepemilikan saham dari Asia Pacific Breweries Ltd 21,070,000 September 2013 ke Heineken International BV Transfer of share ownership from Asia Pacific Breweries Ltd to Heineken International BV 6 November Pemecahan Saham dengan rasio 1:100 2,085,930,000 2,107,000,000 2014 Nilai nominal Rp1.000 ke 10 Stock Split with ratio 1:100 Par value Rp 1,000 to 10 2016 Sustainability Report MULTI BINTANG INDONESIA 7 INFORMASI KHUSUS BAGI PEMEGANG SAHAM Specific Information for Shareholder STRUKTUR PERUSAHAAN CORPORATE STRUCTURE Heineken N.V Heineken International B.V 81.78% PT MULTI BINTANG INDONESIA Tbk Public 18.22% DIVIDEN DIVIDEND DIVIDEN YANG DIBAYARKAN DALAM 2 TAHUN TERAKHIR Dividend payment in the last 2 years Jumlah Dividen Tahun Tahun Buku Dividen/saham (Rp) Tanggal Pembayaran Book Year Dividend/share (Rp) Payment Date (dalam jutaan Rp) Year Total Dividend ( in Rp million) 2015 2014 Final 138 19 Juni/June 2015 290,766 2015 Interim 0 0 2016 2015 Final 344 29 Juni/June 2016 724,808 2016 Interim 95 26 Oktober/ 200,165 October 2016 KRONOLOGI PENCATATAN SURAT BERHARGA LAINNYA OTHER SECURITIES LISTING CHRONOLOGY Sejak Desember 2016, Perseroan hanya mencatatkan As of December 2016 the Company had only listed its sahamnya di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Tidak ada surat shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The Company berharga lain apapun yang diterbitkan dan di bursa mana has not issued any other securities on any exchange. pun oleh Perseroan. 8 2016 Sustainability Report MULTI BINTANG INDONESIA KINERJA SAHAM SHARE PERFORMANCE Saham (unit) Rupiah Share (Unit) 5,000,000 14,000 4,500,000 13,000 4,000,000 12,000 3,500,000 11,000 3,000,000 10,000 2,500,000 9,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 8,000 1,000,000 7,000 500,000 6,000 5,000 Jan 15 Feb 15 Mar 15 Apr 15 Mei 15 Jun 15 Jul 15 Ags 15 Sep 15 Okt 15 Nov 15 Des 15 Jan 16 Feb 16 Mar 16 Apr 16 Mei 16 Jun 16 Jul 16 Ags 16 Sep 16 Okt 16 Nov 16 Des 16 Volume Tertinggi Terendah Penutupan Volume Highest Lowest Closing SAHAM BEREDAR per 31 Desember 2016 SHARE IN CIRCULATION 2,107,000,000 as of 31 December 2016 2016 Tertinggi Terendah Penutupan Volume Kapitalisasi Pasar KUARTAL | QUARTER Highest Lowest Closing Volume Market Capitalization (dalam Rp penuh / in full Rp amount) (dalam juta Rp / in million Rp) Q1 8,525 7,300 7,783 5,343,400 16,399,483 Q2 11,700 7,650 11,100 1,744,900 23,387,700 Q3 13,225 10,700 11,783 2,075,400 24,827,483 Q4 13,000 11,000 11,792 2,429,600 24,845,042 Kurs Akhir | Closing rate 13,225 7,300 11,750 Total 11,593,300 2015 Tertinggi Terendah Penutupan Volume Kapitalisasi Pasar KUARTAL | QUARTER Highest Lowest Closing Volume Market Capitalization (dalam Rp penuh / in full Rp amount) (dalam juta Rp / in million Rp) Q1 12,000 9,400 10,700 5,049,400 22,544,900 Q2 10,200 6,675 7,867 3,308,200 16,575,067 Q3 8,200 5,725 6,900 2,456,400 14,538,300 Q4 12,350 6,900 8,650 1,658,700 18,225,550 Kurs Akhir | Closing rate 12,350 5,725 8,200 Total 12,472,700 2016 Sustainability Report MULTI BINTANG INDONESIA 9 IKHTISAR DATA KEUANGAN Sumary of Financial Data Audited Audited Audited Jan 2016– Jan 2015– Jan 2014– Dec 2016 Dec 2015 Dec 2014 dalam juta Rp 12 months 12 months 12 months in milion Rp Penjualan Bersih 3,263,311 2,696,318 2,988,501 Net sales Laba Kotor 2,147,744 1,622,952 1,805,283 Gross Profit Laba Usaha 1,375,332 719,548 1,146,368 Operating Profit Laba Usaha, sebelum dikurangi dampak dari Operating Profit, before the impact of one biaya tertentu yang tidak terjadi setiap tahun time charge of exceptional item (sanksi cukai) 1,375,332 940,163 1,146,368 (excise penalty) Laba Sebelum Pajak 1,320,186 675,572 1,078,378 Profit Before Tax Laba Bersih Tahun Berjalan 982,129 496,909 794,883 Net Income for the year Laba Bersih Tahun Berjalan, sebelum dikurangi Net Income for the year before the impact of dampak dari biaya tertentu yang tidak terjadi one time charge of exceptional item setiap tahun (sanksi cukai) 982,129 717,524 794,883 (excise penalty) Laba Bersih yang dapat diatribusikan kepada: Net Profit attributable to: Pemilik Entitas Induk 981,825 496,712 794,708 Owners of the Company Kepentingan Non-Pengendali 304 197 175 Non-controlling interest Total Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain 979,530 503,624 788,057 Total Other Comprehensive Income Laba bersih dan jumlah laba rugi komprehensif Net Income and total comprehensive yang dapat diatribusikan kepada: income attributable to: Pemilik Entitas Induk 979,228 503,425 787,885 Owners of the Company Kepentingan Non-Pengendali 302 199 172 Non-controlling interest Laba dasar per Saham Basic earnings per share (dalam Rupiah penuh) 466 236 377 (in full Rupiah amount) Modal Kerja Bersih (425,003) (505,272) (772,307) Net Working Capital Jumlah Aset 2,275,038 2,100,853 2,231,051 Total Assets Jumlah Liabilitas 1,454,398 1,334,373 1,677,254 Total Liabilities Jumlah Ekuitas 820,640 766,480 553,797 Total Equity Rasio Total Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain Total Other Comprehensive Income Terhadap Jumlah Aset % 43% 34% 35% to Total Assets Ratio % Rasio Total Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain Total Comprehensive Income to Total Terhadap Jumlah Ekuitas % 119% 73% 142% Equity Ratio % Rasio Lancar % 68% 58% 51% Current Ratio % Rasio Jumlah Liabilitas Terhadap Total Ekuitas % 177% 135% 303% Total Liabilities to Total Equity Ratio % Rasio Jumlah Liabilitas Terhadap Jumlah Aset % 64% 64% 75% Total Liabilities to Total Assets Ratio % * Sebelum dikurangi dampak dari biaya tertentu yang tidak terjadi setiap tahun * Before the impact of one time charge of (sanksi cukai) exceptional item (excise penalty) Efektif per tanggal 6 November 2014, saham Perseroan diperdagangkan dengan nilai Effective as of November 6, 2014, nominal baru (stock split / pemecahan nilai nominal saham dari Rp1.000 menjadi Rp10).
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