University of Rhode Island DigitalCommons@URI GBLA Film Gender and Sexuality Center 1994 Lesbian & Gay Film Festival Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/gbla-film Recommended Citation "Lesbian & Gay Film Festival" (1994). GBLA Film. Paper 14. https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/gbla-film/14https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/gbla-film/14 This Playbill is brought to you for free and open access by the Gender and Sexuality Center at DigitalCommons@URI. It has been accepted for inclusion in GBLA Film by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@URI. For more information, please contact [email protected]. mediaby JennieLivingston (Pans 1s Burning) and Jim Lyons OnJune 28, 1969, (Poison),a selectionof films fromAndrea Weiss' recently publishet shortlyafter oneam, the NewYork Police City entered the Vampiresand Violets.Lesbians in Film anda videopresentation StonewallInn on a routineraid But on this fatefulmorning just andlecture, Fifty Yearsof Perversity,in whichRosa van Praunheim hoursafter the funeralof the legendaryJudy Garland a few will discusshis illustriouscinematic career. Closing the '94 bravesouls donned shields of rageand pride, igniting the historic Festivalwill be GreggBordowitz's powerful AIDS testimony Fast riot that wouldcome to be knownas the StonewallRebellion Trip,Long Drop GETYOUR Forfive dayslesbians and gays waged battle, ushering in an era As an organizationdependent upon the invaluableresource of of politicalactivism and personal pride, giving birth to a movement humanbeings, this programwould not havebeen possible without that haseffected phenomenal change and inspired generations the in kindskills of our '94 ProgrammingCommittee A veryspecial thanksto PamJennings, Irene Sosa, Mai Kiang PeterBowen, Thecause and the circumstancessurrounding the eventsof DarylChin, John Haffner Layden, Stephen Saba, Robin Vacha! and FREECD PatriciaWhite for their commitmentand dedication in programming that earlySunday morning are riddled with the expectedsubjectivity inherentin recordingand retelling history this year'sfestival NOW! DidJudy Garland's funeral act as the muchneeded and l1ng The 94 Festivalmedal of honorgoes to RobinVacha!, Festival awaitedcatalyst for a time that hadto come?Was it a butchdyke Coordinatorand Supreme Goddess for goingfar aboveand beyond dressedin men'sclothing that launchedthis historiceve? Or was the call of duty it a ferociousdrag queen who decidedshe was fed upwith years of relentlessharassment thereby marking June 28 as a dayof pride Andmany thanks to ourdedicated Board of Directors:Carol Alpert, andcelebration? PeterBowen Nan Buzard, Chiqui Cartagena, Daryl Chin, John HaffnerLayden Tom Healy, Rick Hutcheson, Terry Lawler, Calogero We maynever know the answersto thesequestions Salvo,Stephen Saba, and Patricia White; whose commitment has,and continues to be,essential to the life of ourorganization It's 1994,nearly 25 yearsafter that angryand courageous band andfestival of fagsand dykes decided they would no longerbe the victims of institutionalizedhomophobia We wouldno longershrink in fear We arealso grateful for the generoussupport of oursponsors but standand celebrate our livesand our culture. A culturethat andfunders and the manyothers who were instrumentalin making is as richand diverse as the worlditself; a culturethat existsin the the '94 NewYork Lesbian & GayFilm Festival possible annalsof time andin the mindsand hearts of millions WellingtonLove The1994 New York Lesbian & GayFilm Festival proudly celebrates ExecutiveDirector s the 25thanniversary of the StonewallRebellion May6, 1994 In its sixthand largest year, the Festivalrecognizes the importance In celebratmgour great accomplishments, we rememberour Sire Records, the little record label that could, brings you EVERYBODY of film andits placein our historyand culture Presenting212 enormousand incalculable loss Weremember those who areno NEEDSSOMEBODY, a NEW CD sampler of musical durables from Sire's consistently films andvideos from countries including Australia, Canada, Egypt, longerpresent to shareour lives, our experiences,our love outspoken roster -- EXCLUSIVELY FOR NEW AND CONTINUING Germany,Japan, New Zealand, Russia and the UK,the Festivalis We will neverforget GENRE SUBSCRIBERS! committedto representinga broadand culturally inclusive program GETTHIS FREE !DMPAIT DISC with of lesbianand gay films andvideos The1994 New YorkLesbian & GayFilm Festival is dedicatedto your subscr,pt1oli·to· GfNHf. DerekJarman and Marlon Riggs TheFestival is alsopleased to announcethe establishmentof the Call 1-800-576-993 3 VISA and MASTERCARD""''"' Or write P,O Bax 15169 Anaheim, CA 92815 ExposureFund, which will awardproduction and post-production Domestir subscriptionsS19 .. 95 far ten issues fundsto emergingartists Contents Cana.dian and intematiynat subscrjpfi11ns$40 U.5.JJreaaid 5 w1t1t an Jn-ternrmonamoney anttr arawn an a lf.!I. ·aalill. Thanks/Acknowledgements Please allow 6-8 weeks far delivery after payment is received, The'94 Festivalwill featurea numberof film series,guest-curated Essays. 6-9 16-1720-21 programs,special presentations, and special events Opening SpecialEvents Series and Programs 11 13-15 the Festivalis the NewYork premiere of RoseTroche's brilliantly FilmListings and Descriptions 23-45 irreverentand award winning first feature,Go Fish Fromthe early FilmCalendar CenterSpread Ohl, off,,,.,,,.""'"',~,,,,,~~~!~~oiE~l1Nt11f111DY. ·Subscribe to Post-Stonewallera, a seriesof historicalfilms includingJan SponsoringOrganizations 49 Offer is ovai)able to bo,h new 1ubscriber, and <arrcnt • dll, 1'!I 51 reader, who renew or e>.:tend thefr ,ub,eriprion, by the ,hove date. '._" "·-~ s:,:a.-00 ffiEFEL•PH!ty Oxenbergs A Comedyin Six UnnaturalActs, Rosa van Praunheim's AdvertisingIndex PaymentmustbereceivedbyJune30,f994, •"lllfl!S_· .. · ....,•• I•••••• ti ■■ nfl 56-60 C D will be m,il,d ,epara<e)y from your Genre ,obmipdon ~-.,'..*ifffSfR:ffe·~~hllQQllljr/6o1111! PabJJhi Armyof Lovers,Barbara Hammer's Sisters! and A GayDay, Arthur Filmand Program Index "<.'':.'.-;°' "' , '"P,I"'· Bressan'sGay USA, among others. Guest-curated progr,,ims include Distributors 60-62 two programsof lesbianfilms fromAustralia, a programof regional videosfrom Texas, and a seriesof rarefilms from EgyptWe are TheNew Festival,Inc alsopleased to presentseveral special presentations including 462Broadway Suite 510 NewYork, NY 10013 a video/lectureon sadomasochismin mainstream and independent 212-343-2707 3 A N G E L 0 VER L 0 N D 0 N INTERIORTHRONE ROOM DAY brushstrokesthese paintings loom with dark bloodyreds, recalling 'Angelscommemorate death without suggesting anything EDWARDstands alone at thetop of the stoneramp the clenchedfist andlocked jaw of politicalprotest that Derek aboutdying "-Prior Walter in TonyKushner s Angelsin America EDWARD: bothsupported and inspired vastly powerful works by an artistat Butwhat areKings, when regiment is gone? timesdriven as passionatelyby angeras by love I sawAngels in Americafor the first time at Londons National Butperfect shadows in a sunshineday? Theatrein Novemberof 1991 the dayI interviewedDerek Jarman I knownot, but of this I arnassured, Indeed,Derek s joustswith thosevery tabloids are legendary abouthis newly-released Edward II Seatedacross a tablefrom Thatdeath ends all. andI candie but once Whathe sawas the constantmisrepresentation of his life in their eachother, tape recorderspinning it was to bethe onlytime Comedeath andwith thy fingersclose my eyes pagescompelled him to createa historicalrecord that was both duringour six-year friendship that Derekand I wouldformally play Orif I live let meforget myself celebratoryand honest From Dancing Ledge to At YourOwn Risk, the rolesof artist andcritic We laugheda thousandtimes that Derekdeemed no experienceinsignificant Of his first boutwith day;it is difficultnow to write in the pasttense of onewho 'Why not 'Staydeath? , I askedDerek that dimlyashen London crabshe recalledhow hismother, thinking her son had slept with a personifiedthe veryact of living,investing every word and work of morningin 1991.'· Don t we all wantto live? Hisdeep, cobalt eyes prostitutedelighted to herbridge club, "Derek's got nits!' When art with suchforceful wisdom and enduring beauty as to almost shimmeredand his trademark cheshire grin spread about his face Jarmanwrote of cruisingthe Edenfound on HempsteadHeath in invitedisbelief Filmmaker set designerauthor activist, painter, as he gatheredhis navysweater against the oliveskin of his neck the muskyLondon summer, he immortalizedthe Cainsand Abels defiantlyproud Englishman sainted drag queen loving partner­ Then quitetrue to characterDerek Jarman laughed at me Leaning [out]on a hot night" Publishingwhat others kept secret Derek Derekwas a spiritedpioneer imbued with an insatiablethirst for forward handsclasped before his mouthhe saidsoftly: obliteratedignorance to set the recordwell queer the wholeof life destinedto barehis soulto the world It hasto be cornedeath' Because,you know we re all goingto A tirelesscampaigner, Derek fought for socialjustice by blasting Althoughfew peoplehave called Derek Jarman a patriot(his work die Andwe've become so awareof ourselveslately Thereal the repressionof Clause28 andthe hypocrisythat madethe ageof momentof releasewill cornewhen we no longerhave to be Then like thefilms TheLast of Englandand TheGarden and the book consentfor gaysand lesbians higher than the onefor 'heterosoc QueerEdward II ringswith contemptfor the conservativepolitics we will trulybe free ' Unafraidto
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