cASS CITY CH'RONICLE ' I I' I I / II I1'1 "'1111 I~1 ....... VOLUME 33, NUMB, ER 9. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1938. EIGHT PAGES. lOth 0fKW.McRae] Mi.i t r the Editorial Page o l agetow n Beet Unruffled Acceptance of Grim Verdict , fbe Gra.,d Ranid~ H~ra!d gat,rday Morning RM~tered Phy~iea| gtamina of Deford Man Contracts Signed ,,,~'am"-"o~ra~ua'e ,,~, ,, u ' Dr. R. N. Holsaple, minister of® By William T. Noble. i the Cass City Evangelical church, W0r er ltflle I for Teaching Staff "made" the editorial page of the There have been stories recorded of the trials suffered by pioneers fr0mCaNsCity High lGr=dmorning. Rapids The Herald,Heraht untilSaturday the as they settled in the Wild Thumb appointment of Arthur Vandenberg When Hit by Car Regions many years ago, and Sam- for Coming Year ~ as U. S. senator in 1928, was under uel Sherk of Deford endured many the control of Mr. Vandenberg as of those physical hardships to Two Others, Now Stu- editor and publisher for 22 years. Ernest Smithson, Cass found his large farm and home Three New Instructors Frank M. Sparks is the Herald's there, but the mental shock he dents Here, to Finish present editor. City, Admitted Driving received six years ago as science Will C~nmence Work told him an ailmer~t would within In "Reflections of an Editor," Mr. Death Car on Saturday. Here Next September. School in '39 and '41. Sparks' column on the editorial a year take his life, surpassed all page, the following~ article appeared hardships previously endured. Saturday: Ernest Smithson, 24 years of Sam had been a strong healthy When the Class of 1938 finishes man and the cold assumption of The eighteen instructors of the "Rev. R. N. Holsaple dropped in age, of Cass City, pleaded guilty present teaching staff of the Cass its high school course at Cass City I the other day. Probably you all science was astounding. He had on June 7th next, Calvin, the tenth to the charge of negligent homi- City Public Schools who were of- remember him. Once upon a time cide in the Tuscola Circuit Court been married but six years to Mae child of the family of Mr. and Mrs. he was superintendent of the Anti- Bruce and she too felt the bitter- fered positions for the coming year Wednesday afternoon and was re- have returned signed contracts to Kenneth W. MacRae of New Green- Saloon league in Kent county and manded to the custody of the sher- ness of that cold statement. How- leaf to graduate from high school, later was in charge of the league's ever, this atrong couple did not the board of education. Three new iff to await sentence. Smithson was teachers will be found in the school will have received his diploma-t activities throughout the state. involved in the "hit and run" acci- g~ve up. Together Mr. and Mrs. Two other children of the family, • Sherk continued to enjoy life and when it opens in September. Now he is back in the ministry, dent Saturday night when Jesus Arthur Hesburn, a graduate of Bruce, a junior, and Margaret, a having a charge over in the Thumb philosophically "forget." freshman, are students in high Hernandez met his death. Western State Teachers' College district. On Thursday afternoon, Smith- "I realized it was useless to tor- and for two years an instructor in school here. "t always was fond of Holsaple. The nine who have finished high son was placed on probation for ture my mind with that apparent the schools at Flat Rock, Mich., I didn't agree with many of the DR. R. N. HOLSAPLE. three years by Judge Louis' Cram- reality," said Sam, "and decided to will be the new music teacher here, school courses in .Cass City have things he was trying .to do but I either graduated from or attended ton and ordered to pay approxi- forget and enjoy life as long as I filling the vacancy caused by the admired him because he was not mately $250, at the rate of $10 a was allowed." 'death of Robert Clayton, several higher institutions of learning. too straight-laced. He was broad- names. Holsaple took it all with a month. Of this amount, $64.20 is His unruffled acceptance the weeks ago. Dr. Douglas M-acRae is practicing minded in all his campaigns. He of laugh and went about his business. to settle a grocery bill of Hernan- grim verdict bolstered his physical j " J Miss Marian E. Deabler of Elk- medicine in Gagetown. Anna Mar- didn't squawk because somebody He was a organizer and splendid dez, $60 to pay his funeral ex- stamina, and a short time later he 1 SAMUEL SHERK. I ton, who graduates from North jorie is a graduate nurse of Harper disagreed with him. He didn't looked at the liquor s~tuation in a Hospital and is employed in public penses~ $25 for court costs and began to feel better. Treatments[ Central College at Nape~¢ille, Ill., squawk even when some over-en- ~most reMistic manner. He put on $I00 as a fine. health service in Detroit. Evange- thusiastic opponent called him Turn to page 8, please. were taken and days became I failed to dim Mr. Sherk's enthu :Inext month, has accepted the posi- line and Alexandra are graduates. Jesus Hernandez, 28; beet worker months; years. Science can be in- t tion of English and Latin instruc- siasm, tor. of Central State Teachers' College. of the Gagetown community, was fallible but that torturous doubt The former is now at home taking .thrown 90 feet and instantly killed Turn to page 8, please. Lester J. Ross of Lowell has a. Vacation from teaching and the l when struck by an automobile i~ been signed to fill the coaching and Celebrated Silver miles west of Gagetown at 10:30 KEYSER-ERTEL. I teaching vacancy left open when latter is an instructor in the Fish- Ephraim Knight, justice of the erville school. Raymond spent a p. m. Saturday. Hernandez and his !Kenneth, Kelly signed a contract peace of Grant township, performed companion, Estanislas Hernandez, Church Co il A quiet wedding took place at l with the Mr. Pleasant High School. year at Central State Teachers' WeddingSunday his first marriage service Saturday College and has attended night who escaped injury, were walking high noon Saturday, May 21, when Turn to page 4, please. morning, May 21, when Miss Cathe- along the road when a car struck Miss Martha Edith Ertel, daughter school while employed in Detroit. rine Jeffery, daughter of Mr. and Dr. Ivan MacRae, who graduated Jesus Hernandez, breaking his Re-elects Officers of Mrs. Gertrude Ertel, of Cass Mrs. Roy Jeffery, of Owendale, be- neck and both legs and fracturing City became the bride of Hiram from the College of Osteopathy and Fifty-five Friends of Mr. came the bride of Harold Hulburt, Surgery at Kirksville, Mo., is prac- his skull. Coroner Lee Huston of Keyser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- i son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hulburt, County C. E. Society ticing in Cass City, and Lela, a and Mrs. John J. Doerr of Cass City. The couple were Caro was called and decided that First Annual Convention liam Keyser of Flint. The cere- graduate of a cosmetology school no inquest was necessary. wony took place in the Presbyte- Are Dinner Guests. quietly married in the Knight Funeral services for Hernandez at Vassar Friday Was rian manse at Caro and was read and for a time employed in Cleve- home, Mrs. A. E. Knight and Mrs. Elects Officers were conducted by Rev. Fr. McCul- by the pastor, Rev. J. Leslie French. land, is now in care of her brother's - ~John Doerr witnessing ,the cere- office here. Lorna, who received Turn to page 5, please. Attended by 100 Persons. The bride wore a gown of plati- twenty- mony. Immediately following the num grey crepe with white ac- a B. S. degree in Central State In celebration of the wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Hulburt left Banquet Served Here on Teachers' College last year, is now fifth .wedding anniversary of their ,on a trip to places in Ohio. They MISS PINNEY HANDLED cessories. teaching in Belding and will return • wedding day, Mr. and Mrs. John J. ! The first annual convention of They were attended by Mr. and Tuesday at the Annual Doerr entertained fifty-five guests! will make their home in Cass City ROLE LIKE A PROFESSIONAL the Tuscola County Council of Mrs. Robert Tracy of Tyre. Mrs. there the coming year. June, who where Mr. Hulburt is employed at finished high school in Cass City in at dinner Sunday from Detroit,! ~' Churches and Christian Education Tracy wore royal blue crepe. Meeting of the Union. 1937, is completing her first year's Dearborn, Pontiac, Lake Orion, Bay I the E. A. Wanner plumbing shop. On Friday, May 20, Miss Betty held at the First Presbyterian Immediately following the wed- study in the osteopathy school in Church of Vassar on Friday had ding a dinner was served the bridal City, Bad Axe and Cass City. 1H01s--- ---rned ~nno~,Pinney, ofdaughter Cass City, of Mrs. took Edwarda lead- Kirksville, Mo. John J. Doerr and Miss Hazel~ aple Ret 75 delegates and visitors regiatered tmrty and close relatives in the A banquet was served to 75 mem- Wright were married May 22, 1913,! ing role in the musical part of the by 3:00 p.
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