Neotropical Biology and Conservation 10(1):21-30, january-april 2015 © 2015 by Unisinos - doi: 10.4013/nbc.2015.101.04 Criteria definition for delimiting a buffer zone to a biosphere reserve in southern Brazil Critérios para definição de zona de amortecimento de impactos para uma reserva da Biosfera no sul do Brasil Gabriel de Moura Schreiner1 [email protected] Abstract Taim Ecological Station (ESEC Taim) is a biosphere reserve (MAB) in southern Brazil Carlos Roney Armanini located on the coastal plain of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, within a complex system 2 Tagliani of wetlands and lagoons. Although more than three decades have passed since its imple- [email protected] mentation in 1978, the situation of ESEC Taim is not well set yet. Among the main prob- Cleber Palma Silva3 lems, there are the land issues, with pending expropriations, and the lack of a buffer zone [email protected] (BZ) and a management plan, both instruments granted under the Brazilian law. Such is the context in which this study was developed, proposing the elaboration of an environ- mental study and the identification of criteria for the construction of BZ scenarios for ESEC Taim. The BZ proposals presented in this study were built based on aspects related to geology, landscape ecology, uses of the surroundings, adaptation of limits from Brazilian legislation and directions from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This information was inserted into a digital database in a geographic information system (GIS), where multi-criteria analysis was accomplished, and from which three scenario pro- posals resulted. Essentially, Scenario “zero” is the current situation of ESEC Taim, with the projection of the minimum distances specified in national decrees for the protection of the surroundings; Scenarios I and II present ecosystem proposals seeking to contem- plate all the water system to which the ESEC Taim belongs, maintaining the ecological relationship with the adjacent landscape, with easily recognized boundaries in the field. Scenario II does not include some categories of areas safeguarded by the Brazilian law and under which there is the intention of creating new protected areas. Ideally, we believe that Scenario I, for covering most of the natural environments that are related to the ESEC, as well as the adjacent economic activities, is the one with the greatest potential to con- strain threats and to improve the environmental quality of ESEC Taim and its surroundings through more cautious and oriented management of the uses of such territory. Keywords: protected areas, GIS, wetlands, conservation, Taim. Resumo A Estação Ecológica do Taim (ESEC Taim) é uma Reserva da Biosfera no sul do Bra- 1 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Laboratório de sil, localizada na planície litorânea do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, inserida em um Gerenciamento Costeiro, Instituto de Oceanografia. Av. complexo sistema de banhados e lagoas. Apesar de já se terem passados mais de três Itália km 8, Bairro Carreiros, 96203-900, Rio Grande, RS, Brasil. décadas desde a sua implantação, em 1978, sua situação ainda não está bem resolvida. 2 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Laboratório de Dentre os principais problemas, encontram-se a questão fundiária, com desapropriações Oceanografia Geológica. Av. Itália km 8, Bairro Carreiros, pendentes, e a carência de zona de amortecimento (ZA) e de plano de manejo, ambos 96203-900, Rio Grande, RS, Brasil. instrumentos previstos na lei brasileira. É neste contexto que este trabalho se desenvol- 3 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Laboratório de Limnologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas. Av. Itália km veu, propondo-se a elaborar uma avaliação ambiental e a identificação de critérios para 8, Bairro Carreiros, 96203-900, Rio Grande, RS, Brasil. a construção de cenários de ZA para a ESEC Taim. As propostas de ZA aqui apresen- Gabriel de Moura Schreiner, Carlos Roney Armanini Tagliani, Cleber Palma Silva tadas foram construídas com base em aspectos relacionados à geologia, à ecologia da paisagem, aos usos do entorno e à adaptação de limites da legislação e de instruções de guias da União Internacional para Conservação da Natureza (IUCN). Essas informações foram inseridas em um banco de dados digital em um sistema de informações geográficas (SIG), onde foi realizada uma análise multicritério, a partir da qual foram geradas três pro- postas de cenário. Essencialmente, Cenário “zero” representa a situação atual da ESEC Taim, com a projeção das distâncias mínimas previstas nas normas nacionais para a sal- vaguarda do entorno; Cenários I e II apresentam propostas de caráter ecossistêmico que buscam contemplar a integridade do sistema hidrológico ao qual a ESEC Taim pertence, mantendo a relação ecológica com a paisagem do entorno, com limites que facilitem o reconhecimento em campo. Cenário II não contempla algumas categorias de áreas pro- tegidas por leis brasileiras e sob as quais existe a intenção de criação de novas unidades de conservação. Idealmente, acreditamos que o Cenário I, por abranger a maior parte dos ambientes naturais que possuem relação com a ESEC, assim como as atividades econô- micas adjacentes, é o que possui maior potencial para a contenção das ameaças e para o aumento da qualidade ambiental da ESEC Taim e de seu entorno, através da condução melhor precavida e orientada dos usos neste território. Palavras-chave: áreas protegidas, SIG, banhados, conservação, Taim. Introduction farms characterized these areas as real Ecology principles, including con- ‘conservation islands’ in the middle nectivity, heterogeneity, and patch Protecting specific places of the land- of economic activities. Thus, buffer size, through the analysis of land- scape is a cultural and universal act zones (BZs) have been recommend- cover vegetation in the surround- practiced by people since ancient ed in order to minimize the problem ings of PAs (Alexandre et al., 2010; times when particular areas were seg- (Shafer, 1999). Tambosi, 2008). Geological (geology, regated for the establishment of hunt- Widely disseminated through UN- slope, soil type) and climate (rainfall, ing reserves and for the protection of ESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Pro- wind direction) aspects together with places that were considered as sacred gramme (MAB) (Batisse, 1997), BZs vegetation analysis, similarity of the by several cultures. The Yellowstone have currently been applied to avoid surrounding environment, land use, Park, created in 1872 in the United human threats to PAs by establishing accessibility and distance from urban States, is the greatest mark of pro- constraints on the use of natural re- areas are used to identify the vulner- tected areas (PAs). Thereafter, these sources (‘hard core’ conservationist ability and fragility of land and also to areas flourished around the world, view). Moreover, BZs add an extra support BZ delimitation (Rittl, 2011; mainly established because of the layer of protection, besides providing Costa et al., 2009; Guimarães et al., natural beauty of sites. From 1960 on, economic benefits to the rural neigh- 2009; Mas, 2005). PAs became an important strategy for boring communities (socio-conserva- In Brazil, there are different kinds of promoting the conservation of ecosys- tionist view) (Ebregt and Greve, 2000; PAs, such as the areas of permanent tems and biodiversity (Eagles et al., Martino, 2001). preservation, called APPs (e.g. buffers 2002; Watson et al., 2014). However, studies on BZs show no along the banks of rivers and lakes, However, the advancement of studies methodological consensus related to areas with high declivity with slopes on population biology led to the scien- the delimitation of these areas. This above 45°, hill tops), law reserves tific recognition that the spatial limits definition is usually based on distanc- (perceptual of natural areas that must of many parks were not enough for the es prescribed in guides (e.g.: 20 km, be kept in rural properties), excluded movement of some species (Douglas- 10 km, 5 km, 2 km, 500 m) or based fishing areas, and conservation units Hamilton et al., 2005; Alexandre on criteria, yet these may vary accord- (CUs), the latter referring to parks and et al., 2010). Concerns about exter- ing to different ecosystems and world other IUCN categories. The first in- nal threats caused by land conversion regions. Most studies proposed to strument dedicated to protect the sur- and due to an increasingly diverse delimit BZs use multi-criteria analy- roundings of Brazilian CUs was a fed- matrix of land use brought several sis conducted with the support of the eral decree that defined a minimum of problems to PAs delimitation. Inva- digital processing of satellite images 10 km for the environmental licensing sion of exotic animals and plants, fire, in GIS – Geographic Information Sys- of economic activities (Brasil, 1990). water pollution, habitat restriction and tem (Mas, 2005; Costa et al., 2009). In 2000, with the creation of the Na- isolation, construction of new roads In biological terms, the main subsides tional System of Conservation Units and dams, as well as consolidation of have been maps of species distribu- (SNUC, Federal law n° 9.985), the new buildings in towns, villages and tion and the application of Landscape country started to predict BZ in its 22 Volume 10 number 1 january - april 2015 Criteria defi nition for delimiting a buffer zone to a biosphere reserve in southern Brazil legislation (Brasil, 2000). Despite this 81.603 in 1978, occupies a total area a literature review was carried out in progress, more than ten years have of 33,815 ha, in a limit that has suf- order to identify what kind of criteria passed and only few Brazilian CUs fered changes by new decrees since has been commonly used or recom- accomplished to delimit these areas. the 1980s. mended in Brazil and other parts of Currently, the 10 km BZ, which pro- the world (Brasil, 2002; Mas, 2005; vided the position of CUs in the licens- Methods Costa et al., 2009; Guimarães et al., ing process, has decreased to 3 km and 2009; Rittl, 2011).
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