§ 165.163 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–12 Edition) TABLE 2 TO § 165.160—Continued • Location: Participants will swim between Manhattan, New York and the shore of Coney Island, New York transiting through the Upper New York Bay, under the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge and south in the Lower New York Bay. The route direction is determined by the predicted tide state and direction of current on the scheduled day of the event. • This Safety Zone includes all waters within a 100-yard radius of each participating swimmer. [USCG–2010–1001, 76 FR 69617, Nov. 9, 2011] points: from the southeast corner of Pier 90, Manhattan, where it intersects § 165.163 Safety Zones; Port of New the seawall, west to approximate posi- York/New Jersey Fleet Week. tion 40°46′10″ N 074°00′13″ W (NAD 1983), (a) The following areas are estab- south to approximate position 40°45′54″ lished as safety zones: N 074°00′25″ W (NAD 1983), then east to (1) Safety Zone A—(i) Location. A mov- the northeast corner of Pier 83 where it ing safety zone for the Parade of Ships intersects the seawall. including all waters 500 yards ahead (ii) Enforcement period. Paragraph and astern, and 200 yards of each side (a)(4)(i) of this section is enforced an- of the designated column of parade ves- nually from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m., from sels as it transits the Port of New York Friday through Monday, Memorial Day and New Jersey from the Verrazano weekend. Narrows Bridge to Riverside State (5) Safety Zone E—(i) Location. A mov- Park on the Hudson River between ing safety zone including all waters 500 West 137th and West 144th Streets, yards ahead and astern, and 200 yards Manhattan. on each side of the departing U.S. Navy (ii) Enforcement period. Paragraph Aircraft or Helicopter Carrier as it (a)(1)(i) of this section is enforced an- transits the Port of New York and New nually from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. on the Jersey from its mooring at the Intrepid Wednesday before Memorial Day. Sea, Air and Space Museum, Manhat- (2) Safety Zone B—(i) Location. A safe- tan, to the COLREGS Demarcation line ty zone including all waters of the Hud- at Ambrose Channel Entrance Lighted son River between Piers 83 and 90, Man- Bell Buoy 2 (LLNR 34805). hattan, from the parade column east to (ii) Enforcement period. Paragraph the Manhattan shoreline. (a)(5)(i) of this section is enforced an- (ii) Enforcement period. Paragraph nually on the Wednesday following Me- (a)(2)(i) of this section is enforced an- morial Day. Departure time is depend- nually from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. on the ent on tide, weather, and granting of Wednesday before Memorial Day. authority for departure by the Captain (3) Safety Zone C—(i) Location. A mov- of the Port, New York. ing safety zone including all waters of (b) Effective period. This section is ef- the Hudson River within a 200-yard ra- fective annually from 8 a.m. on the dius of each parade vessel upon its Wednesday before Memorial Day until leaving the parade of ships until it is 4 p.m. on the Wednesday following Me- safely berthed. morial Day. (ii) Enforcement period. Paragraph (c) Regulations. (1) The general regu- (a)(3)(i) of this section is enforced an- lations contained in 33 CFR 165.23 nually from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. on the apply. Wednesday before Memorial Day. (2) All persons and vessels shall com- (4) Safety Zone D—(i) Location. A safe- ply with the instructions of the Coast ty zone including all waters of the Hud- Guard Captain of the Port or the des- son River bound by the following ignated on-scene-patrol personnel. 676 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:58 Aug 31, 2012 Jkt 226133 PO 00000 Frm 00686 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\226133.XXX 226133 wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with CFR Coast Guard, DHS § 165.165 these personnel comprise commis- (5) Location. All waters of the East sioned, warrant, and petty officers of River north of a line drawn from ap- the Coast Guard. Upon being hailed by proximate position 40°44′37″ N, a U. S. Coast Guard vessel by siren, 073°58′16.5″ W (the base of East 35th radio, flashing light, or other means, Street, Manhattan), to approximate po- the operator of a vessel shall proceed sition 40°44′23″ N, 073°57′44.5″ W (Hunters as directed. Point, Long Island City), and south of [CGD1–98–170, 64 FR 24946, May 10, 1999] the Queensboro Bridge. All nautical po- sitions are based on North American § 165.164 Security Zones: Dignitary Ar- Datum of 1983. rival/Departure and United Nations (6) The security zone will be acti- Meetings, New York, NY. vated 30 minutes before the dignitaries’ (a) The following areas are estab- arrival into the zone and remain in ef- lished as security zones: fect until 15 minutes after the dig- (1) Location. Wall Street heliport: All nitaries’ departure from the zone. waters of the East River within the fol- (7) The activation of a particular lowing boundaries: East of a line drawn zone will be announced by facsimile ° ′ ″ between approximate position 40 42 01 and marine information broadcasts. N 074°00′39″ W (east of The Battery) to (b) Regulations. (1) The general regu- 40°41′36″ N 074°00′52″ W (NAD 1983) (point lations contained in 33 CFR 165.33 north of Governors Island) and north of a line drawn from the point north of apply. Governors Island to the southwest cor- (2) All persons and vessels shall com- ner of Pier 7 North, Brooklyn; and ply with the instructions of the Coast south of a line drawn between the Guard Captain of the Port or the des- northeast corner of Pier 13, Manhattan, ignated on-scene-patrol personnel. and the northwest corner of Pier 2 These personnel comprise commis- North, Brooklyn. sioned, warrant, and petty officers of (2) [Reserved] the Coast Guard. Upon being hailed by (3) Location. Marine Air Terminal, La a U.S. Coast Guard vessel using siren, Guardia Airport: All waters of Bowery radio, flashing light, or other means, Bay, Queens, New York, south of a line the operator of a vessel shall proceed drawn from the western end of La as directed. Guardia Airport at approximate posi- ° ′ ″ ° ′ ″ [CGD01–98–006, 64 FR 24948, May 10, 1999, as tion 40 46 47 N 073 53 05 W (NAD 1983) amended by CGD01–00–146, 65 FR 47320, Aug. to the Rikers Island Bridge at approxi- 2, 2000] mate position 40°46′51″ N 073°53′21″ W (NAD 1983) and east of a line drawn be- § 165.165 Regulated Navigation Area; tween the point at the Rikers Island Hudson River South of the Troy Bridge to a point on the shore in Locks, NY. Queens, New York, at approximate po- (a) Regulated navigation area. All nav- ° ′ ″ ° ′ ″ sition 40 46 36 N 073 53 31 W (NAD igable waters of the Hudson River 1983). south of the Troy Locks. (4) Location. All waters of the East (b) The following defini- River bound by the following points: Definitions. 40°44′37″ N, 073°58′16.5″ W (the base of tions apply to this section: East 35th Street, Manhattan), then (1) Designated representative means east to 40°44′34.5″ N, 073°58′10.5″ W any Coast Guard commissioned, war- (about 175 yards offshore of Manhat- rant, or petty officer, or a Federal, tan), then northeasterly to 40°45′29″ N, State, or local law enforcement officer 073°57′26.5″ W (about 125 yards offshore designated by or assisting the Captain of Manhattan at the Queensboro of the Port (COTP) New York. Bridge), then northwesterly to 40°45′31″ (2) Horsepower (HP) means the total N, 073°57′30.5″ W (Manhattan shoreline maximum continuous shaft horsepower at the Queensboro Bridge), then south- of all the vessel’s main propulsion ma- erly to the starting point at 40°44′37″ N, chinery. 073°58′16.5″ W. All nautical positions are (c) Applicability. This section applies based on North American Datum of to tugs with less than 3,000 horsepower 1983. when engaged in towing operations. 677 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:58 Aug 31, 2012 Jkt 226133 PO 00000 Frm 00687 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\226133.XXX 226133 wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with CFR.
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