If fresh or homefrozen code whether homegrown or not VEGETABLES AND VEGETARIAN FOODS, EXCEPT POTATOES, POTATO CHIPS AND POTATO PRODUCTS 1551 Ackee, canned, dra,ned we'ght 1552 Art,choke, globe, bo,led, base of leaves and soft ,ns,de parts 1553 Art'choke, globe, bo,led, we'ght as served 1554 Art,choke, Jerusalem, bo'led 1655 Asparagus, bo,led, soft t,ps only 1555 Asparagus, bo,led, we'ght as served 1557 Asparagus, canned, dra,ned we'ght 1559 Auberg,nes, br,nJal, eggplant, fr,ed 'n blended vegetable 0,1 1650 Auberg,nes, br,nJal, eggplant, fr,ed ,n polyunsaturated 0,1 or \......: polyunsaturated margar,ne 1561 Bamboo shoots, canned, dra,ned we'ght 8825 Beans, aduk" drled, bo'led 1552 Beans, baked, ,n tomato sauce, canned, ,ncludes curr,ed baked beans NOT baked beans w,th sausages, NOT low sugar baked beans 2546 Beans, baked, ,n tomato sauce, canned, low sugar or no sugar added 7781 Beans, baked, ,n tomato sauce, w,th add,t,ons, (eg burgers, ch,cken b,ts, bacon), canned NOT baked beans w,th sausages 1240 Beans, baked, ,n tomato sauce, w,th sausages (NOT low fat), canned 7839 Beans, baked, 1n tomato sauce wlth low fat sausages, canned 7840 Beans, baked, ,n tomato sauce w,th pasta, canned, eg Crosse and Blackwell Fred Bear Beans and Pasta shapes 1554 Beans, bal~r, valor, canned, draIned weIght 8280 Beans, blackeye, canned, bo,led, dra,ned we'ght 8281 Beans, blackeye, drled, bo'led 1667 Beans, broad, canned, draIned weIght 1555 Beans, broad, fresh, bo'led 1558 Beans, broad, frozen, bOlled 1559 Beans, butter, canned, dralned we'ght Vegetables, except potatoes, 187 119 ch,ps & potato products If fresh or home frozen code whether homegrown or not 1670 Beans, butter, drled, bOlled 1671 Beans, French, bOlled, pods and beans 2679 Beans, French, canned, dralned welght 1674 Beans, harlcot, canned, bOlled, dralned welght 1673 Beans, har~cot, dr~ed, b011ed 1676 Beans, kldney, red, canned, dralned welght 1677 Beans, k,dney, red, drled, bOlled NOT canned 8809 Beans, mung, bOlled 1679 Beans, papr1, canned, dra1ned we1ght 1680 Beans, paprl, bOlled NOT canned 1681 Beans, runner, fresh or accelerated freeze drled, bOlled, eg Surprlse 1682 Beans, runner, canned, draIned weIght 1683 Beans, runner, frozen, bOlled 1685 Beans, soya, bOlled 2655 Beanburger, Wlmpy SP'CY, welght wlth bun and rellsh 3083 Beanfeast, varIOUS flavours, made up wlth water, cooked 1688 Beansprouts, fresh, uncooked 1689 Beansprouts, canned, dralned welght 4731 Beansprouts, fresh, bOlled 4520 Beansprouts, fresh, frled ln blended vegetable 011 4558 Beansprouts, fresh, frled ln polyunsaturated 011 1690 Beetroot, uncooked 1691 Beetroot, bOlled 2456 Beetroot ln vlnegar, plckled beetroot see "Sauces and plckles" 1693 Broccoll, spears, calabrese, fresh, bOlled 1694 BroccolI, spears, calabrese, frozen, bOlled 7842 Broccoll, sproutIng, uncooked NOT calabrese vegetables, except potatoes, 188 120 ChlPS & potato products If fresh or homefrozen code whether homegrown or not 7843 Broccoll, sproutlng, bOlled NOT calabrese 1696 Brussel sprouts, fresh, bOlled 1697 Brussel sprouts, canned, dralned welght 1698 Brussel sprouts, frozen, bOlled Brussel tops see Cabbage, wlnter R 1699 Bubble and squeak, cooked potato and cabbage, frled 1669 Butter beans, canned, dralned welght 7844 Cabbage, January Klng, uncooked 7845 Cabbage, January Klng, fresh, bOlled 1700 Cabbage, red, fresh, uncooked 1701 Cabbage, red, fresh, bOlled R 1702 Cabbage, red, reclpe dlSh wlth apple, onlon, sugar and butter 1703 Cabbage, savoy, fresh, uncooked 1704 Cabbage, savoy, fresh, bOlled 1705 Cabbage, sprlng, sprlng greens, fresh, bOlled 7846 Cabbage, Summer, uncooked 7847 Cabbage, Summer, fresh, bOlled 1706 Cabbage, whlte, fresh, uncooked 2617 Cabbage, whlte, fresh, cooked 1707 Cabbage, wlnter, kale, uncooked 1708 Cabbage, wlnter, kale, fresh, bOlled 1707 Curly Kale, fresh, uncooked 1708 Curly kale, fresh, bOlled 1709 Cabbage, any type, frozen, bOlled 1693 Calabrese, fresh, balled 1694 Calabrese, frozen, bOlled 1710 Carrots, old, fresh, uncooked, (October-July), unless otherwlse stated Vegetables, except potatoes, 189 121 ChlPS & potato products If fresh or homefrozen code whether homegrown or not 1711 Carrots, old, fresh, b01led, (October-July), unless otherw1se stated 1712 Carrots, young, new, fresh, uncooked, (August-September, unless otherw1se stated) 1713 Carrots, young, new, fresh, b01led, (August-September, unless otherw1se stated) 1714 Carrots, old or new, frozen, b01led 1715 Carrots, canned, dra1ned we1ght Carrot )U1Ce see "Soft dr1nks, fru1t and vegetable )U1CeS" 1718 Caul1flower, fresh, uncooked 1 71 9 Cau11flower, fresh, b01led 1720 Cau11flower, frozen, b011ed R 1721 Cau11flower, b01led, w1th wh1te sauce R 1722 Caul1flower cheese, 1e 1n cheese sauce R 1723 Caul1flower bha)1, 1e fr1ed AS1an vegetable d1Sh 1724 CelerIac, fresh, bOIled 1725 Celery, fresh, uncooked 1726 Celery, fresh, b01led or bra1sed 1727 Celery, canned, dra1ned we1ght 2647 Chestnuts, water, canned, draIned weIght Ch1ck peas see peas, ch1ck 1728 ChIcory, fresh, uncooked NOT Radlcclo 7848 Ch1cory, fresh, b01led 1729 Ch1nese leaves, fresh, uncooked R 1731 Coleslaw, homemade NOT low calor1e 8079 Coleslaw, purchased NOT low calor1e R 1732 Coleslaw, low calorIe, homemade 8282 Coleslaw, low calor1e, purchased Corn on the cob see Sweetcorn vegetables, except potatoes, 122 Ch1PS & potato products 190 If fresh or homefrozen code whether homegrown or not 2627 Corn snacks, eg Whots1ts, Quavers, N1k Naks, Monster Munch Rounders, Crunch,e Bumpk,ns, (see savoury snacks sect10n) 1733 Courgette, fresh, uncooked 1734 Courgettes, fresh or frozen, b011ed 1738 Courget tes, frIed or sauted lD blended vegetable 011 1735 Courgettes, fned or sauted 1n butter 1736 Courgettes, fr1ed or sauted 1n margar~ne (NOT polyunsaturated) 1737 Courgettes, fr1ed or sauted 1n polyunsaturated 011 or polyunsaturated margar1ne 1740 Cucumber, uncooked R 1741 Cucumber and gram flour ra1ta, le AS1an vegetable s1de d,sh w1th yogurt R 2660 Cucumber and yogurt; Greek style I Tzatz1kl 1742 Endlve, fresh, uncooked B477 Fennel, fresh, uncooked B47B Fennel, fresh, b011ed or bralsed 1671 French beans, bOlled, pods and beans 1743 Garl1c, uncooked 2423 Gherklns, raw 174B Green banana, b011ed 1749 Green banana, planta1n, frled 1n blended vegetable 011 1750 Green banana, plantalo, frled 10 polyunsaturated 011 1751 Green banana, plantaln, frled ln red palm 011 Harlcot beans see Beans, harlcot R 1817 Hummus, ChlCk pea paste wlth sesame seeds NOT canned 1717 Hummus, ch1ck pea paste wlth sesame seeds, canned K1dney beans see Beans, k,dney, red Kale see Cabbage, wloter 1753 Kohl Rab1, uncooked Vegetables, except potatoes, 191 123 ChlPS & potato products If fresh or homefrozen code whether homegrown or not 7852 Kohl Rab" bo,led 1756 Leeks, fresh, bo'led 1758 Lent,ls, spl,t, bo,led R 1759 Lent,ls, masur dahl, cooked d,sh w,th on,on and butter R 1761 Lent,ls, red, toor dahl, cooked d,sh 1760 Lentl1s, canned, In tomato sauce 7853 Lettuce, Butterhead, raw 7854 Lettuce, Cos, raw 7855 Lettuce, Iceberg 7856 Lettuce, webbs 1762 Lettuce, unspec,f,ed 1763 Lettuce, In 011 and vlnegar dressIng 2650 Mange-tout peas, sugar peas, fresh or frozen, bo,led 1765 Marrow, bOlled R 1769 Marrow, bOlled In whlte sauce 1767 Marrow, parwal, small ASIan marrow, bOlled 1768 Marrow, parwal, small ASIan marrow, canned, draIned weIght 1770 Mlxed vegetables, carrots, peas, turnlp, swede, ete, canned, dra,ned we'ght NOT m,xed beans 1771 M,xed vegetables, frozen, bo'led 1772 Mushrooms, uncooked 1775 Mushrooms, frled ln blended vegetable 0,1 1773 Mushrooms, frled ,n butter 1777 Mushrooms, fr,ed ,n dr'pp,ng 1778 Mushrooms, frled ,n lard 1774 Mushrooms, frled ,n margarlne (NOT polyunsaturated) 1776 Mushrooms, frled ,n polyunsaturated 0,1 or margar,ne 1779 Mushrooms, stewed or grllled Vegetables, except potatoes, 192 124 chlps & potato products If fresh or homefrozen code whether homegrown or not 1781 Mushrooms, canned, wlth or wlthout whlte sauce 8766 Mushroom feasts, potato wlth creamy mushroom fllllng, oven baked or grllled, purchased, eg Blrds Eye 1782 Mustard and cress, uncooked 1784 Okra, ladles fIngers, bIndl, canned, dra1ned contents 2624 Okra, ladles £lngers, blndl, frled In blended vegetable 011 1785 Onlons, uncooked 1786 Onlons, bolled 1789 Onlons, fned In blended vegetable 011 1787 Onlons, frled ln butter 1790 Onlons, frled In dnpplng 1791 Onlons, frled In lard 1788 Onlons, frled In margarlne (NOT polyunsaturated) 1792 Onlons, fned In polyunsaturated 011 or margarIne 1793 On10n rIngs, ln batter, frozen, fned In blended vegetable 011 1794 Onlon rlngs, In batter, frozen, frled In drlpplng 1795 On10n rIngs, In batter, frozen, frled In lard 1796 OnIon rIngs, In batter, frozen, fned In polyunsaturated 011 or margarIne 8026 On~on rIngs, In batter, frozen, gnlled 1798 On10ns, sprIng, whlte bulb only, uncooked 7722 Onlons, sprlng bulb and top, uncooked R 1797 Onlon bha]l, le ASlan dlsh, frled battered onlon ball 1799 Parsley, fresh 1801 Parsnlps, bOlled 1804 Parsnlps, roast, In blended vegetable 011 1802 ParsnIps, roast, 10 drlppIng 1803 Parsnlps, roast, In lard Vegetables except potatoes, 125 ChlPS & potato products 193 If fresh or home frozen code whether homegrown or not 1805 1818 1806 Peas, fresh, uncooked 1807 1808 Peas, frozen, bo,led 8284 1809 Peas, canned, garden, b011ed 1810 Peas, canned, marrowfat, bOlled 1811 Peas, "mushy"! canned, bOlled 2618 Peas, "mushy", bOlled from drIed NOT canned 1812 Peas, processed, canned, bOlled 2650 Peas, mange-tout, sugar peas, fresh or frozen, bo,led 1815 1816 Peas, chlck, canned, draIned we1ght R 1817
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