TC Rindfleisch, 12/23/2013 El Sombrero de Tres Picos by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón Vocabulary and Notes for El Sombrero de Tres Picos by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón The following vocabulary and notes resources are derived by TC Rindfleisch from the Project Gutenberg version of El Sombrero de Tres Picos, by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón (1874), published online on July 25, 2009 as EBook #29506. The reading aid materials (Introduction, Notes, and Vocabulary) in the Project Gutenberg version were prepared originally by Prof. Benjamin P. Bourland of the Adelbert College of Western Reserve University, and published by Henry Holt and Company, New York, Copyright, 1907 and 1934. The reading aids referenced below contain a number of clarifications and corrections, as well as updates to the page and line indexes to reflect the printed version of El Sombrero de Tres Picos from EDIMAT Libros (Spain): Tom Rindfleisch (Last update 1/6/2014) ABBREVIATIONS ALGN alguien interj. interjection adj. adjective m. masculine adv. adverb part. participle cf. compare, see pl. plural coll. colloquial p.p. past participle conj. conjunction pron. pronoun dimin. diminutive SB somebody f. feminine v. verb fig. figurative v.i. intransitive verb ger. gerund v.refl. reflexive verb inf. infinitive v.t. transitive verb A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z VOCABULARY abochornarse, v.refl., to blush. — A [^top] abogado, m., lawyer, advocate. abonar, v.t., to pay; to warrant, to give security. abadesa, f., abbess. absolutismo, m., absolutism. abanicar, v.t., to fan. absoluto, ta, adj., absolute, unlimited. cf. abeja, f., bee. licencia. abismo, m., abyss, chasm. acá, adv., here, hither; ablandar, v.t., to soften. por —, hither, this way. 1 of 60 TC Rindfleisch, 12/23/2013 El Sombrero de Tres Picos by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón Académico, m., academician; afectar, v.t., to affect, to feign, to make show of. — correspondiente de la Historia, afecto, m., affection, passion, desire. corresponding member of the Academy of afectuoso, sa, adj., affectionate, gentle. History, see note [44]. aficionado, da, adj., devoted (to), fond (of). acariciar, v.t., to caress. afilado, da, adj., (part. afilar), slender. acaso, conj., perhaps, perchance. afligir, v.t., to afflict; acaudalado, da, adj., wealthy. afligido, da, pp. as adj. afflicted. accidental, adj., incidental. afrancesado, da, adj., like the French, aceite, m., oil; Frenchified; partisan of the French. pan de —, see note [104] afrenta, f., affront, dishonor, outrage. acento, m., accent, tone. afuera, adv., without, outside. acentuar, v.t., to mark. agacharse, v.refl., to stoop, to squat, to crouch; acepto, ta, adj., agreeable, welcome, to bend, to bow. acceptable. agarrar, v.t., to catch hold, hold tight; acequia, f., watercourse. estar bien agarrado, to have a good hold; acercarse, v.refl., to approach, to draw near. to pick up (of a chair); to get hold of. acero, m., steel. agasajar, v.t., to entertain hospitably, to acertar, v. n., to hit it right, to be right; to pamper. manage, to succeed. agasajo, m., caress. acomodar, v.t., to suit, to please. ágil, adj., spry, agile. acompañante, m., companion, escort. agilísimo, ma, adj., very spry, very agile. acompañar, v.t., to accompany. agitar, v.t., to agitate, to trouble, to quicken. aconsejar, v.t., to counsel, to advise. agotar, v.t., to exhaust. acontecer, v.i., to happen. agradable, adj., agreeable. acordarse, v.refl., to remember. agradar, v.i., to please, to charm. acostumbrado, da, adj., accustomed, used. agravio, m., insult. actitud, f., attitude, posture, gesture. agregar, v.t., to add. acto, m., act; agrupar, v.t., to group; en el —, forthwith, immediately. agrupado, da, pp. as adj. grouped. actual, adj., present. agua, f., water. acueducto, m., aqueduct, conduit. la boca hecha un —, his mouth is watering. acuerdo, m., agreement, consent, accord; aguantarse, v.refl., to be patient, to keep estar de —, to be in accord, to be of one oneself in hand. mind, to be agreed. aguardar, v.t., to await, to wait for. adecuado, da, adj., appropriate, pat. agüero, m., omen, augury. ademán, m., gesture, bearing. águila, f., eagle. adivinar, v.t. and v.i., to guess, to divine. ahí, adv., here; admitir, v.t., to admit; to consent; to accept. hasta —, thus far; de —, from here; there. advertir, v.t., to notice, to note; to inform; to warn. ahogar, v.t., to stifle, to smother; —se, v.refl., to drown, to be drowning; to afán, m., labour, effort. smother, to be smothering. afanado, da, adj., suffering, hard-working, ahorcar, v.t., to hang; to hang up. overworked. 2 of 60 TC Rindfleisch, 12/23/2013 El Sombrero de Tres Picos by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón ahorrar, v.t., to save; alimento, m., food. —se, v.refl., to save, to save up, to hoard. alma, f., soul; aire, m., air; de mi —, beloved. los aires, air, upper air. almagre, m., ochre. ajeno, na, adj., another's; of, belonging to almendra, f., almond. another. almohada, f., pillow, cushion. ajustar, v.t., to adjust, to settle. almohadón, m., pillow, large cushion. ala, f., wing; almorzar, v.t., to breakfast on, to eat for tener —s , to have freedom, license, breakfast. assurance, standing. almuerzo, m., breakfast, luncheon; see note alabastrino, na, adj., alabaster, alabastrine. [21]. alambre, m., wire; alpargata, f., rough sandal see note [67]. patas de —, spindle-shanks. alpujarreño, ña, adj., of or from Alpujarras. alargar, v.t., to pass, to hand; to bring; to hold out, to extend. alrededor de, prep., around. alba, f., dawn. alternado, da, adj., alternate. albañil, m., mason. altura, f., height. albarca, f., (more usual form abarca), a rough aludir, v.i., to allude. sort of shoe or sandal; see note [150]. alumbrado, m., lighting. alcabala, f., excise tax. alumbrar, v.t., to light, to illuminate, to show a alcahuete, m., pander, procurer. light. alcalde, m., mayor; alzarse, v.refl., to rise. — de monterilla, see monterilla and note allá, adv., there, thither, yonder; [123]. ¡— ellos!, that's their business. —sa, f., mayoress, wife of alcalde. allende, prep., beyond. alcance, m., reach. ama, f., mistress; alcanzar, v.t., to reach, to attain; to extend, to — de leche, wet nurse. succeed, to reach; to overtake. amable, adj., kind, good. alcoba, f., bedroom, bedchamber. amanecer, v.i., to dawn. alcurnia, f., race, lineage, family. —, m., daybreak, dawn. aldaba, f., handle; knocker; amansarse, v.refl., to become mild, to grow tener buenas —s, to have a good "pull." mild, to grow gentle; to be pacified. aldabón, m., knocker (large). amante, m., lover. aldea, f., hamlet (small village, large farm). amargura, f., bitterness. aleccionar, v.t., to instruct. amarillento, ta, adj., yellowish, growing yellow. alegrar, v.t., to rejoice, to make glad, to give amarillo, lla, adj., yellow. pleasure to; amasar, v.t., to knead, to bake. , v.refl., to be glad, to be pleased; to —se amenaza, f., threat. rejoice, to be glad. amenizar, v.t., to adorn, to make charming. Alemania, f. n. pr., Germany. amistoso, sa, adj., friendly. alepín, m., bombazine, fine woolen cloth. amo, m., master; , m., pin. alfiler —s, pl., master and mistress. , m., bailiff, constable. alguacil amor, m., love; alimaña, f., scum, rabble. al — de la lumbre, in the glow of the fire. 3 of 60 TC Rindfleisch, 12/23/2013 El Sombrero de Tres Picos by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón amoroso, sa, adj., amorous, loving; aparato, m., preparation. estratagema —a, love-stratagem. apareado, da, adj., paired. amparar, v.t., to protect. aparecer, v.i., to appear, to show oneself. amparo, m., protection; defence, refuge. aparejar, v.t., to prepare, to get ready; to Ana, Santa —, f. npr., St. Anne. saddle. ancho, cha, adj., wide, broad; aparición, f., appearance. a sus —as, at their ease, at their leisure. apartar, v.t., to put aside, to push aside, push andadas, f. pl., traces, tracks of game; see away; note [27]. apartada, pp., standing aside, apart; Andalucía, f. npr., Andalusia. —se, v.refl., to go aside, turn aside, turn from. andaluz, adj., Andalusian. aparte, adv., apart, aside. andarín, m., fast walker, nimble fellow. apearse, v.refl., to dismount, to get down. anfitrión, m., host. apegado, da, adj., attached, clinging, devoted. ángel, m., angel. aplacerse, v.refl., to take pleasure. angosto, ta, adj., narrow; tight, close-fitting, scant. aplicar, v.t., to apply. angustia, f., anguish. apoderado, m., plenipotentiary. angustiado, da, adj., heart-broken. apoderarse, v.refl., to gain possession, to get into one's power (de). anillo, m., ring. aposento, m., room. Ánimas, fpl., the tolling of a bell, to announce prayers for souls in purgatory; usually apoyar, v.t., to lean, to rest. shortly after sunset. See note [24]. apreciar, v.t., to reckon. ansiar, v.t., to long for, to desire. aprecio, m., esteem. antecesor, m., predecessor. apremiante, adj., urgent. Antecristo, m., Antichrist. apresurarse, v.refl., to hasten, to make haste. Anteo, m. npr., Antaeus; See note [161]. aprovechar, v.t., to take advantage of, to make anterior, adj., preceding. use of, to turn to account, to profit by, etc. anticipación, f., anticipation; apuntar, v.t., to aim at, to cover. habían llegado con bastante —, had apurar, v.t., to drain. arrived considerably ahead, before. apuro, m., trouble, trial, difficulty, need. anticiparse, v.refl., to forestall. Archena, f., Archena (See note [127] - town of anticuado, da, adj., antiquated, grown old; Spain, on the Segura, 16 miles N. W. of discarded; former, old-time. Murcia). antigüedad, f., antiquity. arder, v.i., to burn, to glow. antiguo, gua, adj., old; old-time, former. ardid, m., deceit, deception. antojarse, v.refl. (used only in the third person), argentino, na, adj., silvery. to wish, to be pleasing; armarse, v.refl., to break out, to begin.
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