I n d e x A Blue Moon , 200, 226–233 Adams, Ansel Böckh, August , 154–156 Autumn Moon , 113, 125–136 Boime, Albert , 46, 61 Clearing Winter Storm , 115 Boston Tea Party , 148, 171–177 Moon and Half Dome , 113–119, 121–125 Bowditch navigation manuals , 191, 192 Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico , 115, 116 Bracebridge Dinner , 124 Airy, George Biddell , 165 Bradley, General Omar , 255 Alexander, Colonel Edward Porter , 221, 224 Braun and Hogenberg atlas , 303 Alfonsine tables , 286, 293 Browning, Robert , 150, 152 Alinder, Mary Street , 125 Brown, John , 333, 334 Almanacs , 167, 173, 181, 199–233, 336, 346 Brown, Richard , 192, 194 Almanac trial , 195, 204, 206–207 Burn, Andrew R. , 156, 157 Amphibious tractors (“amphtracs”) , 245–247, 251 Busolt, George , 156, 157 Arcturus , 39, 97, 98, 100, 213, 214 Byrd, Deborah , 232 Aries , 286, 287 Byron, Lord , 311–321 Aristotle , 136, 299 Armstrong, William “Duff ,” 206, 207 A s c r o ft , William , 75 C Åsgårdstrand, Norway , 67, 68, 83–87, 89–94, 96, Caesar, Julius , 147, 159–171, 294 98–106, 109 Camden, William , 300, 304 Auvers-sur-Oise, France , 35–42, 44, 45, 47, 64 Capella , 39, 296 Awu (volcano) , 76 Capricorn , 131–133, 285, 289 Cardwell, Edward , 166 Cassiopeia , 296–300, 304, 346 B Celestial equator , 182 Baedeker guidebooks , 21, 78, 79 Chancellorsville, Battle of , 200, 218–226 Beach obstacles, Normandy , 252, 254, 256–262 Chant, Clarence Augustus , 339 Beesley, Lawrence , 186, 187 C h a u c e r , G e o ff rey , 277, 282–293, 307 B i s c h o ff , Ernst , 157 Chéroux, Clément , 101, 103 Bjørnstad, Ketil , 84 Church, Frederic Edwin , 337, 339 Blake, Robert , 312 Meteor of 1860 , 339 Blake, William , 278, 305, 306, 308, 312, 313 Churchill, Prime Minister Winston , 254 “Th e Tyger,” 305–313 C o ffi n, James , 342, 343 D.W. Olson, Celestial Sleuth: Using Astronomy to Solve Mysteries in Art, 351 History and Literature, Springer Praxis Books, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8403-5, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014 352 Index Collingwood, Robin G. , 170 Gettysburg, Battle of , 200, 218, 220 Cologny, Switzerland , 326–327 Ginzel, Friedrich , 156 C o m e t s Glitter path , 67, 83, 87, 88, 90, 92, 94, 98–100, 182, 1858: Donati's Comet , 213, 214 268, 272 1948: Eclipse Comet , 134 Google Earth , 31 1860: Great Comet , 334, 335 Great Eastern (steamship) , 333, 334 Condor , USS , 241, 242 G r e e n fl ash , 12–13 Cumberland Falls , 138 Green, Peter , 156 Grosseteste, Robert , 290 D D-Day (1944) Normandy , 252–262 H Deal, UK , 160, 163, 165–169, 171 Halley, Edmond , 164–166 Dee, John , 300, 301, 304 Harper's Weekly , 215, 334, 340, 341, 343 Delphinus , 119, 121, 132 Hashimoto, Mochitsura , 266–268, 271 Deneb , 296 Hawkes, Charles Francis Christopher , 167 Denning, William F. , 306 Heller, Reinhold , 70, 71 Di Cicco, Dennis , 115, 116, 120 Hemingway, Ernest , 261 Digges, Th omas , 300, 301, 304 Henriksen, Knut Christian , 86, 87, 96, 98 Dio Cassius , 161, 162, 164 Herbert, Robert , 5–21 Doubleday, Major General Abner , 223 Herodotus , 149–151, 153–155, 159 Douglas, Stephen , 212 Herrick, Edward , 307 Dover, UK , 147, 160, 161, 163, 164, 166–170 Herschel, William , 310 Dracula , 312, 321 Hill, Rear Admiral Harry W. , 248 Drake, Francis S. , 172, 176 Holinshed, Raphael , 299, 300 Dyer, Admiral George C. , 248, 249 Holland, Major Frank L.G. , 246 H o l m e s , Th omas Rice , 166 Hulsker, Jan , 50, 52 E Humboldt, Alexander von , 307 Eclipses , 134, 288–290, 294, 346 E c l i p t i c , 2 8 Eggum, Arne , 71, 72, 85, 92 I Eisenhower, General Dwight D. , 253 I-58 (Japanese submarine) , 263, 265–272 Ekeberg, Norway , 78, 79, 81, 82 Icebergs , 148, 184–195 Étretat, France , 4–25 Indianapolis , USS , 238, 262–272 Euripides , 150 International Date Line , 241, 269 F J “False dawn,” 277–282 Jackson, Th omas J. “Stonewall,” 200, 218–226 Fienberg, Richard Tresch , 228 Joyce, James , 293, 299, 317, 318, 345–349 Fitzgerald, Edward , 281–282 Ulysses , 293, 299, 318, 345–349 Fixx, Jim , 157, 158 Jupiter , 39, 93, 94, 100, 224, 298, 300, 329 Flammarion, Camille , 42, 61–63 Ford, John , 204, 205 Frankenstein , 311–332 K Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper , 334, 340, 342 Karneios, Karneian festival , 150, 154 Freeman, Douglas Southall , 220 Khayyam, Omar , 277–282, 317 Fuchida, Commander Mitsuo , 240 Krakatoa , 67, 68, 72–76, 79, 82, 101 G L Gachet, Paul , 40, 41, 43 L a fl eur, Laurence J. , 231, 232 Gavin, Brigadier General James , 255 Lake Geneva, Switzerland , 317, 318, 320, 321, Gemini , 28, 33, 244 326–327, 329 Index 353 Lane, Brigadier General James , 225 Minnaert, Marcel , 109, 110 Lee, Robert E. , 218 Monet, Claude , 3–25 Le Monde Illustré , 6, 8 Étretat, Sunset (W817) , 3–25 Lightoller, Charles H. , 186 Étretat: Th e Beach and the Porte d'Aval Lincoln, Abraham , 199–201, 203–206, 212–215, (W907) , 6, 7 333, 334 Th e Manneporte (W1037) , 12 Lincoln-Douglas debates , 199, 212 Th e Needle and the Porte d'Aval (W1034) , 18, 19 Lippincott, Louise , 85–87, 91 Th e Porte d'Amont, Étretat (W258) , 11 Ljabrochausséen (road in Norway) , 77, 79, 81 Montgomery, General Bernard , 257 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth , 178–180, 182 Mont Saint-Michel, France , 291, 292 Lucian , 153 Moonbows , 113, 114, 136–142 Lunar bright limb, lunar dark limb , 28 Morison, Samuel Eliot , 248 Lunar librations , 118, 119, 123 Mosseveien (road in Norway) , 77, 79, 80 Lunar mansions , 287 Muir, John , 114, 136, 139–141 Lunar perigee , 175, 177, 184, 189–192, 195, 289, Munch, Edvard , 67–110 290, 346 Anxiety , 68, 69, 77 Lunar surface features Death in the Sickroom , 71 Jura Mountains , 119, 123 Despair , 69, 70, 76, 77 Mare Crisium , 118, 123 Girls on the Pier , 68, 101–110 Mare Frigoris , 118, 123 Th e Scream , 67–83, 101 Northern Highlands, 118 Starry Night , 67, 68, 83–101 Sinus Iridum , 119, 123 Th e Storm , 67, 83–86, 88, 92, 94–98, 100 Lynn, William T. , 213, 278, 302 Sunrise in Åsgårdstrand , 67, 83, 84, 86, 98–100 Th e Voice , 92, 93 M M51 (spiral galaxy) , 61, 62 N Maine Farmers' Almanac , 200, 227–231, 233 N7 (highway in France) , 31–33 Marathon, Battle of , 147–195 Niagara Falls , 138, 309 Masters, Edgar Lee , 208 Nimitz, Admiral Chester W. , 254 McLaws, Major General Lafayette , 220 McVay, Captain Charles , 263 Mellor, Anne , 322, 323 O Mercury , 47, 60, 61, 63, 64 Olson, Roberta , 214, 310 Meridian , 208–211, 216 Omaha Beach, Normandy, France , 238, 252 M e s s e r , Th omas , 70, 89, 103, 107 Oslo, Norway , 102 Meteorological observations , 17, 25, 56, 63 Meteors and meteor processions 1783: Great Meteor, August 20, 1783 , P 312–313, 338 P a s a c h o ff , Jay , 214, 310 1859: daylight fi reball, November 15, 1859 , 337 Payne-Gaposchkin, Cecilia , 299 1860: meteor procession, July 20, 1860 , Pearl Harbor attack , 237–244, 269 339–343 Pettersson, Hans , 288 1913: meteor procession, February 9, 1913 , Pettersson, Otto , 288 338–339 Pheidippides , 288 1972: Earth-grazing meteor, August 10, 1972 , Photoshop™ , 23, 97, 131 337–338 Pickvance, Ronald , 52, 57 2013: Chelyabinsk, Siberia, February 15, Plato , 153, 154 2013 , 313 Plutarch , 152, 153, 155 Meteor shower radiant , 337, 338 Polidori, John , 318 M e t e o r s h o w e r s Th e Vampyre , 318, 321 Geminids , 337 Pollin, Burton , 322, 323 June Lyrids , 348, 349 Precession , 287 Leonids , 199, 200 Prideaux, Sue , 85, 93 Perseids , 306, 308 Prince of Wales , 333, 334 Meton of Athens, Metonic cycle , 113, 124, 134, 135 Pruett, James Hugh , 232 354 Index Q Titanic , 148, 184–195 Quetelet, L.A.J. , 307 Toledan Tables , 286 Trefethen, H. Porter , 231 Trobriand, Brigadier General Régis de , 218 R Tropical year , 230, 232 Rainbows , 13, 114, 119, 136, 139, 141 Turner, Joseph Mallord William Redhouse, James W. , 281 Th e Fighting Temeraire , 25 Revere, Paul , 147–195 Messieurs les voyageurs , 26, 31 Richards, George H. , 166 Twain, Mark , 114, 136, 138 Rieger, James , 322, 323 Tycho Brahe , 278, 293, 297, 298, 301–304 Robinson, Charles , 324 Robock, Alan , 76 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern , 301 U Rosse, Lord , 61, 62 Uranus , 310 Ursa Major , 214, 295 Ursa Minor , 137, 296 S Sainte-Mère-Église, France , 255, 256 Saint-Malo, France , 291 V Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, France , 35, 48–50, 58, 59 Valerius Maximus , 169, 170 Sandby, Paul , 310, 311 Valhallveien (road in Norway) , 81, 82 S a n d b y , Th omas , 310 Van Gogh, Johanna , 38, 47, 51, 58, 64 Saturn , 28, 29, 33, 224 Van Gogh Letters Project , 38, 47, 51, 57, 58, 64 Schiaparelli, Giovanni , 307 Va n G o g h , Th eo , 38, 47, 48, 51, 52, 60 Seymour, Miranda , 322, 323 Van Gogh, Vincent , 35–64, 83 Shakespeare, William , 277, 294, 297, 299, 304, 317 Moonrise , 48–58 Hamlet , 277, 293–304 Road with Cypress and Star , 35, 37, 47, Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft , 317–326, 328–332 48, 58–64 Shelley, Percy Bysshe , 318, 321 Starry Night , 35, 37, 46–48, 52, 61, 62 Sherrod, Robert , 245, 248, 251 White House at Night , 35–48 Shoup, Colonel David , 245 Vaverek, Margaret , 109, 228 Sickles, Major General Daniel E. , 223 Vega , 39, 120, 296, 346 Sinnott, Roger W. , 190, 228 Venus , 39, 41–48, 51, 60, 61, 63, 64, 85–86, 90–92, Smith, General H.M. (“Howlin’ Mad”) , 248 200, 214–217, 298–300, 304 South Foreland, UK , 164–166, 168, 171 Victoria Falls , 138, 139 Spector, Ronald , 248 Villa Diodati , 312–324, 326, 327, Squyres, Leslie , 134 329–330, 332 Storm over Lake Geneva on June 13 , 1816, 325–326, 332 Summer solstice , 98, 102, 154–156, 228, 330, 346 W Sunstein, Emily , 322, 323 Warburg, Harold Dreyer , 167 Supernova of 1572 , 297, 299, 304, 346 Ward , USS , 242, 243 White, Horace , 212, 214 Whitman, Walt , 200, 202, 215–217, 223, T 317, 332–344
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