THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 9,403 — FRID AY, DECEMBER 14, 1945. Published k) Authority. PART I.—GENERAL. (Separate poking it neon to each Part in order that it may 6s filed leparataly.) PAOB l’AGH Minute by the Governor Municipal Connell Notices .. 1616 Proclamations by the Governor .. 1599 Road Committee Notices Appointments by the Governor .. 1599 Local Government Notices v .' 1617 Appointments, &c„ of Registrars .. 1602 Trade Mark Notifications.. •. — . 1623 Government Notifications .. 1602 Patents Notifications Currency Commissioners’ Notices .. — Sale of Tollfl and other Renta .. — .. 1624 Revenue and Expenditure Returns — •• Exotoe Ordinance ” Notices Unofficial Announcements .. 1012 Notices calling for Tenders .. 1624 Miscellaneous Departmental Notices .. .. I0I3 Notices to Mariners •• Part VIII. published with this Issue contains Pi ico Orders. SUI'l’LJUM liJS'T : Turc I n d e x to the Gazette for the Second Half-Yoar of 194 I. PROCLAMATIONS BY THE GOVERNOR/ No. 962 of 1945. CF. N. 90/42. L. D .~ B . 18/37 LI. T. M. O u m a r having been sentenced by Court Martial BY HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR. to bo cashiered, his commission m the Ceylon Army Service Corps has b y order o f His E x c e l l e n c y t h e G o v e r n o r A P roclamation . boon withdrawn with effect from November 6, 1945. H e n r y M o o r e . By His Excellency’s command, KNOW Ye that by virtue of the powers vested in mo by Chief Secretary’s Office, . C . H. C o l l i n s , section 32 (1) of tho Railways Ordinance (Chapter 153), Colombo, December 4, 1945. Acting Chief Secretary. t 4, Henry Monck-Mason Moore, Governor o f Ceylon, do by this Proclamation declare that the path described in the Schedule hereto shall be a “ minor crossing ” from the date hereof, and that the said “ minor crossing ” shall not be closed by No. 963 of 1945. « gates. I 131/43 By His Excellency’s command, BY virtue of the powers vested in him by section 3 of the Food Control Ordinance (Chap. 132), His E x c e l l e n c y t h e J . A . M u l h a l l , G o v e r n o r has been pleased to appoint the Officers mentioned Acting Secretary to the Governor. in the schedule below to be Assistant Food Controllers for the . Colombo, 8 December, 1945. purpose of the Ordinance. « i! By His Excellency’s command, GOD SAVE THE KING. Chief Secretary’s Office, C. H. C o l l i n s , Schedule. Colombo, December 5, 1945. Acting Chief Secretary. Situation of crossing. Description of Path. Class. Schedule. At 5 miles 19i chains between Path leading from III. Name o f Officer. Date of Appointment. the Mahaiyawa and the Mahaiyawa to Weli- Katugastota Railway kande Footpath P. G. Walpita . 21.11.45 S. E. P. Jansz Stations 22.11.45 K. Kanagasabnpathy 26.11.45 APPOINTMENTS, &«., BY THE GOVERNOR. No. 9fil of 1945. No. 964 of 1945. HIS E xcellency t h e Governor has been pleased to make HIS E xcellency th e Go vern or has been pleased to make the following appointment:— the following appointments:— J 120/45 No. J . 35/36. G o o n e r a t n a Mr. G. S i t t a m p a l a m to act, in addition to his duties, as Mr. A. C. to be Additional District Judge, Government Agent and Fiscal, North-Central Province; Panadura, and Additional Magistrate and Additional Com­ Superintendent of the Prison at Anuradhapura; Local missioner o f Requests, Panadura, on the 14th December, 1945, Authority under the Petroleum Ordinance for.the North- during the absence of Mr. N . S i n n e t a m b y . Central Province and Member o f the Board of Health, North- Central Province, with effect from December 10, 1945, during No. J. 22/36. the absence of Mr. R . A l t j v i h a r e or until further orders. _ Mr. N. C oomaraswamy to be Additional District Judge, Kandy, Additional Magistrate and Additional-Commissioner By His Excellency’s command, o f Requests, Kandy, Additional Municipal Magistrate, Kandy, and Additional Magistrate and Additional Commissioner of Chief Secretary’s (Slice, C. H . C o l l in s , Requests, Dumbara, from the 14th to the 16th December, Colombo, December 10, 1945. Acting Chief Secretary. 1945, 1 5 9 9 -------- J, N, A 57349-2,100 (12(45) A 1 1600 ’ P a r t I. (G e n e r a l ) — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE —D e o . 14, 1945 „ No. J. 13/36. No. J. 28/36. Mr. P. M. JAYAWAUDENH to be Additional District Judge, Mr. B . R. G , W i j a y a k o o n to he Additional Magistrate and Gallo, and Additional Magistrate and Additional Com­ Additional Commissioner o f Requests, Matale, Additional missioner o f Requests, Calle, from tlio 14th to tlio 16th Magistrate and Additional Commissioner o f Requests, December, 1945. Dumbara, and Additional District Judge, Kandy, from the No. J. 29/36. 14th to the 16th December, 1945. Mr. E . P. W i j e t u n g e to be Additional District Judge, No. J. 30/36. Matara, and Additional Magistrate and Additional Com­ Mr. W. G t i n a s e k e r a to be Additional Magistrato and missioner o f Requests, Matara, from the 13th to tho lGth Additional Commissioner o f Requests, Matara, and Additional December, 1945. District Judge, Matara, from the 13th to the 16th December, No. J. 21/45. 1945, during the absence of Mr. W . E. A b a y a k o o n . Mr. H . D. R a t n a t u n o a to bo Additional District Judge, Tangallal, Additional Magiitrnie and Additional Commissioner .N o . J. 27/36. of Rcquosts, Tangalla, and Additional Magirtiatc and Addi­ Mr. V . A. A l e g a c o n e to be Additional Magistrate and tional Commissioner of Requests, Hembantofa, on the 14th Additional Commissioner of Requests, Mannar, and Additional and 15th December, 1945, during the absence of Mr. G. C. T. A. District Judge, Mannar, on the 13th December, 1945. d e S i l v a . No. J. 26/36. No. J. 36/36. Mr. E. F . C . M o d d e r to be Additional Magistrato and Mr. M. K . S angarabillai to be Additional District Judge, Additional Commissioner o f Requests, Kurunegala, ‘and Jaffna, and Add.tional Magistrate and Additional Additional District Judge, Kurunegala, from the 13th to the Commissioner of Requests, Point Pedro, from tho 13th to the 16th December, 1945, during tho absence of Mr. A. L. S. 15th December, 1945, during the absence of SlRIM ANNE. Mr. E. WlJEYEWARDENE. No. J. 18/36. No. J. 7/36. Mr. F. T. P r o c t o r to be Additional Magistrate and Addi­ , Mr. A. V. KtrLAsnsrciiAH to be Additional District Judgc>, Jaffna, and Additional Magistrate and Additional Com­ tional Commissioner o f Requests, Chilaw, Additional District missioner of Requests, Jaffna, on tho 14tli and 15tli December, Judge, Chilaw, Additional Magistrate and Additional Com­ missioner of Requests, Puttalam, and Additional District 1945, during the absence o f Mr. R. R. S e l v a d u h a i . Judge, Puttalam, from the 14th to the 16th December, 1945. - No. J. 5/36. No. J. 83/41. Mr. S . N . V e l d p i l l a i to bo Additional District Judge, Batticaloa, and Additional Magistrate and Additional Com­ Mr. T. F. B l a z e t o be Additional Magistrate and Additional missioner of Requests, Batticaloa, from tho 13th to the 17th Commissioner o f Requests, Badulla-Haldummulla, and Additional District Judge, Badulla, from tho 13th to the 17th 'December, 1945, during tho absence o f Mr. L. B. d e S i l v a . December, 1945, during the absence of Mr. A. C. Z. W i j a y a r a t n e . No. J. 40/36. No. J. 38/36. _ Mr. D. R a j a r a t n a m to bo Additional District Judge, Trincomalco, and Additional Magistrate and Additional Mr. A. W i j e t i l a k a t o be Additional Magistrate and Commissioner o f Requests, Trincomaleo, on tho'l4th and 15th Additional Commissioner of Requests, Ratnapura, and Additional District Judge, Ratnapura, on tho 14th and 15th December, 1945, during the absonco of Mr. P. S k i S k a n d a December, 1945, during the absence of Mr. N. M. J. R a j a h . R a j e n d r a m . No. J. 25/36. No. J. 11/36. Mr. M. C. S a n s o n i to he, in addition to his other duties Additional District Judge, Kurunogala, on tho 10th December, Mr. J. N . C. T irtjchelvam to be Additional Municipal 1945, to enable judgments to bo delivered in D. C. Kurunegala Magistrate, Colombo, and Additional Magistrate, Colombo, Cases Nos. 962 and 1096. on the 14th December, 1945, during tbe absence of Mr. R. R amachandran . No. J. 6/36. Legal Secretary’s Office, J, H. B. N i h i l l , ^ Mr. S. A lalasdnderam to be Additional District Judge, Chilaw and Puttalam, Additional Magistrate and Additional Colombo, 11 December, 1945.
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