( of Cleveland. Ohio AUGUST 1$52 volume 1 number 7 sdawe fertasy fill! CHICO# ISSUE formerly BULLETIN 01* THE CLEVELAND SF SOCIETY This magazine is no longer affiliated in ary PAST TENSE by Lonny Lunde way with the Cleveland ; the Tragedy of mosher by Orville w, SF Society and is not tq Mosher 22 be confused with any v • Chanz 23 literature emanating from that source, 3 ? Opinions expressed herein are not necess- < PALMER 0# ASBESTOS by Raymond A, Palmer arily those of the ed- ; itor or staff unless specifically noted a s : such. THE SHIP IS WAITING by Noreen Kane Falasoa 17 All material sub- ■ DANCE! ,by Toby Duane 17 mitted MUST be accomp­ anied by return postage coujWs unless previously soli­ CRYIN' IN THE SINK by Marion Z. Bradley 18 cited. All material STF'a IN THE ARMY NOW by Hal E. Shapiro 25 submitted is done so at the risk of the con­ tributor though a reas* enable amount of care GIBSON'S GALLERY OF ET LIFE by Ray Gibson will be exercised while it is in our possesion. It is to be under­ stood that all letters submitted, unless spe­ HUSH, RUSH the editor cifically stated to the CRYSTAL-BALLING in our next issue 2 contrary are eligible JUDGEMENT RAY ratings on last issue 2 for printing. CITATION •#7: Anthony Boucher 3 * * * NEXT TEXT coming up in the promags 7 Single copies: 15/ THE BOOT TO'►--- __ lt Shaver, 2)FANTASTIC 12 Full year's subscrip­ ADVERTISING SECTION rates and ads 13 tion (12 issues and an SFBULLETIN STORY RECOMMENDATIONS 22 annual): 50 AUGUST'S BEST ART best pix for Jul-Aug 24 * * * it's in the MAIL bag letters??? 25 READ ANY GOOD BOOKS LATELY? reviews 27 This magazine is published monthly by • Harlan Ellison at 12701 EXEERIMEHT by DEA (M. Dominick) SHAKER BLVD., APT, #616' CLEVELAND 20, OHIO and by Ray Gibson is an amateur magazine n i/ Margaret Domini ok (DEA). .Rey for those who enjoy the J\j\ Gibson, .Nelson. ,Elli son.Burden reading of science fic­ tion, fantasy,,^ and al­ Bradley lied subjects, * * * EDITOR; Harlan Ellison ASSISTANT EDITOR: Mrs. Honey Wood SFBULIETIN Phone number ART EDITOR: Ray Gibson in Cleveland: ART STAFF; Ray Gibson, Vaughn Burden,and SKyline 1-8739 Dea * * * Publisher: Same boy as is editor [edltoji qlc) X mu, hush, lira Of all God*8 Chillun’* man is the most SW30- ^4/JK eptible to that common illness* confusion* Have you ever seen a cow with a nervous brealo- down? Or a mackerel with Jumpy nerves? Or even a pigeon who was mixed up? Heok no} It’s always man who sticks himself into sit- nations that call for more work than he is capable of producing with* out blowing out all his relays like a demented Mark VI* Meet another one of those confused Homo Saps* Your editor* Here’s the plight. Here’s the tale of woe. (Break out the ciying towels. Mother.) We looted a month on the publishing schedule* s o naturally we had to work like crazy to make it up* The June and July issues came cut within three weeks of each other and the. July issue and this one have come out within CffiLWEEK pF EACH -OTHER} To top it all* there’s a stack of correspondence sitting over there in the corn* er staring at me malevolently* And if you want to really make 1 t sound that I don’t know whether I’m coming or going (which I don’t)*. I am preparing to go to the. TENTH ANNUAL WORLD-SCIENCE FICTION CONVEN- TION (usually called the Chippn II) which will be held in Chicago o n August 30* 31 and September X* Anything else? •' Oh yeah* almost it slipped my weak mind that at the time all this was hassling around* I was going to summer school in the morning, holding down a job* and trying -to get an hour or two of sleep a night* * Sutaariiy* the whole thing boils down to thist I’m tired* Actually*’ though* the first part of this editorial was a bluff to cover the fact that’ I hadn’t chosen some esoteric subject to spout off about. Since I finally have chosen one* which I think I’ll save for next issue* I’ll Just tell you that we have been running into forty- five and more pages each issue and we’ll Just have to out them down* t It is understood that no fanzine makes money* but in the vast am­ ounts THIS mag has chewed up the little money we dp have, we find ourselves pretty much broke. So watch for the same hign-quality o f material each ish, but* of necessity* less pages* This issue I hope you’ll pardon me if I ppint out several spots* In fact* this is our gala CHICON issue in which* we think* w e have assembled one of the finest batches of talent in the fan and. pro ranks. Our lead article of course is a special feature* our • second BULLETIN BULLSEYE, an answer to our article on OTHER WORLDS. SCIENCE STORIES* by none other than the editor of OW himself* RAY P AIMER. I n lead fiction spot is the first published science fiction story by one of the ex-Qpiz Kids> LOHNY LUNDE* And beginning a new series-.of col­ umns In this issue are MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY with her highly controv­ ersial fanzine review column CHYIN’ IN.THE SINK late of Max ^easier’s mag OPUS for which we wish tp thank Maxie for releasing it to SFB, and HAL SHAFIRO’s column of the Army’s opinions on stf called STF’S IN THE ARMY NW. Hope you like both this issue and fowthecwing iartment .inc U p PWTTiTr C«3er: '®DC®lE the .first published cover of faneditor DAVID EMJMSK. An unusual cover of cartoon-type that will amuse you all,., omoii _ +RT BY DAVID ENGLISH being a collection of the finest email cartoons and surrealistic drawings of a fan who tm ««« >. a - gone nearly unnoticed. Don»t miss th?s o^l^tlo^S a?t£r£! ESS WARE §ut Not Too Loudatf another of the poems of TGBY illustration “Xi^ng^h^16 8t6ry hy frontispiece: ADRIFT IN THE METEOR SWARM by DEA. , . 9 9 a< 1,1t PLUS: Zu!ddb^L?^ef that we oMain at Chicon,which department J *tfcomes (j ratings on our last i s su e gT^^^AUTHOR^f^^HHHfrPT.A.rnn THE ULTIMATE HONOR by Kru::e 1 BTSeOUBgB Mf--------------- UfilFANAe by /enable 2 GIBSON’S G•ALLERT OF ET Llj?E by Ray Gibson 3 TALES OP C 3TTON THORNE by Frazier 4 WHERE NO E'DOT TREADS by Nichols|I 5 all )ther placements were either of rAguiar departments ?r plated lowe:f th£n fifth._ Onos__ _agaib _ t the iditbrs thought their had a fairly s rong issue. Ap leas a line ip that matched our June ish which, many said was our best cartoon Gibsog department SCIENCE FANTASY BULLETIN presents* Bach Issue of,JgClEHCE.. FANTASY BULLETIN features an'award for a member of the sol- enoe.fiction ranks for achievement* In this ever-expanding field of literature* the,‘CI­ TATION is the highest of honors we are cap­ able of bestowingf it is a show of gratitude to persons furthering this specialized field as a whole. Thus far, CITATIONS have been awarded tot • ■ ' 1) L, SPRAGUE de CAMP and FLETCHER • ■ PRATT ANTHONY BOUCHER 2) LLOYD ARTHUR ESHBACH 3)1 ROBERT A« HEINLEIN” 4) JOHN . W# CAMPBELL, Jr# 5)Dr# EWARD E, SMITHfFh#D# and 6)H,L# GOLD -d»ie of-the things lacking in the field of science fiction# by its very nature, is high literary content* Not till a very few years ago did any authors worth noting pay the slightest attention to writing a readable story albeit gadgets# Even then# the quality of true "liter­ ature* in the s-f line was scarce to the point of non-existence# And then# in the Fall of 1949# the first of the spate of pocketw Sized stf mags began with the entrance of THE MAGAZINE OF FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION# edited by one Anthony Boucher and a certain J*Francis McComas* Boucher had been a well-known mystery and science fiction author and McComas was famous in the stf ranks for having co-edited an exceptionally fine anthology# Together these two men worked like craftsmen, moulding the ' clay to bring forth a truly great magazine# Concentrating not upon unfath- omably abstruse hocus-pocus science# or shallow plots and poor charac­ terization bouyed up solely by a gadget# Boucher and his oO-editor de­ manded stories, that were true “quality*# Quality enough to take sev*» eral places in-THE BEST AMERICAN SHORT STORIES collections which h a d not#, till then# even deigned to notice that science fiction existed# It was Boucher that introduced the radical cover designs that In time were recognized as trademarks of'The MAG OF F&SF# It\was that dared to print stories of the caliber of BORN OF MAN AN$ WOMAN# MINISTER WITHOUT PORTFOLIO# or the highly amusing GAVAGANIS BAR series# Truthfully# it can be said that NO OTHER editor has done so much to put science fiction in the public eye favorably than Tony Boudher#a task deemed nearly impossible# but accomplished through the means o f presenting science fiction in a palatable# non-ponderous form* In a form as epjoyabl^to the Technician as to The Mystery Addict# A vote of extreme gratitude is due Tony Boucher# First of the literary eds# i lefteir eJcpiairiiiag the OITATIM and a free subscription are being sent to ANTHONY BOUCHER of THE MAGAZINE QF FANTASY AND SCIENCE FI C T_I 0_H ature art! ole | editor of OTHER VZORLDS SCIENCE STORIES and co-author of C®- IKG OF THE SAUCERS with K e n- neth Arnold WORD FRCK YOUR EDITOR ?U2\ ^u??e issue, we were pleased to present ^.“tiole by Ralph Beese entitled OTHER WORLDS OK which dealt with the professional science V°2 ma£azine» OTHER WORLDS SCXEMOE STORIES o f which Raymond A.
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