Sport Ireland: 2016 Sports Investment Sport Ireland 2016 Sports Investment www.sportireland.ie @sportireland Sport Ireland: 2016 Sports Investment Sport Ireland brings together the Irish Sports Council, National Sports Campus Development Authority, Irish Institute of Sport and Coaching Ireland to form a new, streamlined and dynamic body to drive the future of Irish sport Sport Ireland: 2016 Sports Investment Sport Ireland National Governing Bodies 2016 SSportport IIrelandreland aassistsssists NNationalational GGoverningoverning BBodiesodies ofof SportSport toto developdevelop ssustainableustainable aandnd eeffff eectivective structuresstructures ttoo ffacilitateacilitate iincreasedncreased nnumbersumbers ofof bothboth participantsparticipants aandnd volunteersvolunteers aacrosscross a wwideide rrangeange ooff ssports.ports. In 2016, €10.86m will be allocated to 59 NGBs through core grant funding. The NGB core grant covers administration, partici- pation programmes, coach development, hosting events, implementing strategic plans and the employment of professional staff . National Governing Body 2015 (€) 2016 (€) Special Olympics Ireland 1,450,000 1,200,000 Athletics Ireland 885,702 887,000 Swim Ireland 826,220 827,000 Horse Sport Ireland 773,191 775,000 Basketball Ireland 575,330 588,000 Irish Amateur Boxing Association 431,713 432,000 Ladies Gaelic Football Association 384,655 400,000 The Camogie Association 378,519 395,000 Cricket Ireland 352,394 355,000 Tennis Ireland 350,497 353,000 Irish Sailing Association 322,900 323,000 Badminton Ireland 318,223 320,000 Cycling Ireland 300,824 305,000 National Community Games 253,676 284,000 Hockey Ireland 258,313 260,000 Irish Wheelchair Association Sport 237,834 240,000 Confederation of Golf in Ireland 232,279 233,000 Gymnastics Ireland 228,240 230,000 Rowing Ireland 208,955 210,000 Canoeing Ireland 205,193 205,000 Mountaineering Ireland 192,044 193,000 Volleyball Association of Ireland 184,883 185,000 Irish Squash 158,100 160,000 Motor Sport Ireland 134,969 137,000 Triathlon Ireland 97,959 108,000 Table Tennis Ireland 106,344 107,000 GAA Handball Ireland 87,959 90,000 Irish Judo Association 68,316 70,000 Irish Surfi ng Association 62,500 64,000 Sport Ireland: 2016 Sports Investment National Governing Body 2015 (€) 2016 (€) Pitch and Putt Union of Ireland 62,402 63,000 ROI Billiards & Snooker Association 62,570 63,000 Irish Deaf Sports Association 60,278 61,000 Irish Underwater Council 56,180 60,000 Motor Cycling Ireland 58,936 60,000 Irish Orienteering Association 44,670 45,000 Irish Clay Pigeon Shooting Association 34,125 36,000 Irish Olympic Handball Association 33,948 35,000 Vision Sports Ireland 34,713 35,000 Irish Martial Arts Commission 28,442 30,000 Irish Fencing Federation 25,511 27,000 Irish Tenpin Bowling Association 25,118 27,000 Bowling League of Ireland 23,160 24,000 Irish American Football Association 21,440 23,000 Irish Tug of War Association 21,730 22,000 Weightlifting Ireland 18,818 22,000 Bol Chumann na hÉireann 17,809 20,000 Irish Waterski & Wakeboard Federation 11,950 20,000 Irish Amateur Wrestling Association 14,605 15,000 Racquetball Association of Ireland 14,198 15,000 Baton Twirling Sport Association of Ireland 12,194 14,000 Archery Ireland 11,875 12,000 Rugby League Ireland 7,650 11,000 Angling Council of Ireland 9,500 10,000 Speleological Union of Ireland 9,700 10,000 Irish Taekwondo Union 8,294 9,000 ONAKAI 4,947 6,000 Croquet Association of Ireland 4,938 5,000 Horseshoe Pitchers Association of Ireland 3,520 4,000 Cerebral Palsy Sport Ireland/Paralympics Ireland 48,146 - Projects * - 140,000 National Aero Club of Ireland -- Trout Anglers Association of Ireland -- Total 10,859,098 10,860,000 * IInn 22016016 tthishis ffundingunding wwillill bbee aallocatedllocated ttoo tthehe IIRFURFU ((€50,000)€50,000) aandnd BBolol CChumannhumann nnaa hhEireannEireann ((€7,500),€7,500), fforor IInternationalnternational eevents.vents. PParalympicsaralympics IIrelandreland wwillill rreceiveeceive €€45,00045,000 toto supportsupport thethe programmesprogrammes ppreviouslyreviously operatedoperated ooff CCPSI.PSI. €€37,50037,500 hhasas bbeeneen ssetet aasideside forfor pprojectsrojects toto supportsupport develdevelopmentopment pprojectsrojects ooff ccertainertain iidentifidentifi eedd NNGBs.GBs. Sport Ireland: 2016 Sports Investment Sport Ireland Women in Sport 2016 IInn 22016,016, €€0.6m0.6m willwill bebe allocatedallocated ttoo 2266 NNGBsGBs tthroughhrough WWomenomen iinn SSportport pprogramme.rogramme. TThehe wwomenomen iinn ssportport pprogrammerogramme aaimsims ttoo rraiseaise tthehe ooverallverall pphysicalhysical aactivityctivity llevelsevels aamongmong wwomenomen aandnd ttoo ssupportupport wwomen’somen’s rrolesoles wwithinithin ssportsports organisations.organisations. National Governing Body 2015 (€) 2016 (€) Basketball Ireland 105,000 97,000 Swim Ireland 95,000 70,000 Volleyball Association of Ireland 54,000 52,000 Gymnastics Ireland 43,000 46,000 Athletics Ireland 40,000 40,000 Badminton Ireland 40,000 40,000 Hockey Ireland 50,000 40,000 Rowing Ireland 35,000 35,000 Table Tennis Ireland 35,000 25,000 Cricket Ireland 5,000 20,000 National Community Games 20,000 20,000 Irish Sailing Association 12,000 18,000 Confederation of Golf in Ireland 15,000 15,000 Cycling Ireland 7,500 13,000 Irish Squash 7,050 12,000 Tennis Ireland - 10,000 GAA Handball Ireland 5,000 8,000 Mountaineering Ireland 8,000 8,000 Irish Surfi ng Association 10,000 7,000 Irish Olympic Handball Association - 5,000 Irish Tug of War Association 4,000 4,000 Triathlon Ireland - 4,000 Baton Twirling Sport Association of Ireland 2,000 3,000 Irish American Football Association 3,000 3,000 Weightlifting Ireland - 3,000 Irish Taekwondo Union - 2,000 Bol Chumann na hEireann 1,000 - Irish Wheelchair Association Sport 3,000 - Total 599,550 600,000 Sport Ireland: 2016 Sports Investment Sport Ireland: 2016 Sports Investment Sport Ireland: 2016 Sports Investment Sport Ireland High Performance 2016 SSportport IIrelandreland HHighigh PPerformanceerformance UnitUnit aimsaims toto ensureensure Ireland’sIreland’s performanceperformance inin eliteelite internationalinternational sportsport iimprovesmproves andand alsoalso toto createcreate cconsistentonsistent ssuccessuccess aatt eelitelite llevelevel ddefiefi nneded aass producingproducing IrishIrish athletesathletes iinn tthehe fi nnalsals atat EEuropean,uropean, WWorld,orld, OlympicOlympic andand ParalympicParalympic llevel.evel. In 2016, over €10.18m will be invested directly into high performance sports bodies. €8.36m will be invested in High Performance Sports Programmes with a further €1.82m supporting athletes under the International Carding Scheme. 2013 2014 Rio 2014 2015 2016 Rio High Performance Sport (€) (€) (€) (€) (€) 2013-2016 Olympic Council of Ireland 396,776 378,987 72,000 353,325 520,000 1,721,088 Paralympics Ireland 310,000 310,000 188,154 325,000 615,000 1,748,154 Irish Amateur Boxing Association 829,000 839,300 45,060 879,940 900,000 3,493,300 Athletics Ireland 800,000 800,000 138,008 741,992 810,000 3,290,000 Paralympics Sports 613,000 610,000 - 665,000 665,000 2,553,000 Irish Sailing Association 643,000 €632,000 70,000 565,000 635,000 2,545,000 Swim Ireland 524,000 530,500 30,765 529,235 530,000 2,144,500 Horse Sport Ireland 525,000 510,000 29,215 520,785 530,000 2,115,000 Hockey Ireland 400,000 420,000 71,325 423,675 530,000 1,845,000 Rowing Ireland 380,000 380,000 96,814 313,186 400,000 1,570,000 Confederation of Irish Golf 375,000 375,000 - 400,000 400,000 1,550,000 Cycling Ireland 265,000 303,000 61,500 292,500 325,000 1,247,000 Irish Rugby Football Union 275,000 275,000 62,100 212,900 275,000 1,100,000 Triathlon Ireland 260,000 260,000 35,500 246,500 270,000 1,072,000 Pentathlon Ireland 190,000 170,000 47,740 142,260 230,000 780,000 Tennis Ireland 160,000 160,000 41,750 137,250 170,000 669,000 Cricket Ireland 109,504 100,000 - 120,000 160,000 489,504 Badminton Ireland 95,000 95,000 25,500 104,500 125,000 445,000 Canoeing Ireland 50,000 65,000 - 65,000 65,000 245,000 Gymnastics Ireland - 47,500 20,000 40,000 80,000 187,500 Irish Judo Association 30,000 40,000 8,300 31,275 45,000 154,575 Irish Clay Pigeon Shooting 4,350 32,500 7,419 47,581 45,000 136,850 Association Irish Taekwondo Union - 30,000 - 25,000 35,000 90,000 260,00 260,000 35,500 246,500 270,000 1,072,000 Total 7,234,630 7,363,787 1,051,150 7,181,904 8,360,000 31,191,471 Sport Ireland: 2016 Sports Investment 22016016 IInternationalnternational CCardingarding SSchemecheme The board of Sport Ireland has approved the recommendations of the Carding Sub-Committee. The details of the recommendations will be published shortly. The budget approved for 2016 is €1.82 million. For the period 2013 to 2016 the total amounts of grants allocated under Carding will amount to €6.5 million. TTeameam IIrelandreland GGolfolf The board of Sport Ireland has approved the recommendations of the Team Ireland Golf committee for 2016. €200,000 will be invested under the scheme in 2016. Details will be published in due course by the Confederation of Golf in Ireland. It will include grants to individual golfers who are seeking to make breakthroughs on the main professional golf tours and in support of the Challenge Tour event in Ireland in 2016 which is an essential component of the package of support for golf. Sport Ireland: 2016 Sports Investment Sport Ireland Local Sports Partnerships 2016 SSportport IIrelandreland supportssupports CountyCounty LLocalocal SSportsports PPartnershipsartnerships ((29)29) ttoo cco-ordinateo-ordinate aandnd ppromoteromote tthehe ddevelopmentevelopment ooff ssportport aatt llocalocal llevelevel aandnd iincreasencrease llevelsevels ooff llocalocal pparticipationarticipation iinn ssportport aandnd pphysicalhysical aactivity.ctivity. In 2016, €5,001,008 million will be allocated to the 29 established sites for core, general programme, and disability funding.
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