5i (D ~ 2 ~ 0 () ~ :c .... ;; ;- " n 3 r 7 Q ~ ji ~ ,. ns: :I: ~ ~ - ,g :.-" ! t"T1 oi ,0 [ Vl""""' M i " V.HIl\\EHTHEHIUITIS' CQlIlplicatlonwlS"'de<lWheni,w.,suggestedth.tTrojanMiOY..n ,heShlf,Cinveperiod«.,6C>ClIIQ.Bu"u"",pointedou,Jons'go, (andtlu,nf"rcpresu",.blyGreokMin)'n.. well)oouldbe'otnoohave th.... i•• remttrkablecOlincid.nceb.tweenthedistdbucionofpJacc­ ".anccstrYinlh'Jatteepartoftb.E"'IYB.ron~Ag<inlh.R3ion..,Uth n.mes of this 'ype .nd that of sites with Early HelladlC II ~ and ..""fthe Seaof\brm.ra. The oonclullon 10 be drawn from this conn""u"",."Th. origm.ofnumerou.re..tu.....fthe AegeanE.rly w•• ,b.tpro,o-Gcee1,peakersh.d entered Anatob ...rlier,ntheEuly Bro=Agehav.b••nseen in w.... 'nAn.ml;. Th••• may well be Bronu Age, h.d stayed ,he", f<>r,om. time, .nd h.d lhen =""d by e.plicable in tetm. of trading contacts But,ince, oo;epting 'he ... ooccnII'lIGre""ea,thebeginningof,hefoUo...ingpenod,I..\'inl! .rgumentspresen!ed.bo••, ....'''''' Anatoli. wa,.rr...dya' that rim. someOflh..,.nnmbertode'CIoPlheCUIIU"'OfTroyvl." pro,o-Luwian in .peech, there i. somethmg '0 b. said fOl' • Mo,e r«en.' "" ..rch, hOwe.ver"eem, I.".ndioate,h.atbolh thes., contemporary hguistic .pr<ad to ,he Greek mainland: On this Ih.ori.'ar.buedonfal~prem..... MlnyanponeryblSnowbe.n hypothe,,,,Greek wasnotthe6mlndo-EuropeanJangu.geutGreece, ~-- found in ~., moot notably al Lerna !!l,he Argotld, in EH III bU''''''p.re<ede<lin,h••"",bYI'pro'o-Lu_n'lrngui"kelemen, """"'XIS. Th"can heexpl.ined.WLY by cwmmg ,ha'so..t proto- whkhwlSwidcspteadduring,beearlierpar'of,h<E.dyBronuA.ge. Grcd: opeake.. had cro"ed from AnalOlia."li.rthanolhe". Bu"hi, i,controdktedbys,udieswhich.uggesttha'th.EHlIlculrure'" whole i. 'he 'esult, no, ofimmigracion femn Anatolia, but of. p"lOd of Conclusions indig<nou. d""dopment in centrol Greece preced.d by tnfIuences whiclt came ultimately from the B.den cultu ... ofAuotrio-Hungary" Is'h.... theJ!.n.n.wertotheq...."onpoeedintheti!le"ftbi&cltap'er: culturewhicltlnturncanhehnked..,th,hespreadofKl/1'la~f..tu"" Tosomo.,.,.ntatleastthe... i',butitmusttir5,beemph..i.edthatw. in'occntroIEurope." Fw-meronalysi.ofAna,oIian'M,nyan'aloo canooo: deJine the Hltti,.., or any of their con",mpocaries, in term, of sU""," 'hat the resembbnces betw.en it and G ... ek Miny.n ore their physicoJ .ppear.nce. The... I. ""'hi,,!!" that can be labelled lorgely illusory, and ,ha'the two have different origin ••nd dil'ferent uniquely'Hi,tl",',n,hesbopeof,heir,IruJIs,,,,tbocolourortheH,kin, d.velopm.n ...." So ,heori.. tha'th.", were Greeks in north-wes, eyes Oe h.". in poli,ica] and cl>ronological ,ermsdeJinioon is much An,II)!i. during the Middle and La", Bronze Age...em '0 be witbont ....'er The Himtes, ,h. Aczawan. and other pe<lFles who have been fgund.rion Yetacottoinamoon,ofdoubt",m';n:;.A1thougbdetailed men"oned abo.e occupied nelghboueing areas of ..oond-millennium exomin..ionofth.tw<>'ype.ofpottery'ho.... 'hat'h.redshapeswOK ....n.ooli.,.nd theirhi,tocy,'nd m.oy ••peclSoftheieltf., wiU be the almostnon-..istent, 'h.".....lI ..mil.'i'y tnappearanc••nd,n fabric subj"""ofsubsoqu.nlcltap,e... Buttolimi,,,",ddinitionintltisway an be feJtto be tno clo,e '0 be.ocidental. And wh.n in ,he li"t ismignonoavccy,mporrantpanofwlu,weknowlboultheHitli",. milJenniumthenorth_westemergo:sin,,,wri,<ennJStory,iti.pttrtofrne IltIdth.itcontemporo.ri.,-theit!anguagt.. Ustng,hisas."",]woan Gretkworld,occupiedby Greek ... peakmgp"""I... Bu"hearrivaIof detine.Hit!it... someonewb<>usedtheHi,ti,elanguago,anAn:oWito 'hese 'Aeolic' Greeb frOlmGreece, unlike ,hat of 'he IonlO.n,furrher .. aspeaker(or wrl..r)ofLuwllln,th.languagcofArzawa,and,oon. s,u"h,canno'y<1berocognized wi,hOlut doubt in ,he.rcltaeological Th;"open'up.muchwid....,..... of.nquiry,foti'canmenbeseenthat =rd, for first_milleonium poI,ery in the ""'" 1ieeIIt' lO he d~rly mucltof.econd_m,U.nruum AnatoIia "'" occupiod by speakers of deoc:endedfrom,hotOlftbosecondmilimnium,ra,herthllllintroduccd langulge, which wOee dosely relate<l 'ooacltodterlndwhich,moc. fromllllyou"L<ie!lOur<:eNorcanth••cahtyfOluruia,ioniegeodliofthe imponantly,h.ve 'beirongin. in the Indo-Europe"" family of which Ae"hc .."lemen"inspiregreatconlidenccintheirhistoeical.c"","cy luge numbers of modem I.nguages, !Deluding ou.own, .... al.., Onlyfunbee.JtcaVllrion.nd e...,.rchcan ,how whether ,h. A..,lic membe".Lt"llulS'ic.vid~cont"SOttt.exten'b.lin1edoothe Gnek. w.e. in f.ct immig,,,,," from ,Cn>Sli the Aeg.... 0' the evideru:.ofarcltaeOlI"lIY,'rul in tl!i. Wly wo can hope to trace the deocendantsofGreek... pealingnotl... ofth••econdmiliennium"h. hiSlory of tho Hiltl""llIId A,..wllIlS (i.e. sp<al<ers of Hitti'e and 'Troi.n.' of 'he Homorio poems LUWlon, or fI,her theit immediate.ncesmr, perha"" better,..ferrcd to ..proto-An.touc)b.ckintoearliermiHenni.,longbef".. eth.e:tl"enoe Olfanywritt.ndocumenta,ionOlf,h.",. ..iatonce.Wecan.lsnrecogni;.., Luwians in Greooe thepo..ibilitr'hatspeLkrsofadoselyrel.,e<lI""gu.geweretob. Aoorne,tbeorywluch,ugg..,.d"".li"",,,,icconnection,between found tnlhlld-miliennium Gr=••nd the Aegean,andtherei ••tleos, Anatolia.nd~ecentreS"n'hemanyplace-n:unesendingin """'.'hing to he ..,d ro' 'he theory that norrh-w .., An,'Olba was ... ntbo., ........,.nd"milttr form" which u.tobe found ou either side OCCUPIed by ,pelkors ofan •.,ly form "fGreek (aloo Irulo-European, of the AejI.llII. Thcse ending. con plau,ibl} be expwn.d as Luwi.n, bu'helongingtoadifferentbranchOlfthefamily).InHa'~woh.ve .nd,heitdis,ribu'ion .uggc""hatLuwian,orca,hermlingui.tlc ""idence f",.,l..., on. of 'he languageo spol::t!I !/I c.ntralAnatolia .nce"or, Wl....om. tlm. spoker! over large.,.... ofbotb w ••t<m befon:'hearri""lofthelndn-European...pealte"'-Thu.inotu"~ Anatoli. and G=ce.lt hIS b<ensugg••ted lha, it '0'0' 'Lu",i.n.' for ,he otigios Olfthe Hitri ... and theirn.ighoours the ""idenceof (nttherthanGreeks) ...hoamvedinGrcoc:e.tthebeginrungofth. languagoenobksuotogobackf.. beyorul th. boundaries imposed by MkldIoHeJbdicperind(,.I'J00Bc),oreven,hattheyarrived .. I.", .. anyhi,toricalmateru.lcon..inedinSW"Vtvingtt.". .... :T W ~ :z: ..~: a.~ f. ~ ~. :T isc Ul Medllerra""on,thatthecont3.t, ..henirismode,isOllus,th.,'ime., dedu<:tioD8 mad. from the Hom.ric po."", OD wha,. u.n)thing, th. .nd at jus, tho pi"",,", whe", one might oxpe<t It, ond ,hat 'he Myce113ean.ca1ledthemselv ••. Eyldenc:cfromunearSte.",..nuldb. reoemblanc< ofnll"es betwecn the Acha._and the Ahhlyawans is in""lu.bJe, .. would infOJ1Jt.t1on frOJn some "",side sou,ce_oay mO"'lhanformitou. Anli-Mycenaeo....llegcthatorchocoJogJCally lIgarit-on what My<:en.eOJul ....recall.d by tbeircontcmporaries.Jo th.,.islittl.evidenceforcont3ct,th.,there .. nothing,nthet.:rut<> Oned.y.uch •.,dl9lcomayb.found;buttbatdaYlSl>O<yct.lintiln suggest thatAhhiyawa isoulliideAn.t<>li.,.nd that theequ.rion ofthe como"onehastotakeuptheposi,ionwhicbse,,,,,,to,,,,,,,,,b.th. IlaIII.S is.phllologiC31impos'ib~ity, mOli! problbl. in terllt5 oflh~ evidence tbere i, Aocord,ngIy, 'ho I"aconOictofthislUltureonehaototake.ides,.ndthe.uthormust hi,tori<al_troclionwhi<hfollnw,tnthi.booki.based""the ..:lmil a< once thar.llhough he would like t<>'«"Pt Ihe eqno1!on with lSSumpt''''' that Mill.wanda loy on 'he shores ofthe Sea of Morm..., .., Myccnae.ns,hostillfeeisthottb.bal.nceofeyiden".i'q.iustit.This .ndthatAhhiyawatoo .....i'uated,.ll.."inpu1,inl1Olth_w..t .,ewisbaoedmoinlyonlhewld.rqu..tionofAn.toliangeography,r", AnOloIia,.nd vcry prob.bly included "'rri'ory ""theEuro\,"nsh"":,, Ahhiyaw••nd MUlowonda, a """'tal city under Ahhiy .... an influenc<, oflh. Sea of Marmor••,well" However, an altern.nye map" .",ck>se!y linked wlth .......uch .. th. $eh.RiyOT Land,whicha<., if provided,wi'hMill.wanda",M~otu••ndArza... inthe"'uth......", ., on··,,,:.PllithaIAnow:.oc<:upiedthecentralAeg<:antoaot, ...dthatlhe and thooc whod'sogree w;th th. re<onstruo!ion can !6Ilow !heir own south-west wasvirtu.Uy uno<cupied,to belocat.d in th. north­ ,....t.rn corner ofAn..olia. TheMycen.ean ,heory is Iorgely based on ~:;p:~ ~::'r.o':::!"';'u,:~~~:~~~ti:~:~!~g:~~~~:: I th.equ.ti""ofMillow...d....ithMil.tu.. where there is. known ....n~mentof"a....uggestedaboveis.ccep'ed,th~o.erallpic:tu.e Mycen..... =tIem.nt. Attra<:t,.. ,houghlhiacquau"ni"il<;reateS ofAna'oJiangeography.ndhistorymak•• ..,"".E."""'fit;ntoa .."",..lprobl""'....hicb ...iIlhavetobe"'"""lvedbef"'.i'e.ng.in g.neralpatternofeconOlt1lenecessity,and,heelfurtsofth.vario.. univenal""ceptanc •. .tales am be"""" I" be directed towards """,.thing more permanent ltisforinstancohardw,•• ho... MiHawand.. ifi,isMilotus,e.nbe than th. arbitroryombi'ionsofindiVKIualoovereisn' futedintothep.."'mof~",",Anatolian"ta""withoulplacmg,ome ofthem,indud,ngAruw.. mtheproblemarical,outh.w..tern ar..; The problem of tin auppliBS .nd.venifoneaminterpretthegmgraphicalevidencein.wsywhich keep. Ar ..wa in Lydi., it is equally dillicuit to ... how reJallon, !n.ttemptinglojusrifyth,.viewwemaynowretnm'oHottuOilisand betw.en theHittUe!! and M,llawandajAhhiya"'" whether friendly or hi. campaign ag:Uost Arz."". Iup....pos< i,unmown. He may ha~" o!herwise,couldbavebeenm,intainedatttmeswhmahostileAru,..a been atrackedfrom hehind ..hen hi ••tte.ntronwo, directed rothe I.y belw..n !he 'wo, It " also nec ....ry tOUilume from 'he leX,u.l .outh.....',butcquallyh;.e:.pedioonm.ybelinkedwubone..cr,bed ro 'Lab.mas' ina later"••ty, III th~<ou"~ofwhi,,b bothAru..a and ;;:~d;:;':~:~~~::::~": :;o~:tr.:~r~:~~lou~:i~~ WlIu.." wOTeconq..e:red.lf"'enow askwhat,h.importan<:eofWilus:. evld.nce-a1though it can of courSe be roasonably cbimed
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