for the week beginning 13th May 2012 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER [BCP – The Fifth Sunday after Easter] 9.15 am HOLY COMMUNION Leeds Parish Church 10.20 am THE LITANY IN PROCESSION Leeds Parish Church 10.30 am PRAYER BOOK CHORAL EUCHARIST Leeds Parish Church Preacher: Mr Paul Winstanley 10.30 am CAFÉ EUCHARIST St Mary’s Preacher: The Reverend Sue Wallace, Vicar Choral 12.15 am BAPTISM Jake Edward Langstaff & Ava Lysia White Leeds Parish Church 6.30 pm CHORAL EVENSONG Epiphany, Gipton There is no 6.30 Service at the Parish Church Church of England – Diocese of Ripon and Leeds – Parish of Leeds City Rector of Leeds: The Reverend Canon Tony Bundock [0113] 245 2036 [office], 278 6237 [home] Vicar Choral: The Reverend Sue Wallace [0113] 278 9339 [home] Lay Minister: Canon Ann Nicholl [0113] 245 2036 [office], [0113] 269 4045 [home] Leeds Parish Church (St Peter at Leeds), Kirkgate, LS2 7DJ ~ Parish Office: [0113] 245 2036 Holy Trinity Church, Boar Lane, LS1 5HW Church Office: [0113] 245 4268 ~ Café at Holy Trinity: [0113] 246 8196 St Mary’s Church, Lincoln Green, LS9 7SG ~ Church Office: [0113] 240 7349 St Peter’s Church of England (Aided) Primary School, Cromwell Street, LS9 7SG Headteacher: Mrs. Elizabeth Holliday [0113] 293 4411 Chaplain: Canon Ann Nicholl [see above] www.leedsparishchurch.org.uk e-mail: [email protected] Monday, 14th MATTHIAS THE APOSTLE • Chandigarh (North India) – Bishop: Joel Mal • St Andrew Starbeck – Francis Wainaina; David Leonard (R) Adrian Waring (R) • Induction of Chris Butler as Vicar at Holy Trinity Ripon 9.45 am Morning Prayers Leeds Parish Church 5.30 pm Choral Eucharist of St Matthias [Boys’ Voices] Leeds Parish Church Tuesday, 15th • Chelmsford (Canterbury, England) – Bishop: Stephen Geoffrey Cottrell; David Hawkins (Barking) John Wraw (Bradwell) Christopher Heudebouurck Morgan (Colchester) • Walkingham Hill: St Oswald Farnham, St Thomas Scotton, All Saints Staveley, St Michael Copgrove, St Bartholomew Arkendale – Peter Midwood; Brian Shipman (R) Sarah Shipman (R) Joan Dixon (R) 8.50 am Prayers St Peter’s School 9.45 am Morning Prayers Leeds Parish Church 10.00 am Coffee Morning Lincoln Green Centre 1.05 pm Holy Communion Holy Trinity Wednesday, 16th Caroline Chisholm, Social Reformer, 1877 • Chennai (Form. Madras) – (South India) – Bishop: Vedanayagam Devasahayam • Coimbatore (South India) – Bishop: Manickam Dorai • St James Wetherby – Brendan Giblin; David Bailey (R) Marilyn Smith (R) William Fawcett (R) James Robinson (R) 9.00 am Wednesday Worship St Peter’s School 9.45 am Morning Prayers Leeds Parish Church 5.30 pm Choral Evensong Leeds Parish Church 6.00 pm Vestry Hour Leeds Parish Church 7.00 pm Bible Study for Gratitude and Generosity Leeds Parish Church Thursday, 17th ASCENSION DAY • Sheffield (York, England) – Bishop: Steven Croft; Peter Burrows (Doncaster) • St Aidan’s Church of England High School - Headteacher: John Wood; Chaplain: Jeanette Corker 9.45 am Morning Prayers Leeds Parish Church 1.05 pm Holy Communion [BCP] Leeds Parish Church 7.30 pm Choral Festal Eucharist Leeds Parish Church Friday, 18th • Chester (York, England) – Bishop: Peter Robert Forster; Keith Sinclair (Birkenhead), Robert Atwell (Stockport) • H.M. Young Offenders Institution, Wetherby – Ian Thompson 9.45 am Morning Prayers Leeds Parish Church 12.00 noon Midday Prayers Leeds Parish Church 12.30 pm Organ Recital [David Hardie guest organist] Leeds Parish Church 1.05 pm Holy Communion Holy Trinity Saturday, 19th Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, Restorer of Monastic life, 988 • Chhattisgarh (North India) – vacant • Harrogate Hospitals – David Hoskins (Baptist) Jim Grebby (C of E) Sue Pearce (C of E) Jim Leavy (RC) 10.30 am Confirmation Class [West End of Church] Leeds Parish Church 10.30 am Bible Study for Gratitude and Generosity [Lady Chapel] Leeds Parish Church 11.45 am Morning Worship [Girls’ Voices] Leeds Parish Church 7.00 pm Concert by Leeds Youth Choir Leeds Parish Church & City of Leeds Wind Band THIS YEAR’S BATTLE OF THE ORGANS: WEDNESDAY 13 JUNE at 7.30 pm Next Sunday, 20th May – THE SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Anglican Communion Sunday 9.15 am Holy Communion Leeds Parish Church 10.30 am Choral Matins Leeds Parish Church Preacher: The Venerable Paul Hooper, Archdeacon of Leeds 10.30 am Holy Communion St Mary’s Preacher: The Reverend Sue Wallace, Vicar Choral 6.30 pm Choral Evensong Leeds Parish Church Preacher: Canon Ann Nicholl TODAY AT GIPTON: The Rector preaches at the [Bishop Burroughs Memorial] Church of the Epiphany, Gipton – one of the finest of all English church buildings of the 20th century – for their Dedication Festival Evensong this evening at 6.00 pm. The service will be sung Stanford in B flat with Wesley’s Blessed be the God and Father by the Boys and Men of the Parish Church Choir with organist David Houlder. All are warmly welcome. There is no 6.30 service at the Parish Church this Sunday. THE NEW CHOIR AND CLERGY STALL CUSHIONS: will be dedicated during 10.30 Choral Eucharist this Sunday, 13 May. Our very grateful thanks go to all involved in bringing this project to full fruition. GRATITUDE AND GENEROSITY: is the title of our Stewardship initiative during May. On three Sundays May 13, 20 and 27 at the 10.30 Service at LPC we have two visiting preachers plus the Rector to focus and lead thoughts and prayer. Bible studies on Wednesdays 9, 16 and 23 May at 7.00 pm and Saturday May 19 at 10.30am. All these events help us to realise our responsibility to the mission of church and our ability to meet this responsibility. Have you received or obtained a Gratitude and Generosity leaflet yet from Church? ASCENSION DAY: this year falls on Thursday this week 17 May. Services that day are 9.45 Morning Prayers, 1.05 Prayer Book Holy Communion and 7.30 Choral Festal Eucharist to the music of Mozart; this last-named service is followed by the presentation of Rachel Carr Trust awards for the benefit of former Choristers. LEEDS YOUTH CHOIR & CITY OF LEEDS WIND BAND: are in concert on Saturday this week, 19 May, at the Parish Church at 7.00 pm. Tickets are £6 [discounts/concessions £4]. Details from Phil Rone on 0113 244 1849. STEWARDSHIP ENVELOPES: Stewardship & Gift Aid Secretary, Hazel Ward will also be glad to help prospective new members of the Stewardship Scheme. FILM NIGHT: Our next Film Night will be on Sunday June 10 at 7.30 in the City of Leeds room when the film will be City of Angels. CONFIRMATION 2012: Meetings for those wishing to be confirmed are now taking place on ongoing Saturday mornings at 10.30 am. This year’s Parish Confirmation is at Leeds Parish Church on Sunday 24 June at 10.30 when the Diocesan Bishop celebrates and presides. THIS SUNDAY AT GIPTON: The Rector preaches at the [Bishop Burroughs Memorial] Church of the Epiphany, Gipton – one of the finest of all English church buildings of the 20th century – for their Dedication Festival Evensong this evening at 6.00 pm. The service will be sung Stanford in B flat with Wesley’s Blessed be the God and Father by the Boys and Men of the Parish Church Choir with organist David Houlder. All are warmly welcome. There is no 6.30 service at the Parish Church this Sunday. MUSIC NEWS: It has just been announced by the University of Huddersfield that an Honorary Doctorate of that university is to be conferred upon our Master of the Music in July in recognition of his contribution to music and choral singing, locally and internationally. BATTLE OF THE ORGANS: The 2012 Battle takes place on Wednesday evening 13 June at 7.30 pm. Is this date in your personal or family diary yet? PLEASE PRAY FOR: MEMBERS OF OUR CHURCH COMMUNITY – in residential care Christine Caines, Maureen Coles, Alice Normington, Ted Marks, Peter Milner, Veronica Rutkowska, Sylvia Wilkinson, Susan Williams THOSE WHO ASK OUR PRAYERS Albert Andrews, Joan Ball, Rose Beck, Dr John Birch, David Bywater, Sonia Bywater, John Cooper, Marilyn Drew [wife of organist and conductor Philip], Bridget Durkin, John Edmonds, Francesca Eyre, Catherine Mary Ladd; Logan Firth, Ivy Frampton, John Hardaker, Pauline Holladay, Kathleen Holway, Peter Holway [now on Dialysis], Peter Jackson, Priscilla Jackson, Joanne Lebor, Karen MacDonald, Marjorie Milner, Gordon Rees, Jack Robins,Cathryn Robinson, Iris Rutkowska, John Sheldrake, Pamela Sheldrake, Althea Shevill, Mavis Simpson, David Speck, Denis Stenning, Erik Thornton, Patricia Wagstaff, Hazel Ward, Ken Ward [formerly of City of Leeds School and father of singer Caroline Lenton-Ward], Geoff Wheat, Mavis Whitehead YEAR’S MIND Dennis Wharham [14 May 1993], Canon Kenneth Stapleton [15 May 2000] FOCUS ON: Christian Aid Week 13 – 19 MAY Christian Aid believes that poverty is an outrage against humanity, so it is working throughout the world to help people out of hunger, thus ending extreme poverty. One of the most impressive facts about Christian Aid is that it works in every country with local agencies, thus ensuring the people of the area are totally involved in the decision making and delivery of the initiatives to restore justice. This year the country of Sierra Leone is being highlighted by a particular project taking place for the people of Gbap (pronounced Bap). The partner agency is the Methodist Church of Sierra Leone who has encouraged the people of the town to set up a village development project. This enables the farmers to have tools to work the land, transport for the distribution of their products and central milling machines to grind the cassava, making it much more marketable. The success, both financially and in community development terms, has enabled the building of a school for the local children.
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