Ragdres Hwithrans Darlesor Gonis Poblek Kernewek Agwedh Onan – Studhyans Arhwilas Derivas Cornish Public Service Broadcaster Research Project Phase 1 – Scoping Study Report Denzil Monk, Florence Browne, Rachel Moseley & Mandy Berry July 2019. D.M. designed and directed the project. F.B., R.M. and M.B. contributed to the design and implementation of the research, to the analysis of the results and to the writing of the manuscript. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Dalghow Contents Raglavar 04. Ystynnans 1: Studhyansow kas media gonis poblek 59. Dallethieth Oryon Foreword yethow minoryta Nowydh arghesys Annex 1: Minority language public service media case studies gans Konsel Kernow 1. Berrskrif gweythresek 05. delivrys gans DMCS, Executive summary Alban – MG Alba 59. ow kesoberi gans Scotland – MG ALBA 2. Mosen a gomendyansow 12. an Bagas Hwithrans Table of recommendations Kembra – S4C 69. Termynyow a Dheu Wales – S4C Diwysyansow Awenek, 3. Kettestennow 14. Skol Fylm & Pellwolok, Contexts Repoblek Iwerdhon – TG4 76. Pennskol Aberfala. Republic of Ireland – TG4 14. 3.1 Media gonis poblek – gologva ollvysel A New Frontiers initiative Public service media – a global perspective Mordir Nowydh – Maori TV 80. funded by Cornwall Council New Zealand – Maori TV 3.2 Media gonis poblek – yethow minoryta 22. delivered by DMCS working Public service media – minority languages Breten Vyghan – TV Breizh 84. with the Creative Industries Brittany – Breton TV Futures Research Group, 3.3 An wel dhyworth Kernow 24. School of Film & Television The view from Cornwall Manow – Radyo Manowek 86. at Falmouth University Isle of Man – Manx Radio and Department of Film 4. Dielvenansow 32. & Television Studies at Analyses Enesow an Chanel – Jersenys/Gwernenys 90. University of Warwick. Channel Islands – Jersey/Guernsey 4.1 Daswel lien 32. Literature review Ystynnans 2: Gonis Media Kernewek 92. Annex 2: Cornish Media Service 4.2 Gorholedh goslowysi – dielvennans nivel 33. ughel Ystynnans A: Ambosow kevarwodha 103. Audience demand – high level analysis Appendix A: Terms of reference 4.3 Bynk – dielvennans nivel ughel 43. Ystynnans B: Para ragdres 104. Platform – high level analysis Appendix B: Project team 4.3 Knowen doos gadon dalvosogeth MGP 50. Ystynnans C: Kowethasow kussulys 106. The PSM value chain doughnut Appendix C: Parties consulted Raglavar Foreword To Cornwall Council, discoverability algorithms of the streaming giants. Considering the opportunities and implications The resultant case studies encompass a wealth of arising from applications of emerging technologies You commissioned us to conduct an initial scoping strategic and specific intelligences, which we have like DLT in the global Media & Entertainment study to identify potential business and development applied in modelling a Cornish Public Service Media. industries, we set out to describe a new blueprint models for a Cornish Public Service Broadcaster, for PSM, designed to harness the opportunities of to determine potential economic and cultural Building on these analyses and ideas expounded the future. impacts, and to identify a framework for capacity in Freedman and Goblet’s A Future for Public development of such a service. We’re pleased to Service Television (2018) this study considers Denzil Monk, Principal Investigator, submit our final report which sets out our findings design principles for a new, non-metropolitan, Cornish PSB Research Project and recommendations. non-linear Cornish Public Service Media that recognises, reflects and revitalizes the complex This study has investigated potential business and plurality of twenty-first-century British identity, development models for Cornish Public Service modelling an essential redefinition of public Media, considering the current status and future service broadcasting for the digital age. It presents developments of minority language public service a framework for capacity development of Cornish broadcasting in the context of significant changes in Public Service Media in Cornwall identifying existing viewing trends and technology in an expanding global and proposed activities in Cornwall that could VOD market. contribute to this development. We have reflected on the potential economic and Using the EBU generic digital media enterprise value cultural impacts of such a service, drawing on a chain model as a foundation, we applied the public wide range of recent industry reports and studies, service resonant principles of a social foundation and implementing a high-level analysis of platform climate emergency aware ecological ceiling described alternatives and potential audience, and assembling in Raworth’s Doughnut Economics theory, defining concise comparative case studies of Cornish, Irish, the PSM Value Chain Doughnut, a twenty-first Manx, Breton, and te reo Maori minority language century model for regenerative public service media public service media (PSM), with a deeper analysis of provision, a tool for planning and measuring value S4C in Wales and MG ALBA in Scotland, evaluating and impacts with process flows of people, finance these analogous services in the context of the rapidly and data from supply chain to user experience. changing digital landscape, dominated by data and the Ragdres Hwithrans DGP Kernewek - Studhyans Arhwilas Agwedh 1 | mis Gortheren 2019 | Cornish PSB Research Project – Phase 1 Scoping Study | July 2019 (CC-BY) Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Kummyas Keswlasek (CC-BY) Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 01. Berrskrif gweythresek Executive summary Kenedhel yw Kernow. ha le mayth yw gweladow, lehes yw dhe ‘goyntys dyffrans yw digudhys: bargennyow tir nerth konnyk, leel’ dhe vos gwelys avel rann a vewedh kernewek an goredhom anedhans, bonniow teknologieth vysyel, Kernewek, an yeth, yw aswonys avel yeth minoryta gwarahys po prevyans vysytyer. menegvaow esow liesek, an diwysyans efanvos... yn-dann an Chartour Europek rag Yethow Ranndiryel usi ow tri yn fog imach komplettha dres eghen es ha Minoryta (CEYRM, 2003). Dasklassys veu gans Kernow yw kampollys yn tivers avel duketh, tiredh, Kernow ‘pastiow ha dehen’. UNESCO yn 2010 avel ‘peryllys yn troboyntel’ ha is-tiredh, konteth, po avel pennhyns anhedhek. dres an argerdh a dhasvywheans, gans an niver a Homm yw gwel a-ves a ‘aral’ a denn vystyoryon yn Peswora Breus Kessedhek Kussulyek Konsel Europa dus owth ombrofya dhe’n apposyansow y’n yeth bushow bras, myth-le selys war ‘romansekheans war gowlwrians an KFDVK gans an Ruwvaneth Unys, kernewek gans Kesva an Taves Kernewek KESVA teg’ (Moseley 2018, f.110) pystriys gans kansvledhen recevys an 25ens a vis Me 2016, a wolowboynt an ow kresegi tevyans a 18% BWV dhyworth 2016- anlettys a argemynnow viaj romansek, desedhans kuhudhans ma: 20181, konter an tuedh ollvysel a dhiverseth yethek drama istorek ha jornalyaseth tornyaseth sesonel. ow lehe.Kernewek yw yeth usi ow pywa, tevi. an BBC bys dhe’n termyn ma dhe worra Askorrans kernewek yw gwelys yn fenowgh Kernow yn bagas gans Pow Sows Soth West An ervirans dhe aswon honanieth unnik an dre brism a’y istori po y dirwedh avel kilva. hag yn maner siansek dhe gemyska daldraow Gernowyon a re dhedha an keth savla yn dann Nebes askorroryon leel a venegas bos spas kernewek... An Kessedhek Kussul a edreg an an Kevambos Framweyth rag Difresyans a rag hwedhlans arnowydh ha rag keskelmans profil ispoyntyel a Gernewek war vedia Vinorytys Kenedhlek (KFDVK) ha tus keltek gans gonisogethow keltek erel, kepar ha Kembra pennfrosek. An 5 mynysen pub seythen a erel an RU, an Albanyon, an Gembrion ha’n po Breten Vyghan. Re rontyas dhe Gernow gre dowlennow kernewek darlesys gans an BBC Wodhyli (Governans RU, 2014). minoryta a-ji dhe’n RU mes hwath govyn ygor war Radyo Kernow a veu arvreusys gans yw mars eus marghas rag hwedhlans kernewek kernewegoryon dhe vos anlowr – ow tochya An Gernowyon a’s teves aga hwedhlow aga honan fylmys a’n par ma a-ji hag adar CIOS (Saffery gis, dalgh ha hirder (Konsel Europa 2017, f.31). dh’aga derivas, a dalvia bos hwedhlys y’ga levow Champness 2018, f.55). aga honan: istori gothus ha gonisogeth unnik, yeth Y’n Deverow Ollgemmyn Chartour Ryel an BBC arbennek, termyn present beghus ha devedhek An hwedhlor alowys, lev a awtorita a-ves, a lever (14) rann Diversita (5) 2016 y leverir: ‘Res yw dhe’n dismygek. Gologva arbennek orth an bys hag dhe’n Gernowyon piw yns i, ha styrya termys a’ga BBC skoodhya yethow ranndiryel ha minoryta an yw kevrynnys gans teyluyow ha kemenethow yn bosva, ha na wrons i eksistya yn hwir (Daily Mail, Ruvaneth Unys der y eskorrans ha gonisyow ha diwottiow, klubow kowethasek, helyow trevow, 2010), ha’ga bos feusik dhe vywa yn rann an bys dre gesparethow gans kowethyansow erel.’ gans gwariva hag ilow, orth golyow ha festow dres mar deg. Dres an ‘lagattans tornyas trevesigel (DCMS, 2016). oll an vledhen, yn Kernow hys-ha-hys. Mes orth lagas perghenogel’ (Moseley 2018, f.193), yn metyans a-ves, gonisogeth kernewek yw anweladow ogasti, gans gwel ledanna es karten bost, gwirder erbysek Ragdres Hwithrans DGP Kernewek - Studhyans Arhwilas Agwedh 1 | mis Gortheren 2019 | Cornish PSB Research Project – Phase 1 Scoping Study | July 2019 (CC-BY) Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Kummyas Keswlasek (CC-BY) Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 01. Berrskrif gweythresek Executive summary Ow provia nowodhow ha radyo ‘leel’ a-barth poblek rag an yeth kernewek ha’n bobel gernewek; & Ranndiryow an BBC rag aswonvos, dastewynnya konteth a-ji framweyth Ranndir SW a Bow Sows, ha dasvywhe an liesplekter kompleth a honanieth nyns yw provians an DGP (PSB) a-lemmyn dhyworth An studhyans ma a gows orth an fowt ma a brovians Predennek an 21ens kansvledhen? an BBC gwiw rag porpos. Y fyllir orth delivra lev gonis poblek, ha kampolla agan kentrevogyon geltek, rag an bobel gernewek. Ha’n BBC ow fyllel orth minorytys kenedhlek erel an RU yw aswonys gans gre Dre reson an goredhom hin hag anparder delivra kanasedhyans leun a styr a’n yeth ha’n bobel difresys ha yethow teythyek yn Kembra, Alban hag golusogneth ow sevel - hwath yth yw Kernow yn gernewek, ev a dorr yn syth y Dheverow Ollgemmyn Iwerdhon Gledh.
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