S tudia 1 S tudia Historica Historica S lovenica letnik 9 (2009), {t. S lovenica STYLIANOS POLITIS: Stratagems, Deceits and International Law – Examples from History RICHARD CARRIER: The Experience of Dying in Wars, and the Historian’s Wisdom MILJAN MILKIĆ: The Serbian Army and the Cultural and Reli- gious Heritage in WWI DMITAR TASIĆ: Army of the Kingdom of Serbians, Croats and Slovenes and the Seizing of New Borders 1919–1920: the Ex- ample of Old and Southern Serbia WOJCIECH WŁODARKIEWICZ: The Soviet Union’s Aggres- sion against Poland in 1939 ZVEZDAN MARKOVIĆ: Lessons Learned from the April War in 1941, with Emphasis on the Slovenian Territory ANDREJ RAHTEN: "The First Slovenian Legation in Our His- tory": Diplomatic Activities of Izidor Cankar and Frank Star- man in Ottawa during the Second World War MIROSLAV ČAPLOVIČ and IGOR BAKA: Slovakia in Alli- ances in the First Half of the 20th Century PÁL GERMUSKA: Dual Budgetary System in Socialist Hungary in the 1950s DARIUSZ KOZERAWSKI: Special Operations in the Second Fotografija na naslovnici / Half of 20th Century: Development and Experience Photography on the Cover: lovenica Franjo Malgaj (1915) JAN ŠTAIGL: Slovakia in Military-political and Military Plans of S (Osebni arhiv Janka Štampfla, the Allies and Alliances from 1945 to 1992 pranečaka Franja Malgaja) Franjo Malgaj (1915) TOMAŽ KLADNIK: Territorial Defence of the Republic of Slovenia (Personal archive of Janko Štampfl, urnephew of Franjo Malgaj) ^asopis za humanisti~ne in dru`boslovne {tudije Humanities and Social Studies Review istorica H 2009 tudia S 1 SHS Ovitek MONTAZA st 01_09.indd 1 11/9/09 4:28:45 PM S tudia Historica S lovenica Studia Historica Slovenica ^asopis za humanisti~ne in dru`boslovne {tudije Humanities and Social Studies Review letnik 9 (2009), {t. 1 MARIBOR 2009 Studia Historica Slovenica ISNN 1580-8122 ^asopis za humanisti~ne in dru`boslovne {tudije / Humanities and Social Studies Review Izdajatelj / Published by ZGODOVINSKO DRU[TVO DR. FRANCA KOVA^I^A V MARIBORU/ HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DR. FRANC KOVA^I^ IN MARIBOR http://www.zgodovinsko-drustvo-kovacic.si/ Uredni{ki odbor / Editorial Board dr. Ivo Banac (ZDA / USA), dr. Rajko Bratuž, dr. Neven Budak, (Hrva{ka / Croatia), dr. Darko Darovec, dr. Darko Fri{, dr. Stane Granda, dr. Andrej Hozjan, dr. Mateja Matja{i~ Fri{, dr. Jože Mlinari~, dr. Jurij Perov{ek, dr. Jože Pirjevec (Italija / Italy), dr. Dragan Poto~nik, dr. Tone Ravnikar, dr. Imre Szilágyi, (Madžarska / Hungary), dr. Peter Štih, dr. Andrej Vovko, dr. Marija Wakounig (Avstrija / Austria), dr. Zinka Zorko Glavni in odgovorni urednik / Chief and Responsible Editor dr. Darko Fri{ Zgodovinsko dru{tvo dr. Franca Kova~i~a Koro{ka cesta 160, SI – 2000 Maribor, Slovenija telefon / Phone: 00386 2 229 36 58 fax / Fax: 00386 2 229 36 25 e-po{ta / e-mail: [email protected] Tehni~na urednica / Tehnical Editor dr. Mateja Matja{i~ Fri{ ^lanki so recenzirani. Za znanstveno vsebino prispevkov so odgovorni avtorji. Ponatis ~lankov je mogo~ samo z dovoljenjem uredni{tva in navedbo vira. The articles have been reviewed. The authors are solely responsible for the content of their articles. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the publisher’s prior consent and a full mention of the source. @iro ra~un / Bank Account: Nova KBM d.d. SI 56041730001421147 Prevodi / Translation: VMSV (angle{~ina / English) Lektoriranje / Language-editing: VMSV Oblikovanje naslovnice / Cover Design: Gregor Slemnik Oblikovanje in ra~unalni{ki prelom / Design and Computer Typesetting: Gregor Slemnik Tisk / Printed by: ^ukGraf d.o.o. http: //shs.zgodovinsko-drustvo-kovacic.si/ Izvle~ke prispevkov v tem ~asopisu objavljata 'Historical – Abstracts' in 'America: History and Life'. ^asopis je uvr{~en v 'Ulrich's Periodicals Directory' in evropsko humanisti~no bazo ERIH. Abstracts of this review are included in 'Historical – Abstracts' and 'America: History and Life'. This review is included in 'Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory' and european humanistic database ERIH. Studia historica Slovenica, ^asopis za humanisti~ne in dru`boslovne {tudije, je vpisan v razvid medijev, ki ga vodi Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, pod zaporedno {tevilko 487. Izdajo ~asopisa sta omogo~ila Agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost RS, Mestna ob~ina Maribor in Voja{ki muzej Slovenske vojske. Co-financed by the Slovenian Research Agency, City of Maribor and Slovenian Armed Forces Military Museum. S tudia Historica S lovenica Ka za lo / Con tents In Memoriam / In memoriam JANEZ CVIRN: In Memoriam – Dr. Vasilij Melik ........................................................................ 9 ^lan ki in raz pra ve / Pa pers and Es says STYLIANOS POLITIS: Stratagems, Deceits and International Law – Examples from History ..................................................................................................................... 17 Ukane, prevare in mednarodno pravo – primeri iz zgodovine RICHARD CARRIER: The Experience of Dying in Wars and the Historian’s Wisdom .................................................................................................................... 27 Umiranje v vojnah in zgodovinska modrost MILJAN MILKIĆ: The Serbian Army and the Cultural and Religious Heritage in WWI ............................................................................................................. 51 Srbska vojska ter kulturna in cerkvena dediščina v času prve svetovne vojne DMITAR TASIĆ: Army of the Kingdom of Serbians, Croats and Slovenes and the Seizing of New Borders 1919–1920: the Example of Old and Southern Serbia .......................................................................... 67 Vojska Kraljevine Srbov, Hrvatov in Slovencev v bojih za nove meje 1919–1920: primer stare in južne Srbije WOJCIECH WŁODARKIEWICZ: The Soviet Union’s Aggression against Poland in 1939 ...................................................................................................................... 81 Napad Sovjetske zveze na Poljsko leta 1939 ZVEZDAN MARKOVIĆ: Lessons Learned from the April War in 1941, with Emphasis on the Slovenian Territory ................................................. 95 Izkušnje iz vojskovanja v aprilski vojni leta 1941 s posebnim pogledom na slovensko ozemlje S tudia Historica S lovenica ANDREJ RAHTEN: "The First Slovenian Legation in Our History": Diplomatic Activities of Izidor Cankar and Frank Starman in Ottawa during the Second World War ............................................................................ 111 "Prvo slovensko poslaništvo v naši zgodovini": diplomatske dejavnosti Izidorja Cankarja in Franka Starmana v Ottawi med 2. svetovno vojno MIROSLAV ČAPLOVIČ and IGOR BAKA: Slovakia in Alliances in the First Half of the 20th Century ........................................................................................... 147 Slovaška v vojaških zavezništvih v prvi polovici 20. stoletja PÁL GERMUSKA: Dual Budgetary System in Socialist Hungary in the 1950s .................................................................................................................................................. 171 Dvojni proračunski sistem v socialistični Madžarski v 1950.-tih DARIUSZ KOZERAWSKI: Special Operations in the Second Half of 20th Century: Development and Experience .......................................................................... 189 Specialne operacije v drugi polovici 20. stoletja: razvoj in izkušnje JAN ŠTAIGL: Slovakia in Military-political and Military Plans of the Allies and Alliances from 1945 to 1992 ........................................................... 203 Slovaška v vojaško-političnih in vojaških načrtih zaveznikov in zavezništev med 1945 in 1992 TOMAŽ KLADNIK: Territorial Defence of the Republic of Slovenia ................... 217 Teritorialna obramba Republike Slovenije Avtorski izvle~ki / Authors’ Abstracts ............................ 241 Uredni{ka navodila avtorjem / Editor’s Instructions to Authors ...................................... 249 S tudia Historica S lovenica In Memoriam / In memoriam S tudia H istorica S lovenica In Memoriam – Dr. Vasilij Melik (Ljubljana, 17 January 1921 – Ljubljana, 28 January 2009) On 28 January 2009 one of the most important Slovenian historians of the 20th century, Academic Prof. Dr. Vasilij Melik died. Professor Melik was born on 17 January 1921 in Ljubljana, in the family of a famous Slovenian geographer An- ton Melik. After concluding classical high school in Ljubljana (1939), he con- tinued his studies at the Faculty of Arts. He completed his studies of history, geography and comparative literature in the middle of the World War II (1943) which brought him no good; he was interned to Gonars by the Italians, and made to perform forced labour in Postojna. Due to his knowledge of foreign languages, he shortly worked for the TANJUG office in Ljubljana after the war. At the end of 1945 he was employed by the Municipal Archives of Ljubljana and the Slavic Library, and until 1947, as an assistant archivist and librarian helped to establish both institutions which are still extremely important for Ljubljana and Slovenia. During his work at the Municipal Archives and the Slavic Library he started to deal with systematic scientific research work. In the year 1946, the newspaper Geografski vestnik published his thorough article on political and geographical characteristics of some Eastern European countries (which continued in the next year), while in 1947, the newspaper Zgodovinski časopis published his comprehensive discussion on Trieste elections
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