NEWS-JOURNALEmmitsburg VOLUME 4, NO. 8 • WWW.EMMITSBURG.NET • WWW.MYFAIRFIELD.NET • AUGUST 2012 NEWS Emmitsburg Receives Grant John Reaves, former Mayor & WWII veteran, dies A $28,000 grant will be utilized by the town for upgrading the Town Square. Page 2 ohn Rollins Reaves, former Reaves’ son, recalled that one on Morotai Island, a JEmmitsburg Mayor and Town of the key attributes of his fa- small island located Thousands Attend Council President, died on Friday, ther’s role as mayor and town among the Indone- Carroll Valley 4th July 20, at his Emmitsburg home commissioner was “not being sian Maluku Islands. Crowds weathered heat in the mid- 90s and humidity to enjoy rides, en- at 90 years of age. supportive of the expansion of In late-1944, Reaves tertainment and food. Page 3 Reaves ascended to the posi- town boundaries (through an- and his staunch but tion of Emmitsburg Mayor on nexations). He loved the town disease-ridden and Taneytown Celebrates Summer August 7, 1979, upon the resig- the way it was.” combat-spent unit The completion of road work has nation of then-Mayor and Vig- Mayor Reaves was born in Or- returned to the States set the stage for a number of repeat events, and several new ones. Page 4 ilant Hose Fire Chief, Eugene lando, Florida in 1921. He joined and did not fight Myers. Reaves was serving as the the National Guard in 1941 be- again (Reaves’ WWII Council President when Myers fore the Japanese attack on Pearl exploits were the sub- COMMENTARY resigned. Myers resigned halfway Harbor. Following that assault, ject of the June Edi- Words From Winterbilt If congress did nothing for the next through his 2-year term to devote his guard unit was activated. tion of the Veteran 10 years, we would end up with a more time to the Fire Company. Reaves went on to serve in the Profile). balanced budget. Page 10 Reaves is described by those Pacific Campaign with the 1st After World War who knew him as a “reluctant Battalion of the 32nd Division, II, John married the Down Under mayor” because he never chose to and participated, as a squad lead- love of his life, Betty Freedom of speech, as John Stuart Mill observed, is one of man’s inalienable run for mayor and after serving er, in assaults in North Papua New Jane Rohrbaugh and rights. It is possibly the last of them, and the nine month balance of My- Guinea in 1944. opened Reaves Elec- therefore the most precious.Page 11 ers’s term, he chose not to run for In July 1944, during one fierce tric Company, an appliance store, John Hollinger, a board mem- election to any town office. engagement, Reaves stated that in Emmitsburg. Former employ- ber of the Emmitsburg Vigilant ARTICLES Charles Long, a former employ- his unit surprised a large force of ee Long said, “I worked for him Hose Company, fondly remem- The Book of Days ee of Reaves, said Mayor Reaves Japanese troops trying to ford a for 19 years. He was very easy to bered Reaves, “I’ve known him The life and times of Simon de Mont- “was more of a doer than a bu- river to attack the landing beach work with.” a long time. I had done business fort, Earl of Leicester—the Cromwell reaucrat” while in office. “He was (where Reaves’ unit had executed Granddaughter Pam Miles said, with him, and he did business of the thirteenth century. Page 13 very glad when the term (as may- an amphibious landing). Reaves “He [Reaves] loved fixing elec- with us down at the garage. He In the Country or) was up. I can remember every recounted, “We just opened fire trical things.” She was always was a good and honest man.” Get ready for the best fair of the year— Friday night him sighing and say- on them from the shore. So many amazed that, whenever she went Former Mayor Reaves was in- the 90th South Mountain Fair! Page 16 ing, ‘I have to go up to the town died in the river that it turned into his apartment, “he had some- terned in the Elias Lutheran Church’s office and sign checks.’” red with blood.” thing [creative] hooked up to graveyard, next to the church he had Pets Large & Small The Rev. Ronald E. Reaves, Reaves then went on to fight make his life easier.” Remembering Max - I remember devoted so much of his life to. that you taught me more about love & loyalty than just about anything else in my life. Page 18 Carroll Valley to host 7th National Night Out The Master Gardener Is it necessary for roadside “weeds” arroll Valley Borough will be who will be demonstrating their to be cut or do they provide a benefit Cholding its 7th Annual Na- canine skills abilities. Plans also to the local ecosystem? And does it tional Night Out on August 7, call for a Stat/MedEvac helicop- even matter? Page 20 with some new activities added ter to be available for display 5 to Veteran’s Profile this year. 5:45 pm. Phillip Mort now changes tires, but The annual event will be held at Keeney Fire Service will be con- in 1967 he was invoiced in some of the Carroll Commons, 5685 Fair- ducting free fire extinguisher in- the bloodiest fighting in the Vietnam field Road from 5-8 p.m. spections for anyone wishing to War. Page 23 Carroll Valley Borough Po- bring one to the event to have it History lice Chief Richard L. Hileman, checked out. The short history of the wonderful II stated, “This is a time set aside Samaritan Lodge #336, Free and community of Rocky Ridge. Page 24 throughout the United States for Accepted Masons of Pennsylva- nia of Gettysburg will provide par- Cold War Warriors communities to get together and A look at the darker side of espio- meet their local policemen, fire- ents with child identification kits nage during the Cold War. Page 26 fighters, social service agencies and through the organization’s Mason- The Mid-Atlantic Dogs rescue service will once emergency responders.“ ic Child Identification Programs again be in attendance to show off their prowess. JOURNALS The purpose of National Night (CHIP) Program. tion for the whole family,” the po- Many other exhibits and organi- “This is a really great program zations will be attending with in- The Retired Ecologist Out, Hileman said, “is to strength- lice chief stated. The Girl Scouts At the rate that wildlife habitats are being en the relationship between the cit- we are lucky to get,” Hileman stat- in the Heart of PA will be hosting valuable information. Smokey the converted to human use, hundreds of izens and those who have taken an ed, ”Not only do they take finger- children’s games. Bear and other costumed charac- species all over the world are headed for oath to protect them.” prints, but they also make a com- Other participants will include ters will be on site. extinction in the next few years.Page 14 Emergency responders partici- pact disc with digital stills and a Strawberry Hill Nature Center, Food will be available on site, in- The Graduate pating in this year’s event include movie of your child, as well as a who will be bringing some ani- cluding sandwiches, funnel cakes, Reflections on the future of journal- the Fairfield and Fountaindale fire take home DNA kit at no cost.” mals and will present information snow cones and Antietam Dairy ism and the value of long articles- departments, who will be display- New this year, Hileman said, on their many programs, and the ice cream. are Americans being dumbed down ing their life-saving equipment and “We will have on display Adams Harley Owners Group, who will Children under 12 and un- by factoids and figments? The value will be providing fire truck ride, County SPCA’s Mobile Spay and be presenting tips on motorcycle der get a free hot dog and potato of long articles. Page 34 Hamiltonban and Liberty Town- Neuter 4-Life Mobile Hospital, safety. chips. Simple Servings ship police, the Adams County and also a new barrel train ride for Sushi is life-changing in every dra- Sheriff’s Department, state consta- kids.“ PRE-SORTED matic sense of the phrase. Page 40 bles, and Cumberland Township’s Children are also encouraged to STANDARD bring their bikes and helmets to Complementary Corner K-9 Officer Tim Biggins and K-9 U.S. Postage Qigong is the art and science of in- Max. participate in the bike rodeo spon- Postal Customer PAID sored by Cub Scout Pack #76. creasing vitality, illness prevention, Also present will be the Mid- Westminster, MD and healing that originated thou- Atlantic Dogs rescue service and “There will be games for the Permit No. 94 sands of years ago. Page 42 Thurmont K9 Search and Rescue kids, food, and good informa- 2 | EMMITSBURG NEWS-JOURNAL | AUGUST 2012 NEWS Remembering John Reaves first met John Reaves in the fall of out. Still sharp as a tack. YES! The police caught the thief at Emmitsburg 1960 when I was constructing my A real highlight for John and Eric his home. I NEWS-JOURNAL house. as well as several Taney employees Many times we have rehashed This was a Northern Homes proj- was our trip to the National Home that situation, just a little dangerous, 1 East Main Street ect and John was the electrician. We Builders Show in Las Vegas, about as well as our other get togethers and P.O.
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