WWF \ ORRI I) fKh K Public Disclosure Authorized AR@ 33100 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized XaTrHH; OCOHamxHMEHCYXBAATAP XaTI'HH OcopHaMxKHMFiH CYXBAATAP Public Disclosure Authorized MOHrOJI YJICbIH IHHHMJI3X YXAAHbI AIAAEMH X3JI 3OXHOJIbIH XYP33JI3H SACRED SITES OF MONGOLIA MOHFOAbIH TAXHAFAT YYA YCHbI CAHFIHHH CYaAP OPWBOH. 3MX3Tr3H 6ojioBcpyyn,K 3p,3M IUHH)CHJIF33HHR TakIi6ap, cyganraar yr4iiac3H XATIFHH OCOPHAMKIHMbIH CYXLAATAP PEXLAKTOP: ,UOKTOP, npo4eccop HI.XYP3JIEAATAP 93,R ,OKTOp m. COHHHBAIP X. B5IMBA)KAB Translation: B.ELBEGZAYA, Sh.GANBYAMBA, J.DUNN and T.LEWIS Ta]iapxa]¶ Acknowledgments: 3H3Xyy HOMbIr X3BJ WJI3X9JA,3J1XHHH BaHK, MoHroJIbIH BypxaH IIaliiHHTHbI TOB This publication has been made possible with the support of the Gandan Tegehilen (MEHIT) /FaHAaH T3r'HRj3H XHiiA/, lj3JIXHHiH BaHK-rowlaHqbIH 3acrHHH ra3pblH Monastery/ Center of Mongolian Buddhists and The World Bank-Netherlands XaMTbIH axnUuaraaHbI xeTeji6ep 60JIoH IHa1IlHH 6a BaiiraJIb XaMraan.nbIH Xo.u6oo Partnership Program, through a contract with the Alliance for Religions and Con- (IIIBXX) , Ij3JIXHHH BaHK 6a WWF (J3nIXHHH BafiraJlb XaMraajiax CaH) xaMTapcaH servation (ARC), and The World Bank-WWF Alliance for Forest Conservation OfiH HeeIgHHr xaMPaaJIax, TorTBoPToH amIHriax XeOTeJi6epHHH XYP33HA WWF and Sustainable Use, through a contract with WWF Mongolia and the assis- (J1A3nXHHH B,airaJlb XaMraaJlax CaH)-HiiH MoHPoJI Aaxb TOBIiOO 33p3r . 6a9JIXHfiyHayj caHxyyraRb Xamraaj1uiaxH CaHy.)-H H Ma OHi~rOp qaXb TOBquiar, T H tance of the following individuals working with these organizations: 6aRryynvmaryy,q caHxyyrHiiH TycjamIvaar y3yyJIC3H 6a 3Arm3p 6akryy:mara, TyyHHfi wJKMITHyyqa, TaiiapxaJi HJI3pXHHJIbe. MEHUIT/Fauda TqasiuAa Xu2i: ,LDizxuiMn Eaw?C For Gandan Monastery: ForARC: EIx xaM6aj,l. THomKaMuq TOHH YHTeH Hamba Lama D. Choijamts Baatar, Bazar )I3A A°OKTop III. CoHHH6aip Dr. Sh. Soninbayar Jeannie Dunn, ARC UK X. BMm6axJaB Lama H. Byambajav Tjalling Halbertsma Tara Lewis, ARC UK HUBXX: ,1BXC-uiun Moneoa daxb Toe0oo: For World Bank: Richard Prime, ARC UK B. BaaTap B,. 4H1M9n-O'Hp Tony Whitten LaIIHHrXawi6epTcMa B. 3.I63r3asAa For WWF Mongolia: )KeHHH,IaHH P. BoJiop Chimed- Ochir, Bazarsad Tapa JIyHc Elbegzaya, Batjargal PHwap,q rIpauM Bolor, Radnaabazar XABTACHbI 3YPAr: HaJIHHr Xai6epTcMa COVER PHOTO: Tjalling Halbertsma XABTACHbI jI1I3AflH: PHiapA [lpaHM, MBXX-HbI AHrJIH Aaxb CaJi6ap COVER DESIGN: Richard Prime, ARC UK HOMbIH 3X B33JITF3C3H: C. l3aTq3q3r BOOK DESIGN: S. Battsetseg Copyright text: Mr O.Sukhbaatar ISBN 99929-5-385-3 Copyright Photography: WWF Mongolia/ARC Ulaanbaatar, 2001 YniaaH6aaTap 2001 ISBN- 99929-5-385-3 MOHEOJI YJICbIH GOVERNMENT 3ACrI4FlH rA3AP OF MONGOLIA Date Ulaanbaatar -12 N°. Phone: 976-1-322408 Fax: 976-1-310011 Foreword for the book "Sacred Sites of Mongolia" In 1998, I joined a meeting hosted by President Wolfensohn of the World Bank who had invited a wide range of participants with different religious backgrounds to comment on issues such as sustainable development and ecology from a religious perspective. As a Buddhist I welcomed this approach and felt that religions could make a vital contribution to these issues. I was also pleased to encounter ARC and WWF during these meetings and to find the acknowledgement of the World Bank that religions can play a vital role in these issues. Since then, the involvement of religious communities in nature protection has, through the generous support of the World Bank and in partnership with ARC and WWF, increased significantly in Mongolia. Pupils in our schools, both religious and secular, have received ecological courses and have practically contributed to the well being of our environment. Our monasteries have also been instrumental in this and I am encouraged to hear that the model developed in Mongolia has been copied by other countries. This book is a result of the cooperation between ARC, the World Bank, WWF, and the people of Mongolia and follows a similar book on the origin of place names in Mongolia, both written by the eminent scholar Sukhbaatar. Sacred Sites of Mongolia explores our mountains and rivers and the importance they hold for our natural environment and our identity. Sacred Sites of Mongolia has been prepared for the occasion of the first visit of the President of the World Bank, who has expressed such great interest in the history, identity and culture of our country Mongolia. We hope many more books will welcome him on future visits. 9 1 N. Enkhbayar 4 SACRED SIT ES OF MONGOLIA Prime Minister of Mongolia FOREWORD The changes in Mongolia since the collapse of Communism ten years ago have | t | | . X shown that the country's religious traditions have formed a firm basis upon which to rebuild a country with a strong historical perspective and identity. This rebuilding must encompass more than just infrastructure; the links between physical and psychological WORLD BANK recovery should be addressed as well. This process will involve rebuilding peoples' memories, hopes and beliefs. One way to aid in the process of rebuilding is to document Mongolia's sacred lands, an act which will in tum help to guide the ways in which land and resources are used. I note that one of the first acts of Prime Minister Enkhbayar, when he was Minister of Culture in the early 1990s, was to rebuild the towering statue in Gandan Monastery as a symbol that religious faith was again important to the Mongolian people. Historically, religions have played a limited role in enviromnent and development issues, but in recent years the Alliance of Religions and Conservation and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) have been engaging the faiths in serious and practical dialogue, and often liaising with development institutions such as the World Bank. The Bank seeks to engage all stakeholders in the development of its policies, programs and projects. We have been working more in recent years to bring the faiths into these discussions, and we view faith communities as essential partners in our development endeavors. They represent one of the largest networks of local communities in the world, and in many places they have a depth of understanding of poor communities that is without parallel. Exploring common goals in partnership holds great promise for the future. JAMES D. WOLFENSOHN PRESIDENT, THE WORLD BANK Washington D.C. January 2002 MOHFOAbIH TAXIIAFAT YYA YCHbl CYAAP OPLHBOf 5 I493BXHT3H aKi4IJiaw, T3,qHH4 caHaaLITaH XHH2K 6aiiraa OJIOH yiII axuia4iiaraar 6yca, ynic yHq3CTHyyHl44H XyBba yJJf3p KHIII33 Tecen 6oIroH x3p3rwKyyncK 6aHraar OYDK COHCOXO, C3TF3JI H3H TaaTaHi 6aHHa. Ta 6yXHi4i aHxaapa.i, TOhIHEJIyyJIK 6aiiraa 3H3XYY HOM Hb HMPT 3pq3MT3H, x3x1 cyaniaam 0. Cyx6aaTap ryar4H 6yT33c3H MOHrOJI OpHbI ra3ap OpHbl H3pli!H rapani yyC.TLH4H Tyxall HOMbIH yprj3i)ji3Ji 6eree, [LIBXX, ,EXC, ,43.IXH4HiH BaHK 6o0JoH MOHrOJI TYMHHA C3TF3JI1 LIIHHr3C3H XaMTbIH a)KHJIljaraaHbI yp JayH IOM. MOHrOJIbIH yynJ YCHbI TaxHiraT cyaap OPIIIBOH M1HHi4A 61e 1998 0HljA3IXH4H B)aHKHbi EpeHXH4iiJIOF'q HOeH Boj~eHiCOHbI X3M33X 3H3Xyy 6yT33J Hb MOHroji OpHbI apHYH garIIIl4H YTJI3FT3H yyJI 3OXHO0H 6aiiryyji-caH J1IIX1HHH yJIC TYMHyyjI4AH AH3 6ypIAH llua1J14H YC, T3,qr33p Hb Xyp33JI3H 6ar4raa 6airaRb OpMHbI XyBbg IMMPa'a xo.l6or,aoJToH4 60niox, 6w4H4iS yHfa3CHHi OHU.TLOF X3B IIHH?K 33prFHH HYTJJ3FHl4H TeJIeeJIe)Fqj,H4H TOFTBOpTOA XOFK4J[ 6o0IoH 6aiiraJIb OpqHbl qi4r xaHjjnaraTaR xerl-KnJ4IH xyB4Ii6ap, TyyHHI ynjaM>KjianiT mIamnH g3jimH y3yyf13X IOM. LIYTJJ3FT3R X3OX3H yqmrOaa XOx600Toi 60llox Ta.aap X3JI3JJUC3H MOHFOJbIH yyJI YCHbI TaxHjiraT cyjaap OpIIIBOII X3M33X 3H3XYY HOMbIF xypaii,aaH,j opojiuo)K 6aicaii 6iji33. ,13JX1XH4H I3aHKHbI epeHxH14.Jer'l HOeH )K. BonqeHcoHbI MOHroji OpHbI .. XYHHiiYq,qbIH.. XBbaiai-ul4HTafi mp acyAajuaiuHbITyyX, COen Hpr3Hm1JI, yHq3CHIH Tycraap TOrTHOJIbIH Tanaap acap ux COHHpX,LOF XyBb XyHHI Hb XyBbg, TyyHEIf MaHarl OpOH, XHiH) 6yi alHXHbI yyPFHHF H3M3rUyyni3X Tyxa4 ,a33px caHaaqrnarbir 14X33X3H ,3M?KTA3r IOM. aHJiq.IiaJibIr Hb ToXHoji,ayyfaH X3BJI3H rapraw 6ai4Ha. TYYHn4i aapaa Yr xypanAIaaHbl ye3p llaIIIl4H 6a BaHlrwnb XamrFaannjbIH Xoni600 /IIIE;XX/ 6oJIOH :3nJIXH4H bajirawb XaMraajiax CaHFHI4H (WWF) yn gapaarHl alnTlmaTTar xojJ6orqyyjiaH eep OJIOH UIHH3 HOM X3BJI3rF3H a~njijiavaiaTaHHJIa)K, YJI~MKJI~JIT II~IHHH myTL3F, TyyHH HHHF3MJ r apcaap6aiix 6o0nHo F3Jq3FT FYH33 HTF3)K 6aiiHa. a)Ki4iinaraaTal4 TaHni4iia)K, yiam)Kn-aJIT IIIaIII4H IIYTJI3F, TYYHI4I4 H1414Ir3M, 33l3X yyp3r, XyBbHMMpIA Taniaapx 43nIXI4rH BaHKHbI an6aH eCHbi 6aH-P cyypHHfr M3a3K aBcaH 64i33. Ha.6apbU 3HXKAfP MOrN?Oi YnECblN EPONXUUI CaiuO 3H3 uaraac XOHI4 U3JIXHHH BaHKHbI eFeeMep TyciiaM>K, IIBXX, )IBXC 33p3F OJIOH YJICbIH 6aiAryymnaryyrTaiR xaMTpaH awi4iiax 3amaap MOHFOhIbIH yjiaM>KYIanJT uiIaiuH MoHroji OpHbI 6aiiraJlb OpqHbIF xamraanax a)KHllZk 4X33X3H Hj3BXH caHaai+iaraTar opoiioxK 6aAraar T3MA3FJI3H X3XX3,A TaaTak 6aiHa. LUaInHbI 6o0Jo Hpr3HHH cypraI[TTar cypryynny,iwH cyparFma 3KOJIOFnHH 6o0JoBcpoJI oK aBcHaap 6aiira.ib OplHbIF xamraaiax awjKigHOeOpCaHHH TOjOpXOH XyBb H3MpHHF OpyyYIK 6aHa. MaHafi OpHbI CyM XHlVayyj 6aiirahlb xamraaniax Taniaap 11X33X3H 6 SACRED SITES OF MONGOLIA POM-mm Ap~~~~~~~~~BaH)KlIUMiAH e)MHe TOA )KIM133 Hb HaAH TOXOH E)HqOp OpOH HyTrnHiH i4pr,3,IlH H,3r N ~~~~KOMMyH14CT j3rJI3M 3aqpaH )caHpar4car 6YPXHblr <gaX1H x3crHA r TOJIE)JI)] 6ai,grbIH Hb _ 4 ~~~~~yHaCHaap eHe 3pTH"Hi yyx TYYXTAT 6YT,33>K, IIIYHIui4IrJI3H amEiJIyyJICaH XyBhU, OJIOH YJIC YHa3CTH14i *u~~~_ j! ~~MOHroji OpOH, YH,a3CH14A Tycraap ABqaJI IOM. AgyylqyygblH gpx alurMHH Taiiaap MLN)
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