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U.S. Patent Apr. 8, 1997 Sheet 1 of 19 5,618,710 A/G / O.33 O3 0.29 O.27 ABSORBANCE 0.25 (34.5 nm) 0.23 O2 0.9 O7 O 5 O 5 TME(MN) H CLEC THERMOLYSN - O - SOLUBLE THERMOLYSIN U.S. Patent Apr. 8, 1997 Sheet 2 of 19 5,618,710 A/G 2 OO 80 60 MAXIMUM ACTIVITY 40 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 -HCLEC THERMOLYSN -O-SOLUBLE THERMOLYSIN U.S. Patent Apr. 8, 1997 Sheet 3 of 19 5,618,710 A/G.3 MAXIMUM ACTIVITY OO O 2O 3.0 40 50 TIME(DAYS) -HCLEC THERMOLYSIN -O-SOLUBLE THERMOYSIN U.S. Patent Apr. 8, 1997 Sheet 4 of 19 5,618,710 A/G. 4 OOO 80 60 MAXIMUM % MAX ACT WITY ACTIVITY 60 40 O 20 60 90 TIME (MIN) Oe OO O 20 30 40 TME ( DAYS) -H CLEC THERMOLYSIN -O-SOLUBLE THERMOLYSIN U.S. Patent Apr. 8, 1997 Sheet 5 of 19 5,618,710 A/654 OO 80 % PRODUCT 6 40 20 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O TIME ( DAYS) -- CLEC THERMOLYS IN - A - SOLUBLE THERMOLYSIN U.S. Patent Apr. 8, 1997 Sheet 6 of 19 5,618,710 00 80 % PRODUCT 60 TIME (HOURS) - A - CLEC THERMOLYSN -- SOLUBLE THERMOLYSIN U.S. Patent Apr. 8, 1997 Sheet 7 of 19 5,618,710 00 80 60 PRODUCT 40 20 07; 0.0 O 2O 3.0 40 TME(HOURS) - HCLEC THERMOLYSN A SOLUBLE THERMOLYSN U.S. Patent Apr.
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