AGENDA City of Dallas Planning Commission TUESDAY, February 09 7:00 p.m. Via RingCentral Planning 1. CALL TO ORDER Commission 2. ROLL CALL President David Shein 3. OATH OF OFFICE Vice President John Swanson 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular meeting of January 12, 2021 Commissioner Chris Castelli 5. PUBLIC COMMENT – This is an opportunity for citizens to speak to items not on the agenda (3 minutes per person please.) Commissioner Carol Kowash 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS Commissioner CPA 19-03 Economic Opportunity Analysis Andy Groh APPLICANT: City of Dallas Commissioner Tory Banford CUP 20-01- 172 SW Birch St.-detached garage in an industrial zone Commissioner APPLICANT: Regan Smith John Schulte 7. OTHER BUSINESS Staff New Year reminder about Procedures, Conflicts of Interest, etc. Planning Director Scott Whyte 8. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS City Attorney Lane Shetterly 9. STAFF UPDATES a. Local Wetlands Inventory/Special meeting—Chase Ballew Planner b. Local Landmarks Register –Margie Pearce Chase Ballew c. HB 2001 amendments workshop 3/9/21 Recording Secretary Margie Pearce 10. ADJOURN Next Meeting will be on March 09, 2021 Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/j/1497357295 Or Telephone: US: +1(623)4049000 (US West) Meeting ID: 149 735 7295 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Dallas City Hall is accessible to all persons with disabilities. Any requests for accommodation should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting to the Planning Department, 503-831-3571 or TDD 503-623- 7355. For questions or comments on the agenda, contact: Scott Whyte at 503.831.3565 or [email protected] City of Dallas Planning Commission Via Ring Central January 12, 2021 - 7:00 p.m. DRAFT MINUTES 1 CALL TO ORDER 2 Vice President David Shein called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 3 There was a moment of silence in honor of long time Commissioner Bob Wilson’s passing. 4 ROLL CALL 5 Commissioners Present: Chris Castelli, Andy Groh, David Shein, Tory Banford, Carol 6 Kowash, and John Swanson. 7 Absent: 8 Staff present: City Attorney Lane Shetterly, Planning Director Scott Whyte, 9 Planner Chase Ballew, and Recording Secretary Margie Pearce. Page 1 of 191 10 ELECTION OF OFFICERS: 11 Mr. Shein called for nominations for the office of President. Mr. Andy Groh nominated David 12 Shein. There were no other nominations. The commissioners voted unanimously for Mr. Shein as 13 president. Mr. Groh nominated Mr. Chris Castelli for the office of Vice-President. Mr. Castelli 14 formally declined. Ms. Carol Kowash nominated Mr. John Swanson for the office of Vice 2021 02 Planning Commission Combined Agenda.pdf 15 President. The commissioners voted unanimously for Mr. Swanson as Vice President 16 17 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 18 President David Shein presented the minutes of the regular meeting of December 8, 2020. 19 Commissioner Andy Groh moved to approve the minutes as presented and Commissioner Chris 20 Castelli seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 21 22 PUBLIC HEARING 23 24 VAR 20-03-616 SE Syron Street 25 APPLICANT- Mike and Nancy Ferguson 26 Dallas Planning Commission Page 2 – January 12, 2021 27 Mr. Shein opened the public hearing at 7:11 pm. 28 STAFF REPORT: 29 Mr. Chase Ballew presented the staff report using a power point. The applicants own two 30 adjacent residential lots, one of which (616 SE Syron St.) contains a dwelling and the other (608 31 SE Syron St.) is undeveloped. The applicant proposes to construct a detached garage on the 32 undeveloped lot, and has filed applications for lot consolidation and variance. The lot 33 consolidation has been approved administratively by the city (#PLA-20-03) but has not yet been 34 finalized or recorded. The variance application is the subject of this proceeding. 35 The proposed detached garage is 21 feet in height where the height limit for a detached accessory 36 structure is 15 feet. The proposed detached garage is also not set back behind the house as 37 required, and results in two driveways serving the property where only one is allowed. The 38 applicants are requesting the following variances: Accessory Building Height, Street Side-Yard 39 Setbacks, and Driveway Access. 40 Mr. Ballew stated staff recommended the Variance application be approved with three 41 conditions. 42 43 APPLICANT PRESENTATION: 44 Mike Ferguson, 616 SE Syron Street, property owner. Mr. Ferguson stated he did not have much 45 to add. He said the combined lot size would be about 12,600.00 sqft. He also talked about the old 46 growth Oak tree on the property line, which presented building challenges due to size and 47 extensive root growth. 48 49 PUBLIC TESTIMONY: Page 2 of 191 50 Michael Barnes, 643 SE Deschutes Ave, neighbor, stated he was in favor of the variances. 51 52 COMMISSIONER QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION: 53 There was a discussion that included minimum lot density, driveway width and length, and who 54 decides how tall a structure can be. 55 2021 02 Planning Commission Combined Agenda.pdf 56 Mr. Shein closed the public hearing at 7:36 pm. 57 Mr. Tory Banford moved to approve the variance with the conditions stated in the staff report. 58 Ms. Kowash seconded the motion. With a roll call vote, VAR 20-03 was approved unanimously. 59 PUBLIC HEARING: 60 61 VAR 20-04: 1554 SE Greening Drive 62 APPLICANT: Robert Herndon & Jodie Jones. 63 64 Mr. Shein opened the public hearing at 7:38pm. 65 66 STAFF REPORT: 67 Mr. Ballew presented the staff report using a power point. The applicants own property formerly 68 composed of two adjacent residential lots, which were consolidated into one lot in 2019 (#PLA- 69 19-02). The applicant proposes to construct a detached garage on the undeveloped portion of the 70 consolidated lot, and has filed application for variance. The proposed detached garage is 23 feet 71 in height where the height limit is 15 feet. The proposed detached garage is also not set back Dallas Planning Commission Page 3 – January 12, 2021 72 behind the house as required, and results in two driveways serving the property where only one 73 is allowed. Therefore, in order to construct the proposed structure, the applicant requests to vary 74 the following standards: Accessory Building Height, Street Side-Yard Setbacks, and Driveway 75 Access. 76 Mr. Ballew stated staff recommended the variance application be approved with two conditions. 77 78 APPLICANT PRESENTATION: 79 Ms. Jodie Jones spoke to the commission about how the topography of the lot negates building 80 anywhere else and because the buildable area is lower than the street elevation, the visual height 81 of the garage would be less than the 23’ actual height. 82 83 PUBLIC TESTIMONY: 84 There was none. 85 86 COMMISSIONER QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION: 87 Ms. Kowash stated that Ms. Jones’ first name was spelled incorrectly in the staff report. 88 89 Mr. Shein closed the public hearing at 7:51pm. 90 91 Mr. Groh moved to approve the variance with the conditions stated in the staff report. Mr. John 92 Swanson seconded the motion. With a roll call vote, VAR 20-04 was approved unanimously. 93 94 OTHER BUSINESS 95 There was none. Page 3 of 191 96 COMMISSIONER COMMENTS 97 There were none. 98 STAFF COMMENTS 2021 02 Planning Commission Combined Agenda.pdf 99 There were none. 100 101 102 The meeting adjourned at 7:57pm. APPROVED: ___________________________ ____________________________ President Date Page 4 of 191 2021 02 Planning Commission Combined Agenda.pdf CITY OF DALLAS PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 2021 STAFF REPORT DATE: FEBRUARY 2, 2021 PROCEEDING: PUBLIC HEARING TOPIC: ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES ANALYSIS APPLICATION TYPE: TYPE IV LEGISLATIVE AMENDMENT OF THE DALLAS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, CITY CASE FILE CPA 19-03 APPLICANT: CITY OF DALLAS SUMMARY: This proposal is to amend Chapter 2 (Volumes 1 and 2) and Chapter 6 (Volume 2) of the Dallas Comprehensive Plan. The proposed amendment is intended to incorporate data, policies and actions identified for Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA) as described in Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 660, Division 9. This proposal responds specifically to Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 9 (Economy) and Goal 14 (Urbanization) as described under OAR 660-015-0000(9) and 660-015- 0000(14) respectively. BACKGROUND INFORMATION On August 5, 2019, Dallas City Council initiated proceedings for the amendment as described. Below is a summary of activity that followed. Page 5 of 191 On December 12, 2019, Planning Commission, via workshop, received an EOA program overview from staff; On April 20, 2020, City Council, via workshop, received a timeline and description of necessary tasks concerning the scope of work identified for EOA. On this day, staff introduced Beth Goodman of ECONorthwest (Consultant) as lead consultant; 2021 02 Planning Commission Combined Agenda.pdf On May 19, 2020,* the EOA Technical Advisory Committee (Committee) met for the first time to discuss all tasks required for EOA production and to comment on Dallas’ strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for economic development; On June 16, 2020,* the Committee met again to review the results of the Buildable Land Inventory (BLI) map and corresponding data and discussed preliminary data on economic trends analysis and employment growth. The Committee also identified and discussed Dallas’ competitive advantages and disadvantages, especially for target industries; On July 21, 2020,* the Committee met to discuss economic trends analysis and employment growth in further detail, together with a refinement of competitive advantages and disadvantages. After finalizing the list of target industries, the Committee provided feedback on safe-harbor growth rate assumptions identified by the Consultant for forecasting growth. Also on this date, the consultant provided preliminary analysis showing Dallas to have a projected surplus for Industrial and projected shortfall for Commercial; On August 3, 2020, City Council, via workshop, received a progress report from staff and the Consultant on work completed to date with the Committee.
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