FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10 & SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2010 AN AUCTION OF FINEST & RAREST WINES 9:00AM AT TRU RESTAURANT Tru Restaurant 676 N. St. Clair Street Chicago Those bidding or sending inquiries should refer to this auction as Sale #1012 “NEWTON” Session I: Friday, December 10, 2010 - 9:00am (Lots 1 - 868) Session II: Saturday, December 11, 2010 - 9:00am (Lots 869 - 1832) HART DAVIS HART WINE CO. 363 W. ERIE STREET, SUITE 500W CHICAGO, IL 60654 tel: 312.482.9996 fax: 312.335.9096 www.hdhwine.com Table of Contents Letter from the CEO 3 Market Analysis: HDH Auction Index 4 Special Events 5 Highlights of this Auction 6 Session I: Lots 1 - 868 7-78 Session II: Lots 869 - 1832 79-155 Index of Wines 156-181 Half-Bottle & Large Format Index 169-176 OWC Index 176-181 Ullage, Bottle Size Descriptions & Abbreviations Used in this Catalog 182 Procedures for Bidding & Payment 183 Conditions of Sale 185 Collection, Delivery & Storage 186 Our Auction Venue: Tru Restaurant 188 About HDH 189 How to Sell your Wines with HDH 190 Delivery & Collection Instructions Form 191 Catalog Subscription Form 193 Absentee Bidding Form 195-196 Upcoming Auction Dates: January 29, 2011 March 19, 2011 May 7, 2011 Lots Pictured on Front Cover: Lots 873-881, 891 (L-R) Lots Pictured on Back Cover: Lots 339-356, 1801, 441-443 (L-R) November 2010 We have had an exciting Fall at Hart Davis Hart, and we are thankful that you have come to rely on HDH for your auction and retail wines. The season opened for Hart Davis Hart on September 24 and 25 with the Fox Cellar, a second single-owner auction from one of the world’s most incredible cellars which realized $7.4M. We quickly followed-up with a two-day October 29/30 auction that was fi lled with cellars of remarkable provenance. Once again the sale was a great success, bringing $8.6M. Both of the sales brought together hundreds of bidders from around the world, who joined us in the saleroom or who bid via our website, phone or hdhlive.com. We Paul Hart will close 2010 with this auction on December 10 and 11 - our third consecutive two-day auction CEO and we hope that you will join us in Chicago for this exceptional sale. Hart Davis Hart Wine Co. The Friday session opens with the wines of a long time collector (lots 1-214) who needs to make room for recent purchases as he continues to add to his collection. Walking through the cellar, I was struck with the depth. There were long aisles fi lled with Lafi te, Latour, d’Yquem and many other rarities. The collector has always purchased carefully, checking the provenance of lots, confi rming conditions of bottles and arranging temperature-controlled shipments. His wines are impeccably organized and rest in perfectly maintained cold storage. As he opened the heavy door to his cellar, he shared with me that not only had he never before sold a bottle, but other than his staff and his wife, no one had ever been in the space! Bidders will fi nd a library of top claret as well as highlights from d’Yquem, Napa Valley, and even a remarkable range of Quilceda Creek. The Lafi te offered in this consignment totals over $500,000 in value (low estimate) and is certainly worth noting with over 20 vintages and 70 lots offered. Bidders will certainly want to study the balance of the Friday session. Lots 215-368 contain a great run of classic Bordeaux vintages, with most offered in original wood cases. The wines were removed from a large, custom-built temperature and humidity-controlled cellar. Formats should certainly be noted, as this group contains a great selection of magnums, double-magnums and imperials. The selection of American wines is also stunning, led by a deep run of the celebrated Harlan Estate. The Saturday auction includes wines of Grae Verlin and an additional offering from Dr. Jerry Murphy. The Verlin Collection is legendary. We offered over $11 million from the cellar in our May and December 2007 single-owner auctions to bidders from around the world who came to Chicago to own a part of this well-known collection. Steve Verlin was a passionate collector who bought carefully and built a deep, underground cellar that maintained ideal temperature and humidity. It is appropriate that the Saturday session is shared with Dr. Jerry Murphy, a close and longtime friend of Grae and Steve. Dr. Murphy has built an exceptional collection, always with a focus on top Burgundy. Our closing weekend of the season will kick-off on Thursday, December 9, with our annual benefi t dinner and auction, “Hope, Dream, Live: An Evening of California Classics.” The evening will benefi t Camp Independence, a place where children with spina bifi da can gain confi dence and independence. We will be opening great California wines and auctioning great wine lots to benefi t this worthwhile project. Please contact us if you would like to attend. We look forward to seeing you in Chicago for our last auction of 2010 and we wish you a happy holiday season. Cheers! Paul Hart CEO Market Analysis: HDH Auction Index (2006-Present) The HDH Auction Index tracks the performance of 15 key wines sold at HDH auctions. The January 2006 auction was chosen as the benchmark. Each point on the graph denotes an HDH auction. Visit www.hdhwine.com for further details. HDH AUCTION INDEX +175% +150% +125% +100% +75% +50% +25% 0 Jan-06 Jun-06Sep-06Oct-06Dec-06Feb-07 Jun-07Sep-07Oct-07Dec-07Feb-08Apr-08 Jun-08Sep-08Nov-08Dec-08Jan-09 Sep-09Oct-09Dec-09Jan-10 Jun-10Sep-10Oct-10 April-06 Mar-07May-07 May-08 Mar-09May-09Jun-09AJun-09B Mar-10May-10 HDH Auction Index Performance Top Performing Wine in Index Sale to Sale*: -14.36% Sale to Sale*: ‘82 Lafi te +7.05% 2010 YTD: +31.19% 2010 YTD: ‘86 Mouton +57.04% Three Years: +23.45% Three Years: ‘00 Lafi te +50.00% * From the September 24 & 25, 2010 auction to the October 29 & 30, 2010 auction. Top 5 Lots exceeding the high estimate by dollar (October 2010 Auction): Lot Description Estimate Hammer Price Aggregate 937 2000 Château Ausone (12 bs) $14,000-20,000 $24,000 $28,680 1275 2001 Vosne-Romanée, Cros Parantoux Henri Jayer (6 bs) $7,000-10,000 $14,000 $16,730 1417 1982 Château La Mission Haut Brion (11 bs) $5,500-8,500 $11,000 $13,145 117 1993 Château Pétrus (12 bs) $5,000-7,500 $10,000 $11,950 1121 1989 Château Lafi te Rothschild (12 bs) $5,000-7,500 $10,000 $11,950 Please contact us to sell your wines with HDH at an upcoming auction or at retail. HDH Sell Through Rate Paul Hart, CEO John Hart, Chairman [email protected] [email protected] The sell through rate shows the 312.573.5582 312.573.5588 percentage of offered lots ultimately purchased at auction. A high sell Michael Davis, Vice Chairman Ben Nelson, President through rate is indicative of a broad and [email protected] [email protected] diverse group of active buyers. 312.573.5590 312.573.5593 Ben Ferdinand, Vice President Allan Frischman, Vice President Oct. 2010 2010 All time Senior Consignment Advisor Senior Specialist 100% 99.99% 98.30% [email protected] [email protected] 312.573.5585 312.573.5591 HOPE DREAM LIVE An Evening of California Classics Including a Charity Auction of Fine & Rare Wine BENEFITING YMCA CAMP INDEPENDENCE A ccampamp ddesignedesigned ttoo ffosteroster iindependencendependence iinn cchildrenhildren & yyoungoung aadultsdults wwithith SSpinapina BBiifi ddaa aandnd ootherther nneurologicaleurological ddisordersisorders TThursday,hursday, DDecemberecember 99,, 22010010 66:30pm:30pm RReceptioneception | 77:00pm:00pm DinnerDinner CCustomustom HHouseouse TTavernavern 550000 SouthSouth DearbornDearborn Street,Street, CChicago,hicago, IILL $$500*500* pperer ppersonerson JJoinoin CCampamp IndependenceIndependence aandnd HHartart DDavisavis HHartart WWineine CCo.o. fforor aann eexquisitexquisite eveningevening ooff thethe mostmost hheraldederalded wwinesines pproducedroduced iinn NNapaapa VValley.alley. CCustomustom HouseHouse wwillill prepareprepare a multi-coursemulti-course ddinnerinner ppairedaired wwithith bbenchmarkenchmark wwinesines fromfrom PPetereter MMichael,ichael, KKistler,istler, AAraujo,raujo, HHarlan,arlan, GGracerace FFamilyamily aandnd CCaymus.aymus. JoinJoin usus forfor a specialspecial eveningevening ofof greatgreat foodfood andand winewine forfor anan importantimportant cause.cause. MMoëtoët & CChandon,handon, CuvéeCuvée DomDom PPérignonérignon BBrutrut 22002002 PPetereter MMichaelichael WWineryinery CChardonnay,hardonnay, MMonon PPlaisirlaisir 22006006 KKistleristler VVineyardsineyards CChardonnay,hardonnay, VineVine HillHill VineyardVineyard 22006006 AAraujoraujo EEstatestate WWinesines CCabernetabernet Sauvignon,Sauvignon, EiseleEisele VineyardVineyard 22005005 HHarlanarlan EEstatestate RReded WWine,ine, TThehe MMaidenaiden 22003003 CCaymusaymus VineyardsVineyards CCabernetabernet SSauvignon,auvignon, SSpecialpecial SSelectionelection 11995995 DDominusominus EEstatestate 19951995 GGracerace FamilyFamily VineyardsVineyards CCabernetabernet SSauvignonauvignon 11991991 TToo ppurchaseurchase ttickets,ickets, ppleaselease ccontactontact MMarcarc SSmolermoler aatt HHartart DDavisavis HHart:art: 3312.482.976612.482.9766 oror [email protected]@hdhwine.com FForor mmoreore iinformation,nformation, vvisitisit uuss aatt wwww.hdhwine.comww.hdhwine.com * $$250250 ofof tthehe $$500500 eeventvent ppricerice qqualiualifi eess aass a tax-deductibletax-deductible ddonationonation ttoo YYMCAMCA CCampamp IIndependence.ndependence. YMCA Camp Independence HHartart DDavisavis HartHart iiss ccommittedommitted toto buildingbuilding a relationshiprelationship withwith thethe communitycommunity throughthrough
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