DIRECTORY OF THE DIOCESE OF WASHINGTON AND JOURNAL OF THE ONE HUNDRED SIXTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CONVENTION OF THE DIOCESE OF WASHINGTON JANUARY 27 AND 28, 2012 HELD AT THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF SAINT PETER AND SAINT PAUL WASHINGTON, DC Barbara Miles Secretary of the Convention Ann V. Talty Assistant Secretary of the Convention Governance Offi cer Editor Kimberly A. Bujak Assistant Editor PUBLISHED BY THE CONVENTION OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE DIOCESE OF WASHINGTON 2012 JJournalournal 22012.indb012.indb i 77/12/2012/12/2012 33:22:35:22:35 PPMM IN MEMORIAM Almighty God, we remember this day before you your faithful servants, and we pray that, having opened to them the gates of larger life, you will receive them more and more into your joyful service; that they may win, with you and your servants everywhere, the eternal victory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Th e Rev. Th omas B. Allen January 17, 1921 — May 19, 2011 Th e Rev. James R. Adams June 30, 1934 — September 13, 2011 Th e Rev. A. Moody Burt, III July 25, 1935 — March 23, 2012 JJournalournal 22012.indb012.indb iiii 77/12/2012/12/2012 33:22:45:22:45 PPMM Contents CONTENTS PART I: DIRECTORIES Diocesan Staff . .5 Convention Offi cers, Committees, Commissions, and Boards . .7 Th e Diocesan Council . .10 Committees & Task Forces of the Diocesan Council . .12 Regional Assemblies . .16 Clergy Listed in Order of Ordination or Reception . .18 Clergy Directory . .25 Postulants & Candidates for Holy Orders . .59 Parishes, Separate Congregations & Missions I. Alphabetically Indexed by Name . .61 II. Alphabetically Indexed by Location . 64 III: By Region . .67 Diocesan Chapels . .90 Church–Related Institutions and Organizations . .91 PART II: ANNUAL CONVENTION PROCEEDINGS Th e Bishop’s Convention Address . .133 Journal of Proceedings, One Hundred Sixteenth Convention . .138 Resolutions of Courtesy . .139 Report of Nominations . .139 Treasurer’s Report . .141 Presentation and Adoption of 2012 Budget . .148 Report of the Committee on the Constitution and Canons . .149 Report of the Committee on Resolutions . .149 Summary of Elections . .160 Clerical Members . .161 Lay Members . .164 Report of the Tellers . .168 Reports Submitted by Title Report of the Standing Committee . 174 Report of the Diocesan Council . .175 Report of the Finance Committee . .182 Report of the Angus Dun Fellowship Fund Committee . .184 Report of the Committee on Church Architecture . .184 Report of the Companion Diocese Committee . .185 Report of the Ecumenical & Interreligious Ministries Commission . .187 Report of the Historiographer . .188 Report of the Committee on Human Resources . .189 Report of the Diocesan Hunger Fund Committee . .190 Report of the Investment Committee . 191 Report of the Committee on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) . .192 Report of the Commission on Ministry . .193 Journal and Directory 2011 iii Journal 2012.indb iii 7/12/2012 3:22:45 PM Contents Report of the Diocesan Retreat Committee . .194 Report on the Covenant between the Diocese and Seabury . .195 Report of the Southern Africa Partnership Committee . .197 Report of the St. Mary’s County Scholarship Committee . .199 Report of the Bishop John T. Walker School for Boys . .199 Report of the Committee on Youth . .201 PART III: OFFICIAL ACTS, BUDGET, AND STATISTICAL REPORTS Th e Bishop’s Offi cial Acts for 2011 . .203 2011 Financial Commitments . .217 2012 Budget for Mission and Ministry . .220 Auditor’s Report . .225 Statistical Summaries of the 2011 Parochial Report Table 1 — Sacraments, Holy Communion and Other Services . .252 Table 2 — Church Membership, Pledges, School Enrollment . .257 Table 3 — Attendance and Apportionment of Lay Delegates for the 2013 Diocesan Convention . .263 Table 4 — Receipts . .266 Table 5 — Expenditures . .271 Table 6 — Clergy Compensation for 2012 . .276 PART IV: DIOCESAN POLICIES A Committee Governance Policy . .287 Diocesan Loan Policies . .289 Diocesan Audit Guidelines . .294 A Th e entire 2012 Journal & Directory and the Supplement of the Constitution and Canons can be found online at http://www.edow.org J A A Y J iv Episcopal Diocese of Washington JJournalournal 22012.indb012.indb iivv 77/12/2012/12/2012 33:22:45:22:45 PPMM Staff PART I: DIRECTORIES DIOCESAN STAFF Episcopal Church House, Mount Saint Alban, Washington, DC 20016–5094 Tel: (202) 537–6555 — Toll–Free: (800) 642–4427 Main Fax: (202) 364–6605 — Business Fax: (202) 537–2385 Website: http://www.edow.org E–mail addresses are the fi rst initial and the last name @edow.org; i.e. [email protected] Bishop’s Offi ce Th e Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, Bishop of Washington . (202) 537–6550 Cheryl Daves Wilburn, Special Assistant to the Bishop . (202) 537–6543 Keely Th rall, Executive Assistant to the Bishop . .(202) 537–5713 Th e Rev. Michele Hagans, Assistant to the Bishop for Special Projects . cell: (202) 438–1396 Canon to the Ordinary’s Offi ce Paul E. Cooney, Canon to the Ordinary . (202) 537–6527 Kimberly Sanders, Executive Assistant to the Canon to the Ordinary . (202) 537–6535 Academic and Transition Ministries Th e Rev. Preston Hannibal, Canon for Academic and Transition Ministries . (202) 537–6552 Kimberly Sanders, Administrative Assistant . (202) 537–6535 Administration Kathleen Hall, Human Resource Administrator . (202) 537–6522 Kelly Cooper, Accounting Assistant . (202) 537–6539 Communication and Technology Peter Turner, IT Director . (202) 537–6540 Rachel Tjornehoj, Online Communications Specialist . (202) 537–6560 Congregational Vitality Joey Rick, Canon for Congregational Vitality . (202) 537–6531 Governance Ann V. Talty, Governance Offi cer . (202) 537–6548 Kimberly A. Bujak, Governance Assistant . (202) 537–6526 Latino Ministry Th e Rev. Simón Bautista–Betances, Canon for Latino Ministries . (202) 537–6441 Araceli Ma, Latino Communications . (202) 537–3975 Young Adult and Youth Ministries Jason Evans, Diocesan Young Adult Missioner . (202) 537–6542 Th e Rev. Melanie Mullen, Interim Diocesan Youth Missioner . (202) 537–6524 E–mail addresses are the fi rst initial and the last name @edow.org; i.e. [email protected] Journal and Directory 2011 5 JJournalournal 22012.indb012.indb 5 77/12/2012/12/2012 33:22:45:22:45 PPMM Part I: Directories Inquiries Regarding Clerical Discipline: Cheryl Daves Wilburn, Special Assistant to the Bishop . (202) 537–6543 Th e Rev. Jeff rey B. MacKnight . (301) 229–2960 V V A W W p p 6 Episcopal Diocese of Washington JJournalournal 22012.indb012.indb 6 77/12/2012/12/2012 33:22:45:22:45 PPMM Convention Officers, Committees, Commissions and Boards CONVENTION OFFICERS, COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS, AND BOARDS OFFICERS OF THE CONVENTION President: Th e Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, Bishop of Washington Vice–President: none Chancellor: Mary E. Kostel Vice Chancellor (without vote): none Secretary: Barbara Miles Assistant Secretary (without vote): Ann V. Talty Treasurer of the Convention: Paula E. Singleton EX OFFICIO MEMBERS OF THE CONVENTION With Vote: Th e Chair of the Finance Committee of the Diocesan Council: Gary Correll President of the Episcopal Church Women: Margaret H. Gordon Without Vote: Historiographer: Susan Stonesifer Lay Members of Standing Committee: (see committee list) Lay Members of the Committee on the Constitution and Canons: (see committee list) Lay Members of Diocesan Council: (see committee list) Chairs of Diocesan Council and Convention Committees: (see committee list) Lay Deputies to the General Convention: (see committee list) STANDING COMMITTEE Standing Committee serves as a council of advice to the bishop; approves various stages for people in the process toward ordination; considers requests from parishes to sell or encumber property; in the absence of a bishop, serves as ecclesiastical authority. Members are elected by the Diocesan Convention. (see Article 9 and Canon 7). Terms to expire at 2013 Convention: Th e Rev. Prince Decker (2013) Ann Korky (2013) Th e Rev. Meredith Syler (2013) Atron C. Rowe, Secretary (2013) Terms to expire at 2014 Convention: Th e Rev. Dr. Peter Antoci (2014) Salli Hartman (2014) Th e Rev. Kim Baker, President (2014) Franklyn Malone (2014) DEPUTY TO GENERAL CONVENTION Th e Diocese elects four clergy and four lay deputies to represent the Diocese at the General Convention every three years as members of the House of Deputies. Th ey are elected at the Diocesan Convention that takes place in the year preceding the General Convention. (Listed in order of election) Th e Rev. Dr. Joan Beilstein (2014) Salli Hartman (2014) Th e Rev. Randolph C. Charles (2014) Linda Freeman (2014) Th e Rev. Canon Jan Naylor Cope (2014) Barbara Miles (2014) Th e Rev. Elizabeth C. Gonzalez (2014) John B. Johnson (2014) Journal and Directory 2012 7 JJournalournal 22012.indb012.indb 7 77/12/2012/12/2012 33:22:45:22:45 PPMM Part I: Directories ALTERNATE DEPUTY TO GENERAL CONVENTION Th e Diocese elects four clergy and four lay alternate deputies to represent the Diocese at the General Convention every three years to serve as alternate members of the House of Deputies. Th ey are elected at the Diocesan Convention that takes place in the year of the General Convention. (Next election takes place in 2012.) Th e Rev. Dr. Rosemarie L. Duncan (2015) Janice Booker Wyatt (2015) Th e Rev. Th omas Purdy (2015) Susan Geiger (2015) Th e Rev. Sheila McJilton (2015) Mary W. Dail (2015) Th e Rev. David C. Wacaster (2015) Deborah Potter (2015) DELEGATES DELEGATES TO TRIENNIAL Margaret Gordon Keeva Harmon Audrey Hayden Danielle Webber ALTERNATE DELEGATES TO TRIENNIAL Rosamond Daniels Audrey Pabs-Garnon DEPUTY TO PROVINCIAL SYNOD Deputies are elected to represent the Diocese at meetings of Province III. One clergy and two lay are elected at the Diocesan Convention occurring the year preceding General Convention. (see Canon 9) (Listed in order of election) Th e Rev. Meg Ingalls (2014) Leticia Marquez (2014) Susan Moore (2014).
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