OWEN MOORE Playing Leads in Victor Films MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25th.« kJ Lilt Imp Nestor Champion Mamma’s Boy (C). The Regeneration of Worthless Dan (D.) The Gateway to America (D.) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26th. Gem Bison Eclair The Toll of the Sea (D.) An Indian Outcast (D.) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27th Powers Nestor Ambrosio The Way of the Transgressor (C.) A Friend Indeed (C.-D.) Playing With Edged Tools (D.) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28th. Rex Imp Eclair For the Love of Mike (C.) Vengeance (2-R. D.) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29th. Victor Powers Nestor ' The Matrimonial Agency of Roaring - It Happened Thus (C.) Hawkins Moves (C.) Gulch (C.) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30th. Bison Imp Milano The Enchanted Umbrella (C.) The Massacre of the 4th Cavalry (D.) Bullet Proof A Coat (C.) Adba River Rapids (Scenic) SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1st. Rex Eclair Crystal Locked Out. A Picnic in Dakota A Heart Reclaimed (D.) Bonifacio is bashful (C.) (Split) THE ANIMATED WEEKLY SHIPPED EVERY WEDNESDAY THE UNIVERSAL WEEKLY 1 Trapped By Fire “101” BISON DRAMA Jack stuck loyally to his friend and in the hour of danger faced death to save him. A splendid story of heroism and self-sacrifice. UNIVERSAL FILM Edited by THOMAS BEDDING : OFFICES, MECCA BUILDING, BROADWAY AT 48th ST., NEW YORK CITY Advertising Rates on Application EDITORIAL THE BALKAN WAR IN UNIVERSAL The Universal Company, with sleep- advertise. We are glad to read and PICTURES. less enterprise, has had its own oper- reproduce this article. We wrote much ators on the field of battle. Crossing the same sort of thing in these pages The in the East of Europe which war the Atlantic at this moment are many months ago. We have written it in is drawing to a conclusion is declared films illustrative of the principal scenes other moving picture publications that authorities to be by competent military in the great conflict, secured by our own we have edited. So we are glad to have of modern one of the most sanguinary operators, to whom we cabled several somebody else thinking as we do on this carnage in the times. There was great weeks ago. We advise the Exhibitor to vital matter. Advertise, Mr. Exhibitor. Russo-Japanese war and the Franco-Ger- get in touch with his Universal Ex- We told you this in the “Implet” and of and in the American man war 1871, change and look out for shipping and other publications and we tell it to you Civil War of 1861-1865. The Balkan war release dates for these Balkan war pic- again in this, because the urgency of experts to which we is declared by these tures. They are bound to vastly inter- your advertising is very pressing. with these great refer as comparable est his audiences. We shall carefully life and When we see you advertise and ad- struggles in respect to loss of avoid including in the pictures anything Turk- vertise effectively, be sure you will re- magnitude of issues involved. The of a revolting or offensive nature, but field of ceive every encouragement and apprecia- ish army has been proved on the will endeavor to see that they illustrate the tion from us. For example, have a battle to be in as rotten a state as the interesting phases of the great con- we Germany crushed copy of “The Boston American,” under French army was when flict. it, as the Russian army was when Japan date Nov. 11th, sent us from the “Pre- and mier Theatre,” Washington St., Wash- crushed it. Right across the East ABOUT ADVERTISING. Southeast of Europe the Servians, Bul- ington. There we see a nice ad. of the garians, Montenegrins and Greeks have A LITTLE TALK TO YOU, MR. magnificent Imp picture, “Leah the swept like swarms of locusts, carrying EXHIBITOR. Forsaken.” It is a bold and striking ad. death and destruction in their way. The The “Universal Weekly” does not and, no doubt, was instrumental in draw- details are harrowing to read and can often quote from any other paper, be- ing many into the “Premier Theatre.” only be properly appreciated by people, cause we have enough matter of our Then somebody else sends us a blotter who, like the writer of this article, have own to fill our own pages. When we and on the back of the blotter is a scene traveled in the East of Europe, have do quote we do not quote for quoting’s from “Leah the Forsaken,” and this mixed with the various nationalities and sake or for merely lifting or to fill space, comes from the “Comique Theatre,” realized the momentous fact that the but because we see something specially Scowlay Square. City not mentioned. Turkish empire, which has existed in endorsive of our own ideas. In the very It is good advertising and the kind of Europe for hundreds of years, has been first number of the “Universal Weekly” advertising we want to encourage. Then wiped out of that continent by these vic- and since, we have impressed upon the from the “Star Theatre,” Orangeburg, torious European peoples. It has exhibitor the importance of advertising S. C., comes also a big newspaper ad. been a Titanic struggle for 500 years. himself, for himself, and by himself. of the “Star Theatre” there. In this ad. The Turk has been in Europe for 500 The exhibitor must advertise his own we see the Universal program promi- years, and that has been 500 years too theatre, and the pictures that we send nently mentioned and also we read this long. The Turk has no more business him to show in his theatre. This is a fine legend: “Independent made. We in Europe than the West African Negro lesson that we want to preach again and are licensed by the City of Orangeburg has in the United States. Americans again. It is up to the exhibitor to ad- and not by the Patents Trust of Amer- therefore may feel for their fellow-white vertise. Not to the exchange, not to ica. We run Independent films only,” men of Europe. Americans of the bet- the manufacturer; it is the exhibitor that which shows the “Star Theatre” is run ter kind would like to see the Negro gets closer to the general public than by means of enterprising and original driven out of the United States. They we do or the Exchange does, therefore, ideas. The more of this sort of thing feel towards him as the Bulgarians, Ser- it is the exhibitor’s business to cultivate the exhibitor does the more readily he vians, Greeks, Montenegrins, etc., feel his public. gets in close touch with his public near towards the Turk. We write this in We reproduce elsewhere from an in- and far. When we write this we have, order that the readers may more readily teresting monthly, “The Photoplay of course, the success of our own com- understand the gravity of this great Magazine,” a little article telling the ex- pany at heart, but we also have the suc- continental war crisis. hibitor to advertise and why he should cess of the exhibitor at heart, because. 4 THE UNIVERSAL WEEKLY EDITORIAL as we have said so frequently, his suc- have our own camera men in all parts will be supplied in due course. Mean- cess means our success. of the earth, and nothing of interest hap- while cast an eye on the ad. of this ********* pens but what we endeavor to get a film, which appears in each number of And we write it because we are giving picture of it so that it may be included “The Universal Weekly,” and you can the exhibitor actually as good expert in this popular film. read for yourself what a bright film it is, advice as he can possibly have. The ********* and will agree with us that it merits all writer of this article has passed between all like We news. We live on news. the simple and direct praise that we are twenty and thirty his years of working We cannot do without news. Deprive handing out for it. life in connection with picture matters the world of its newspapers, and though and advertising matters. He is, if he the planet itself would not stop revolv- may be allowed to say so here, regarded ing in its allotted orbit, yet we should as one whose advice is worth following. find life very difficult to live without THE EXCHANGE AND OUR PRO- Therefore, Mr. Exhibitor, when read newspapers. you There are many things GRAM. in this “Universal Weekly” a paragraph that, no doubt in modern civilization, we on advertising matter, be sure they come can do without, many things that are One of the things that gratifies us from no mere dabbler, but an experi- not absolutely necessary. The Patrician week by week as we come _to write this enced expert. poet across the Atlantic some years ago paper is the interest taken in the prog- wrote: ress of the Universal and its program And here is yet another bouquet. We “Let Laws and Learning, Arts and by Exchange men. The Exchange men have a copy of the “Mt. Vernon Daily Commerce Die, realize that we are doing our level best Banner,” of Nov. 7th, and in that paper But Spare Us, Lord, Our Old No- to put out a program which they can we see an ad. of the “White Palace bility.” properly handle. We are working hard Theatre.” The ad. has for themes “The We do not quite agree with this for all the elements engaged in this great Woman in White,” “Marriage a la author.
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