CENSUS OF INDJA 1961 VOLUME IV BIHAR PART II-C SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES S. D. PRAsAD oj llu Indian AaministralivI Servic~ Superintendent oj Census Opera'ions, BiM'" ;E~ __ .________ _J8~4~O _______________: ____________________ _J86~°1_ ____________________________________~88~ ________________________lE N N BIHAR ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS p 10 o 20 40 60 MLS. 20 o 20 40 ·60 80 100 KMS, o 26 0 "I ~ (.> '- "( f- f- o 24 ,... o ~EFERENCES INTERNATIONAL 80UNDARY ZONAL BOUNDARY o s STATE BOUNDARY R s DIVISIONAL BOUNDARY DISTRICT BOUNDARY SUBDIVISIONAL BOUNDARY CAPITAL DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS * * HEADQUARTERS OF BAGHMARA SUBDIVISION o lOCATED TEMPORARILY AT DHANBAD SUBDIVISIONAL MEADQUARTERS 0 tI .. "'.Abba. N o o 84 86 E 1961 CENSUS PUBLICATIONS, BIHAR (All the Census Publications of this State will bear Vol. No. IV) Central Government Publications PART I-A General Report PART loOB Report on Vital Statistics of Bihar, 1~51-60 PART I.e Subsidiary Tables of 1961 including reprints, if any, from previous Census Reports ! PART II-A General Population' Tables· PART II-B(l) Economio Tables (B-1 to B-IV a.nd B-VII)* PART II"B(U) Economic Tables (B-V, B-VI, B-VIll & B-IX)t PART U-C Social and Cultural Tables! PART H-D Migration Tables PART III (i) Household Economic Tables (B-X to B-XIV)* PART III (U) Household Economio Tables (B-XV to n-XVII)* PART IV-A Report on Housing and Establishments* PART lV-n Housing and Establishment Tables* PART Y-A Special Tables for Soheduled Castes and Soheduled. Tribes* PART V-B Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes a.nd Scheduled Tribes PART VI Village Surveys·· (37 monogra.phs on 37 selected villages) PART VII-A Selected Crafts of Bihar PART VII-B Fairs and Festivals of Bihar PART VllI-A Administration Report on Enumeration'" I ~ (Not, for oale) PART YIII-B Administration Report on Tabulation PART IX • t Census Atlas of Bihar State Government Publications 17 volumes of· District Census Handbooks $ "'Already printed t In Press ~The present volume "Nos. l-~ of the Ifcrie.e already published $ Handbooks of Santal Parganas, Gaya and Shahabad undcr print. CONTENTS PAGE 1?JmFACE j NOTE Iii '(H-(JoMPOSITION OF SAMPLE HOUSBHOLDS BY RELAnONSHlP TO HBAD OP PAMILY CI.ASSIFllID BY SIZE OF LAND CULTIVATBD- Flyb~ar 3 Table C-I 4. C-II-AGE AND MARITAL STATUS­ Flyleaf 17 Table C-II 20 C-lII-AGB, SEX AND EDUCATlON­ Flyleaf 55 :,.. Table ~III PR.rt A 58 Table C·lII Part B 64 Table C-UI Pa.rt C 80 Appendix to Table C-In 86 <C.IV -SINGLE YEAR AGE RBTURNS­ Flylea.f 132 Table C-IV 134 C-Y-MOTHER·TONGUE­ Flyleaf 181 Table C-Y 184 Appendix I to Ta.ble C-V * Appendix II to Table C·V 198 Appendix III to Table C-V 199 ..Q-VI-DlLINGUALlSM­ Flyleaf 210 Ta.ble C·VI 212 C VI I-RELIGION­ Flyleaf 309 Table C-VII 312 Supplement to Ta.ble C·'VII 316 C-VIII-CLASSIFICATION BY LITBRACY AND INDUSTRIAL CATOOOllY OF WOllDJlS AND NON-WOU!Bl\S AMONG SCHEDULED CAsTBS AND SCHBDULBD TRmss- Flyleaf 322 Ta.ble C-YIII Pa.rt A 324 Ta.b1e C·YIII Part! B 328 ·At the end of the Volume I wiSh to place on record my grateful appreoiation of the able assistanoe given by the following members of my Offioe in the prepa.ration of the present volume; Sri R. N. .:Misra ~ Deputy Superintendent of Census Operations Sri U. P. Shrlvast.. va Sri R. B. Singh Sri S. N. Prasad } Tabu!,,"on Ollicer - Sri R. B. Pandey Sri Kanhaiya Lal .~ StatistIoa.l ASlistant Sri Maheshwa.r Pral5&d Sri P. N. Sinha ~ Tabulation Assistant Sri B. K. Varma PREFACE The present. volume contains the social and cultural tables compiled on the basis of the 1961 Census data.. '"These are also known as the C-series tables. They are eight in number. In the Note that follows, an attempt has been made to describe the tables as well as the scheme of their presentation, and also explain the various terms and concepts used therein_ Each table is preceded by a flyleaf containing further elucidation of relevant --points. A special feature lies in the Appendix to Table C-III which presents a number of Special Tables on Scien­ tific and Technical PersonneL These are based on an ancillary enquiry conducted along with the 1961 Census enumeratiop. Though the coverage was not as adequate as it should have been, these tables have a significance of their own. I am greatly indebted to Sri K. D. Ballal, I. A. S., Central Tabulation Officer, Office of the Registrar General, India, New Delhi and his sta.ff for a careful and thorough checking of the tables, and to Sri R. C. Nigam, Linguist (in the same organisation) for having scrutinised the language tables and helped in rationalis­ I.ng the entries}herein. My thanks are also due to the ::lfohan Press, Patna which undertook and accomplished "the task of printing the volume in the face of great difficulties and severe handicaps. PATNA: S. D. PRASAD Janua~ 18, 1965 Superintendent of Census Operations NOTE The Census of 1901 was taken between the 10th definitions on which the table has been prepared· February and 28th February 1961, followed by a It gives in some cases proportional figures highlight;.. revisional round between the 1st and 5th Mar<lh, ing the statistical tables. 1961. The point of time with reference to which Mode of Preparation the da.ta were collected was the sunrise of 1st March, 1961. The main results of this Census Table C·I has been prepared from the Household are being presented in a series called the 1961 Schedule and the Census Popula.tion Record (on Censu'! Publications (described elsewhere). The the reverse of tbe Household Sohedu1e) on the present book-Part II-C-contains the C-series Or basis of a 20 per cent samp1e. However, tlte the Social and Cultural tables. entries in the Census Population Record were based upon details collected in the Individual C-series Tables Slip. The remaining table'! of this series have all The following eight tables constitute the C-series: been prepared on the b9sis of information collected in the IndivIdual Slip. The Household Scheiule, the C-l-Composition of sample households by rela­ Census Population Record and the Individual Slip tionship to head of family classified (reproduced in the annexures I, II and III to this by size of land cultivated. Note) were filled in at the time of actual enumeration C-II-Age and Marital Status. during the period indicated in the opening paragrltph. C-III Part A-Age, Sex and Education in all areas. Relevant questions and instructions to enumerators Part B-Age, Sex and Education in urban areas only. Out of 13 main questions contained in the In­ dividual Slip, Question 1 (b) pertained to the rela­ Part G-Ag~, Sex and Education in rural areas only. tionship of the person enum~rated to the head of the household. This information has been used in the C-lV-Single year age returns. preparation of Table C·I.. Informations collected C-V-Mother-tongue. I under Questions 2, 3, 5(b), 5(c), 6, 7(a) and 7(b) have C-VI-Bilingualism. been utilised in preparing the remaining tables pre­ C-VI1-ReUgion. sented in this volume. The Census enumerators C-VIII Part A-Classification by literacy and were required to fill up answer to these questio~s industrial category of workers and nOn­ according to certain instructions issued to them. workers among Soheduled Castes. The instructions relating to the filling; up of questions. Part 'B-Classification by literacy and of the Individnal Slip are reproduced below: industrial category of workers and non­ workers among Scheduled Tribes. "Q. l(b) Relationship to the Head of the household- Scheme of Presentation In the case of the Head of the household write­ The tables have been presented for 22 unIts, viz., 'Head'. The person who should be treated as the­ the State, 4 administrative divisions and 17 dis­ 'Head of the Household' haa been fully explained tricts. The arrangement of the units is uniform in part A. All relations9ips in this question and based upon the code numbers allotted to the should be recorded in respect of that pn.r'" son. I n distriots at the time of Census. the case of relations write the relationE'hip in full Do not use words like nephew , nieoe or une1 e . EMh table is preceded by a flylea.f which indi­ but state whether brother'S or SI'st • ' er.'l SOn or cates the lay·out and method of presentation of the daughter (for nephew or niece) or £at h er's table. The flyleaf also elaborates the concepts and or mother's brother (uncIe). 'Son' '11' I WI inC l1de iv 'adopted son' or 'step son' ; similarly for daughter. Q.. 5 (c) Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes- In the case of visitors, boarders or employees l write 'visitor , 'boarder', or 'employee' as the The answer to this question will be recorded only case may be. if a person belongs to a Scheduled Caste or Q. 2 Age in completed years last lJirthda),- Scheduled Tribe. If the person belongs to a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe obta.ining in Write age in years completed last birthday. For your State, or in your district write the name infants below one year of age, write'O'. You will of the caste or tribe to which he belongs.
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