COfficialhickasaw publication of the Chickasaw Nation Twww.chickasawtimes.netimes June 2010 2010 Election Issue Panola District • Seat 1 Judicial • Seat 1 Beth Alexander Ellen Flowers Beryl F. Sears Mark Colbert Jeremy D. Oliver Incumbent Incumbent Pickens District • Seat 3 Tishomingo Please Note: District • Seat 2 There will be no legislative election in Tishomingo District. Ballots will be mailed Linda Briggs Mike Watson Daniel Worcester Incumbent Tim Colbert July 12, 2010. Incumbent Pontotoc District • Seat 5 Ada, OK 74821 OK Ada, Post Office Box 1548 Box Office Post The Chickasaw Times Chickasaw The Mary Jo Green Todd Griffith Mark Johnson Incumbent 2 CHICKASAW TIMES election issue June 2010 Panola District • Seat 1 Legislative contests in Panola, Pickens, Pontotoc Districts, plus judicial race Candidates file for tribal offices; ballots mailed July 12 Chickasaw Nation Election Secretary islative seat. Loder at (580) 310-6475. Seat 1 Ellen Flowers (Calera) Rita Loder has announced the candi- Incumbent Supreme Court Justice Candidates filing are as follows: dates seeking four legislative seats and Mark Holmes Colbert of Ardmore will Legislature: Tishomingo District one judicial seat within the Chickasaw face Jeremy Oliver of Wynnewood for Seat 2 Timothy K. Colbert (Incum- Nation. Seat 1 on the court. Pontotoc District bent) (Sulphur) The filing period closed Wednesday, Registered Chickasaw voters will Seat 5 Mary Jo Green (Incumbent) Seat 2 *Joyce Wesley (Milburn) *ineli- June 9, 2010 at 4:30 p.m. vote by absentee ballots. Ballots will (Ada) gible Pontotoc District Seat 5 incumbent be mailed to qualified voters July 12, Seat 5 Todd Griffith (Newcastle) Mary Jo Green of Ada will face challeng- 2010. Seat 5 Mark Johnson (Ada) Supreme Court: ers Todd Griffith of Newcastle and Mark Ballots must be returned to the Chick- Seat 5 *Jerry Imotichey (Fillmore) *in- Seat 1 Mark Holmes Colbert (Incum- Johnson of Ada. asaw Nation Election Commission no eligible bent) (Ardmore) Pickens District Seat 3 incumbent later than 10:30 a.m. on July 27, 2010. Seat 1 Jeremy D. Oliver (Wyn- Linda Briggs of Marietta will face chal- No hand delivered ballots will be ac- Pickens District newood) lengers Mike Watson of Ardmore and cepted. Seat 3 Linda Briggs (Incumbent) *Joyce Wesley and Jerry Imotichey Daniel Worcester of Ardmore. The Chickasaw Nation Election Com- (Marietta) were both ruled ineligible as candidates Panola District incumbent Beth Al- mission shall conduct and supervise Seat 3 Mike Watson (Ardmore) because they are currently employed by exander of Achille will face Beryl F. the ballot counting beginning at 11 Seat 3 Daniel Worcester (Ardmore) the Chickasaw Nation. Election rules re- Sears of Hendrix and Ellen Flowers of a.m. July 27, 2010, at the Chickasaw quire prospective candidates to resign Calera. Community Center in Ada. Results of Panola District employment upon filing. Tishomingo District Seat 2 incumbent the elections shall be announced the Seat 1 Beth Alexander (Incumbent) legislator Timothy K. Colbert of Sulphur same day. (Achille) is unchallenged and will retain his leg- For more information, contact Ms. Seat 1 Beryl F. Sears (Hendrix) Beth Alexander, Incumbent Name of candidate: Beth Alexander ing young women to Public Schools. Mrs. said, “The first key to greatness is to be in Position candidate is filing for: Tribal become political lead- Alexander was also reality what we appear to be.” Legislator ers. For the past eight selected the represen- Since becoming Legislator, I have made District and seat number: Panola Dis- years, she has been tative for the Okla- it my personal goal to assist All Chicka- trict, seat 1 a mentor and guest homa State Schools saw Citizens nationwide. I have no other Background information: Beth Alex- speaker for “The Dy- convention. agenda. Being a Legislator is my full time ander is the youngest daughter of Don manics of Leader- Goal as a member job. I believe each citizen deserves to get and June Leake, of Sherman, Texas. She ship Class” hosted by of the Chickasaw Leg- personal attention when it comes to meet- is the granddaughter of original enroll- Murray State Junior islature: ing their needs. Everything ranging from ee Mary Annetta Collins and is a direct College, designed to • To continue to rep- home repairs, medical help and geneal- descendant of Rhoda Gunn. Mrs. Alex- inspire, empower and resent the Panola Dis- ogy research, to careful attention to leg- ander and her husband, Rick have two educate students with trict and all Chickasaw islative details, giving speeches and pray- sons, Joshua and Will. personal goals, com- citizens with honesty, ing for personal needs. I have endeav- One thing she is passionate about is munication skills and integrity and profes- ored to work on behalf of the people and working with and encouraging young leadership ability. She sionalism. As legisla- vote to fairly represent your best inter- people. She has worked as a profes- is also an active speak- tors, our responsibil- ests. I am looking forward to continuing sional educator for 17 years in public er in several local ity is to serve you, the to represent you as your Panola District and Christian schools and has a spe- churches throughout Beth Alexander Chickasaw people. Legislator. I believe integrity and ethical cial interest in students with learning the Chickasaw Nation. • Mrs. Alexander values need to be at the forefront in our disabilities. The Alexanders also spent During her years as a is committed to im- governing entities of the Chickasaw Na- 12 years developing and implementing legislator, Mrs. Alexan- proving and expand- tion. This will ensure a solid foundation church camps and conducting chil- der has been involved in several legisla- ing the health care services to outlying for future generations to continue the de- dren’s revivals. tive committees and is a member of the communities and has seen the need for velopment and growth of our tribe. Educational background: After grad- Chickasaw Historical Society. continued diligence in the fight against In order to serve you more effectively, I uating from Sherman High School with Active in local and community af- diabetes. She is an advocate of the Neu- need to hear from you. Please contact me honors, she earned a bachelor of science fairs, Mrs. Alexander and her family rocare system – an electrical muscle in one of the following ways: bethalexan- degree in elementary education with a attend Victory Life Church in Durant, stimulator that has been used to treat [email protected], chickasawbeth.com specialization in life and earth sciences where they served as children’s pas- the complications of diabetes. In many or facebook me at chickasawbeth. My from Texas A&M-Commerce. She holds tors for 12 years. During this time they cases, with diligent use, this system can home phone number is (580) 283-3409. a teaching certification in both Okla- also developed and sponsored church improve the circulation in affected ar- “Some trust in chariots and some in homa and Texas. camps for children and co-directed and eas and even prevent amputation. horses, but we trust in the name of the Civic and/or community activities: developed children’s revivals for local • To encourage the future expansion Lord our God.” Psalms 20:7 Mrs. Alexander participated in the Na- and inner-urban churchs. of the “Services at Large” program for Thank you for your support and en- tional Education for Women’s Leader- Awards and honors: Mrs. Alexander those who live outside the Chickasaw couragement. ship Program (N.E.W.) as a faculty in was selected Teacher of the Year at both Nation boundaries. Beth Alexander – The People’s Voice. residence at the University of Okla- Texoma Christian Middle School and Personal message to the Chickasaw homa, inspiring, mentoring and teach- her first year of teaching at Kingston people: As the philosopher Socrates once June 2010 election issue CHICKASAW TIMES 3 Panola District • Seat 1 Ellen Flowers Name of candidate: Ellen J. Flowers sent seven (7) of their perform those duties. graduated from Caddo Public Schools in Position candidate is filing for: Tribal children to schools I too believe in the im- 1968. She attended Southeastern Okla- Legislator of higher learning. portance of education homa State University, Durant, from District and seat number: Panola Dis- Sallie, (my great- and hard work to be 1979-1981. trict, seat 1 grandmother) Maud successful at any task Civic and/or community activities: Background information: Ms. Flow- and Nancy to Bloom- we are asked to do. By Ms. Flowers civic and community activi- ers is the daughter of Prince and Alice field Academy and you knowing a little ties include: Oklahoma Indian Council Kemp Flowers and the granddaughter Claude, Ben, Berry A., about me and my an- on Aging (member), American Cancer of Douglas L. and Lillian Turner Kemp, Jr., to Harley Institute cestors, should let you Society, Native People Lay Health Advi- who is the daughter of Sallie Duck- and Wiley J.,0 to what know that I will repre- sor, and Chickasaw Elder. worth Turner. She is a descendant of is now Southeast- sent you with integrity Awards and honors: Ms. Flowers re- the Colberts, Kemps, Greenwoods, and ern Oklahoma State and honesty. ceived a certificate for Caregivers Sup- Duckworths who were all Chickasaws. University. All seven Ms. Flowers worked port Group 28th Annual Oklahoma As most of you know Levi Colbert was graduated. for the Chickasaw Na- Conference on Aging 2002; certification one of the most important men in Allen and Nancy tion as site manager from the State of Oklahoma Medicare/ Chickasaw history, continually build- (Colbert) Greenwood, Ellen Flowers of the Madill Chicka- Medicade Fraud Abuse and Waste Re- ing the nation by hard work and per- my great-great-great- saw Nation Senior Site duction Program, 2003; Chickasaw Na- severance.
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