Plant List of what we grow. Plant varieties are subject to change. Please call for availability, size and price. Thank you! Broadleaf Evergreens Azalea - Azalea Herbert Karen Pleasant White Rosebud Stewart Buxus - Boxwood Green Gem Green Mountain Green Mountain Pyramidal Green Velvet Euonymus - Euonymus Blondy Emerald Gaiety Greenlane Moonshadow Ilex - Holly Densa Nordic Blue Combination Berry Magic Honeymooners Rhododendron - Rhododendron Album Nova Zembla Roseum Elegans P.J.M. Yucca - Yucca Adams Needle Gold Sword Deciduous Shrubs Aronia - Aronia Red Chokeberry Berberis - Berberis Admiration Crimson Pygmy Helmond Pillar Orange Rocket Roseglow Buddleia - Butterfly Bush Black Knight Lo & Behold Nanho Blue Nanho Purple Pink Delight Clethra - Summersweet Hummingbird Cornus - Dogwood Artic Fire Creamedge Firedance Ivory Halo Red Twig Yellow Twig Cotoneaster - Cotoneaster Cranberry Lucidus - Hedge Diervilla Cool Splash Dwarf Deutzia - Deutzia Nikko Slender Euonymus Alatus - Burning Bush Dwarf Burning Bush Forsythia - Forsythia Gold Tide Northern Gold Fothergilla - Fothergilla Dwarf Hamamelis - WitchHazel Vernalis Hibiscus - Rose of Sharon Aphrodite Ardens Collie Mullens Holly - Deciduous Southern Gentleman Winter Red Hydrangea - Hydrangea Annabelle Bobo Bloomstruck Endless Summer Glowing Embers Incrediball Limelight Little Lime Little Quickfire Nantucket Blue Oakleaf Pinky Winky Quickfire Strawberry Sundae Twist and Shout Itea Sweetspire Henry's Garnet Little Henry Ligustrum - Privet Cheyanne Golden Vicary Magnolia - Magnolia Pink Purple White Myrica - Bayberry Northern Physocarpus - Ninebark Amber Jubilee Centerglow Diablo Little Devil Summerwine Potentilla - Potentilla Gold Drop McKay's White Prunus - Plum Cistena Rhamnus - Rhamnus Fineline (Fernleaf) Buckthorne Tallhedge Buckthorn Rhus - Sumac Gro Low Tiger Eyes Ribes - Alpine Currant Alpine Currant Rosa - Roses (All Shrub Type) Double Knockout Rose Double Pink Knockout Rose Knockout Rose Pink Knockout Rose Sunny Knockout Rose Nearly Wild Rose Apricot Drift Pink Drift Red Drift Salix - Willow Dappled 'Hakuro Nishiki' Willow Spirea - Spirea Alba Goldflame Goldmound Little Princess Magic Carpet Neon Flash Superstar Snowmound Syringa - Lilac Dwarf Korean Dwarf Miss Kim Charles Jolly Monge Mount Baker Pocohontas Yankee Doodle Viburnum - Viburnum Alfredo American Cranberrybush Burkwood Chicago Lustre Compact European Cranberrybush Juddi Mariessi Mohican Onondaga Roseum Snowball Weigela - Weigela Dark Horse Fine Wine My Monet Rainbow Sensation Red Prince Shining Sensation Sonic Bloom Spilled Wine Wine & Roses Wisteria - Wisteria Summer Cascade Wisteria Evergreen Shrubs Chamaecyparis - Falsecypress Boulevard Falsecypress Gold Thread / Mops Falsecypress Sungold Falsecypress Juniperus - Juniper Andorra Blue Arrow Blue Chip Blue Rug Blue Star Broadmoor Buffalo Compact Pfitzer Gold Coast Icee Blue Mint Julep / Sea Green Moordense Procumbens Nana Sea of Gold Skyrocket Tamarix Upright Hetzi Wichita Blue Microbiota - Russian Cypress Russian Cypress Picea - Spruce Bird Nest Spruce Dwarf Alberta Spruce Pumila Spruce Pinus - Pine Dwarf Mugo Pine Taxus - Yew Browni Dark Green Spreader Dense Everlow Hicks Wardi Upright Cap Thuga - Arborvitae Dark Green Emerald Green Fairview Green Giant Hetzi Midget Globe Little Giant Globe Pyramidal Techny (Mission) Wintergreen Whipcord Western Cedar Woodward Globe Tsuga - Hemlock Canadian Hemlock Specialty Evergreen Buxus - Boxwood Green Mountain 3 Tier Poodle Boxwood Chamaecyparis - FalseCypress Boulevard Falsecypress Pompon Compact Hinoki Falsecypress Drawf Hinoki Falsecypress Hinoki Falsecypress Fernspray Gold Falsecypress Juniperus - Juniper Hetzi Juniper 2 Ball Poodle Hetzi Juniper 3 Ball Poodle Hetzi Juniper Spiral Mint Julep Juniper Oriental Pompon Mint Julep Juniper Pompon Spartan Juniper Spiral Larix - Larch Weeping Larch Picea - Spruce Columnar Blue Spruce Globe Blue Spruce - Low Globe Blue Spruce - on Standard Weeping Blue Spruce Little Gem Norway Spruce - on Standard Weeping Norway Spruce Serbian Spruce - on Standard Weeping White Spruce Pinus - Pine Japanese White Pine Swiss Stone Pine Vanderwolf Pine Weeping White Pine Taxodium - Bald Cypress Cascade Falls Bald Cypress Evergreen Trees Abies - Fir Balsam Fir Canaan Fir Concolor Fir Picea - Spruce Baby Blue Spruce Black Hills Spruce Colorado Spruce Colorado Blue Spruce Norway Spruce Serbian Spruce White Spruce Pinus - Pine Austrian Pine White Pine Ground Covers Ajuga - Ajuga Bronze Beauty Euonymus - Euonymus Purple Leaf Wintercreeper Hedera - Ivy Thorndale English Ivy Pachysandra - Japanese Spurge Green Carpet Pachysandra Vinca - Myrtle, Periwinkle Bowles Myrtle Vines Clematis - Clematis Assorted Varieties Hydrangea - Hydrangea Climbing Hydrangea Parathenocissus - Ivy Boston Ivy Engelman / Virginia Creeper Perennial Ferns Athyrium - Japanese Painted Japanese Painted Fern Matteuccia - Ostrich Ostrich Fern Osmunda - Cinnamon Cinnamon Fern Perennial Grasses Calamagrostis - Reed Grass Avalanche Reed Grass Karl Foester Reed Grass Festuca - Fescue Elijah Blue Fescue Grass Hakonechloa - Forest Grass All Gold Japanese Forest Grass Aureola Japanese Forest Grass Helictotrichon - Blue Oat Grass Sapphire Blue Oat Grass Imperata - Bloodgrass Japanese Bloodgrass Miscanthus - Maiden Grass Encore Gracillimus Maiden Grass Huron Sunrise Maiden Grass Little Zebra Maiden Grass Morning Light Maiden Grass Porcupine Maiden Grass Purple (Flame) Maiden Grass Variegated Japanese Silver Maiden Grass Panicum - Switchgrass Cheyenne Sky Heavy Metal Switchgrass Pennisetum - Fountain Grass Burgundy Bunny Fountain Grass Desert Plains Fountain Grass Dwarf Fountain Grass Karley Rose Fountain Grass Little Bunny Fountain Grass Redhead Fountain Grass Schizachyrium - Little Bluestem Grass Little Bluestem Grass Perennials Alchemilla - Lady's Mantle Lady's Mantle Allium - Allium Millenium Armeria - Common Thrift Bloodstone Thrift Astilbe - Astilbe Deutschland Fanal Peach Blossom Pumilla Visions Purple Campanula - Bellflower Blue Clips White Clips Cimicifuga - Black Snakeroot Chocoholic Black Snakeroot Coreopsis - Tickseed Berry Chiffon Jethro Tull Mercury Rising Moonbeam Sun Up Dianthus - Maiden / Cheddar Pinks Cherry Vanilla Firewitch Dianthus Scarlet Fever Dicentra - Bleeding Heart Fringed Bleeding Heart Old Fashion Bleeding Heart Echinacea - Coneflower Hot Papaya Prairie Splendor Purple (Magnus) Geranium Cranesbill Rozanne Hemerocallis - Daylily Happy Returns Little Grapette Pardon Me Passionate Returns Ruby Spider Stella D Oro Stephanie Returns Tiger Swirl Heuchera - Coralbell Blackberry Ice Caramel Hercules Midnight Rose Palace Purple Plum Pudding Obsidian Hibiscus - Rose Mallow Hosta - Hosta Aureo Marginata Autumn Frost Blue Angel Empress Wu Francee Gold Standard Golden Tiara Halcyon High Society June Krossa Regal Liberty Loyalist Patriot Royal Standard Sum & Substance Iberis - Candytuft Snowflake Iris - Iris Caesars Brother Contrast in Styles Lavzndula - Lavender Munstead Leucanthemum - Shasta Daisy Banana Cream Becky Daisy May Snowcap Spoonful of Sugar Liatris - Gayfeather Kobold Spike Gayfeather Ligularia - Ligularia Liriope - Lilyturf Big Blue Liriope Nepata - Catmint Purrsian Blue Walkers Low Paeonia - Peony Pink Red White Perovskia - Russian Sage Little Spire Russian Sage Russian Sage Phlox - Phlox Blue Emerald Creeping Phlox Platycondon - Balloon Flower Sentimental Blue Balloon Flower Polygonatum Solomons Seal Variegated Solomons Seal Pulmonaria - Bethlehem Sage / Lungwort Mrs. Moon Lungwort Rasberry Splash Lungwort Rudbeckia - Black Eyed Susan Goldsturm Little Goldstar Salvia - Salvia Lyrical Blue Marcus May Night Sedum - Sedum Angelina Autumn Joy Carl Frosted Fire Lime Twister Matrona October Daphne Sieboldii Sedum Pure Joy Veronica - Speedwell Hocus Pocus Royal Candles Very Van Gogh Ornamental Trees Amelanchier - Serviceberry Autumn Brilliance Princess Diana Cornus - Dogwood Kousa Dogwood Florida Dogwood Cratagus - Hawthorne Crusgalli Hawthorne Washington Hawthorne Winter King Hawthorne Cercis - RedBud Eastern RedBud Hydrangea - Hydrangea Limelight Hydrangea Tree Form Quickfire Hydrangea Tree Form Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangea Tree Form Malus Crabapple Coralburst Donald Wyman Lollipop Louisa Prairiefire Profusion Purple Prince Red Baron Red Jade Red Jewel Royal Raindrops Royalty Ruby Tears Sargent Sargent Tina Spring Snow Snowdrift Sugar Tyme Velvet Pillar Prunus - Cherry Higans Weeping Cherry Kwanzan Cherry Pink Cascade Weeping Cherry Snowfountain Cherry Pyrus - Pear Cleveland Select (Chanticleer) Pear Redspire Pear Trinity Pear Salix - Willow Dappled Willow Tree Form Syringa - Lilac Dwarf Korean Lilac Tree Form Japanese Tree Lilac Fruit Trees Malus - Apple Honeycrisp Apple Prunus - Cherry Stella Cherry Prunus - Peach Red Haven Peach Shade Trees Acer Campestre Hedge Maple Acer X Freemani Autumn Blaze Maple Marmo Maple Matador Maple Acer Miyabei State Street Maple Acer Plantanoides - Norway Columnar Norway Maple Crimson King Norway Maple Crimson Sentry Norway Maple Emerald Lustre Norway Maple Emerald Queen Norway Maple Acer Rubrum - Red Armstrong Gold Maple Armstrong Red Maple Redpointe Red Maple Red Sunset Red Maple Sun Valley Maple Acer Saccarum Sugar Autumn Fest Maple Green Mountain Sugar Acer Truncatum Crimson Sunset Maple Aesculus - Horsechestnut Fort McNair Horsechestnut Betula - Birch Heritage River Birch Native Paper Birch River Birch Szechuan Paper Birch Carpinus - Hornbeam American Hornbeam Pyramidal European Hornbeam Celtis - Hackberry Hackberry Cercidiphyllum - Katsura Katsura Tree Ginkgo - Ginkgo Autumn
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