Vol. 25, No. 48 November 29, 1982 A CHINESE WEEKLY OF NEWS AND VIEWS €rb..* tf :: , j \.Fe. 3 a?'!i E,.-:- ; - rk'"# Et rI t" .: '!t* I '*"43 *t "q I "a'&,& . 'e-4 r{ 'rt q"q "q.E'\:* ['e !8..? kq "&,*. T'*a Iangshan Rises From Rubble 0l 1976 Earthquake Census Analysis Economic lndexes census figures, emphasizing the HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK importance o[ continueC popula- tion control to economic as well New Foreign Atlairs and destot'yed by an earthquake six as scientific and cultural growth Delence Ministers short years ago. is rising from (p. 13). its orvn ashes. Its people have Standing Committee of the shown unmatched Facts and Figutes NPC approves appointment of courage as they struggle 1o tw<> key ministers. Their short brick by brick A neu, column provides Chi- rebuild homes. factr.rries biographies (p. 5). their na's major statistics. This week and llves. supported by the it include.s economic indexes for' whole (p. China Stands by Thailand nation 22). the' signilicanl veAr-s up to 19Bt (p. 1?). Duling the visit of Thai Assume Key Posts Prime Minister', Prenrier Zhao fibetans stressed China's .support for the' Under Party leadership, grou'- Thai people's struggle against ing numbers of Tibetans and aggre-ssion (p. 7). other national minorities have Sino-Soviet Relations matured and assumed leading posts in the autonomous region. Statements by Chinese leaders Second of our Tibel serie-. on the principles for normaliza- (p. 1a). tion of relations with the Soviet Union (p. 8). What the'Census Figures Up From lhe Ashes Mean Deslruclion and rct'onstruction aftcr Like the legendary phoenix, A demographer discusses the the Tangshan earthquake ol 1976. Tangshan, the north China city significance of China's recent. Photo by Li Yaodt>ng chino stonds Firmrv bv Thoi' FROM THE CHINESE PRESS 20.21 BEIJING REVIEW On Sino-Soviet Consultotions SPECIAT FEATURE Published every Mondoy by Tongshon Six Yeors After the BEIJING REVIEW - 2{ Boiwonzhuong Rood, Beijing ]NIERNATIONAL 9.12 Guoke Our Correspon- The People's Republic of Chino dent Li- Xio US-Western Europe Relotions Eosed Zhong Wen New Tongshon Under Re- NOIES FROM THE EDIIORS 3-4 - construction 22 President Zio's Visit to Indio About Weopons Soles ln- ond Southeost Asio Liu Storting LiIe Afresh 26 ternotionol Editor Mu Youlin- Zhenxue - Rurol lndustries Eco- CULTURE & SCIENCE a.30 Smoll - An End to Koreo's Division nomic Editor Jin Qi Ming Ming - ART PAGE 31 LETTERS 4 Soviet-US Disormoment Tolks Leod Nowhere Fong Ming EVENTS & TRENDS 5-8 - Stonding Committee Sets NPC ARTICLES & DOCUMENTS Agendo How to lnterpret the Census BElJltllG BEVIEW (USPS No. 658-110) is Newly Appointed Ministers Communique Hou Wenruo - l3 published weekly lor US$ 13.50 per year by Upgroding Smoll ond Medium- Tibet: An lnside View (ll) Eoiiing Roview, 24 Baiwanrhueng Road. Beiiing, China. postago paid Sized Enterprises More Tibetons ossume- Socond-class leodership Our Correspon- at San trancisco, CA. Postmastsr: Send Urbon ond Rurol Youth - address drangos to Chino Books & Teoms dent Jing Wei 14 Service hriodicals, lnc., 2929 24lh Stroot, San Educotion {or Notionol Minori- Focts ond Figures: Notionol Francisco. CA 94110. ties Economy: Mojor Torgets 17 Notr.s Frorn the ltrrlltors lbout lleapons Sales of 1966-?6. many of them camc under fire as "capitalist under- Is it true that, as one foreign its stand; this has been so in the takings" simply because they journal alleged, one-,fourth of past and will be so in the fu- were more profitable than grain the weapons purchased from ture. production. In spite oi all this. abroad by Iraq came from small rural industries continued China? The lranian-Iraqi war. is ca- to develop and demonstrated tastrophic for both countries. In their immense vitality. Since the present tur.bulenl world No, it is not tr.ue. China has China began to light the wlongs situation, third world countries not sold any weapons to Iraq in all f ields of endeavoul in need to because this is incompatible with rally t<lgether against 1978. the total output value of hegemonism. oul principled stand on the war Both Ir.an and these small ind u.stries has in- Iraq are between Iraq anci Iran. Islamic countr,ies. For creased at a progressive annnal them stop to fighting and live in rate of 10 pel cent. China maintains Iriendly dip- peace is not only in the inter.ests lomatic relations with both r.rf the people of the two coun- Economically. there are sev- countries and slrict neutlality tries. but will help ease the eral reasons fol this rapid regarding the wal. between tensions in the Middle Easr. development. First. the sulplus them. This is well known. 11 This also conforms to the com- labour force in the lural areas is our sincele hope that the two mon wishes of the peoples ol all is expanding and must be em- countries will settle their. countries. ployed: secondly. thet'e is an disputes thr.ough pcacelul ne- Inte.rnational Editor urgent need to tap the abun- gotiations. - China will not change Mu YotLlirt dant minelal and other natural resources. nrany of which ale at piresent beyond the capacity Small Rural lndustries of big indusLlies in the cities: Lhirdly. the pulchasing ptrwet' is in- Are China's snrall rural in- Their annual of the vast rural malket output value creasing; and finally. the rural dustries of any real economic tottrlled 56.200 millir_rn yuan. processing industly. with higher significance? As these industries u'hich 'r'as one-thir.d r_rf t he plofitability than farm produc- are generally characterized b.l combined output value of thc. licln. can help raise the needed a high rate of raw, material and (hlee-level lulal or.ganizations funds fol water conservancy energy consumption and lor.r, ef_ the commune. the production ficiency, - projects and f armland capital u,hat are their luture bligade and t he pr.oduction prospects? constluction. A1l these have l ean'r. enabled indigenous srnall in- This is a logical question fr.onr rr.rot in the Small rural industlies have dustries to stlike the perspective of a developed rural areas. had theil ups and downs in the nation. But one needs only look la.st tu,o decades or so. and at the lealities of the presenl- opin- They also have become in- ions on them ranged from day Chinese countl'yside to ap- dispensable supplements and praise to censure. The late pleciate the importance of its auxiliary ploducers to the big small industries. Chailman Mao Zedong de- urban industries. In I981, tor scr-ibed these commune- and instance. some small t'ural in- 'Ihese industr.ies evolved fr.om brigade-run enterprises as the dustrial products made up a traditional "hope handicrafts and tor a bright futule.'' But substantial proportion of the small workshops ''.qleat and developed in the leap forward,, of total national output. They fairly I'apidly af ter the estab_ 1958. they became a symbol r-rf produced 19 per cent of the na- li.shment of the lural people's a "premature rush to commun- tion's coal; 80 per- cent of its communes in 19b8. By the end ism'' because they rvere mostlv building matelials (bricks, iiles. of 1981. about 72b.000 commune- developed by requisitioning the stone, Iime. etc.) : and 34 per and brigade-run industrial en- collective property of the peas- cent of its gold. Rural industries lerprises had been set up. en.r_ ants without paying any re- also contributed 40 per cerrt of bracing various trades and em- muneration whatsoever. and garment ploying the industry's out- 19.8 million workei.s. during the "cultural revolution,' put. and produced a full Nouentber 29, lgSZ ideology and morality" in partic- interesting and good cultural ular, is of great significance in de- material. TETTERS termining the nature of socialism. The maps '"\'ith some of the "Communist ideology and mor- articles shou,ing the Iocation of Communist Thought alitv" is something intangible and certain cities should be very abstlact. Therefole it sometimes good your valuable to students. Short articles Thele are articles in engenders empty theoretical dis- are often read. u'hi1e longer issues No ill and 12. I had cussrcns. pleviously articles are onll, glanced over. come to some of the I hope that you n'ill firmlY im- article are same conclusions as the plement this concePt and that Your Our students and facultY jing Re' "On the Practice of Comtrunist magazine rvill carrY lePorts ex- ver')' interested in Bei (issue b1' Thought" No. J2). PartY plaining the specifiis of "commu- uiew and it is used frequentlY members' daily behaviour and nist ideolog)' and moral[t-v.'' oul'patrons. \!-icrds, I think, should be examples Alexander T. Stecker for the masses. Party membet's Tomizo Saito Salt Lake CitY, USA must rnake it their duty to serve Yokosuga, Japan the people rt'holeheartedly and never seek selfish intet'ests ol' an Outer Spoce Aportheid, No ! easy life. It rt'as with great satisf action I I was interested in lhe Beiiing Itsuo Ishida read in "Rapid Q13,wth of C'hina's Reuieu; article ''China Demands Saliai, JaPan Space Science" (issue No. 32) of Release of Nelson Mandela" (issue Sociolist Spirituol Civilizotion the successful launching of ybur No 33). because it reminded me of 12th satellite and ot I'our plans the colonial and imperialist times Your article "Socialist Spiritual to test more rockets. I have an r.l,hen blacl<s were sold as chattel. Civilization'' carried in the column ardent interest in China alrd wish The misery stamped into the "Notes From the Editors.'' issue her rr"'eli in all hel endeavours souls of the black Africans will No.
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