ft. m r v s K? v .S - 1 THE KALDRON OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE 19 15 VOLUME XXVII ■ ALLEGHENY COLLEGE LIBRARY (Lo CLimotliy JUiU'n llit iirafcfttl recoiinition of flic scI|olai*h>, l|croir a nil far-sceiiui durational pvoplict lulio one huniu-eii nears ayo laib for us liere tlie foundation stone of our house of learniitii. ct I) i' JE b ito rial S ta ff Behold, thou critics, on this page The finest staff of any age. Our editor with smile sagacious, i’reparing even now to lash us, With ])en as deaf to any pleas, As ever sword of Damocles. Our artist next, young' lliekman there, Who found he had a day to spare, fc-Jm er W n t civ mu n D o n o l d G D o n L o r L ac o f^tK o y And managed hy some hook or crook, Gel ti or 10 0 4 A ss o g. i oTe £»ditpr To make the drawings for this book. John Weaver, then—a man of might, Grinds out a thousand words a minute, The modern writer isn't in it. Miss Miller, here, with sphinx-like smile, A clear brown eye, but heart of guile, Who oft her trusting friends betrays, To help the Kaldron get a raise. McKay, the man with lots of go, h'rom whose lips lyric verses How, So full of literary merit, That Shakespeare’s far surpassed, we swear it. And then Miss Best, who from intent, PL 11 k. o p «tb D c jT L d lic 1 1 e La i |.» Proclaims a literary vent. A a i p c- lot «* Q it of A s s . ’C . Clt*• E M ' W ' Osh Graham next, that cheerful fellow, Whose laugh melodious and mellow, So many times has cleared the air. And pulled the Board from dark despair. Miss I.ippitt, given name I.ueile, Whose contributions all reveal, Poetic touches so divine, They go to every head like wine. Hast, but not least, the wily “Jew," Who saw this venture safely through. Subdued the printers with a look, And tried to “make a decent hook." J ok r< (_ . W ejwrj’* A s so c i ute tor AT G o o r . j e A . S i <» in f r* 8o« I nf fi bHana.y/* Jinn* chun* it D ear lie a iie vs all, to yon ioe iioiw sulm iit Ohir booh, tl;e probuct of tl;esc mamj bays, jAnb Uniit wit I) anxious licavts enow, ■Jlie ncrbict of your blame or praise. Sfo scan it Well, anh way tl;ere be at least (One sim ile tliim i, l|OWclicr mean or sm all, A passaiir, phrase, or encit luorb (Lliat hotl; maybap scent plcasimi to you all. ,Anb slionlb you laniil) at ihle jest or pun, •®s tlianks enoiuib; we’ll count our Work Well bone! (Official (Calenhar .V o . 3 5 . Zkarf Zfec. 12, 1816. •wsfcOOV**’- — - •• 1914 J. S. W1ESTLING, PRINTER. Sept. IS, Tuesday—First Term Begins. -< rtA & .0 0 y .v x ------- ’ 14, 15, Monday and Tuesday—Entrance Examinations. House of Representatives. 15, Tuesday—Registration of New Students. 16, Wednesday—Registration of Old Students. Aii .'JOT eutabliahiug Micghavy College in ths lu-xnMp of Mead and county of 17, Thursday, 8:00 a. m.—Recitations Begin. Cranford Nov. 4, Wednesday—East day for submitting Subjects of Senior Orations and Theses. Section i. Be it evaded by the Senate and House of Representatives mr.b. 26, Thursday—Thanksgiving Day, a holiday. oj the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met and Dec. 18, Friday, 12:30 p. in.— Recitations Close. it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same That there be erected and established and is hereby established in the t o w n s h ip of Mead iu the county 1915 J of Craw ford a College for the education of youth in the learned ancient jind nib-. CHRISTMAS RECESS 0 dcrn language* in the liberal arts and sciences and in all u s e fu l literature the I an. 6 Wednesday, 8:00 a. m.—Recitations Resumed. 7 name style and title of which said college by winch it shallbe known shall aud 13 Wednesday—Last Day for Presenting Senior Orations and Theses. i I 8 hereby is declared to be * Alleghany College 20-29 Eirst Term Examinations. - t — wi.rmm n T inrmiFar ^ mi mi « ............. 1 T """"""" Jan. 29 Friday, 4:00 p. m.—First Term Ends. •3 the said college shall he under the. management direction and government wf ? 3 mimher oflrustecs not exceeding fifty or a quorum or hoard thereof os herein- ^ « Feb. 2 Tuesday—Second Term Begins. Registration of Students. 3 Wednesday, 8:00 a. m.—Recitations Begin. ■t after mentioned 4 Thursday—Wakefield Oratorical Contest. 1 Section 3 A nd be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That 9 ? Monday—Washington’s Birthday, a holiday. The College Dinner. 3 the governor* the chief justice and the attorney general of this commonwealth Mar. 3. Wednesday—Last day for Submitting Subjects of Senior Orations 3 for the time being shall he trustees ex- ofli|< iis and Theses. 1 Section \> And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid T\i:d April 2, Friday, 12:30—Recitations Close. 2 the other first trustees of Alleghany College .shall consist of the following -per- 3 sons that is to say of the county of Crawford Roger Alden W illiara Macarlhu# SPRING RECESS 4 Jesse Moore John Hrooks William Clark lleniy Ifnrst Samuel’Iwrd Saujuil /f —'A' ** o2 *,n ^ April 13, Tuesday, 8:00 a. m.—Recitations Resumed. 5 Tobctt Kulpli Marlin Patrick Farrelly Tliuma. Atkinson Jolm Heynold* Dan- V 24, Saturday—Founders’ Day. 0 iel lloniiis William Foster IJaniel Perkins Rev. Amos Chase Rev. Tim oliy. 28, Wednesday—Last Day for Presenting Senior Orations and Theses. V 7 Alilcn Rev. Robert Jolinslon of tlie county of Erie Judah Coll Rufus H Kee.l May 10, Monday—Choice of Senior Speakers. 8 John C Wallace John Vincent James Weston Kov. Johnson Eaton Key. 25, Tuesday—Moving-Up Day, a holiday. 9 Robert R.-edyf the county of Venango David In inc William Ceum -p S»mn- |une 1-19, Second Term Examinations. 10 el Ila vs of the counts of Mercer Alexander Brown Jacob Herrington >•'»<' e j j THE ONE HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDING OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE Bentley Hall WILLIAM ARTHUR ELLIOTT, L. 11. D. * A 0, * II K Professor of Greek Language and Literature. A. 1!., Allegheny College, 1889; A. M„ Allegheny Col­ lege, 1892; L. H. D., Dickinson College, 1902; Member Philological Association; Member Archaeological Insti­ tute of America; Studied in Germany, and at the Ameii- can School of Classical Studies, Athens, 1894-95; Prin­ cipal, Preparatory School, Allegheny College, 1889-92; Pro­ fessor of Latin and Greek, 1892-94; Registrar, 1895-1907, Vice-President, 1907-09; present position, 1893. "As good almost kill a man as kill a good liook." * —Milton. E R N E S T A S H T O N S M IT H , Ph. I). I! e II, •]• li K Professor of History and Economics. A. B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1888; A. M., 1891; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins, 1900; Oxford University, 1906; University of London, 1907; Member of American His­ torical Association; Member of American Economic As­ sociation; Principal, Valdosta Collegiate institute, 1890- 93; Professor of History and Economics, Allegheny Col­ lege, 1898-1910; Assistant Professor of History and Poli­ tics, Princeton University, 1910-1913; present position, 1913. (Censored) —Shakes]). Coriolanur. President William H. Crawford, D. D., L. L. D. CLARENCE FRISBEE ROSS. A. M. <l» A 0, ‘I1 ]J K Professor of Latin Language and Literature. A. B„ Allegheny College, 1891; A. M„ 1893; University of Berlin, 1896-97; Senior l'ellow in Greek, University of Chicago, 1898-99; American School of Classical Studies, Rome, 1908-09; Professor of Greek and German, Missouri Wesleyan College, 1891-92; Instructor in Greek and Latin and Principal of Preparatory School, Allegheny College, 1892-95; Assistant Professor, 1895; Professor, 1900; Sec­ retary of Faculty, 1901-07, 1910------; Member of Ameri­ can l’hilogical Association; Member of Archaeological In­ stitute of America; present position, 1902. "Hi! was wont to speak plain and to the purpose." ALLEGHENY COLLEGE LIBRARY • —As You Like It. CHARLES JOSEPH LING, Ph. D. FRANCIS CUMMINS LOCKWOOD, Ph. D. 2 A 1C A T A, * 1! K Professor of Physics and Astronomy. Professor of English Language and Literature. B. S., Cornell University, 1890; A. M., University of A. I!.. Baker University, 1892; A. M„ Wesleyan Uni­ Denver, 1900; Ph. D., 1902; Instructor in Science, Carrol- versity, 1902; Ph. D„ Northwestern University, 1896; Pro­ ton, Illinois High School, 1890; Vice-Principal, Central fessor of English Language and Literature, Mt. Union High School, Colorado, 1892-94; Instructor in Physics, College, 1898-99; Professor of English, Kansas State Ag­ Manual Training High School, Denver, Colorado, 1894- ricultural College, 1900-02; Graduate Student, Oxford Uni­ 1906; Instructor in Astronomy and Mathematics, Uni­ versity, 1909-10; present position, 1902, versity of Denver, Summer Session, 1902; Member American Physical Society; Member American Associa­ "And I would fain die a dry death.” —The Tempest. tion for the Advancement of Science; Member Astrono- mische Gesellschaft; present position, 1906. "Still poking his nose into this and that.” Ingoldby Legends. GEORGE ABRAHAM M ULFI NGER. Ph. 1). OSCAR PERRY. AKERS, Ph. D. <1* It !< Professor of German Language and Literature. Professor of Mathematics. A. B., Northwestern University, 1885; 1).
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