Old and New Worlds The Global Challenges of Rural History International Conference Lisbon 27-30 January 2016 V ENCONTRO RURAL REPORT XV CONGRESO DE HISTORIA AGRARIA DE LA SEHA Hosted by © 2016 CIES-IUL. All rights reserved. This book is part of the materials made available freely to the Conference participants. It is not to be sold or otherwise used for commercial purposes. Title: Old and New Worlds: The Global Challenges of Rural History. Conference eBook. Edited by: José Vicente Serrão, Dulce Freire, Lourenzo Fernández Prieto, Rui Santos. Year of Publication: 2016. Online Publication Date: January 2016. Published by: ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia. Address: Avenida das Forças Armadas, edif. ISCTE, 1649-026 Lisbon, Portugal. Tel: +351 210 464 018. E-mail: [email protected]. URL: http://www.cies.iscte-iul.pt/. Type: digital edition (e-book). Conference secretariat: Joana Castro, Joana Paulino. Conference website: https://lisbon2016rh.wordpress.com/ ISBN: 978-972-8048-10-5 DOI: 10.15847/CIESIUL/2016.onw.105 Old and New Worlds The Global Challenges of Rural History Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, 27-30 January 2016 Conference eBook Organisers José Vicente Serrão Dulce Freire Lourenzo Fernández Prieto Rui Santos Organisation Rural RePort – Rede de História Rural em Português is an informal network of scholars interested in Rural History and working in Portugal or in other Portuguese-speaking countries. Its main aim is to be a space for information sharing about activities and projects concerning rural history and other disciplinary approaches to rural studies. While its geographical scope deliberately transcends Portugal and Europe, Rural RePort was made a section of the Portuguese Rural Studies Society (SPER) and is the Portuguese member of EURHO (European Rural History Organisation). https://histruralpt.wordpress.com SEHA (Sociedad Española de Historia Rural) is a non-profit scientific and cultural association. It aims to foster research, opinion sharing, teaching and dissemination of scientific knowledge pertaining to agrarian history and rural society and economy, from an interdisciplinary perspective, and to the benefit of all concerned with the subject. While its main intervention scope is the Spanish territory, SEHA also fosters the cooperation with associations and institutions in other countries, and it is the Spanish member of EURHO. Its journal Historia Agraria ranks among the most important European academic journals in the field. http://seha.info, http://historiaagraria.com ISCTE-IUL (University Institute of Lisbon) is a public university established in 1972. Pursuing teaching, research and community service activities, with approximately 8500 students enrolled in undergraduate (52%) and postgraduate (48%) programs, 450 teachers and 220 non-teaching staff, it plays a major role in educating qualified specialists and personnel. As a research university, ISCTE-IUL hosts nine research centres evaluated by the Foundation for Science and Technology, among which CIES-IUL (Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology), which develops research projects in sociology, political science, education studies, communication studies, urban anthropology, and history. http://www.iscte.iul.pt , http://www.cies.iscte-iul.pt ii Old and New Worlds: the Global Challenges of Rural History | International Conference, Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, 27-30 January 2016 PANELS LIST Global circulation of species and biological innovation, 16th-20th centuries: landscapes, production and consumption | Circulação P01 de espécies e inovação biológica a uma escala global (séculos XVI a XX): paisagens, produção e consumo | Circulación de especies e innovación biológica a escala global, siglos XVI a XX: paisajes, producción y consumo. P02 Property rights, production regimes and labour relations in Africa, Asia and the Americas (17th-20th centuries). Social mobilization and democracy in the rural world, 19th-20th centuries | Mobilização social e democracia no mundo rural, P03 séculos XIX-XX | Movilización social y democracia en el mundo rural, siglos XIX-XX. P04 Challenges for research on rural history in Europe and America. The role of journals in scientific dissemination | Retos de RT investigación sobre historia rural en Europa y América. El papel de las revistas en la divulgación científica. S01 Quantitative agricultural history: institutions, markets and natural resources. Territorial changes and property rights on urban-rural relationship: fields and common lands, 18th-20th centuries | S02 Transformaciones territoriales y derechos de propiedad en torno a la relación urbano-rural: campos y ejidos, siglos XVIII-XX. The roles and social constituencies of the national state in reshaping rural society: The Iberian countries in the 19th Century | O S03 papel e as bases sociais do estado na reconfiguração da sociedade rural: os países ibéricos no século XIX | Funciones y bases sociales del Estado nacional en la reformulación de una nueva sociedad agraria: los países Ibéricos en el siglo XIX. Climate, natural disasters and social upheavals in the Iberian worlds, 17th-19th centuries | Clima, desastres naturais e convulsões S04 sociais nos mundos ibéricos, séculos XVII-XIX | Clima, desastres naturales y convulsiones sociales en los mundos ibéricos, siglos XVII y XIX. Forests in the socio-ecological transition. Historical experiences in Europe and the Americas (19th and 20th centuries) | Los S05 bosques en la transición socio-ecológica. Experiencias históricas en Europa y América (siglos XIX-XX). Cadeias globais agrícolas: impactos territoriais e transformações ambientais e socioeconômicas na era do capitalismo (séculos S06 XIX-XXI) | Cadenas globales agrícolas: impactos territoriales y transformaciones ambientales y socioeconómicas en la era del capitalismo (siglos XIX-XXI). S07 Agrarian History from a gender perspective | La Historia Agraria desde una perspectiva de género. S08 Wine Quality in the 19th and 20th centuries | La calidad del vino en los siglos XIX y XX. S09 Empire revisited: agricultural surveys and the making of colonial landscapes. Living standards in the Americas and Europe, 16th-20th centuries | Níveis de vida nas Américas e na Europa, séculos XVI-XX | El S10 nivel de vida de los pobladores de América y Europa, siglos XVI-XX. Politicas Agrícolas em tempos do franquismo, salazarismo, varguismo e peronismo | Políticas Agrícolas en tiempos del S11 franquismo, el salazarismo, el varguismo y el peronismo. S12 Land reforms and peasant rebellions in world history, 18th-21st centuries. A Arqueologia Agrária. Uma perspectiva interdisciplinar sobre a transformação da paisagem rural | La Arqueología Agraria. Una S13 mirada interdisciplinar de la transformación del paisaje rural. Sharecropping revisited: efficient or inefficient contract? | Revisitar o debate sobre a parceria: um contrato eficiente ou S14 ineficiente? | Revisitando el debate sobre la aparcería: ¿un contrato eficiente o ineficiente? The dynamics of social change in the rural world | As dinâmicas de mudança social no mundo rural | Las dinámicas del cambio S15 social en el mundo rural. Living in solitude: Widowhood, single state and abandonment in the Iberian Peninsula and Latin American rural world, 16th-19th S16 centuries | Viver só: Viúvos, solteiros e abandonados no mundo rural ibérico e latino-americano, séculos XVI-XIX | Vivir en soledad: Viudedad, soltería y abandono en el mundo rural ibérico y latinoamericano, ss. XVI-XIX. Circulation, transfer and adaptation of knowledge, norms and techniques between Europe and Americas (17th-20th centuries) | S17 Circulación, transferencia y adaptación de saberes, normas y técnicas en Europa y las Américas (ss XVII-XX). Between History and the Law: Legitimate title and the land conflict in the Portuguese world | Entre a História e o Direito: Título S18 legítimo e a luta pela terra no mundo luso. S19 Oral History and History Re-enactment: Reflections on the Transfer of Agricultural Heritage. Technical Innovation, Social Engineering and Origins of Rural Development Ideas in Rural Societies, 1945-1975 | Innovación S21 tecnológica, ingeniería social y orígenes del concepto de Desarrollo rural en las sociedades rurales, 1945-1975. Global circulation of species and biological innovation, 16th-20th centuries: landscapes, production and consumption | Circulação S22 de espécies e inovação biológica a uma escala global (séculos XVI a XX): paisagens, produção e consumo | Circulación de especies e innovación biológica a escala global, siglos XVI a XX: paisajes, producción y consumo. Land reform: A persistent challenge to rural history in Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula (1911-2010) | Reforma agrária: um S23 desafio recorrente da história rural na Península Ibérica e na América Latina (1911-2010) | La reforma agraria: un recurrente desafío de la historia rural de la Península Ibérica y América Latina (1911-2010). Old and New Challenges for Rural History of Middle Ages | Velhos e Novos Desafios para História Rural da Idade Média | Viejos y S24 nuevos retos para la historia rural de la Edad Media. Agrarian productivity in the old and new worlds: environment, technology, society | La productividad del sector agrario: ecología, S25 tecnología y sociedad en los viejos y nuevos mundos. Plants from the New World: impacts on landscapes, agrarian economies and European diets (15th-20th centuries) | As plantas do S26 Novo Mundo: impacto nas paisagens, nas economias agrárias e nas dietas alimentares europeias (séculos XV a
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