VOLUME 107, NO. 1 DECORAH, IA Jan.-Feb. 2017 photo courtesy Luther College archives Weston Noble conducts Nordic Choir at Luther College in the late 1980s. NSAA 2018 Sangerfest Logo i NSAA President’s Column Weston H. Noble I noted a couple of things from the 1922-2016 last issue of the Sanger-Hilsen. The Weston Noble, Director of Nordic first is the number of concerts that our Choir from 1948 to 2005 and Concert ten NSAA choruses sang during the Band from 1948 until 1973 at Luther Christmas season. From the reports of College, died Dec. 21, 2016. He was the corresponding secretaries, I 94. counted a total of 18. I assume that Although not an active member of these concerts included a few Luren, he was a faithful attendee of Scandinavian pieces. My chorus sang concerts and was made an Honorary four at our Christmas concerts. One member on the occasion of a special of our NSAA goals is “to promote recognition concert “An Evening with love for Scandinavian male chorus Weston” in 2004. At that time we music.” Thanks for sharing those vested him with a blazer jacket, which Christmas Scandinavian songs. was a part of our uniform at that time. Second, I noted that the Bjornson Many of us had some special contacts Male Chorus in Chicago sang with him, either singing under him or (continued on page 3) Jan.-Feb. 2017 SANGER-HILSEN 2 being a part of some organization to vice was wearing a Luther College which he belonged. class ring. Then he knew everything Many are the memories and stories was going to be alright. about Weston by those who sang or After discharge in 1946, he returned played under his direction at Luther to Iowa and Luther, teaching lessons and many other places, including All- at both Riceville and Luther, while State choruses and bands in all 50 also planning for graduate work. states. He was recognized with hono- Then he found an opening for rary doctorates from several other col- teaching at LuVerne IA, a small town leges including Augustana (SD), St. west of Mason City. He intended to Olaf, Carthage and Wartburg and was go to the University of Michigan for the recipient of the St. Olav’s Medal graduate work, but received a phone from King Harald V of Norway. call from Dr. O. W. Qualley, Dean of Weston was born on a farm west of Luther College, offering a position Riceville IA Nov. 30, 1922. After his for a one-year replacement in 1948- years in a rural school he went on to 49. That temporary position became a Riceville High School, graduating in permanent one in 1950. 1939. When he was 5 years old, his Already in 1950 he was inspired to mother was trying to get him to take a begin the Dorian Music Festivals. nap. Instead, she asked, “Weston, One in the know told that he first con- would you like to take piano lessons?” tacted the custodians about possibly Some years later, while in Junior having high school students come in High, his aunt and uncle paid him a the dead of winter for a weekend of dime for every hour he practiced. rehearsals, lessons and performances. During High School he sang in the Only later, after the event was in place choir and played clarinet in the band. did he let the Administration know (As I was preparing this, I wondered, what he had done. That program has “Who were his teachers?” I’ve not grown to include choral, orchestra seen that tidbit of information yet.) and band, and has been a strong tool His first inclination was to attend for recruitment of students at Luther. the University at Iowa City, but Weston was known for his efforts another anonymous person, a Luther by telephone and letters to bring College admissions counselor talked music students to Luther. The title of with Weston’s father, who persuaded his biography written by Wilfred Weston to enroll at Luther. Bunge, Warmly, Weston: a Luther His college career was shortened by College Life (1998), was taken from Uncle Sam, who wanted him in 1943. Weston’s signature to his letters and So the college arranged a ”quickie” postcards. (That publication, now out graduation. He became a tank driver of print, has been selling at very high and was involved in the Battle of the prices; the College is considering hav- Bulge in December 1944. ing it reprinted.) Weston told about attending a wor- I share two of my own experiences ship service on the eve of a major bat- singing under Weston. I took part in tle. He was anxious about this, but his “Messiah” each year I was at Luther anxieties were alleviated when he saw and later in Minneapolis while a that the Chaplain conducting the ser- student at the Seminary. In rehearsals Jan.-Feb. 2017 SANGER-HILSEN 3 at the college he would space his own Another goal of NSAA is “to assist Nordic Choir members among the rest and encourage Scandinavian of the singers. When one of us made musicians.” Do our choruses share a mistake, he would single out his these special arrangements with each own choir members for “criticism.” I other? Maybe our directors could got the message. bring copies to each Sangerfest and Also, when I tried out for Nordic as make them available to the other a freshman in 1952, I was grouped chorus directors. The music can be with a few other aspirants and we copied for a modest fee and choruses were asked to sing the hymn, “My might discover some delightful new God, How Wonderful Thou Art.” As pieces to sing. with most others, we knew the hymn P.S. Just after I wrote this column by heart. Yet I was so bashful and David Erbeck, a member of the timid that he wondered whether I had Washington Male Chorus from been singing at all. PCNSA, sent me an email asking if It was a privilege to know him and his composition of Til Island might be to sing under him. considered for use at the A visitation with sharing of stories 2018 Grand Concert. It and memories, including an a capella is an original folk tune singing of the Hallelujah Chorus, was with variations. held at First Lutheran Church, Decorah, Dec. 29th A memorial service is planned for May 13th at the Center for Faith and Roger Buhr, NSAA President Life at Luther College, a weekend when choral directors from all over NORDIC MALE CHORUS the country will have an opportunity Sioux City IA to be present and to share their own The Nordics have returned from memories and experiences of Weston. holiday recess to begin rehearsals for It should be a musical event for all to the Sioux Valley Sangerfest planned remember. Don Berg for June 10th in Sioux Falls. Individual choruses will be hosting (NSAA President’s column, practices with the combined group, continued from page 1) and Sioux City will take its turn on a Norwegian piece arranged by Ed April 3rd. The program contains a Kramer, their director. This made me good mixture of Scandinavian and wonder how many of our NSAA American selections. choruses are singing pieces arranged A new member has been welcomed by someone from their group. Bernie into the chorus. Rev. Robert Awe is Gluth, Luren’s assistant director, has pastor of Hope Lutheran Church in made great arrangements of Lullaby South Sioux City. He sings low bass. Sweet Jesus, Down to the River to The Chorus also has a new accompan- Pray, What A Wonderful World, Jesus ist, Yvonne Hazlett, an excellent well- Loves Me, and the traditional Zulu known Sioux City musician. More on song, We Are Singing. this in the next edition of Sanger- Hilsen. Jan.-Feb. 2017 SANGER-HILSEN 4 SANGER-HILSEN Past President: Marlan Velgersdyk, 5115 (”SINGERS GREETING”) S. Rolling Green Ave. #210, Sioux Falls, Published Bi-Monthly, by the Norwegian Singers SD 57108. (605) 371-0669. Association of America [email protected] Incorporated under State Laws of South Dakota as an Educational Society. NSAA STATE VICE- Address all matters for publication subscriptions, renewals, change of address, and make remittances payable to: PRESIDENTS “Sanger-Hilsen” Office: Illinois: Frank Potempa, 1788 W. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to “Sanger-Hilsen” Sherwood Road, Des Plaines, IL 60016. Office. (847) 296-2568 DONALD L. BERG [email protected] Editor-Business Manager 407 Leif Erikson Drive Iowa: Robert Lillie, 1102 Nordic Dr. No. Decorah, IA 52101 223, Decorah IA 52101. (563)419-0159 www.nsaaonline.org Subscription price $20.00 per year [email protected] Minnesota: Norman Arlandson, 4540 Sanger-Hilsen Production Assistant: Dennis Columbus Ave, Minneapolis MN 55407- Barnaal, [email protected] 3526. (612)822-4216 Periodicals postage paid at Decorah, Iowa. [email protected] Sanger-Hilsen USPS 481-380 South Dakota: Curt Hepner, 321 N. OFFICERS OF NSAA Lincoln St., Canton SD 57013-1721. President: Roger Buhr, 105 Randall Dr., (605)764-2914 [email protected] Decorah IA 52101, (563)382-3088, cell Wisconsin: Jonathan Lewis, 1124 E. 563-379-2993. [email protected] Main St., Stoughton WI 53589. 608-873- Vice President at Large: Thor Fjell, 1041 5268. W. Ogden Ave, #118, Naperville, IL 60563. cell (630)479-4233 VETERAN CHORUS OFFICERS [email protected] President: Robert Lillie, 1102 Nordic Dr. Recording Secretary: Richard Leake, No. 223, Decorah IA 52101. (563)419- 703 Valley View Dr., Decorah IA 52101 0159 [email protected] (563) 382-3796 [email protected] Vice President: Herb Nelson, 620 Oak Corresponding Secretary: Donald Berg, St.
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