Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02213-3 - Chiefdoms, Collapse, and Coalescence in the Early American South Robin Beck Foreword by Charles M. Hudson Index More information Index Abercrombie site, 241 Arthur, Gabriel, 15, 131, 134 Abhika Indians, 218, 241 Ashley-Cooper, Anthony (Lord Achonechy Town, 172. See also Fredricks Shaftesbury), 139, 146, 147 site, Occaneechi Indians Ayllon,´ Lucas Vasquez´ de, 61 Adair, James, 258 Adamson site, 44, 45, 48, 51, 67 Bacon, Nathaniel, Jr., 142, 143, 171 Mound A at, 67 and Bacon’s Rebellion, 144, 145, 165, Adini Orata, 88, 155 170 Adshusheer, 174 Bandera, Juan de la, 4, 14, 72, 78 African slave trade, 6, 16, 116, 150, 182 Barker, Thomas, 216 and Yamasee War, 17 Barnwell, John, 181, 198, 202, 206, 211, Ajacan,´ 92 213, 220, 249 Alibamo/Alabama Indians, 218, 241 attack on Hancock’s Fort, 201 Anderson, David G., 40, 49, 50 and Cherokee Indians, 218 Anglo-Powhatan Wars, 102, 113, 117, 143 at Contentnea Creek, 198 Algonquin Indians, 106 and Essaw company, 198 Chowanoke Indians, 186 and Pee Dee company, 198 and epidemic diseases, 108 and Saxapahaws, 245 Altamaha, 69, 207 1715 census by, 215, 216, 238, 241, chief of, 23. See also Yamasee Indians 249, 258 Apalachee Indians, 157, 198, 204, 214, 1721 map by, 226 220 and Yamasee company, 198 and John Barnwell, 198 Bath, North Carolina, 184, 200 as slaves, 182 Battle at Rique, 111 Apalachee province, 117 Battle of Bloody Run, 14, 99, 114, 115 Apalachicola (town), 241 Battle of the Ponds, 229, 249 Appomattox River, 102, 131 Bay of Ochuse, 61 Aracuchi, 83, 90 Bear River Indians, 192 Aranguiz y Cotes, Alonzo de, 117, 130 beaver pelt trade, 106, 116, 156, 183, 214 account of “striped” Chichumecos, 122 Beaver Wars, 107 letters of, 118 Beaverdam Creek site, 43 Archdale, John, 153, 186 Beaverqyck, 106 and Bath County, 186 Belk Farm site, 173 293 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02213-3 - Chiefdoms, Collapse, and Coalescence in the Early American South Robin Beck Foreword by Charles M. Hudson Index More information 294 Index Berkeley, William, 141, 142 Carteret, Nicholas, 139 Berry site, 53, 66, 69, 72, 92, 247 Cartier, Jacques, 105 Burial 1, 85 Cary, Thomas, 186 excavations at, 73 and Cary’s Rebellion, 186, 197 Fort San Juan at, 74 Cashie phase, 192, 194 as location of Joara, 69, 72–74 Casuie, 226, 245 mound at, 53, 92 Catapa (Catape), 85 radiocarbon dates, 54. See also Joara, headman of, 84 Xualla Orata, 82, 254 Biedma, Luys Hernandez´ de, 64, 69 Catawba Indians, 1, 3, 106, 111, 152, 170, Black Minquas, 110. See also Erie Indians 171, 214, 220, 258, 264 Blair site, 43, 48, 51 and annihilation of Waxhaws, 252–253 Bland, Edward, 112, 122, 131 Cataba Indians, 82, 84, 85, 95, 168, Blanding, William, 44 198, 254 Blount, Tom, 194, 202, 221, 232, 241 Catapaws, 215 Blunt, Tom. See Blount, Tom Iroquois assaults on, 170, 176, 214–215, Boulware, Tyler, 232, 241, 242 256 Boykin site, 44, 48, 51 as nation, 16, 244, 257, 261, 265 Brims Town, 241 political landscape of, 252 Brooks, James, 6 and 1721 deerskin map, 18, 225, 231, Bull, John, 198, 245 244, 259 Bull, Stephen, 139 and 1759 epidemic, 262–263 Bull, William, 249 and trading path, 72, 122, 146 Bureau of Ethnology, 27, 86 Whitmannetaughehee, chief of, 258 Burk, John, 103 Catechna, 189, 200 Burke phase, 52, 53, 56, 72, 127 Catechna Fort. See Hancock’s Fort settlement pattern, 54 Cauchi, 85 Upper Yadkin, 86 Fort San Pablo at, 85 Burroughs, Seymour, 206 Cayuga Indians, 104. See also Iroquois Byrd, William, 126, 170, 249 Indians and Sara Indians, 128 ceramic styles, dating, 38 and Westover Estate, 151 Chalaque, 69, 72, 246 Champlain, Samuel de, 105 cacica of Cofitachequi. See Cofitachequi Chara, 226, 247, 249 Caesar, 240. See also Chota Orata, 88, 155 Cahokia site, 24, 68, 222 relationship with Joara, 155, 251. See calumet ceremonialism, 243. See also ritual also Cheraw Indians adoption Charles Towne, 115, 135, 141, 161, 186, C¸ amumo, 69 204, 225, 227 Canete˜ fragment, 65, 66 Charra, 246. See also Cheraw Indians Canizares, Lucas de, 90 Chattoka, 188, 190 cannibalism, 107, 118, 130 Core Tom, 191 Canos, 72, 78, 83, 90, 95, 138, 155, 164 Chauga site, 49 as Cofitachequi, 72 Chechesee, 207. See also Ichisi Fort Santo Tomas´ at, 90 Cheraw Indians, 126, 249, 251. See also and second Pardo expedition, 78, 82, 90, Chara, Charra 254. See Cofitachequi, Mulberry site Cheraw War, 250 Caraway Phase, 52, 89 Cherokee Indians, 18, 148, 153, 212, 218, Carolina (colony), 116, 119, 131, 135, 253 138, 153, 163, 182, 184. See also and clans, 243 North Carolina, South Carolina coalescence of, 240–244 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02213-3 - Chiefdoms, Collapse, and Coalescence in the Early American South Robin Beck Foreword by Charles M. Hudson Index More information Index 295 Coweeta Creek site, 234 Clark Hill Lake, 40 and deerskin trade, 233 coalescence, 7, 16, 18, 57, 72, 106, 152, language of, 242 178, 241–244, 260 Lower Towns, 219, 240 and clans, 243 Middle Towns, 219, 238 defined, 210, 237 Out Towns, 238 and language, 242 Overhill Towns, 219, 238, 240 Cobb, Charles, 7 Valley Towns, 240 Coe, Joffre, 46, 52 women, 234 coercive expansion, defined, 31 in Yamasee War, 218 Cofaqui, 23 Cherokee-Creek War, 240, 242 Cofitachequi, 13, 15, 44, 63, 66–69, 72, Chestowee, 212 93, 95, 138–140, 141, 154–155, 156, Chiaha, 78 165, 177, 236, 241 and Hernando Moyano, 84 cacica of, 63, 66, 67, 69, 70, 154 Fort San Pedro at, 85 and Canete˜ fragment, 66 Chichumecos, 117, 118, 119. See emperor of, 138 Richahecrian Indians, Westo Indians Henry Woodward at, 138 Chickahominy, 102 as paramount chiefdom, 67 Chickasaw Indians, 17, 148, 182, 247, 253 and Pedro de Torres, 94 and 1723 deerskin map, 225 “plague” at, 68, 94 Chicken, George, 217, 240, 249 Soto’s arrival at, 66, 93. See also Canos, chiefdom, 3, 12, 14, 27–33, 152–157, 196, Mulberry site 221, 232 Coming, Afra, 160 cycling, 153, 156 community, defined, 33 defined, 30 Congaree Indians, 164, 198, 252 chieftaincy, 17, 195–197, 208–210, 215, congregacion,´ 158 221, 232–238, 259 Conjurer, 220, 240 Abhika Creek Indians as, 241 contagions. See epidemics Alibamo Creek Indians as, 241 control hierarchies, 31 Cherokee Middle Towns as, 238 Core Tom, 191. See also Chattoka Cherokee Out Towns as, 239 Coree Indians, 186 Cherokee Overhill Towns as, 238 in Tuscarora War, 192 Cherokee Valley Towns as, 238 Cowan’s Ford series, 52. See also Low defined, 195 phase Esaw Indians as, 196 Coweeta Creek site, 86, 234 Ochese Creek Indians as, 240 Coweta, 149, 240 Tallapoosa Creek Indians as, 241 Craven, Charles, 204, 213, 249, 250 Tuscaroras, Northern as, 196 Creek Indians, 17, 18, 149, 220, 240 Tuscaroras, Southern as, 196 and clans, 243 Waxhaw Indians as, 252 coalescence of, 241 Yamasees, Lower as, 207 and deerskin trade, 233–234 Yamasees, Upper as, 207 houses of, 234 Chilhowie High School site, 77 language of, 242 Chiscas, 76, 77, 78 Lower (Ochese) Creeks, 182, 219, 220, Choctaw Indians, 253 240, 247 cholera, 151 and trader debt, 213 Chota-Tenasee, 238 Upper Creeks, 218, 240, 247. See also Caesar, 240 Lower Creek Indians, Upper Creek Chowanoke Indians, 186, 194 Indians Claiborne, William, 110, 111 Crow (King), 240. See also Keowee clan vengeance, 244, 256 Crowder’s Creek site, 56 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02213-3 - Chiefdoms, Collapse, and Coalescence in the Early American South Robin Beck Foreword by Charles M. Hudson Index More information 296 Index crystal mines, 88 militaristic slaving society, 119, 135 cultural evolution, 13 North American shatter zone, 119. See Cuming, Alexander, 240 also shatter zone Cusseta Indians, 148 Etowah site, 24, 222, 243 event, 14, 49, 56, 57, 94, 135, 221 Dan River phase, 48 defined, 12. See also William Sewell Dankers, Jaspar, 170 Dare, Virginia, 60 Ferry’s Landing site, 44, 49 De la Warr, Baron (Thomas West), 102 First Westo War, 140 De Soto map, 35 Florida Keys, 16 deerskin map. See also Catawba Indians Florida mission system, 157–159, deerskin trade, 156, 183, 211, 214, 233, 182–183, 208 261 Fort Christiana, 228, 250, 258 as wealth finance, 196 Fort Henry, 112, 131 Deganawidah, 104, 164 Fort Nassau, 106 Desert of Ocute, 24, 49, 58, 62, 72, 154 Fort Neoheroka, 202 Dickens, Roy, 55 fall of, 202 Dobyns, Henry, 5, 124 Fort Orange, 106, 107, 170 Doeg Indians, 142 Fort Orista, 91 Dutch West India Company, 106 Fort San Felipe, 59 Dyer site, 50 Fort San Juan, 73, 75, 84, 88, 92, 155, 261. See also Berry site Ecija, Francesco Fernandez´ de, 93, 103 Fort San Pablo, 85 Edens, Charles, 250, 251 Fort San Pedro, 85 Elvas, Gentleman of, 64, 66, 68, 69, 70, Fort Santiago, 90 94, 129, 159 Fredricks site, 161, 172, 173, 174 Eno Indians, 123, 133, 250 French and Indian War, 262 Enoe Will, 174 Ensley site, 54 Gale, Christopher, 191, 197 epidemics, 5, 6, 68, 95, 108, 124, 135, Gallay, Alan, 6, 109, 117, 135, 182, 220 151, 152, 157, 158, 159 Gallegos, Baltasar de, 69, 82 1759 epidemic, 262–263 Garden Creek site No. 1, 86 eractasswa, 258, 262. See also Gatford, Lionel, 114, 116 Whitmannetaughehee Gatschet, Albert, 2 Erie Indians, 105, 110, 119, 135. See also Gentaienton, 110 Chichumecos, Richahecrian Indians, Georg Ritter Company, 185 Westo Indians Giddens, Anthony, 6 Eriehronnon, 110.
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