UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN SOUTHERN DIVISION VALASSIS COMMUNICATIONS, INC., Plaintiff, Case No. 2:06-cv-10240 v. Hon. Arthur J. Tarnow NEWS AMERICA INCORPORATED, a/k/a NEWS AMERICA MARKETING GROUP, NEWS AMERICA MARKETING FSI, INC. a/k/a NEWS AMERICA MARKETING FSI, LLC and NEWS AMERICA MARKETING IN-STORE SERVICES, INC. a/k/a NEWS AMERICA MARKETING IN-STORE SERVICES, LLC, Defendants. DEFENDANTS’ TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST Defendants News America Incorporated, a/k/a News America Marketing Group, News America Marketing FSI, LLC and News America Marketing In-Store Services, LLC (“Defendants”) hereby submit their Trial Exhibit List, attached hereto as Exhibit 1. Defendants reserve the right to amend, delete, supplement or modify their exhibit list, as well as to use documents not identified on the attached list for impeachment purposes and for rebuttal purposes that could not reasonably be anticipated at this time. Respectfully submitted, Dated: January 8, 2010 HONIGMAN MILLER SCHWARTZ AND COHN LLP /s/Lara Fetsco Philip_______ Herschel P. Fink (P13427) David A. Ettinger (P26537) Lara Fetsco Phillip (P67353) 2290 First National Building 660 Woodward Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48226 Richard L. Stone Kenneth D. Klein Julie A. Shepard Hogan & Hartson LLP 1999 Avenue of the Stars, 14th Floor Los Angeles, California 90067 (310) 785-4600 Attorneys for the Defendants News America Incorporated, News America Marketing FSI, LLC and News America Marketing In-Store Services, LLC 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on January 8, 2010, I electronically filed the foregoing paper(s) with the Clerk of the Court using the ECF system, which will send notification of such filing to the following: Dari C. Bargy, Kerin E. Coughlin, Gregory L. Curtner, David A. Ettinger, Raymond C. Fay, Herschel P. Fink, Julie L. Kosovec, David S. Mendelson, A. Michael Palizzi, Marcy L. Rosen, Anthony J. Rusciano, Kimberly L. Scott, Jeffrey I. Shinder, Robert J. Wierenga, and Carl H. von Ende. I also certify that I have served the foregoing document by first-class mail upon the following non-ECF participant(s): Henry Baskin Baskin Law Firm 322 N. Old Woodward Avenue Birmingham, MI 48009 /s/Lara Fetsco Phillip Herschel P. Fink (P13427) David A. Ettinger (P26537) Lara Fetsco Phillip (P67353) Honigman, Miller, Schwartz and Cohn LLP 2290 First National Building 660 Woodward Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48226 (313) 465-7518 [email protected] DETROIT.4018265.1 EXHIBIT 1 DEFENDANTS' EXHIBIT LIST Trial Exhibit May Use Will Use Description Beg No End No Date of Doc OFF'D REC'D D- 1 x SmartSource sample D- 2 x SmartSource Coupon Machine D- 3 x Red Plum sample D- 4 x Insignia POP sign sample D-0004-000001 D-0004-000002 D- 5 -1 x Campbell booklet 5 -2 x P&G Custom booklet D- 6 x Red Plum Hispanic book D- 7 x Valassis Polybag D- 8 x Valassis 10-K (1996) D-0008-000001 D-0008-000038 12/31/1996 D- 9 x Valassis 10-K (1997) D-0009-000001 D-0009-000037 12/31/1997 D- 10 x Valassis 10-K (1998) D-0010-000001 D-0010-000140 12/31/1998 D- 11 x Valassis 10-K (1999) D-0011-000001 D-0011-000050 12/31/1999 D- 12 x Valassis 10-K (2000) D-0012-000001 D-0012-000032 12/31/2000 D- 13 x Valassis 10-K (2001) D-0013-000001 D-0013-000037 12/31/2001 D- 14 x Valassis 10-K (2002) D-0014-000001 D-0014-000055 12/31/2002 D- 15 x Valassis 10-K (2003) D-0015-000001 D-0015-000062 12/31/2003 D- 16 x Valassis 10-K (2004) D-0016-000001 D-0016-000129 12/31/2004 D- 17 x Valassis 10-K (2005) D-0017-000001 D-0017-000064 12/31/2005 D- 18 x Valassis 10-K (2006) D-0018-000001 D-0018-000116 12/31/2006 D- 19 x Valassis 10-K (2007) D-0019-000001 D-0019-000100 12/31/2007 D- 20 x Valassis 10-K (2008) D- 21 x Valassis Annual Report (1996) D- 22 x Valassis Annual Report (1997) D- 23 x Valassis Annual Report (1998) D- 24 x Valassis Annual Report (1999) D- 25 x Valassis Annual Report (2000) D-0025-000001 D-0025-000018 00/00/2000 D- 26 x Valassis Annual Report (2001) D-0026-000001 D-0026-000018 00/00/01 D- 27 x Valassis Annual Report (2002) D-0027-000001 D-0027-000038 00/00/02 D- 28 x Valassis Annual Report (2003) D-0028-000001 D-0028-000013 00/00/03 D- 29 x Valassis Annual Report (2004) D-0029-000001 D-0029-000010 00/00/04 D- 30 x Valassis Annual Report (2005) D-0030-000001 D-0030-000008 00/00/05 D- 31 x Valassis Annual Report (2006) D-0031-000001 D-0031-000007 00/00/06 D- 32 x Valassis Annual Report (2007) D-0032-000001 D-0032-000008 00/00/07 D- 33 x Valassis Annual Report (2008) D- 34 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (March 14, 2000 meeting) VLS00101350 VLS00101431 3/14/2000 D- 35 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (May 16, 2000 meeting) VLS00101301 VLS00101349 5/16/2000 D- 36 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (September 13, 2000 VLS00101229 VLS00101300 9/13/2000 meeting) D- 37 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (December 5, 2000 VLS00101158 VLS00101228 12/5/2000 meeting) D- 38 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (March 6, 2001 meeting) VLS00101087 VLS00101157 3/6/2001 1 DEFENDANTS' EXHIBIT LIST May Use Will Use Description Beg No End No Exhibit Date of Doc OFF'D REC'DTrial D- 39 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (May 15, 2001 meeting) VLS00101034 VLS00101086 5/15/2001 D- 40 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (September 11, 2001 VLS00100960 VLS00101033 9/11/2001 meeting) D- 41 x VLS00272010 VLS00272013 11/20/2001 Valassis Board of Directors Report, FSI Business Update (November 21, 2001 meeting) D- 42 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (December 4, 2001 VLS00100873 VLS00100959 12/4/2001 meeting) D- 43 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (March 5, 2002 meeting) VLS00100813 VLS00100872 3/5/2002 D- 44 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (May 14, 2002 meeting) VLS00100747 VLS00100812 5/14/2002 D- 45 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (September 10, 2002 VLS00100639 VLS00100746 9/10/2002 meeting) D- 46 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (December 3, 2002 VLS00100560 VLS00100638 12/3/2002 meeting) D- 47 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (March 4, 2003 meeting) VLS00100489 VLS00100559 3/4/2003 D- 48 x Valassis Board of Directors, Prevision Marketing Business Update (April VLS00273604 VLS00273606 4/1/2003 2003) D- 49 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (May 13, 2003 meeting) VLS00100432 VLS00100488 5/13/2003 D- 50 x Valassis Board of Directors, Board Book Update, Direct Marketing VLS00274552 VLS00274552 8/21/2003 Solutions (August 21, 2003) D- 51 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (September 9, 2003 VLS00100341 VLS00100431 9/9/2003 meeting) D- 52 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (December 2, 2003 VLS00100275 VLS00100340 12/2/2003 meeting) D- 53 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (March 9, 2004 meeting) VLS00100192 VLS00100274 3/9/2004 D- 54 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (May 11, 2004 meeting) VLS00100130 VLS00100191 5/11/2004 D- 55 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (September 14, 2004 VLS00101432 VLS00101490 9/14/2004 meeting) D- 56 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (December 7, 2004 VLS00099264 VLS00099365 12/7/2004 meeting) D- 57 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (March 10, 2005 meeting) VLS00099366 VLS00099433 3/10/2005 D- 57 A D- 58 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (May 10, 2005 meeting) VLS00099434 VLS00099485 5/10/2005 D- 59 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (December 6, 2005 VLS00099546 VLS00099639 12/6/2005 meeting) 2 DEFENDANTS' EXHIBIT LIST May Use Will Use Description Beg No End No Exhibit Date of Doc OFF'D REC'DTrial D- 60 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (March 7, 2006 meeting) VLS00099640 VLS00099738 3/7/2006 D- 61 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (May 9, 2006 meeting) VLS00099739 VLS00099788 5/9/2006 D- 62 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (September 12, 2006 VLS00099789 VLS00099868 8/10/2006 meeting) D- 63 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (December 5, 2006 VLS00099869 VLS00099948 12/5/2006 meeting) D- 64 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (May 15, 2007 meeting) ( VLS00100064 VLS00100129 5/15/2007 Hogg Deposition Exhibit 8) D- 64 A Valassis single page FSI Business Update May 2, 2007 (VLS00100091) VLS00100064/VLS0 5/15/2007 as part of May 15, 2007 Valassis Board of Directors Meeting materials 0100091 D- 65 x Valassis Board of Directors Meeting Materials (February 28, 2008 VLS05359915 VLS05359974 2/28/2008 meeting) D- 66 x Q4 2001 Valassis Earnings Call Transcript (February 21, 2002) VLS05358041 VLS05358062 2/21/2002 D- 67 x Q4 2003 Valassis Earnings Call Transcript (February 19, 2004) VLS02769035 VLS02769047 2/19/2004 D- 68 x Q4 2004 Valassis Earnings Call Transcript (February 22, 2005) VLS02590531 VLS02590548 2/22/2005 D- 69 x Q1 2005 Valassis Earnings Call Transcript (April 21, 2005) VLS05358195 VLS05358216 4/21/2005 D- 70 x Q2 2005 Valassis Earnings Call Transcript (July 21, 2005) VLS00021618 VLS00021635 7/21/2005 D- 71 x Q3 2005 Valassis Earnings Call Transcript (Oct 20, 2005) VLS00807526 VLS00807545 10/20/2005 D- 72 x Q4 2005 Valassis Earnings Call Transcript (February 16, 2006) VLS05358255 VLS05358273 2/7/2006 D- 73 x Q1 2006 Valassis Earnings Call Transcript (April 25, 2006) VLS00316187 VLS00316203 4/25/2006 D- 74 x Q2 2006 Valassis Earnings Call Transcript (July 27, 2006) VLS05358297 VLS05358312 7/27/2006 D- 75 x Q3 2006 Valassis Earnings Call Transcript (October 26, 2006) VLS05358313 VLS05358330 10/26/2006
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