African Americans 7/7/2021 Title Author Call # AR Undefeated Alexander, Kwame E Alex Case for Loving Alko, Selina E Alko 4.3 5 O'Clock Band Andrews, Troy E Andr 4.5 Trombone Shorty Andrews, Troy E Andr Shakespeare Dream Armand, Glenda E Arma 5.3 Fifty Cents and a Dream Asim, Jabari E Asim 4.9 Preaching to the Chickens Asim, Jabari E Asim 4.3 Secret Garden of George Washington Carver Barretta, Gene E Barr Amazing Age of John Roy Lynch Barton, Chris E Bart What Do You Do with a Voice Like That Barton, Chris E Bart Hallelujah Flight Bildner, Phil E Bild 3.9 Marvelous Cornelius Bildner, Phil E Bild 4 Ron's Big Mission Blue, Rose E Blue 2.9 Fancy Party Gowns Blumenthal, Deborah E Blum No Small Potatoes Bolden, Tonya E Bold 4.8 Fly High! The Story of Bessie Coleman Borden, Louise E Borden 4.5 Nina Briere-Haquet, Alice E Brie 3.1 Feed Your Mind Bryant, Jen E Brya 4.6 Duke Ellington's Nutcracker Suite Celenza, Anna E Cele Shirley Chisholm is a Verb Chambers, Veronica E Cham Fearless Mary Charles, Tami E Char Beautiful Shades of Brown Churnin, Nancy E Chur Let the Children March Clark-Robinson, Monica E Clar 3.8 Before She was Harriet Cline-Ransome, Lesa E Clin Benny Goodman and Teddy Wilson Cline-Ransome, Lesa E Clin 5 Counting the Stars Cline-Ransome, Lesa E Clin 5.9 Overground Railroad Cline-Ransome, Lesa E Clin 4.2 Power of Her Pen Cline-Ransome, Lesa E Clin 5.9 Satchel Paige Cline-Ransome, Lesa E Clin 5.2 Words Set Me Free Cline-Ransome, Lesa E Clin 4.4 Am I a Color Too? Cole, Heidi E Cole 2.2 Just as Good Crowe, Chris E Crow 4.9 Parker Looks Up Curry, Parker E Curr Jamela's Dress Daly, Niki E Daly 3.3 I Saw Your Face Dawes, Kwame E Dawe Unstoppable Garrett Morgan DiCicco, Joan E Dici Poe Won't Go DiPucchio, kelly E Dipu Stompin' at the Savoy Donohue, Moira E Dono Place Inside of Me Elliott, Zetta E Elli Hush Harbor Evans, Freddi E Evan 4.7 Casey Jones's Fireman: The Story of Sim Webb Farmer, Nancy E Farm 3.5 Patchwork Quilt Flournoy, Valerie E Flou 3.7 Rosa Giovanni, Nikki E Giov 4.9 Jimi: Sounds Like a Rainbow Golio, Gary E Goli 5.6 Jimi: Sounds Like a Rainbow Golio, Gary E Goli 5.6 First Step Goodman, Susan E Good 4.7 Talkin' About Bessie: the Story of Aviator Elizabeth Grimes,Coleman Nikki E Grim 6.1 When Gorilla Goes Walking Grimes, Nikki E Grim 3 People Could Fly: The Picture Book Hamilton, Virginia E Hami 2.9 Ella, Queen of Jazz Hancocks, Helen E Hanc Buzzing with Questions Harrington, Janice E Harr 5.4 African Americans 7/7/2021 Title Author Call # AR Rise! Hegedus, Bethany E Hege 4.9 Mamie on the Mound Henderson, Leah E Hend 5.2 Lift Your Light a Little Higher Henson, Heather E Hens Dave the Potter Hill, Laban E Hill 6 When the Beat was Born Hill, Laban E Hill 4.2 Angel Just Like Me Hoffman, Mary E Hoff 2.9 Happy to Be Nappy Hooks, Bell E Hook 2 Carter Reads the Newspaper Hopkinson, Deborah E Hopk 4.5 Steamboat School Hopkinson, Deborah E Hopk 4.2 Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt Hopkinson, Deborah E Hopk 3.8 Oldest Student Hubbard, Rita E Hubb I, Too, am American Hughes, Langston E Hugh My People Hughes, Langston E Hugh Brown: the Many Shades of Love James, Nancy E Jame All Different Now Johnson, Angela E John 3.1 Angel City Johnston, Tony E John 3.2 Bread for Words Keller, Shane E Kell I Have a Dream King, Martin Luther Jr. E King 4.7 Making Their Voices Heard Kirkfield, Vivian E Kirk Sweet Dreams, Sarah Kirkfield, Vivian E Kirk 3.2 Ride to Remember Langley, Sharon E Lang Vision of Beauty Lasky, Kathryn E Lask 6.3 Vision of Beauty: The Story of Sarah Breedlove WalkerLasky, Kathryn E Lask 6.3 Voice of Her Own Lasky, Kathryn E Lask 5.9 Voice of Her Own:The Story of Phyllis Wheatley, SlaveLasky, poet Kathryn E Lask 5.9 Meet Miss Fancy Latham, Irene E Lath Take a Picture of Me, James Van der Zee! Loney, Andrea E Lone 4.3 Patricia's Vision Lord, Michelle E Lord 4.4 Ready to Fly Lyon, Lea E Lyon Dream Builder Lyons, Kelly E Lyon 4.7 Ellen's Broom Lyons, Kelly E Lyon 4.5 Going Down Home with Daddy Lyons, Kelly E Lyon 3.5 Muddy Mahin, Michael E Mahi 3.7 Grandad Mandela Mandela, Zazi E Mand 3.8 Vast Wonder of the World Mangal, Melina E Mang 5.6 These Hands Mason, Margaret E Maso Molly Bannaky McGill, Alice E Mcgi 4.8 Brave Ballerina Meadows, Michelle E Mead 3.3 I and I Medina, Tony E Medi I am Harriet Tubman Meltzer, Brad E Melt 3.7 I am Jackie Robinson Meltzer, Brad E Melt RA I am Martin Luther King, Jr. Meltzer, Brad E Melt I am Rosa Parks Meltzer, Brad E Melt RA 3.1 As Good as Anybody Michelson, Richard E Mich 4.1 Quickest Kid in Clarksville Miller, Pat E Mill 2.9 Doctor with an Eye for Eyes Mosca, Julia E Mosc 3.3 Girl with a Mind for Math Mosca, Julia E Mosc Frederick Douglass: the Lion who Wrote History Myers, Walter Dean E Myer Harlem: a Poem Myers, Walter Dean E Myer I've Seen the Promised Land Myers, Walter Dean E Myer 5.8 Almost to Freedom Nelson, Vaunda E Nels 4..4 African Americans 7/7/2021 Title Author Call # AR Bad News for Outlaws Nelson, Vaunda E Nels 5.2 Book Itch Nelson, Vaunda E Nels 3.3 Don't Call Me Grandma Nelson, Vaunda E Nels RA 3.6 Let 'er Buck Nelson, Vaunda E Nels 4.7 Mister and Lady Day Novesky, Amy E Nove 3.3 Sulwe Nyong'o, Lupita E Nyon Molly, By Golly Ochiltree, Dianne E Ochi 5 Visiting Langston Perdomo, Willie E Perd 1.6 Bill Pickett: Rodeo Ridin' Cowboy Pinkney, Andrea E Pink 5.4 Sojourner Truth's Step-Stomp Stride Pinkney, Andrea E Pink 4.2 Shades of Black: a Celebration of Our Children Pinkney, Sandra E Pink 2.2 Ella Fitzgerald: the Tale of a Vocal Virtuoso Pinkney, Andrea E Pink Lift as You Climb Powell, Patricia E Powe 4.2 I Am a Promise Pryce, Shelly Ann E Pryc Ruth and the Green Book Ramsey, Calvin E Rams 4.6 Bell Rang Ransome, James E Rans Freedom Ship Rappaport, Doreen E Rapp RA 2.8 Martin's Big Words Rappaport, Doreen E Rapp 3.4 Let Them Play Raven, Margot E Rave 5.2 Althea Gibson Reid, Megan E Reid 4.4 Back of the Bus Reynolds, Aaron E Reyn 3.3 Aunt Harriet's Underground Railroad in the Sky Ringgold, Faith E Ring 4.1 Harlem Renaissance Party Ringgold, Faith E Ring Tar Beach Ringgold, Faith E Ring 3.4 Grandpa Stops a War Robeson, Susan E Robe Testing the Ice Robinson, Sharon E Robi 3.9 Only Passing Through Rockwell, Anne E Rock 5.2 Only Passing Through: The Story of Sojourner TruthRockwell, Anne E Rock 5.2 Spy Called James Rockwell, Anne E Rock 5.2 Cool Cuts Roe, Mechal E Roe Happy Hair Roe, Mechal E Roe When Rosa Parks Went Fishing Ruiz, Rachel E Ruiz 3.8 Little Melba and Her Big Trombone Russell-Brown, Katheryn E Russ 4.7 Voice Named Aretha Russell-Brown, KatherynE Russ 4.7 D is for Drinking Gourd Sanders, Nancy E Sand 7.7 So Tall Within Schmidt, Gary E Schm 4.7 Pappy's Handkerchief Scillian, Devin E Scil 4.9 Malcolm Little Shabazz, Ilyasah E Shab 6.5 Coretta Scott Shange, Ntozake E Shan 4.9 Ellington Was Not a Street Shange, Ntozake E Shan Muhammad Ali, the Man Who Could Float Like a Butterfly,Shange, Sting Ntozake Like a Bee E Shan Coretta Scott Shange, Ntozake E Shan 4.9 Brown Sugar Babe Sherman, Charlotte E Sher Swish! The Slam-Dunking, Alley-Ooping, High-FlyingSlade, Harlem Suzanne Globetrotters E Slad Don't Say Ain't Smalls, Irene E Smal 3.6 Brick by Brick Smith, Charles Jr. E Smit Shaka: King of the Zulus Stanley, Diane E Stan 5.5 Riding to Washington Swain, Gwenyth E Swai RA 3.8 I Love My Hair! Tarpley, Natasha E Tarp 3.3 Poet Tate, Don E Tate 4.5 I Have Heard of a Land Thomas, Joyce E Thom 3.1 African Americans 7/7/2021 Title Author Call # AR My Name is Truth Turner, Ann E Turn 4.4 Harriet Tubman Vegara, Isabel E Vega Martin Luther King, Jr. Vegara, Isabel E Vega Muhammad Ali: a Champion is Born Vegara, Isabel E Vega Rosa Parks Vegara, Isabel E Vega Nana Akua Goes to School Walker, Tricia E Walk RA 4.3 Between the Lines Wallace, Sandra E Wall 4 Harlem's Little Blackbird Watson, renee E Wats 4.4 When Martin Luther King, Jr. Wore Roller Skates Weakland, Mark E Weak 4.2 When Wilma Rudolph played Basketball Weakland, Mark E Weak 4.1 Before John was a Jazz Giant Weatherford, Carole E Weat 3 Box Weatherford, Carole E Weat By and By Weatherford, Carole E Weat 3.7 Freedom in Congo Square Weatherford, Carole E Weat 5.4 Gordon Parks Weatherford, Carole E Weat 4 Leontyne Price Weatherford, Carole E Weat 4.8 Moses Weatherford, Carole E Weat 4 R-E-S-P-E-C-T Weatherford, Carole E Weat Schomburg: the Man Who Built a Library Weatherford, Carole E Weat Sound That Jazz Makes Weatherford, Carole E Weat 4.7 Sugar Hill Weatherford, Carole E Weat 3.5 Unspeakable Weatherford, Carole E Weat Voice of Freedom Weatherford, Carole E Weat 5.8 Listeners Whelan, Gloria E Whel 3.6 Jazz Age Josephine Winter, Jonah E Wint 4.4 Thurgood Winter, Jonah E Wint 5.6 Sonny's Bridge Wittenstein, Barry E Witt Show Way Woodson, Jacqueline E Wood 3.8 This Is the Rope Woodson, Jacqueline E Wood 3.6 Diversity and Entertainment Green, Amanda J 302.2 Controversial Monuments Green, Amanda J 303.3 Timeline of the Slave Trade in America Littlejohn, Randy J 306.3 6.8 Slavery: Bondage Throughout History Watkins, Richard J 306.3 9.3 They Called Themselves the KKK Bartoletti, Susan J 322.4 9.2 Bus Ride that Changed History Edwards, Pamela J 323 5.5 Freedom Walkers Freedman, Russell J 323 7.7 Jim Crow Laws and Racism Fremon, David J 323 7.4 I Have a Dream Graves, Kerry J 323 6.7 Leaders of Black Civil Rights Vernell, Marjorie J 323 9.5 Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King Marzollo, Jean J 323.09 4.2 Hidden Black History Green, Amanda J 323.1 Dream of Freedom McWhorter, Diane J 323.1 9.1 Sit-In: How Four Friends Stood Up by Sitting Down Pinkney, Andrea J 323.1 5.2 Civil Rights Movement for Kids: A History with 21 ActivitiesTurck, Mary J 323.1 What Was the March on Washington Krull, Kathleen J 323.11 6.1 Locked Up for Freedom Schwartz, Heather J 323.11 6.6 What Is the Civil Rights Movement? Smith, Sherri J 323.11 Birmingham 1963 Tougas, Shelley J 323.11 7 If You Were a Kid During the Civil Rights MovementHooks, Gwendolyn J 323.1196 4.4 Black Voter Suppression Tyner, Artika J 324.6 Enemies of Slavery Adler, David J 326.8 6.9 African Americans 7/7/2021 Title Author Call # AR To Be a Slave Lester, Julius J 326.973 6.9 Vigilante Danger Tyner, Artika J 362.8 Getting Away With Murder: the true story of the emmettCrowe, till caseChris J 364.15 8.7 Little Rock Girl 1957 Tougas, Shelley J 379.2 7 Martin Luther King, Jr.
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