University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 10-11-1983 Sandspur, Vol 90, No 02, October 11, 1983 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol 90, No 02, October 11, 1983" (1983). The Rollins Sandspur. 1613. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/1613 m ROLLINS COLLEGE Volume 90, Number 2 October 11,1983 Inside: Orlando Hall Vandalized, p.4 Anti-Nuclear Activism, p.5 An Un-Editorial, p.8 Satire, p.14 Sports, p.18 Rollins College Sandspur, October 11, 1983 pg. 2 To get ahead, youVe got to push the right buttons. 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Get there ia PACKARD PG0?331 Check your campus bookstore or any of the following dealers: 33 FLORIDA Altamonte Springs Melbourne Burdine's B & B Office Equipment, Ine H.I.S. Computermation International Cal & Computer 451 Altamonte Mall 536 E New Haven Ave 1299 Cypress Ave (305) 830-2326 (305) 723-9292 2914 Corrine Drive (305) 259-4025 (305) 898-0081 Royal Data, Ine H.I.S. Computermation Orlando 600 North Lake Blvd 1295 Cypress Ave Titusville Burdine's Royal Data, Ine Suite 100 (305) 254-9399 3505 E Colonial Drive (305)830-7140 2199 Garden St (305) 896-5327 (305)267-1960 ^wwwwvw^vvwwww^^ Rollins College Sandspur, October 11, 1983 pg. 3 October 11, 1983 1 0/0 Vol. 90 No. 2 /WVWWW^>AWVW^WVVrWW^^ IHf ° • J%UNUH | UIOUVJUInior*ni IMN TI EDITOR Judy Jones TO STUDENTS & FACULTY MANAGING EDITOR Bill Wood ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR WITH I.D. Jay Werba SPORTS EDITOR David Greenberg ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR 6 A.M. -12P.M. Sun.-Thurs. Erica Staffeld PHOTO EDITOR 6A.M.-3A.M. Fri.&Sat. David Reed AD MANAGER Georgiana Overall 345W. FAIRBANKS BUSINESS MANAGER David Morgan GRAPHIC ARTISTS & CARTOONISTS OlgaViso, Peter Zies, Robert McEnroy, John Bonura The STAFF Haagen-Dazs Donna Anderson Dawn Marzlock Dana Ballinger Sharon McElwee Collection Steve Bell Kyle McGinnis Carolyn Bondurant Roger Muller Denis Bourguignon Paul Normann George Boyle -Margaret O'Sullivan Vivi Cochrane Victor Perritt Steve Creel Anne Marie Philler Robert Fish Dawn Picotte Laurie Galbraith Beth Rapp Laurie Gorman Margaret Salmon Betty Hill Scott San Filippo Adriene Israel Dave Samey Pam Johnson Lisa Teebagy Greg Kaye Gary Waterman Tim Kinskey Nikki Yon Jenny Lowe Lori Zappala ^WVV^rtrV^rVtfVV^^rtrtA/S^VtV^^JVV^rVVtf^^J^rtr^WW^ The Rollins Sandspur, Florida's oldest Haagen-Dazs presents the two straw milk college newspaper, was established in 1894 shake. A frosty smooth shake so thick and rich, with the following editorial: you'll probably want two straws to drink it! "Unassuming yet mighty, sharp and pointed, well rounded yet many sided, assidiously tenacious, yet as gritty and Haagen-Dazs tenacious as its name implies, victorious in Cu) W Park Avenue single combat and therefore without peer, 116 E. New England Ave. • Winter Par* • 644-1611 wonderfully attractive and extensive in cir­ culation, all these will be focused upon investigation to be among the extraor­ dinary qualities of the Sandspur." In an effort to establish a continuing dialogue within the Rollins community, the Rollins Sandspur promotes discussion indi- genious to the scholastic environment. KAPLAN Educational Center Therefore, this paper encourages students MCAT r to voice their opinions or concerns or perti­ Here IS a difference!! nent issues in the form of letters to the ISAT-GREr . editor. GRE PSYCH/ ™EFL Course Class Starting Letters will be printed on a space- GRE BIO / MSKP LSAT Oct. 5 available basis. All letters must be signed r I/AT I and must be received by the Tuesday MAT / ECFMG LSAT Oct. 27 before the paper appears. All letters should be addressed: Editor, Rollins Sandspur, BT /FLEX-VOE GR Nov. 9 Box 2742, Rollins College. OCAT /NDB-NPB GMAT Dec. 12 MAT /RNBOS SSAT / r 2238 Winter Woods Blvd. PSAT /SPEED- Winter Park, FL 32792 San Jose Exec. Ctr. SAT /READING 678-8400 n Cer~v TEST PREPARATION I SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 V -, — I 'A.'^ftAflArVW^V^WrVVWV.^.^^^.f^A^AV^^.ft^' Rollins College Sandspur, October 11,1983 pg. 4 NEWS Student Questionaire Becomes Part of Study by Laurie Galbraith In the Fall of 1982, Rollins College began an in- depth self-study headed by Dr. Ed Cohen. The findings of this study will be presented to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools in 1984, in the accreditation process. Academic advising at Rollins is one issue being studied, and will continue to be examined until the self-study is complete. When the study began, a survey was given to all incoming freshmen which asked them what role they thought their advisor should assume. The questionnaire was designed to help define the responsibilities of faculty advisors and also to deter­ mine the effectiveness of the academic advising system. Of the 213 respondents, 99% said it is important for their advisor to provide information about general education requirements. Ninety-seven percent found it important for their ad­ visor to provide information about requirements in their major. Ninety-five percent felt their advisor should review information about professional or grad­ uate school preparation requirements. Seventy-eight percent believe advisors should provide information about career opportunities. The respondents also noted that they did not feel an advisor should be a psychiatrist, a tutor, or a social counselor. The survey also dealt students' expectations about File Photo the role their advisors should play in course selection. Orlando Hall, site of recent vandalism. Fifty-three percent expected their advisor to be re­ sponsive when they asked advice about academic concerns. Sixty-seven percent of the respondents believed that they, not the advisor, should assume the Orlando Hall Vandalized responsibility for the selection of their courses, after by Steve Creel consultation with the advisor. This would mean the student having the final say about course selection, In the six years that Orlando Hall has been open 24 without the necessity of the advisor's signature. The hours as a study facility, there have been numerous results demonstrate that freshmen at least think they incidents of vandalism and theft ranging from Coke on Olin Library Update are ready for this responsibility. chalkboards to a refrigerator stolen from the English lounge. Unfortunately, there is no concrete definition of by Gregg Kaye what an advisor's duties should include. Under the The latest theft, that of a Dickens print donated by present system, an advisor takes a generous amount long time Rollins faculty member Dr. Charles Mendell, This past Monday, Oct. 4, after some wait and of time scrutinizing his or her advisee's schedule, and has spurred the English Department to action. At the anxiety, construction on the Olin library has finally keeping track of the requirements left to fulfill for vehement requests of his associates, Dr. Cary Ser has begun. According to Rollins Treasurer Jesse B. graduation. spoken to Dean Watkins about returning Orlando to a Morgan, a bid for the library's construction of 3.5 mil­ closed hall status. "We at the English Department When these students were asked about the quality lion dollars was awarded to Walker and Company on have paid our dues.. .we want the hall closed after of academic advising at Rollins, the response was September 20. After going through a large amount of night classes end," said an angry Dr. Ser. positive. Eighty-seven percent of the respondents red tape and paperwork, the building permits were found their advisor generally available if an appoint­ Dean Watkins agrees with the Department that issued last week. ment was requested. Once in the advisor's office, Orlando can no longer exist as a 24 facility. She said Mr. Morgan commented on the Olin foundations eighty-three percent of the students agreed that their that, "Because of the nooks and crannies in Orlando grant of $4.7 million by calling it "an exciting award to advisor allowed enough time for the meeting. Eighty- Hall, the tiny minority can behave badly when they are this college, which puts Rollins on a comparable level two percent said that their advisor could answer literally out of sight of the majority whom we would to many other fine institutions." Construction is on specific questions about academic requirements at expect informally to encourage responsible behavior." schedule, as the building is scheduled for dedication Rollins.
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