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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62093-2 - The Cambridge History of Turkey: Byzantium to Turkey, 1071–1453: Volume 1 Edited by Kate Fleet Index More information Index Abaqa Han, Ilkhan ruler (1265–82), 64–73 Agaceri,˘ Mongol commander and emir, 89 death (1282), 73 agriculture, 12, 121 and Karamanid revolt, 70–1 effect of rebellions on, 236–7 and Mesud, 72 effect of Turkoman raids on, 234–7 ‘Abd al-Laif b. ‘Abdallah, mosque in Mardin, means to retain peasants for, 238–9, 258 284 products, 239–40, 370, 372 ‘Abd al-Wajid b. Muhammad, scholar, 300 and Turkish settlement, 370–1 Abdulaziz,¨ Sultan (1861–76), 309 Turkoman view of, 234–40 Abdulhamid¨ II, Sultan (1876–1909), 309 see also pastoralism Abdulkadir¨ b. Gaybi al-Maragi, Maqasid Agrilu, 91 al-Alhan, 321 Ahi Evren, Sufi, 375, 398 Abdullah b. Mahmud, craftsman, 348 and Keramat-i Ahi Evren treatise, 417 ‘A b d ullatif¨ el-Bagd˘ adi,˘ scholar, 414 ahilik, 245, 375, 375n.55 Abdulmecid¨ b. Isma‘il Herevi (d. 1142), 384 ahis (religious artisan brotherhoods), 106, 161, Abdulvahid¨ b. Suleyman,¨ craftsman, 347 187 Abıs¸ga, Mongol commander, 82, 85, 88, 90 beylik of Karaman, 115 Abu al-Fada’il Muhi al-din, poet, 416 and mosque complexes, 297 Abu Ishak al-Thalabi, Qisas al-Ambiya, 410 role in towns, 245 Abu Najb al-Suhrawardi, Sufi mystic, 393 Ahlat, 374 Abu Safi‘id Khudabanda, 272 tomb of Erzen Hatun, 307 Abu Sa‘id, Mongol sultan in Anatolia Ahmad Teguder,¨ Mongol khan (1282–4), 73, (1317–1335), 90, 92, 93, 122, 267 74 Abu Said Bahadur Han, 316 Ahmed III, Ottoman sultan (1703–30), 178 Abusammed b. Abdurrahman (d. 1145), Ahmed b. Sa’d el-Erzincani, Kitab al-Lata’f scholar, 384 al-’Ala’iyya, 421 Abu’l-Fida, Mamluk historian, 328 Ahmed Eflaki, Manakib al-Arifin, 421 Acem, Persia, 343 Ahmed Lakus¸i, vezir, 90, 98 Achaia, principality of, and Byzantium, 39 Ahmed, Fakih, poet, 409 Adana, recaptured by Byzantium, 17 C¸arhaname, 418 ‘Adi b. Musafir (d. 1162), ¸eyhs , 387 Kitabu Evsaf-i Mesacidi’s¸-S¸erife, 418 Adorno, Giovanni, Genoese tax farmer, 257 Ahmed-i Dai, poet and scholar, 411, 418–19 Adrianople see Edirne Camasbname, 419 Adrianople, battle near (1205), 24 C¸engname, 419 Aegean islands, Turkish raids on, 233 Divan, 419 Afifeddin el-Tilemsani, Sufi, 395 Ahmed-i Yesevi, use of Turkish language, 409 Afyon, 61, 161 Ahmedi, poet, 418 Ak Mescid, 281 ˙Iskendername chronicle, 132, 322, 418 Kubbeli Mescid, 279 Ak Manastır (Deyr-i Eflatun) monastery, 405 aga˘ , head of janissary corps, 207 Ak Viran (Avren, Momino), 152 482 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62093-2 - The Cambridge History of Turkey: Byzantium to Turkey, 1071–1453: Volume 1 Edited by Kate Fleet Index More information Index Akbal, son of Uruktu Noyan the Aleppo Celayirid, 84 Ayyubid architecture, 286 Akbuga,˘ Celayirid emir, 77, 79, 81 captured (1260), 59 Akcaalan, pottery kilns, 338 Alexios I Komnenos (1081–1118), Byzantine Akc¸e Kazanlık, 162 emperor, 11–15 akın (raid), 192 and First Crusade, 14 akıncıs (raiders), in marcher districts, 205 Alexios II Komnenos (1180–3), Byzantine Akkoyunlu, Turkoman confederation, 97, emperor, 20 268, 273 Alexios III Angelos (1195–1203), Byzantine occupation of Erzurum (1465), 273 emperor, 22, 24, 25, 234 Aksaray, 258 Alexios IV Angelos (1203–4), 22 carpets from, 233, 243, 328 imprisonment of merchants, 260 Geyhatu’s advance to, 76 Alexios V Doukas (1204), 22 Turkoman palace at, 311 Alexios, false, rebellion, 234, 236 Zincirli Medrese, 298 Alexios, ruler of Trebizond, partial rule in Aksaray, battle of (1256), 57 Byzantium, 24 Aks¸ehir, 238, 374, 388 Alexios Axouch, protostrator under Manuel I, cloth manufacture, 243 50 Ferruh S¸ah mosque, 279 Alexios Strategopoulos, capture of medresesat,65 Constantinople (1261), 28 tomb of Seyyid Mahmud Hayrani, 308 Ali b. Hacı Ahmed, craftsman, 342, 350 Aks¸ehir, battle near (1299), 84 Ali b. ˙Ilyas Ali see Nakkas¸Ali Aladag,˘ battle of (1338), 94 Ali b. Muhammed b. Hibetullah el-Buhari, Aladag,˘ Greater Armenia, Ilkhanid summer scholar, 414 court at, 52, 62 Ali b. Omer¨ Karahisari, 148 coronation of Geyhatu at, 79 Ali Bey, son of Kara Timurtas¸Pas¸a, as patron, Alaeddin, son of Feramurz, 72 320 Alaeddin Ali (d.1380), 96 Ali Padis¸ah, administrator, 89, 94 Alaeddin Ali Bey (1366–80), ruler of Eretna, Alincak Noyan, 62 96 supporter of Rukneddin,¨ 59 Alaeddin Bey (d.1331), as patron, 320 Alis¸irogulları,˘ Turkomans from Kutahya,¨ 89 Alaeddin Kas¸ani, scholar, 413 Alp Arslan I, Seljuk sultan (1063–72), 1, 10, Alaeddin Keykubad I, Seljuk sultan (1220–37), 356 26, 53, 260, 358 Alp Arslan II, Seljuk sultan, Manuel I’s poetry, 416 expedition against, 20 and Sufism, 392 alps (warrior leaders), 193 and trade, 373 alum Alaeddin Keykubad III, Seljuk sultan (1284, production and trade, 242 1292–3, 1301–3), 55, 84, 85, 87 taxes on, 257 murdered on mission to Mongke,¨ 56, 57 trade restrictions, 263, 264 Alaeddin Savi, vezir, 88, 89 Amadeo of Savoy, the Green Count, 37 Alans crusade of, 37, 127 defeat by Ottomans (1302), 119 Amastris (Amasra), 25 as mercenaries in Byzantium, 32 Amasya (Amaseia), 268, 373 Alanya (‘Ala’iyya, Alaiye), 79, 374 Bayezid Pas¸a Camii, 348 caravansary, 314 Bimarhane medrese, 298 markets, 249, 250 as centre of beylerbeyilik, 204 Albania illustrated manuscripts, 322 Byzantine campaign against, 144 Ottoman buildings, 274 and Ottomans, 136 Amasyalı Sufi Bayezid, tutor of Mehmed I, 320 destruction of Ottoman monuments, 157 Amid see Diyarbakır Ottoman tax register, 134, 156 ‘Amr b. al-Farid, Qasıde-i Ta’iyya, 421 Turkish expansion into, 41, 128 Anadolu Hisarı complex, Bosphorus, 131 483 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62093-2 - The Cambridge History of Turkey: Byzantium to Turkey, 1071–1453: Volume 1 Edited by Kate Fleet Index More information Index Anadolu Huseyin,¨ Bulgaria, 153 tomb of Yur¨ uk¨ Dede, 307 Anadolulu, Bulgaria, 153 Turbe¨ of Hacı Bayram Veli, 348 Anatolia, 1, 354–60 Ankara, battle of (1402), 2, 45, 125, 130 administration, 83–4 Serbian cavalry at, 217 administrative division, 75 Anna Komene, chronicler, 139 beylerbeyilik of, 204 Anna of Savoy, 33, 34 Christianity in, 66, 355, 381 Ansbert, historian, 139 direct Mongol rule (1295–1335), 81–93 Antalya (Attaleia), 25, 109, 112, 373 ethnic structure, 360–5 annexed by Ottomans, 126, 254 mineral resources, 240–2, 254 buildings, 269 Mongol troops in, 62 Hamidid Yivli Minare Camii, 288 Muslim timar-holders, 199 tomb of Tekeogulları˘ (1377), 112 society, 365–7 tomb of Zincirkıran Mehmed Pas¸a, 306 state policy towards non-Muslims, 387–90, markets, 241, 252 403 international market, 249, 373 and Turkoman nomad economy, 230 slave market, 250 Turkoman settlements, 356–8 port, 358 under Byzantium, 355 export of carpets from, 233 under Seljuks, 356–7 shipbuilding, 243 use of term, 354n.3 resettlement of, 258 westernisation, 354 Seljuk attack on, 25 see also Asia Minor; Ilkhanid state silk brocades, 325 Anbarji, son of Mongke¨ Temur,¨ 79 Turkoman siege (1147), 235 ancestor cult, Turkic, 163 Venice and, 26 Anchialos Antioch Byzantine occupation, 37 Byzantine campaign to recover, 16 taken by Bulgars, 33 first crusade at, 15 Andronikos, son of Manuel II, ruler of Antonius, archbishop of Larissa (1360), 153, 173 Thessalonike, 46, 47 Apolyont, Lake, Issız Han, 314 Andronikos I Komnenos (1183–5), Byzantine Aqsara’i, chronicler, 65, 83, 88, 98, 228 emperor, 20, 21 Arabs Andronikos II, Byzantine emperor sources, 228 (1282–1328), 31–3 as threat to Byzantium, 6 and Mongol leader Ghazan, 88 see also Islam war with grandson, 33, 144 Arap, son of Samagar,˘ 74, 82, 90 Andronikos III, Byzantine emperor (1328–41), architects, 320 33, 144 architecture and Ottoman threat to ˙Izmit, 121–2 Byzantine cloisonnee´ technique, 161 Andronikos IV (1373–9) decoration as emperor, 38 faience, 317, 339–41 revolts against John V (1373), 38, 39 painted, 322–4 Andronikos Doukas, son of Caesar John hans (caravansarys), 161 Doukas, 10 military, 176 Angelico, Fra, Enthroned Madonna with Saints, Mongol, in Erzurum, 90 332 problems of conservation, 157–8 Anhegger, Robert, 181, 288 Seljuk sultanate, 65 Ani, Byzantine annexation, 7 and town planning, 267–77 Anis al-Kulub, mesnevi, 416 architecture, beylik and early Ottoman, 106, Ankara (Ancyranum), 113, 204, 373 110, 112, 277–320 Arslanhane Camii, 348 Aydın beylik, 111 Kızıl Bey Mescidi, 348 civil and commercial, 311–16 mausoleum of Ahi S¸eraffedin, 348 decoration, 317–18 taken by Ottomans (by 1380s), 122, 125 Germiyan beylik, 113 484 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62093-2 - The Cambridge History of Turkey: Byzantium to Turkey, 1071–1453: Volume 1 Edited by Kate Fleet Index More information Index materials, 316–17 painting, 321–4 mosques, 116 Seljuks of Rum, 266 Orhan, 124 textiles, 324–8 palaces, 311–13 Timurid, 266, 343 patronage, 318–20 traditions, 266–7 roofs, 317 woodcarving, 346–51 tombs, 305–11 see also architecture; ceramics; literature Turkoman styles, 277–9 Artuk, beysof,357 vaulting, 318 Artukid state, and Islam, 383 see also medreses; mosques Artukids architecture, Ottoman, 120, 190–1 tolerance of non-Muslims, 388 in the Balkans, 156–91 Turkish language, 407 Bayezid, 131 Artze, commercial centre, 9n.15 destruction after fall of Ottoman Empire, Arvanid, Albania, Christian timar-holders, 199 157 ascetism (zuhdvetakva¨ ), 390 archons, rebellion against Palaeologoi, 40 Asen, emperor of Bulgaria (1187), 21 Arghun, Mongol Ilkhan leader (1284–91), 74, al-Ashraf Khalil, Mamluk sultan,

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