Date Printed: 04/20/2009 JTS Box Number: IFES 64 Tab Number: 44 Document Title: Guyana Elections Commission Vote '97 Enhancing the Electoral System Document Date: 1997 Document Country: Guyana Document Language: English IFES ID: CE00763 ~IIII~ II~I ~ ~I~ II~ III ~II *~II C - 4 4 6 8 - A Ace - O~EM~~ 7)~/P-t>~ 7)~ 1. Tda /1.(J~ V,c~ It) (!-ti~ d mMArT,' ~ de eu(JmJ~N. 91T.,,,,,, Steg"u /?q",mfaAMI( 7k 1997 &f«Uo •• wat k __ '" de ...- ~ ... de ~ '" U«iep.".ted "",,,,,,,. 7k ••teeu- '" de ~~~ P, ......"e euut '" de 7tce;.",,( .40•• ..,/(" wat _ ""'" k I- de •• ".,."u,. '" de 20d e--r,. 1U1f<> -. eleee wat "'- Iwu; u. de 21~ e--r,. 7k &!eeu.... " ~ de e."Wr.~ euut ~ '" 21~ ~ '1','-' 71# 5 'ff(emelle u- -I.e '" 4-Hl4U ~f"'AtlueltHl sI-de ~ ErlxMr4w & 9,*-_«'"" Uwr at de (!.e1ll1ltt4#"ff t6 MIp tpI#_ pcoU#,.,," .~_ •.e, ... de ,........ '1 ~ '-fu da.e ie ____ '1""e;.". tpI# ...... "'- ~- Ifoiu. SPECIMEN ONLY ~ euut ~- tpI# ..ed t:<> _. • The Voter ID Card is the property of the Elections C-ommisslon • Keep Your Voter ID Card in a safe place until Polling Day -• On Elections Day you will have to return yout Voter ID Card , GENERAL ELECTIONS A.F.G 2.~ T-eTk P-e~ Pb..a 1 ALLIANCE FOR GUYANA ~. WPAlGLP/CITIZENS I~ ~ -e""..'1"~ W >t+ A G.G.G , 2 A GOOD AND GREEN" GUYANA .... 3 G.B.G I~ d" 3. Ma~~X GOD BLEss GUYANA """- F' 4 G.D.P. -- GUYANA l§Sti NU ~ 1te, P~ J.F.A.P 5 JUSTICE FOR ALL PARTY I~I~ ~>W).. Ck~ (.()~ N.D.F. --'-"- ,,-~ 6 NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC FRONT 7 N.I.P. ~~"".. NATIONAL INDEPENDENT PARTY ~ 8 P.N.C. PEOPLE'S NATIONAL CONGRESS r 9 P.P.P/C. PEOPLE'S PROGRESSIVE PARTY/CIVIC D> ANT) THEN T.U.F. 10 THE UNITED FORCE ~ - I FOR I NO. 4 A.F.G 1 ALLIANCE FOR GUYANA WPAlGLP/CITIZENS A ~. 2 AG.G.G A GOOD AND GREEN GUYANA a. NrMJ,~~ X G.D.P. 3 GUYANA DEMOCRATIC PARTY ~I -I- .. /J _ p~~A1J!All eligible voters should re.:eive ~ /fIO,u..e. ~- YV7 this pink slip along with their Voter .l.RA.P 4 - 11 /J ' ID Card, stating Polling J)ivision & JUSTICE FOR ALL PARTY ~I P.N.C. -e{ '1"~ \..:~~ Polling Place _ 5 PEOPLE'S NATIONAL CONGRESS r .If You have not received a Pink Slip, P.p.p,;;::. t,(J~ Check with the Registrar or Deputy 6 PEOPLE'S PROGRE:SS::'".JE PARTY/CIVIC Q ~ ~""'" Registrar, OR 7 T.I1F R~ THE UNITFJJ FORCE ~ .Ask a Political Party activist where is your Polling Place SPECIMEN ONLll ELECTIONSIPOLLLl\JG DAY IS DECEMBER 15, 1997 '- ALLIANCE FOR GUYANA W.P.A1G.L.P/CITIZENS r Rupert Roopnaraine Bell a Reconstniclion with Human Development 0 Education for Tomorrow as priority o Free Elltequise Market System 0 Development of Leading' National ProdJ,c-1 D All Youth Opportunity 2000. 0 Women, Disabled and First People's Empower­ tion Industries n Free Education from Kindergarten to High school and better pay ment 0 Government open to People D Checking Crime Rate by Addressing COIl­ for teachers a Creation of a Welfare State and Fostering Racial Unity 0 In,lepen-1 troIs, Sanctions & Causes· 0 Pro-Development Export Financing; Taxation; Capi~ dent Judicial system & Court of Appeal a Priority to Low Cost houses for Low Market; Producer Credit 0 HealthCosttoFitNeeds a No Selling out of Guyana a UVUJIJ' PARTY GUYANA N.I.P a.G.G.G 91,IU,II'(;'/U«I()"", ... ,f£O.Jer-'I·i..r.-a-"",';o", L-ifIO~((+ &: . •1p.;:,.lI-t,u'£ fR-'l!/Q(:Oa,tn ""'~"'\\t~,-I '" '1/',iW c;,;;;,;;;:r;:c:;;;:r,;;1 o New Constitution a Massive Hydro-project I'l Highway 10 Brazil to connect :-J Reconciliation and AlPllcmCIll i1 Prolecliull oflhe Environmell1 Boavisla and Trans American Highway 0 An!nesty to Squatters and Title to Land r1 Priority \L1 Education 8.: H:allh n J~'\'L'lllrnrnllJf Rn.:m.:ial &. Hwn:lJl o Genuine Intergrating Political System of all Guyanese Races 0 Medical Care fl:stJun:es 0 Reduction of ga]1 he-tween rich &. poor n National Youth established 0 National Insurance similar to schemes in Ontario 0 Bette," Wag'" Sen itT rJ Open Markel Economy 0 Better pay for -Public Sl:[vin: fOil PllblicEmployees 0 Change of Racist PolitictlI Cwture 0 FuJI Control o{Govem- Employees .n EilLtJUrJf!l'mell1 (1f Local business;md indusuies 0 Rules com:em- E'SNA CONGRESS P.N.C .~ -l.I«h.-jIi!/" v£ !YJi/IF$"fWC-e-.J,· De",m,md Hoyle ~dIU~~~:~~~~ Gold & Timber Industries: Cash Crop & Cattle Re.ori"d [] Development of Educational System 0 Provision of Health, Water. Housing & Sport l & Life-Stock lndu,stry; Stock-Feeds & Rice Industries 0 More Facilities 0 Improvement of Standard of Living 0 End. to Discrimination 0 Social & Bauxite Industries 0 Lowering of Cost-of-Living 0 Better Housing Justice to Protect the Poor & Disadvantaged 0 Encouragement of Private Intiative [] IElectri"ity 0 Free Education & Health Facilities tJ More Land for the Tj 11 er Reduction in crime & Improvement of Justice System 0 Honest, Decent, Competent, of all International Efficient Governance 0 Qualified Experienced, Mature, KnowledgabJeLeadersbip GUYANA DEMOCRATIC .... PEOPLE'S PROGRESSIVE PARTY PARTY [CIVIC G.D.P P.P.P.lC "(f} ~9-(Ull.ra,ti"ir "" Jlf,"-lIit{'9<£'""e"v~' '(50'WWli,Led ~-"''' AsgarAlly ouse i,~ tl~ 2f.w (5Nl-'f--ur-3r o Pragmatic, ·Prudent. National Democratic Government 0 Management based on - Multi-party Parliamentary Democracy, Market Oriented Economic System o Balanced Economic & Social Development 0 Maintain Social Stability & -Social Justice 0 Leadership towards Socia-political & Financial development & Harmonious Inter-ethnic Relations & Development [] Heightened Democratic o Restoration' of Famlly & Moral Values 0 Government based on Unity & Involvement at all Levels 0 Strong Tripartite Relations -among Government, Order 0 Opposition to aU fOlTIlS of Discriminatlon; Estab1ishement of a Race & Private Sector [] Eradication of Poverty 0 Increased Allocations for Commission & Activating the Integrity Commssion Social Services JUSTICE J.FA.P. "'fJof.e/ r!ifor- ... /( {!/Ir~uwe, ~ -VQ~ fTop. !7U,.c..e," [] Stengiliening Community ties & Investment in People 0 Creation & Implemen­ DLowering of Cost of Living 0 Free Trude with CARICOI\I, Central & Latin America tation of Innovative Solutions to Unemployment. Crime, Education & Cost-of-Iiving o -Guarantee of right to relevant Education 0 Adequate Hea1th for all 0 Resolution [] Resourcs for Modernizing -& Strengthening National Indu_stries [] Ensuring basis ethnic problem 0 Land titles to Amerindians 0 Restrucq.lfing of Tax System to for lasting Recovery 0 Sound Financial Management 0 Grenter Personal Choices o Low cost Ho_using; -Land at reasonable cost 0 Low-interest Loans to small farmers & Responsibilities 0 Better Health Care & Basic Sen/ices - Living Standards [] Wise o Protection & Care for the Disadvantaged - pensioners, street children, women oRevival of . POLITICAL PARTIES' CODe OF CONDUCT To uphold the principle of free speech and to discourage members and supporters· from disrupting meetings and gatherings of other political parties. To ensuretnat speeches, slogans, posters, handbills and other advertisements do not contain material offending public morality, decorum, decency or taunts, ridicule, innuendoes 01' defamatory matter. IvotE .. 'ORTflE"ARTYO'.YOOR····~HO/~Ej YOUR "'ALLOT IS'SECRET lec1iOliS.p65 AT THE POLLING PLACE Foreign and Local Observers ~/ """; .... I!'lli[ ""tOO 1 ~. ill ~L 4 Voter enters Polling Place .VoIefpresenlS her Voter 10 card Poll Clerk stamps 1 to the PoD Clerk Poll Clerk checks Ust; !he Voter 10 Card 2 cans out particulars; and places in Box 3 Q: How do I know where to Vote? A:In most cases' you will "vote at the same place you were registered to vote and were photographed. Polling Agents Q:How can I contact the Guyana Elections Commission? A:The Guyana Ele~tions Com­ 6 mission and the N.R.C. are one body. If you have general ques­ tions please can our hotjine below. -~­ If you have any further queries Assistant Presiding Officer or need any further specific issues Ballot Paper; infonnation aboUt yOur Region call the appropriate Elections Advises Voter how to vote - Officer listed below. and fold Ballot Paper Directs Voter to Voting Q: Can I vote without Voter a Compartment and Ballot Box 10 Card? A: ]n these Ejections you wi11 not be able to vote withont a l Voter ID Card . • YClTi!R llDUCATlON If!: . 7 jNFoRMATlQN . ROTL!NES: Region 2: 071"384 . ... Region3: 1J64:2671 /1)64..2457 Region 4:.61255/61073/57462160221 V"ter enters Region6: 037-2410 Voting Compartment; Region 7: ·05'2228 Marks Ballot, and Folds it Region 10: 04-6061104-2529 .. FO~MORE INFORMATlON: .. *See your Divisio.nal Registrar 'CaIl the BC HotLine . 'See your Political Party "C'heck.the"Eiections Commission . Information HoUr; ON RADIO & .,. TELEVISION. GUYBn:8 Eections ~omnrissi()n .-~--.-- A<ldress: Loi 4 f; High S!reei, . ' , . JGng~ton~ Georgetown Voter goes to Internet:.:·' '. :: .. >.. ' Voter Places Ballot Ballot Clerk; http://gold.org~gy/eIOctions/ in Ballot Box Stains Finger email: elections@sdDp:org.gy ,Voter leaves Polling Place " 10 9 8 WH'/VDTE? Voting is one ot tbe central ways of participating in tbe Democratic pr-ocess. Through the power of the Vote, citizens ,c~n decide on the Govcmment and policies which· best represent their IJiterests. Voting is an act of faith in the process. Voti':lg is also n' e:h.ance to 'cbange tbe process of deciding who determmes the PoliCies. Vote Early: Polling Stations open: 6:00 a,nl to 6:00. p.m. ·te ~_J II- -1''"'' -,.;.:,----:-.-.,":",;.:;-- - IJ1I1uz!u:!'!g'fh(16'!1tq!;~~ ,"(JGess .
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