Arkib DOC 131.28 O~ 2009 " ~ .1 ...... \Y :-1 ." · ~ I'\UWAI '1, 1. 10.. • Sam.Tab'n CONtENTS Advisory Panel 2 Reviewer Panel 111111 I 111111 2-3 Message from the Right Honourable Chief Minister of Sarawak 4 Message from ClTA'09 Chairman 5 Programme Activities 6 ClTA '09 Tracks 7 Programme Overview 8 - II CITA'09 Programme 12 - 16 Keynote Speakers 17 - 18 Invited Speakers 19 - 23 Worlc.shop 24-25 Organising Committee 26 Acknowledgement 27 Hilton Hotel FloC)( Ptan 28 Sponsors 29 Advertisement 30 , n '1 , , ADVISORY PANEL Hermann Maurer Jun'ichi TsuJI! Graz University of Te chnology. Austria University of Tokyo. Japan Ion H, Wttfen Justo Dlaz University of Walk.oto. New lealond University of Auckland. New lealand REVIEWER PANEL Ahomod TaJudln Khoder Chwen Jen Chen Universiti Soins Malaysia. Malaysia Universiti Ma/aysio Sarawak, Malaysia Ahmad loki bin Abu Bokor Daniel Cunliffe Universifi Tel<nologi Malaysh Malaysia University of G/amorgan, wales All Selomot David AI· Doboss Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom Alvin W, Yeo Dayang Nurfotlmoh Awong Iskandar Universiti Malaysia Sarawok, Malaysia Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. Malaysia Anderson Tlong Dhanesh Ramachondran Sarawok Information Systems Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia Andrew Thatcher Douglas Chal University of Witwatersrand. Johannesburg Edith Cowan University, Australia Andrew Walton Edwin Mit Imperial College london. United KJngdom Universitl Malaysia Sara wok, Malaysia Bohan Belaton faalzah Shahbodln Universiti Salns Malaysia, Malaysia Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melako, Malaysia Bee Theng Lau farld Mezlane Swinbume University of Technology, Malaysia University of Salford, United Kingdom Benito M. COX GiapWeng Ng Imperial College London. United Kingdom Universiti Malaysia Sarowak, Malaysia BIJu Issac Hafizal Mohamad Swinbume University of Te chnology, Malaysia MIMOS. Malaysia Chee Peng Um Jane Labodln Universiti Sains Malaysia, Molaysia Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia Chee Slang Teh James A, Thom Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Ma/aysia RM IT University. Australia Chee Weng Wong Jlonkun Hu Universiti Malaysia Sora wok, Ma/aysia RM IT University. Austrelio Chien-Sing Lee Jose Abdetnour·Nocera Multimedia University. Malaysia ThOmes Valley University, United Kingdom Chong Eng Tan Jovon Pehcevskl Universiti Malaysia Safawak, Melaysio MIT Faculties, Macedonia 2 Jumat Sulalman Soblta Nath Boboo Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Universiti Malaysia Sarowak. Malaysia Justo Dlaz Sally Jo Cunningham University of Auckland, New Zealand University of Waikato, New Zealand Klan Sam Hong San Murugesan Universili Malaysia Sarawak. Malaysia Mullimedia University, Malaysio Mandava Rojeswarl Sarvnaz Karimi Universiti Salns Malaysia, Malaysia University of Melbourne, Australio Markus BOfSChboch Seng Wal lok.e University of MOnster, Germany La Trobe University, Australia Moshkurl Yaocob Shahren Ahmad loldl Adruce Universiti Tenaga Nasional. Malaysia Universiti Malaysia Sorawal::, Malaysia Masood Mosoodlan Shaplee Abdul Rohman University of Walkato. New lealand Unlversiti Malaysia Sorawak, Malaysia Md. Yozld Mohd Saman Sheng·Chuan Wu Univeristi Malaysia Terengganu. Malaysia Franz Inc. United States Mlng-Puu Chen Shyomala C. Dorolsomy Notional Taiwan Normal University. Taiwan Universiti Putra Malaysia. Malaysia Mohomed Rowldean Mohd Kasslm Subono Shanmuganathan MIMOS. Malaysia AUT University. New Zealand M. L. Dennis Wong Sukunesan Sinnapan Swinburne University of Technology, Malaysia Swinburne University, Australia Naomle Salim Tot Chee Won Universiti Tekn%gi Malaysia, Malaysia Universiti Soins Malaysia, Malaysia Narayanan Kulathuramaiyer Tharek. Abdul Rohman universifj Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia Noar Alomsnah b Bothassan Thomas Mandl Universiti Malaysia Sorawak,. Malaysia University of Hildesheim, Germany Nor Lolly Hashim Thurosamy Romayah Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia Norma Alios fim Rltchlngs Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia University of Salford, United Kingdom Patricio Anthony TsujI! JunlchJ Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia University of Tokyo, Japan Palr1ck Then WllllomWong Swinburne University of Technology, Malaysia Middlesex University, United Kingdom Reinhard Scholer Yin Chal Wong University of Umerick. Ireland Universiti Malaysia Sarawal::, Mala ysia Robert Barbour Yu·N Cheah Unitee. New Zealand Universili Solns Malaysia, Malaysia Roszlotllbtahlm Zuwalrle Ibrahim Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia Universiti Teknalagi Malaysia, Malaysia Rozhan Idrus lUlona Oplatkova universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia Tomas Bota University, Czech Repub lic 3 • ...... ,.... ~ -J ,.' • , . , , 9/d;Jx'cfe FROM TH ERIGHT HONOU RAB LE CHI EF MINISTE R OF SARAWAK Pehln Sri Haji Abdul Talb Mahmud s.as., D.K. (JOHOR/. D.K. (PAHANG" D.P, P.S.M., S.P.O.K. S.UMw. S.S.D..K... HAP., O.G.iM.. O.P.P.N.. S.S.SA, S.PMT, KT. W.E (THAl.ANDJ. ~PN (INDONESIA,. S.P..M.B (BRUN Ell. KO.U (KOREA}. AO (AUSTRAJ..lAJ. P. C.D. nformation and Communications Technology (ICT) has brovght about the revolution that has transformed commodities, people and their relat!ons. In Sarawak alone, we have mode an J enormous progress in the arena of ICT awareness, knowledge and skill. No daub!. there is still a wide spectrum of kno'N1edge that can be created in the field. In fact, every developing country is challenged to keep abreast with the emerging technologies in this rapidly changing world and to explore and exploit ICT' s full potential. This year marks the International Conference 01 Information Technology in Asia, its tenth year anniversary. I congratulate the Universiti Malaysia Sorawak for successfully organized the conference to its 6th run since 1999. The choice of the conference theme of "Towards Human·Centred Computing" is appmpriote since this will give some insights into the understanding of how people and technology synergise in a cooperative partnership to enhance human potential. This conference has always been on important platform for knowledge shoring in different domains ollCT for development and tacmtates multi-stakeholder portnership development and professional networking among governments, industry, academia and civil society organisations of Asian countries. It is heartening 10 note that researchers from Ihe Saudi Arabia, Egypt. Indio. Nigerio. Australia, Bangladesh. Ubya, Brunei, Poldston, New Zealand, England and Laos are taking this excellent opportunity to come togeth6f 10 interact with a wide and diverse development community, to cony forward the vision of the regIon and consolidate them into an actionable programme. I would like to congratulate UNIMAS for once again organIzed such an Important event and I encourage the university 10 k.eep il up. PfHIN SRI HAJI ABDUL TAIB MAHMUD Chle' Mlnls'e, of Sotowok 4 "unl Utdm.t MSi"lJm&J Ak.demik tJNTV£IlSITl Mt.. l.... ""'-,,,,. SAftj(WA.E: 94)00 knt. Sam"".hlUt ~a;;e FROM C ITA'09 CHAIRMAN is conference marks an important milestone fOf the Conference on IT in Asia: it is the sixth conference thai we hove held, and more significantty, ten years hove y:elopsed since Ihe first conference in 1999. Over Ihe lost decade, one of the trends witnessed has been the shiH from a technology­ centric focus on Information and Communication Technology, to a more human-centric focus, While technology plays an important role. it is ultimately the people who decide whether a tool or technology is usoble, This human·centred focus, encompassed in C!lA's theme "Human·Centred Computing". retlech the need to study and understond how people use teChnology (be ii individually or collaborotively) . With this kf"lowledge. technologies that can then be better developed to accommodate and enhance the users' skills and capabiliTies, with the end goal at improving performance and improving livelihood of societies. It is wilh Ihis goal that CITA'09 brings together researchm and practitioners from both academia and industry. from various areas of science and technology. and humonities, to shore and defiberote on the issues of humon--centred computing. In continuing with the CITA tradition. we have kept the conference small while maintaining a high quality proceedings. From a total of 138 fv ll papers submitted this year, 23 full papers and 29 short papers were selected by the International Programme Committee, I wovld like to thank the panel of reviewers. and the Programme Committee to( a job well done. In addition to the conference. we have held four workshops on the 6th July 2009. These worXshops are: Analysing Maloy Texts with Corpus Processing Tools, Option Pricing: An Innovative Eco~ogist Approach. Towards Semantic Aware Systems, and Training and Applications fOf High Technology. The conference would not be complete without our keynote end invited speakers and th eir support towards ovr conference. My heartiest appreCiation 10 Proiessor Henry Lieberman (Mil Media lob, US). ProfessOf Hermann MOlXer (Technica! University GrO!, Austria), ProfessOf Jung Kwong-Wook (Man & Tel Co.. lid. Korea), Lori lhicke (Tronootors Without Borders. France). Reinhard Scholer (Localisation Research Centre. Ireland), and Mr. w~liom Patrick NyigOf (ICT Unit, Chief Minister's Department. Sorawak) fOf their lime and effort as wen os their willingness to share their knOWledge and experience. I am especially indebted to the membe~ of the agonising committee for the esprit de corp and excellent team work.; I wovld like to rec ord my sincere
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