August 5, 1976 / 3W * PEACE AND FREEDOM THRUI NONVIOLENT ACT¡ON Seeking a Human Perspective on Housing How the'Vietnam War lsn't Over for Somã People Bird-Brained Schemes in the Pentagon Are Alternative lnstitutions the Way to Social Change? August Ir The 31st Anniversary of Hiroshima; For observances, see Events, page 17 1. \ ¡.ç "dltfiþ't'* *---lr^ ,qsl{r^-.{¡se***, å{-!¡t- ,l I am convinced that his present she cites show that he is not a pacifist, .¡ detention by the Lee Kuan Yew govern- perhdps) but they say nothing about the ment is for punitive reasons and NAEP. fgpPression of politicians who oppose 2) The WA\{-WSO is fïlled with hrs government. people who were in defense work. Just I appeal to all peace loving people all because a person once did defense work over the world to-once again help does not mean that hej or she only.does achieve the release not õnly ofmy evil thingb. husband Dr. Poh Soo Kai, but aliother 3) Iknow very little about the BECOMING REAI political prisoners such as Dr. Lim Hock world, but I doubt business that sub- are two ways, in thè stories at least. Siew, Said Zahari, Ho Piow and manv sidiaries of large corporations have their There others who have been in prison for m'ore first is like Pinocchio, and l've done it, projects.dictated to them by their þarent The than 13 years. I demand the PAP companies, or that the parent Through good works, and self-denial, and an enterpr¡s¡ng governrñent allow my husband to to companies have total access to the Conscience, and the only reward ' August 5,1976 l,Yol, Xll, No. Z8 speak in public so that the public witl dealings of their subsidiaries. You get for all that is a fairy know the truth 4) The half-sentence descriotion of past you a good van¡shes. - 4. Habitat Forum Seeks A Human i As a wife I know from experience Research Triangle Park is almlost Clides in the.window, calls boy, and what years ofindefinitê detentión Perspective on Housing laughable to one like myself who lives The second you gaye me, and like the velveteen rabb¡t without trial means. It is torture which near it. RTP contains so manv com- David Gurin cannot be expressed in words. ln the l:need to.be pushed, gnd poked,,and hugged, 'panies and government agenties that it r'T 7. Vietnamese POW's in Thailand eyes of the PAP government indefinite half-sentence and taken to bed, defies any description. I Don Luce detention is not a torture. have little doubt that some rvork has And left out in the rain all night, and cried over, Although I have requested the ISD to tieen done there that \{IN readers 9. Nonviolence ¡n Cibraltar ' * :-; permit nhd found in the corner of the garden, and dried me to see my husband, I have would not approve otbut it also has Craig Simpson not been allowed to see him and the ISD by the stove, I thinkit should be mentioned produced some good work. For thai has refused to let me know his present pollution And laughed at because I look silly, my elegant bor,v tie 11. Peace Studies Questionaire ' "Feminism,. Nonviolence, and the example, EPA's air research whereabouts. headquarters and thè National Institute Half-undone, and hanging askew by a thread, Beverly Woodward & Peace Movemeiit" ñVlN, 7 /22/76lwas Ithank all friends put and comrades for for Environmental Health Studies are Then picked up by one leg, and tucked under your coat Maire Dugin together in that sMe and brief their continuing support to achieve Iength because it wasâ talk I was asked there. For visits to austere relat¡ves in imposing townhouses, 12. Picking the Military's Bird unconditional release for political Admittedly. there is for Brain to give to a peace group in Bethlehem, prisoqers in Singapore. ^ ¡ioténtial And lose most ôf my sheen, and big hunks of stuffing, Steyen Lydenberg Pa.-and not j of informatio_n galnep 9t the because I think such a GRACEPOH 1ilgry And never have a fairy godmother shower stars over me condensed piece covers these subjects -ìftr. NAEP tests. And it llcrêS sêem un- 14. Alternative lnstitutions: the Road .Wlfeof Dr. Poh Soo Krl necessary and scary that tliere be any with a wand, : adequatelyl 25FÁmberRor{. to Social Change? / Frank I havejust way of identifuing individual students. But do fair:ies know about being real? returned from the Inter- Slngepore 15 what Lindenfeld national Gatherins of Women But Ms. Puls is going to have to prêsent in the 16. Nonviolent Moyeñent which took olace more factual information before I write Changes near La Clayette, France. One oftñe to my C.ongressperson about it. En- Richards 19. Reviews best conferences I've ever attended- In my years of reading WIN, I have couraging paranoia is not what IVIN -Tad eighty-five beautiful articulate women cdme to expect bettetjournalism than should be about. Cover: Photo óf the big bomb from from about ten countries discussing that exhibited by Margaret Puls DESMONDLIWIÆR the Be-Cause Look Book their involvement in and commitménts [Measuring a Child's Citizenship, Ch¡pslHlll,NC - to both the women's movement and 7/l/761. To me, the article seems to STAFF \ noiviolent action, Iiving and workine have few facts or logical arguments to I was glad to see a letter of Constance FONWHOMTHEBEI,LTOI¡S together in a convince me the NAEP Citizenship Blomen ¡- small farrñhouse and bãrn that IWIN,7/22/761, vice ' Peoplo cdl u¡'on the phone ¡ll the tlnc in¿ *" lovo lt. Me4dr rqd gnorpon. Dwight Ernest o Ruthann Evanoff whose primitive Test is such a great evil. presidential candidate facilities turned out to of the Socialist dcni¡fronf¡rrndneeirlngurupto glve uc tùe lrúc¡t nows fron the fronJ,llne¡ Mary Mayo o Susan Pines be not ã handicap but a source lVould I discuss my environmental Labor Party, publishEdin WIN. of simple of tho nonvlolent ¡ocld chãnge ñovo-nent. Totd rEugerr crll u¡ for lnfotm¡' Murray Rosenblith cooperative living that was a delight.- activities with lVestinghouse or tell the \{'e can pick a fight with her remart, don Subccrlbcn cdl u¡ to conplaln or prdco o¡ phce r book¡ rnd holp. IVIN ., _ANNDAVIDON US Army what demonstrations I have "until they (the US and the Soviet t shLt or brpk ls¡ue order. Per¡ond ftlond¡ cdl up to ¡hoot t'he brecze. Ihe been in? Yes, I would, and I think that Union) change to a system ofpro; UNINDICTED rlnclnc tolsphone l¡ r centrl evsnt lt WIN. CO.CONSPIRATORS that type ofopenness is one thing that duction...", etc., etc. No mention here fowã¿ thi en¿ of ths month tho phone rtrrtr rlnglng r lot nore. Only now lt'r Gandhian nonviolence is about. Ms. of any Struggle necessary to change any from the con¡any, tf,e eloctrlc eEPu¡ Conpugn¡lhlcr IBM, .ll . -,.) government -the¡reople ¡rhone l Puls criticizes the for its system of production, especially to people we owe noney, wrntlng ûo how when we're golng tò pty. So hr lanBarrv. LanceBelv¡lle o MarisCakari* o . secrecy, but seemi to relish it for those socialism. Her declbration is more like a we'io nrnaged to put thón ofi unüI we ctn lcrepe úoget'her tùe noneyr but lt Susan Cákars' Jerry Coffin' Lynne Shatzkin Coffin' ofLèftist persuasion. AnnDavidon . DianaDavles . RuthDear mathematical ptoposition. lVhat is left cets úo be r closer cdl even'rnontù. Doherty. William Douthard' For the second'time, my husband, Dr. As her major she asked Ralph OlCiar Brian arguments, of any implicatioris that change may be - Your contrlbudonc wlll keãp our phone dnglng wlth good newc¡ the newr tùú Kaien Durbin' . Chuck Fager o Seth Foldy Poh Soo Kai, has been arbitrarily us readers to consider the following: o o LibbyHawk' brought about ¡iossibly thtough offiõial comes úo your door ovety woek ln-WIN of pcople worklng togetùer to bulld r J¡m Forêst Latry Gara ioan detained by the Internal Security Ne¡l Haworth Ed Hedemann ¡ Grace Hedemann 1) Dr. John Tukey, a consultant to fiat by the powers that are in the USSR yo-ur ! Department (ISD) of Singapore on bettsr world. Wthout hel¡l our phone¡ could rtop rlnglnS dúogothor. WIN Hendrik Hertzberg' o Marty Jezerl o Sgcly Johnson NAEP, has done reséarch for the Army if not in the US. o r illusory and fictitious gtounds. noede your suppoÉ now mo¡o th¡n evor. Nancy Johnson Þaul Johnson Alison Karpel and was on Nixon's Comrhission on More than that, theré is a minà Craig karpel . John Kyper . Elliot Linzêr: Theie is absolutelyio reasón for his Mac Low ¡ David McReynoldsf Federal Statistics. boggling theorem set forth, supposedly GGtIn On theFtfthI loor Jackion present detention. Singapore is tranquil of NAEP, was bavidMorris . MarkMorrisf r Jim Peck 2) Rov Forbes, Director Matxian, of direct cause and effèct . lgal Roodenko' Fred Rosert ãnd there is no threat to the so-called work for Tad Richards ' in sþacé and defense eight between "economic war and military WIN l¡ ¡eeldng a now ¡t¡fi pgrcon,to work prlmrrlly on dedgn rn{ lryout. We Nancv Rosen a EZ sanders o Wendy Schw¡rtzr securityofSingapore. In 1963, Dr. Poh yeafs. Martña Thomases . Art Waskow . Beverly Woodward war" since workinþ people in these . perdng-rp the of erdclec end Soo Kai was detained for opposing the - need ¡oneoneto work ln try,lng out and n¡ln hdy 3) Measurement Research Center, countries.do not "rãóeivè the value oi WIN Éd¡tor¡al Éoard Pèoples' Action (PÃÞ) unèqual full the covor of the nrgrdne.
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