THE INDEPENDENT TO UNCOVER NEWSPAPER SERVING THE TRUTH NOTRE DAME AND AND REPORT SAINT Mary’s IT ACCURATELY VOLUME 46, ISSUE 11 | TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2012| NDSMCOBSERVER.COM International students adjust to life at Notre Dame American college life offers new experiences, challenges By NICOLE MICHELS Multaputri said. “It opened my desire to come here.” News Writer eyes to the tight community Though she plans on working that the University has to offer, in the U.S. immediately after For most Notre Dame stu- and I am grateful to be a part of graduation, Multaputri said she dents, leaving home for it.” plans on eventually ending up college means adjusting to in- Multaputri said she had al- back in Indonesia. dependent living, a Midwestern ways had a desire to study away “I have never put much twang and colder weather. For from home. thought on what I am go- about 900 international stu- “I had always known I was ing to do after I graduate, but dents, however, the transition going to pursue my educa- most probably I will stay for a is far more abrupt. tion somewhere else outside few years to find some work- Freshman Rena Multaputri Indonesia because my family ing experience and then go said the close-knit community had always put importance on back to Indonesia after that,” at Notre Dame made leaving education for both me and my Multaputri said. Photo courtesy of Laura Derth Indonesia more manageable. sister,” Multaputri said. “After I Sophomore Pedro Suarez, International upperclassmen pose as they prepare to welcome freshmen arriving from abroad in August. “I went to a Mass in the got my acceptance letter, I tried originally from Brazil, said his Basilica on my first day here at to find more information about greatest challenge was adjust- really slowly because at home convenient.” Notre Dame and I saw people Notre Dame and the other ing to American food. I’m used to meals being events Suarez said though he loves hugging each other during schools that I got accepted into “It’s a cultural thing. We’d that bring people together, the community at Notre Dame, mass and singing the Alma ... the more that I knew about sit down for long dinners and but here it’s so different: peo- Mater proudly at the end of it,” Notre Dame, the stronger my long lunches,” he said. “I eat ple just eat fast, whenever it’s see STUDENTS PAGE 4 New Farley revives calendar fundraiser By ANNA BOARINI County. The search for student- submissions, 20 men were News Writer Kelsie Corriston, Farley models was an extensive brought in for interviews. major Hall secretary, said the idea process, Corriston said. “We chose students Although Notre Dame to reinstitute the calendar “We tried to get the word based on their involve- has no shortage of long- came from former rector out as much as possible,” ment on campus and the launches held traditions, Farley Sr. Carrine Etheridge in she said. “We created a uniqueness of their sto- Hall intends on renew- 2011, although organizers Facebook event, emailed ries,” she said. “We tried ing one long forgotten. were given few details. clubs, talked to hall coun- our best to represent the By CHARITHA ISANAKA Farley’s Finest are bring- “We didn’t have any old cils and wrote a letter to diversity of Notre Dame News Writer ing back the Men of ND copies or information to The Observer.” given our applicant pool.” calendar, a former hall go on initially, so we re- Students either applied Corriston and her co-or- Students hoping to com- fundraiser, to benefit the vamped it ourselves,” she themselves or were nomi- ganizers used the bine language skills, Sex Offense Services Rape said. “It’s been an awe- nated by friends, Corriston cultural knowledge and eco- Crisis Center of St. Joseph some learning process.” said. After reviewing the see CALENDAR PAGE 3 nomic know-how can now pur- sue a major in International Economics, a joint offer- ing from the departments of Economics and Romance Volunteer group cultivates literacy Languages and Literatures. In a University press release, By CHRISTIAN MYERS said. “We’re focused on Department of Economics News Writer helping kids improve their Chair Richard Jensen said reading proficiency and the new major is suited for Teamwork for Tomorrow, get to where they should students hoping to make a student-led volunteer be.” themselves more marketable group, hopes to make an Schrank, a member of to employers at home and impact on South Bend chil- the club since her fresh- abroad. dren with its new youth man year, said Teamwork “This program will be an at- mentorship and reading for Tomorrow has become tractive option for ambitious, assistance program. an important piece of her sophisticated and savvy Notre Club president Emily time at Notre Dame. Dame undergraduates seeking Schrank said the group “It’s been a really great to prepare themselves for suc- offers tutoring to local way to break out of the cessful international careers,” children struggling with Notre Dame bubble and see he said. reading comprehension. what is going on in South Professor Theodore Cachey, “We’re different from Bend,” she said. “Getting chair of the Department of other tutoring programs to know these in that we don’t help kids see MAJOR PAGE 4 with their homework,” she see MENTORS PAGE 3 SUZANNA PRATT | The Observer VIEWPOINT PAGE 6 SCENE PAGE 8 SCENE PAGE 8 WOMEN’S SOCCER PAGE 16 2 THE OBSERVER | TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2012 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM TODAY Have a question you want answered? QUESTION OF THE DAY: Email [email protected] ndsmcobserver.com What is your favorite accent? P.O. Box 779, Notre Dame, IN 46556 024 South Dining Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Editor-in-Chief Nick Nemetz Kelsey Amarosa Allan Joseph Managing Editor Business Manager sophomore freshman Megan Doyle Jeff Liptak Sorin College Badin Hall Asst. Managing Editor: Andrew Owens Asst. 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