2090 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 16 MARCH, 1923. Offences. Commencing at Wyck Beacon and proceed- ing westwards along the road leading from 7. Any contravention of this Order or of Wyck Beacon to the village of Wyck Rissing- any Notice served thereunder is an offence ton, and thence in a generally northerly direc- against the Diseases of Animals Act, 1894. tion through the village of Wyck Rissington along the road leading from that village to Revocation of Previous Order. Stow-on-the-Wold to the point where it meets 8. The Gloucester and District (Foot-and- the Railway from Stow-on-the-Wold to Chel- Mouth Disease) Order of 1923 (No. 5) is tenham; thence in a south-westerly direction hereby revoked, but any Notice served under along that Railway to the point where it that Order shall continue in force until such crosses the River Dikler; thence in a southerly Notice has been withdrawn. direction along the course of the River Dikler to Rissington Bridge; thence in an easterly Commencement. direction by the -road leading from Bourton- on-the-Water to Little Rissington to the point 9. This Order shall come into operation on where it is joined by the road leading to Great the fifteenth day of March, nineteen hundred Rissington; thence in a southerly direction and twenty-three. along the latter road as far as Glebe Farm, Great Rissington, and thence to the Great Short Title. Barrington and Stow-on-the-Wold Road via Great Rissington Farm and the road from 10. This Order may be cited as the GLOU- that farm to the Lodge on the Great Barring- CESTER AND DISTRICT (FOOT-AND-MOUTH DIS- ton-Stow Road; thence in a northerly direc- EASE) ORDER OF 1923 (No. 6). tion along the latter road to the point of com- mencement In witness whereof the Official Seal of the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries is hereunto affixed this Copies of the above Order can be obtained thirteenth day of March, nine- on application to the Secretary, Ministry of teen hundred and twenty-three. Agriculture and Fisheries, 4, Whitehall Place, S.W. 1. J. Jackson, Authorised by the Minister. ORDER OF THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES. SCHEDULE. (DATED UTH MARCH 1923.) Prohibited Areas to which this Order Applies. 1. An Area in the administrative county of Gloucester, comprising such portions of the DERBYSHIRE AND DISTRICT (FOOT- parishes of Northleach, Hampnett, Eastington and Farmington as lie within the following AND-MOUTH DISEASE) ORDER OF boundary, namely: — 1923 (No -2). Commencing at the Northleach Isolation Hospital, and proceeding thence in a westerly direction by the road and lane leading to the Hampnett Pumping House (disused); thence The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, in a southerly direction by the Turkdean- by virtue and in exercise of the powers vested Hampnett Road to St. George's Church, in him under the Diseases of Animals Acts, Hampnett, and from that Church by the road 1894 to 1914, and of every other power and footpath leading past Hampnett Rectory enabling him in this behalf, hereby orders as to the main Cheltenham-Oxford Road, and follows: — across that main road, and continuing by the opposite footpath to the point where it joins Meaning of Terms. the road from The Hangman's Stone to the 1. In this Order— Fosse Way; thence in a generally easterly " The Prohibited Area " means the Area, in direction along the latter road to the Fosse which the movement of animals is hereby pro- Way and from the Fosse Way by the road hibited ; leading past Winlerwell Barn to the point " The Controlled Area " means the Area where it joins the Northleach-Bibury Road; in which the movement of animals is hereby thence along the road by Helens Ditch to the controlled; Northleach-Eastington Road and across that The Prohibited Area and the Controlled road via Upper End and the road leading Area are described in the Schedule hereto. If from Upper End to the main Cheltenham- any farm (excluding any detached part) is Oxford Road; thence in a westerly direction partly within and partly outside the Prohi- along the latter road to its junction with the bited Area, the whole shall be deemed to be footpath to Farmington, thence in a northerly within that Area. Subject to this provision, direction along that footpath past the Old if any farm (excluding any detached part) is Quarry at Farmington to Farmington School; partly within and partly outside the Controlled thence in a westerly direction along the road Area, the whole shall be deemed to be within from Farmington to the point of commence- ihe Controlled Area; ment. " Animals " means cattle, sheep, goats and 2. An Area in the administrative county of pigs; Gloucester, comprising such portions of the " Slaughterhouse " means premises used parishes of Little Rissington and Great Ris- labitually and solely for the purpose of sington as lie within the 'following boundary, slaughtering animals, but does not include a namely: — slaughterhouse which forms part of a farm..
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