1941 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 5875 Mr. RUSSELL: Committee on Claims. H. R. faithful to Thy people in every age, in­ calling en route at Savannah, Ga., and Key 3030. A bill for the relief of Gertrude spire us to be defenders of the weak, pro­ West, Fla. She returned to New York in Ricketts; with amendment (Rept. No. 908). tectors of the oppressed, and the might April, and in August 1919 was transferred Referred to the Committee of the Whole from the Atlantic Fleet to submarine base, Bouse. of a great rock in a weary world. In our New London, Conn. She remained attached Mr. SAUTHOFF: Committee on Claims. Redeemer's name. Amen. to New London, conducting the usual exer­ H. R. 3943. A bill for the relief of Mr. and The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ cises, torpedo firing, submerged training, Mrs. J. W. Johns; without amendment (Rept. terday was read and approved. engineering runs, etc., including the regular No. 909). Referred to the Committee of docking periods and overhauls, a cruise to the Whole House. THE SUBMARINE 0-9 Bermuda, special short trips for recruiting, a Mr. FOGARTY: Committee on Claims. Mr. VINSON of Georgia. Mr. Speak­ cruise with her division to Cuban waters and H. R. 4019. A bill for the relief of John J. er, I submit a privileged report from the St. Thomas, V. I., early in 1922. Jenkins; without amendment (Rept. No. In October 1922 her location was changed 910). Referred to the Committee of the Naval Affairs Committee on House Reso­ to submarine base, Coco Solo, C. Z. She Whole House. lution 250. remained there engaged in routine subma­ Mr. JENNINGS: Committee on Claims. The SPEAKER. The Clerk will report rine operations until Aprll 8, 1929, when she H. R. 4198. A bill for the relief of John King; the resolution. returned to New London, Conn. From there with amendment (Rept. No. 911). Referred The Clerk read as follows: she operated as a unit of ' the submarine to the Committee of the Whole House. school until February 1931, when she pro­ Mr. JENNINGS: Committee on Claims. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Navy Is hereby directed to inform the House of ceeded to Philadelphia and was pla<'ed out H. R. 4803. A bill for the relief of Capt. of commission at the latter place June 25, Franklin R. Sibert; with amendment (Rept. Representatives at the earliest practicable date- 1931. The 0-9 remained out of commission No. 912). Referred to the Committee of at Philadelphia Navy Yard until Apr1114, 1941, the Whole House. 1. The original date of the commissioning of submarine 0-9 and the cost thereof. when she was recommissioned. 2. The date · of the reconditioning of the 4. Such information as may be on file in said submarine 0-9 and the cost thereof. the Navy Department, showing the condition PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 3. What service was performed by the said of the said submarine 0-9 as to require its Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public submarine 0-9 during World War I and repair and reconditioning for service as an bills and resolutions were introduced and subsequently. undersea vessel. severally referred as follows: 4. Such information as may be on file in There is voluminous information on file in the Navy Department showing condition of the Navy Department setting forth in detail By Mr. LECOMPTE: said submarine 0-9 as to require Its repair the material condition of the 0-9 prior to its H. R. 5253. A bill to provide for the erec­ and reconditioning for eftlcient service as an reconditioning, such as the report of material tion of a memorial to the memory of the undersea vessel. inspection of that vessel held January 15-16, crew of the U. S. S. 0-9; to the Committee Mr. VINSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, 1940, by the Board of Inspection and Sur­ on the Library. vey. During the recommissioning overhaul By Mr. WICKERSHAM: I ask unanimous consent that the letter · of the 0-9 there was no curtailment of H. R. 5254. A bill to amend Public Law 74 from the Secretary of the Navy be read funds, time, effort, and tests in its recon­ of the Seventy-seventh Congress, relating to in lieu of the report. ditioning. In addition, all accepted modern wheat marketing quotas under the Agricul­ Tbe SPEAKER. :Without objection, it improvements essential for the safe and ef- tural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended; ! ' is so ordered. "'~ . ficient operation of a submarine that could to the Committee on Agriculture. The Clerk read as follows: be adopted were incorporated in the 0-9. By Mr. BENNET!': During the recommissioning of the eight ves­ H. R. 5255 (by request). A b1ll providing for DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY, sels of the 0 class, the best test results were the Incorporation of the American Society; OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, obtained on the 0-9. Upon completion of the to the Committee on the Judiciary. Washington, July 5, 1941. recommissioning overhaul on May 31, 1941, By Mr. VINSON of Georgia: The CHAIRMAN, the 0-9, from all official reports, appears to H. R. 5256. A bill authorizing appropria­ Committee on Naval Affairs, have been in a satisfactory material condition tions for the United States Navy, additional House of Representatives, to perform efficient and reliable service as an shipbuilding, ship repair, and ordnance man­ Washington, D. c. MY DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: House Resolution undersea vesseL Following completion of the ufacturing facilities, and for other purposes; recommissio.nlng overhaul, the 0-9 proceeded to the Committee on Naval Affairs. 250 "requesting the Secretary of the Navy to to New London, Conn., where she was en­ supply Congress with all data on submarine gaged for 5 weeks in post recommissioning 0-9" was referred to the Navy Department by trials and training. She conducted intensive your committee with request for reply. diving exercises in preparation for full readi­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The information requested in the resolu­ ness for service. One of the tests to be con­ tion is as follows: ducted was the deep-submergence test, and WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1941 1. The original date of the commissioning it was while conducting such test that the of the submarine Q-9 and the cost thereof. ship was lost. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The submarine 0-9 was originally commis­ sioned July 27, 1918. The contract cost of The following excerpts from a recent report The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont­ hull and machinery was $598,554.20. of Rear Admiral R. S. Edwards, United States gomery, D. D.,· offered the following 2. The date of recommissioning of the satd Navy, commander of submarines, Atlantic, prayer: submarine 0-9 and the cost thereof. The bearing on this subject, is quoted below: 0 Thou whose feet have climbed life's submarine 0-9 was recommissioned April 14, "Commanding ofiicer reports the existence hill, make us men of vision, guide and 1941, and completed its recommissioning of minor leaks during initial dive. This overhaul May 31, 1941. The total cost of the leakage has been usual in recommissioned confirm our wills to a deep sense of re­ t·econditioning of the 0-9 was approximately submarines. In fact, leaks usually exist in sponsibility which we owe our country. $483,603. This figure is subject to slight any submarine after an extensive overhauL Imbue us plenteously with the spirit of changes due to incomplete returns and pos­ They are of no significance. In the case of patience, with fortitude and courage, that sible slight adjustments. the 0-9 It is understood that leakage was we may fulfill to the uttermost our obli­ 3. What service was performed by the said restored to normal (there are always a few gations. We' pray Thee to give us a submarine 0-9 during World War No. 1 and trickles around periscope and shafting) dur­ vision of our supreme tasks, redeeming subsequent? The submarine 0-9 was placed ing the shallow-water diving trials. us from the thralldom of fear, from prej­ in commission at the Navy Yard, Boston, "20 (a). 0-9 was in good condition when Mass., July 27, 1918. She was reported ready she made her last dive. She had experienced udice, and from a11 ·envy. Grant that we ·to go on patrol September 7, 1918. Instead, the minor troubles usual In recommission­ may have access to Thee as our inspira­ after the usual fitting out and trials, she un­ ing vessels, but, so far as is known, there was tion and illumination for all misunder­ derwent Intensive training and torpedo firing nothing to indicate that she was not in safe standing, beholding that which lies be­ at Cold Spring Inlet and New London, Conn. condition. Her state of training was con­ fore us, for those who are to come after, On November 2, 1918, she sailed in company sidered satisfactory for submerged opera­ and bestowing a mantle upon those who with other submarines of her division from tions. may suffer the pangs of injustice. We Newport, R. I., and arrived at Penta Delgada, "(b) Results of deep-submergence tests of rejoice that we have in Thee the source Azores, November 16. In view of the armis­ the seven other vessels of the 0 class show tice having been signed, the submarine .took no indication of inability to withstand pres­ and the disclosure by which freemen can on provisions, stores, fuel, etc., and sailed sure. 0-8 developed a hull leak at 100 feet, emerge from ignorance and vagrancy to for the United States November 21, 1918, stop­ which is being investigated, but it was not knowledge and virtue.
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