http://www.natscidiscovery.com OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL ISSN: 2149-6307 http://www.natscidiscovery.comhttps://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/food Natural Science and Discovery ISSN:ISSN 2149 2667-5803-6307 OPENNSD ACCESS ACCESS JOURNAL JOURNAL 2015; 1(3): 56-61 Review Article DOI: 10.20863/nsd.50644 http://www.natscidiscovery.com JournalNatural of Science Food Health and Discovery and Technology Innovations OPEN ACCESSFHTITurmericNSD JOURNAL curcuminoid June2015 ;Vol 1(3 2,): polyphenolics5No6-6 41 (2019) as antioxidant andISSN: anticarcinogenic2149-6307 agentsReview Article Article DOI: 10.20863/nsd.50644 OzlemNatural Tokusoglu Science1*, Alkanand Discovery Simsek2 , Murtaza Parvizi3, Dilvin Eymen1 NSDTurmeric curcuminoid2015; 1(3): 5 6polyphenolics-61 as antioxidant and anticarcinogenic agents ReviewAbstract Article DOI: 10.20863/nsd.50644 1 2 3 1 http://www.natscidiscovery.com Ozlem TokusogluOPEN ACCESS JOURNAL*, Alkan Simsek , Murtaza Parvizi , DilvinISSN: Eymen 2149-6307 TurmericIn this reviewcurcuminoid content, it has beenpolyphenolics described the botanical as antioxidantand the chemical propertiesand anticarcinogenic of turmeric (Curcuma longa), and its curcuminoid polyphenolic structures and antioxidant and anticarcinogenic influences on various agentsAbstract cell proliferation and apoptosis. Besides it was emphasized the innovative anticarcinogen complex as boron- 1 2 3 1 Incurcumin, thisOzlem review and content, theTokusoglu safety it hasevaluation been*, Alkandescribed with Naturalturmeric Simsek the Sciencebotanical curcumin, and Murtaza andDiscovery and the the chemical Parvizi dose and properties ,toxicity Dilvin ofin turmericEymenconsuming (Curcuma for animals longa), and its curcuminoidNSD polyphenolic structures2015; 1(3): 5and6-61 antioxidant and anticarcinogenic influences on various and human. Abstractcell proliferation and apoptosis.Review Article Besides it was emphasized the innovative anticarcinogen DOI: 10.20863/nsd.50644 complex as boron- curcumin, and the safety evaluation with turmeric curcumin and the dose and toxicity in consuming for animals In this reviewKeywords: content, Turmeric, it has Curcuma been described longa, Antioxidant, the botanical Anticarcinogenic and the chemical. properties of turmeric (Curcuma longa), andand human.its curcuminoid polyphenolicTurmeric curcuminoid structures polyphenolicsand antioxidant as andantioxidant anticarcinogenic and anticarcinogenic influences on various agents cell proliferationKeywords: and Turmeric, apoptosis. Curcuma Be sideslonga, itAntioxidant, was emphasized Anticarcinogenic the innovative. anticarcinogen complex as boron- curcumin,Introduction and the safety evaluation withOzlem turmeric Tokusoglu curcumin1*, Alkan Simsekand the2, Murtaza dose and Parvizi toxicity3, Dilvin in Eymen consuming1 for animals and human. Turmeric (Curcuma longa)Abstract is extensively consumed as Keywords:Introduction Turmeric, Curcuma longa, Antioxidant, Anticarcinogenic . a spice, food preservative,In this reviewcolouring content, food it has beenand describedagent the botanical and the chemical properties of turmeric (Curcuma Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is extensively consumed as and it is cultivated in India,longa), andSouth its curcuminoid East Asia polyphenolic and China structures and antioxidant and anticarcinogenic influences on various Introductiona spice, food preservative,cell proliferation colouring and food apoptosis. and Beagentsides it was emphasized the innovative anticarcinogen complex as boron- and it otheris cultivated countries in India,curcumin, (Figure South and Eastthe1). safety AsiaTurmeric evaluation and China withis turmerica curcumin and the dose and toxicity in consuming for animals Turmericmedicinal (Curcuma plant longa) extensively isand extensively human. used in consumedAyurveda, Unas ani a spice, andfood other preservative, countries colouring(Figure 1). food Turmeric and agent is a Keywords: Turmeric, Curcuma longa, Antioxidant, Anticarcinogenic. and it is medicinalcultivatedand Siddha plant in medicine India, extensively South as homeused East in Asiaremedy Ayurveda, and for China Unvariousani and otheranddiseases Siddhacountries (1). medicineDried (Figure turmeric as home1). powder remedyTurmeric is also for utilizedvariousis a in medicinaldiseasessub plant-continental (1).extensively Dried cooking turmeric Introductionused and powder inis Ayurveda,the ismain also ingredient utilized Unani in in and Siddhasuball forms- continentalmedicine of “curry” cookingas preparations.homeTurmeric and isremedy (Curcuma the Themain longa) forwild ingredient isvarious turmericextensively in isconsumed as diseases all(1). forms Dried of “curry”turmeric preparations. apowder spice, food is Thepreservative, also wild utilized turmeric colouring in isfood and agent sub-continentalcalled C. cooking aromatica and andand is the itthe is cultivateddomestic main iningredient India,species South is East calledin Asia and China called C. aromatica andand the other domestic countries sp ecies(Figure is called1). Turmeric is a all forms of “curry” preparations. The wild turmeric is C. longa.longa. TurmericTurmeric has hasmedicinal been been described describedplant extensively as as C. C. usedlonga longa in Ayurveda,by by Unani called C. aromatica and the domestic species is called Linnaeus andand its its taxonomic taxonomicand Siddha profile profile medicine is is as as follows asfollows home (1) remedy (1) for various C. longa. Turmeric has beendiseases described (1). Dried as turmeric C. longa powder by is also utilized in Linnaeus and its taxonomicClassClass profilesubLiliopsidaLiliopsida-continental is as cooking follows and is(1) the main ingredient in all forms of “curry” preparations. The wild turmeric is Class SubclassSubclassLiliopsida calledCommelinidsCommelinids C. aromatica and the domestic species is called SubclassOrderOrder CommelinidsC.Zingiberales Zingiberaleslonga. Turmeric has been described as C. longa by Linnaeus and its taxonomic profile is as follows (1) Order FamilyFamily Zingiberales ZingiberaceaeZingiberaceae FamilyGenus ZingiberaceaeCurcumaClass Liliopsida Genus SpeciesGenus Curcuma CurcumaCurcuma Subclass longa Commelinids CurcumaSpecies longaSpecies , aCurcuma perennialCurcuma longaherbOrder andlonga member Zingiberales of the Curcuma longa, a perennial herb andFamily member Zingiberaceae of the ZingiberaceaeCurcuma longa (ginger), a perennial family, herbgrowsGenus and to amemberCurcuma height of of 3 -the Zingiberaceae (ginger) family, grows to a height of 3- 5Zingiberaceae feet with a tropical (ginger) climate. family, SpeciesIt grows has oblong, toCurcuma a height pointed longa of 3- 5 feet with a tropical climate.Curcuma It has longa oblong,, a perennial pointed herb and member of the leaves andleaves5 feet funnel andwith -funnel shapeda tropical-shaped yellow Zingiberaceaeclimate. yellow flowers It (ginger)flowers has oblong,(2) family, (2) (Figure (Figuregrows pointed to a height of 3- 1). Dried1).leaves turmeric Dried and turmeric plantfunnel isplant-shaped the5 isfeet source the yellowwith source a tropicalof flowers theof climate.the spice, spice,(2) It (Figurehasthe the oblong, pointed leaves and funnel-shaped yellow flowers (2) (Figure ingredientingredient1). Driedthat turmericgivesthat gives plantcurry iscurry thepowder sourcepowder of andtheand spice, hashas the characteristiccharacteristic yellow yellow-orange-orange 1).color Dried color (Figureturmeric (Figure plant 1). is1). the source of the spice, the ingredient that givesingredient curry that powdergives curry and powder has and has It has statedItcharacteristic has thatstated turmeric yellowthat turmeric-orange characteristicspice spicecolor is yellow anis(Figure -anorangeantioxidant, antioxidant, 1). color (Figure 1). anticarcinogenicanticarcinogenic and andhas It hashashepatoprotective, statedhepatoprotective, that turmeric spice anti antiis -an- antioxidant, inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. Besides, inflammatory,It has stated andthat antimicrobialturmericanticarcinogenic spice properties. andis anhas antioxidant, Besides,hepatoprotective, anti- its utilizing in cardiovascularinflammatory, anddisease antimicrobial andproperties. Besides, gastrointestinalitsanticarcinogenic utilizing disorders. in and Currentcardiovascularits hasutilizing reviewhepatoprotective, in hasdiseasecardiovascular focused and anti disease - and on turmeric’sgastrointestinalinflammatory, phenolic disorders.and antioxidants antimicrobialgastrointestinal Current as review disorders.properties.anticarcinogen has Current focused Besides, review has focused on turmeric’s phenolic antioxidants as anticarcinogen agents on turmeric’s phenolic antioxidants as anticarcinogen its utilizing in agentscardiovascular disease and agents Figure 1: TurmericTurmeric (Curcuma (Curcuma longa longa) plant) (left)plant and (left) and gastrointestinal disorders. Current review has focused Figure 1: turmeric root and powder (right) (Anonim,2015) Figure 1:turmeric Turmeric root and(Curcuma powder (right) longa (Anonim) plant,2015) (left)9 and on turmeric’s phenolic antioxidants as anticarcinogen turmeric root and powder (right) (Anonim,2015) agents Received: 14-12-2015, Accepted 15Received:-12-2015, 14-12 -Available2015, Accepted Online 15-12-2015,: 15 Available-12-2015 Online : 15-12-2015 1 Celal Bayar University, Engineering Faculty, Dept of Food Engineering, 45140,Manisa, Turkey 1 Celal Bayar University, Engineering2 Karşıyaka Faculty, Nabil Dept Nalbant of ASM, Food Başiskele, Engineering, 41090,
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