Celebrating One Hundred and Nine Years of Cerdarism CedarThe Digest Fall/Winter 2011 Volume 43 Issue No. 2 Supreme Tall Cedar John E. Shoop & First Lady Diane - 7 - Fall/Winter Volume 43 Issue No. 2 CedarThe Digest Celebrating One Hundred & Nine Years of Cedarism A Note From Th e Editor Please send any articles, Supreme Forest Line Officers fl yers, and/or photos via e-mail at [email protected] or on a CD-Rom Disc to Carol Henderson, Editor 8 Chester Court Milton, PA 17847 (570) 742-4164 For any comments, good or bad, you may also e-mail, write or call at the above information. Please note: Th e deadline for the next issue (L-R) Front Row: Dolly Yost, Nancy Willard, Diane Shoop, Pat Feeser, Jean Klinefelter Spring/Summer will be January 31, 2012 (L-R) Back Row: Jerry Yost, ST; Harvey Willard, SDSTC; John Shoop, STC; Richard Feeser, JDSTC; Special thank you to Bill Klinefelter, SS Th e Cedar Digest Committ ee, PGTC Marshall Gevinson for the cover. Supreme Forest Directors Notice of Publication THE CEDAR DIGEST is a publication of the Tall Cedar Foundation 2609 North Front Street (L-R) Front Row: Helen Leinbaugh, Bonnie Neubauer, Margie Beam, Kathy Miller, Suzanne Sheaffer, Jeannette Ferguson, Linda Fuscia Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 17110 (L-R) Back Row: Gerald Pokorny, SD#8; Bob Neff, SD#7; Lloyd Leinbaugh, SD#9; Bruce Neubauer, SD#6; with the cooperation of Curt Beam, SD#5; Albert Miller, SD#4; Barry Sheaffer, SD#3; Jim Ferguson, SD#2; Russ Fuscia, SD#1 the Supreme Forest Tall Cedars of Lebanon. Th e Tall Cedar Foundation is incorporated in the State of New Jersey and is tax exempt Tall Cedar Foundation under section 501(C)(3) of the IRS Code. Appointed Board of Directors Janis E. Stanton Director of Administration 2609 North Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 (717) 232-5991 (717) 232-5997 (fax) [email protected] Front Cover: Th e Supreme Tall Cedar and Diane at their cabin in Sullivan County, PA. (L-R) Front Row: Linda Gevinson, Elaine Erb, Janet Clark, Phyllis Jodon, Jackie McIntyre (L-R) Back Row: Bill Ward, Jr, TCF Dir #1; Art Pokorny, TCF Dir #8; Marshall Gevinson, TCF Dir #2; Don Erb, TCF Dir #3; Norm Clark, TCF Chrmn.; Van Jodon, TCF Dir #4; Mark McIntyre, TCF Dir #5; Robert Polander Jr, TCF Dir #6; Ed Howard, TCF Dir #8. Message from The Supreme Tall Cedar John E. Shoop “Working on the Line to Gain” all of their efforts in making this year’s efforts; Jim Moore and Jay Stanton for event successful. their help in chauffeuring the people to The Convention at Wildwood was and from the Convention Center; Scott attended by more voting members this Schall, Parade Features chairperson year than in past years. Perhaps that and his committee; Greg Dimoff and could be attributed to the legislation the 2011 Committee and their efforts reetings my brother that was being proposed, or perhaps it in having the Hughesville and New- Masons and fellow Tall was because there is just a little more port HS marching bands in our parade; GCedars. The year is moving interest in the fun, frolic, and fellow- the individual forests of the kingdom very quickly and much has happened ship associated with our fraternity. I and their affi liated units, Jan Stanton since the last communication in the prefer to think of the latter. This year our administrator, whose efforts go spring edition of the Digest. Since the we were blessed by having the follow- unnoticed as most of what she does Mid Winter Conference held in Gettys- ing Grand Masters in attendance: MW is behind the scenes; and fi nally, to burg, we have been from Mount Ver- R. William Morris – Grand Master of my Lady Diane, who was so help- non to Montana doing Cedar things, the Grand Lodge of New Jersey; MW ful, keeping me focused, even when promoting our fraternity. John Bednash – Grand Master of the my patience was getting shorter like The Mount Vernon wreath laying Grand Lodge of Delaware, and a mem- the burning wick on a candle, as the experience was one that as a Mason, ber of Brandywine Forest #20; MW convention encroached ever so closer a former military person, and a Tall Steven J. Ponzillo, III – Grand Master day by day. Cedar, words cannot express. The of the Grand Lodge of Maryland, and Since the Annual Sessions the weather was perfect with bright blue a member of Baltimore Forest #45; schedule has not become any less skies with plenty of sun with a mild and RW Thomas K. Sturgeon – Grand intense. Recently I returned from breeze. To stand in the tomb of our Master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsyl- the Grand Lodge of Montana, where departed Brother Mason George Wash- vania, and a member of Wa-Cha-Gree we and other appendant bodies were ington while placing the wreath with Forest #149. Also, I am delighted to received as distinguished guests. I had MWB Jessie Villarreal - Grand Master say that we made two new Cedars at the pleasure to represent and speak of Masons of the District of Columbia; our convention; RW Deputy Grand about our fraternity during the 145th MWB Stephen J. Ponzillo, III - Grand Master Jay Smith of the Grand Lodge Communication session Friday after- Master of Masons of Maryland, RW of Pennsylvania became a member of noon. Publicly I need to thank Brother Past Grand Master Lee Ferguson - Lancaster Forest #27, and RW Junior John Mangen, MW Grand Master of Grand Master of Masons of the District Grand Warden Ray Dietz of the Grand the Grand Lodge of Montana and the of Columbia is a feeling like I have Lodge of Pennsylvania became a mem- RW Grand Offi cers for inviting me to never experienced before. It made ber of Pittsburgh Forest #160. We con- his Grand Lodge communication held me proud to say I am a Mason, a Tall sider it an honor to have men of such in Miles City, Montana and giving me Cedar, and an American. I thank all distinction as members and attendees this opportunity. Ronald Barndt, my who came out to participate and make of our fraternity. I would be remiss if I aide, and I were welcomed by the Past this a very special event for the Tall did not take time to thank all of those Grand Masters of Montana and the Cedars of Lebanon. Special thanks are who made this year’s event successful. visiting GL jurisdictions represented at owed to DDSTC Tom Donnaud and First, I need to thank SDSTC Harvey this Communication, where we had an RWPGM & PGTC Lee Ferguson for Willard for he and his committee’s opportunity to promote the Tall Cedars -1- Message from The Supreme Tall Cedar (Contd) of Lebanon, telling them who and what in lieu of a STC Ball. I feel our char- session to vote for this by-law, which we are about as a appendant body of ity is more deserving of recognition is supported by me, the STC elect, the the Grand Lodges. and attention than myself and have SDSTC elect, and the JDSTC elect. This year we had our fi rst ever opted for this form of publicity for our Finally, let me say what a pleasure it Regional Get-togethers. The success fraternity. This is the fi rst ever such has been for me personally to serve the of these events cannot be measured by benefi t held by the Supreme Forest. Kingdom in this position. The hospital- how many people attended the events, Please keep $100 of your forest’s an- ities and courtesies extended to Diane, but more over by the fellowship they nual MDA contribution for this very my aides, their wives, and me by you promoted within the fraternity. My worthwhile cause. If the individual for- have been beyond words. I would be idea was never to have a meeting, but est offi cers or members/representative remiss if I did not mention our Ambas- to have an interaction of the brother will not be present to present the dona- sador, Colin Studlack and his family Cedars and their ladies, hoping that tion, then please see that you Regional and say thank you for being our 2011 this will “spill over” into our other Foundation Director has your contri- MD Goodwill Ambassador. I say appendant bodies within Free Ma- bution to bring with him to Mars. All thanks to you the Studlacks, Phyllis sonry. We all complain about what donations given will be credited to the and Van Jodon for your tireless efforts Free Masonry used to be in “the good individual forests for award purposes. in working with Colin and his family. ol’ days”. What we fail to realize is The money collected that evening will You along with all of our preceding that we have been the undoing of the be donated in the name of the Tall ambassadors are a true inspiration for “good ol’ days” by our inaction and Cedars of Lebanon to our most worthy us as Tall Cedars, as we raise funds our apathy towards our fraternities, charity. Please plan on attending this for MD research. Thank you to the beginning with our maternal parent, event showcasing the Tall Cedars of PSTCs for all of your help and wisdom the Blue Lodges. We seem to forget Lebanon. as I “prepped” for this journey. Please about attending our lodges and look- Accordingly, I want to make all of remember my aide, our Supreme ing for new members for our fraterni- you aware of the Special Session I Chaplain, the Reverend Gerald Wagner ties, not just the TCL.
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