GHANA SHARED GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT AGENDA (GSGDA) II, 2014-2017 RESULTS FRAMEWORK VOLUME III: RESULTS ARCHITECTURE AND KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS DECEMBER 2015 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING COMMISSION (NDPC) 2 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………....................................…………………………………….. 1 2. LISTS OF ACRONYMS ………………………………………………....................................…………………………………….. 2 3. ENSURING AND SUSTAINING MACROECONOMIC STABILITY.....................................…………………...……………….. 6 4. ENHANCING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF GHANA’S PRIVATE SECTOR ....................…………………….…………….. 13 5. ACCELERATED MODERNISATION OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT......................... 20 6. OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT…………………………………………………………......………………………..………….. 41 7. INFRASTRUCTURE AND HUMAN SETTLEMENTS DEVELOPMENT…………………...………………………………….. 46 8. HUMAN DEVELOPMENT, PRODUCTIVITY AND EMPLOYMENT .................................………………………….……….. 58 9. TRANSPARENT, RESPONSIVE AND ACCOUNTABLE GOVERNANCE ………………………………………………….. 73 10. PRIORITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FOR THE PRESIDENT’S TRANSFORMATION AGENDA ….………..…….. 95 1 LISTS OF ACRONYMS ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution AESD Architectural and Engineering Services Department AGI Association of Ghana Industries AGOA African Growth and Opportunity Act APR Annual Progress Report BECE Basic Education Certificate Examination BoG Bank of Ghana CAGD Controller and Accountant-General’s Department CONIWAS Coalition of NGOs in Water and Sanitation COTVET Committee/ Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research CSPG Cross-Sectoral Planning Group CWSA Community Water and Sanitation Agency DACF District Assemblies Common Fund DAES Directorate of Agricultural Extension Services DMBs Deposit money banks DFR Department of Feeder Roads DOVVSU Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit DUR Department of Urban Roads DVLA Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States EA Environmental Assessment EC Energy Commission ECG Electricity Company of Ghana EHSD Environmental Health and Sanitation Directorate EMP Environmental Management Plan EOCO Economic and Organised Crime Office EPA Economic Partnership Agreement EU European Union FBO Farmer-based organisation 2 FC Forestry Commission FSD Forest Services Division GAC Ghana AIDS Commission GAEC Ghana Atomic Energy Commission GAF Ghana Armed Forces GDHS Ghana Demographic and Health Survey GEA Ghana Employers’ Association GEPA Ghana Export Promotion Authority GES Ghana Education Service GGEI Global Green Economy index GHA Ghana Highways Authority GHAMFIN Ghana Micro Finance Institution Network GHEITI Ghana Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative GIDA Ghana Irrigation Development Authority GIFMIS Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information System GIPC Ghana Investment Promotion Centre GIS Ghana Immigration Service GLC Ghana Labour Commission GLSS Ghana Living Standards Survey GNGC Ghana National Gas Company GNPC Ghana National Petroleum Corporation GPS Ghana Police Service GRA Ghana Revenue Authority GRIDCO Ghana Grid Company Ltd GSE Ghana Stock Exchange GSS Ghana Statistical Service GTA Ghana Tourist Authority GWCL Ghana Water Company Ltd IPAC Inter-Party Advisory Committee LEAP Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty MASLOC Microfinance and Small Loans Centre MDAs Ministries, Departments and Agencies MESTI Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation 3 MESW Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare MFARI Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey MINT Ministry of Interior MLGRD Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development MLNR Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources MMDA Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies MoC Ministry of Communications MoCTA Ministry of Chieftaincy and Traditional Affairs MoD Ministry of Defence MoE Ministry of Education MoELR Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations MoF Ministry of Finance MoFA Ministry of Food and Agriculture MoGCSP Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection MoI Ministry of Information MoJ Ministry of Justice MoP Ministry of Power MoPe Ministry of Petroleum MoT Ministry of Transport MoTI Ministry of Trade and Industry MoYS Ministry of Youth and Sports MRH Ministry of Roads and Highways MSMEs Micro, small and medium enterprises MOTCCA Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Creative Arts MWRWH Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing NACOB Narcotics Control Board NACP National AIDS Control Programme NADMO National Disaster Management Organisation NBSSI National Board for Small-Scale Industries NCA National Communications Authority NCTE National Council on Tertiary Education NDPC National Development Planning Commission 4 NEDCO Northern Electricity Distribution Company NEF National Economic Forum NHIA National Health Insurance Authority NHIS National Health Insurance Scheme NITA National Information Technology Agency NPC National Population Council NTE Non-Traditional Exports NVTI National Vocational Training Institute OHCS Office of the Head of the Civil Service PIAC Public Interest and Accountability Committee PLHIV People living with HIV/AIDS PMTCT Prevention of mother-to-child transmission PSD Private Sector Development PURC Public Utilities Regulatory Commission RADUs Regional Agriculture Development Units RELCs Research Extension Farmer Linkages Committees RIPS Regional Institute for Population Studies RTIU Rice and Tubers Improvement Unit SEC Securities and Exchange Commission SRID Statistics, Research and Information Directorate TCPD Town and Country Planning Department TICo Takoradi International Company TUC Trades Union Congress TVET Technical Vocational Education and Training UNCRPD United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability WDI World Development Indicators WRC Water Resources Commission YEA Youth Employment Agency YES Youth Enterprise Support Fund 5 1.1 INTRODUCTION The Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda (GSGDA) II, 2014-2017 is the fifth in the series of medium- term national development policy frameworks to be prepared under the Fourth Republic and a successor to GSGDA I, 2010-2013. GSGDA II is in three volumes, namely: (i) Policy Framework (Volume I), (ii) Costing Framework (Volume II), and (iii) Results Framework (Volume III). Volume I contains the specific strategic interventions to be implemented to systematically achieve the overall medium-term development aspirations of the country, while Volume II outlines the resources required for effective implementation of the policies and strategies outlined in the policy framework. This document, which is Volume III, outlines the results architecture and identifies the key performance indicators to be monitored. Overall, the GSGDA II policy framework contains 1,136 strategic interventions to be implemented. They are organised under 219 policy objectives, 72 focus areas and 7 thematic areas (Table 1.1). Table 1.1: Summary of Strategic Interventions under GSGDA II Thematic Area No. of Key No. of Issues to No. of Policy No. of Strategic Focus Areas be addressed Objectives Interventions 1. Ensuring and Sustaining Macroeconomic 4 15 10 40 Stability 2. Enhancing Competitiveness of Ghana’s Private 6 47 12 71 Sector 3. Accelerated Agricultural Modernisation and 17 164 37 249 Sustainable Natural Resource Management 4. Oil and Gas Development 5 19 8 31 5. Infrastructure and Human Settlements 13 152 47 269 Development 6. Human Development, Productivity and 13 93 52 218 Employment 7. Transparent and Accountable Governance 14 158 53 258 Total 72 665 219 1136 6 The Thematic Areas are as follows: Ensuring and sustaining macroeconomic stability; Enhanced competitiveness of Ghana’s private sector; Accelerated agricultural modernisation and natural resource management; Oil and gas development; Infrastructure and human settlements development; Human development, employment and productivity; and Transparent and accountable governance. 1.2 THE PROCESSES FOR DEVELOPING THE RESULTS FRAMEWORK The systems approach to monitoring the implementation of GSGDA II consists of periodic or continuous assessment of performance based on selected performance indicators, as well as evaluation and thematic studies to understand the intended and unintended consequences of policy interventions. The key activities include: Annual monitoring of progress towards implementation; Conduct of participatory monitoring and evaluation; Conduct of thematic studies (i.e. Poverty and Social Impact Assessments (PSIAs)); and Conduct of evaluation. The results framework therefore provides the basis for these assessments of performance, especially for the preparation of the Annual Progress Report (APR), which is the main instrument for reporting on the implementation of the GSGDA II on annual basis. The development of the results framework entails two main processes, namely: (i) technical exercises, and (ii) stakeholder consultation. The development of the results matrix with agreed indicators, baselines and targets entails converting the 219 policy objectives identified in the main policy framework into outcomes, and selecting indicators that will help track progress towards the attainment of these outcomes. These indicators are subsequently discussed with stakeholders with a view to agreeing on the relevant indicators for each outcome (Box 1.1). 7 Box 1.1: Stages in Developing the Results Framework Following the finalisation of the main
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