Dachauer Prozesse 13.2 Dachau Trials 3240 Dachauer Prozesse Nach dem Sieg über Deutschland richteten die Alliierten Militärgerichte zur Verfolgung der nationalsozialistischen Verbrechen ein. In Gebäuden des SS-Lagers im KZ Dachau trat schon Ende 1945 ein amerikanisches Militärgericht zusam- men. Das Hauptverfahren über die Verbrechen im KZ Dachau war der erste amerikanische Prozess dieser Art und wurde zum Modell für die folgenden Verfahren. In weiteren Prozessen befasste sich das Gericht auch mit den KZ Buchenwald, Flossenbürg, Mauthausen und Mittelbau- Dora sowie mit Kriegsverbrechen an alliierten Soldaten. Mit Einsetzen des Kalten Krieges ging allerdings auf amerikani- scher Seite das Interesse an einer konsequenten Strafverfol- gung von NS-Verbrechen deutlich zurück. 1949 übernahm die bundesdeutsche Justiz die Zuständigkeit. Trotz zahlreicher Ermittlungsverfahren erfolgten nur wenige Verurteilungen. Außer Mord fielen bald alle Delikte unter Amnestie oder Verjährung. Viele der Verbrechen, die im KZ Dachau verübt wurden, blieben ungesühnt. Dachau Trials After the victory over Germany, the Allies established military courts to prosecute those involved in National Socialist crimes. An American military court had already been constituted in the buildings belonging to the SS camp at Dachau by the end of 1945. The main trial on the crimes committed in the Dachau concentration camp was the first American trial of its kind and became a model for the trials which followed. In further trials the court also dealt with crimes committed in the concentration camps at Buchenwald, Flossenbürg, Mauthausen and Mittelbau-Dora as well as war crimes against Allied soldiers. However, with the onset of the Cold War, the interest of the Americans in a thorough prosecution of Nazi crimes clearly receded. In 1949 the West German justice system assumed responsibility. Despite numerous preliminary proceedings, only a few prose- cutions resulted. Except for murder, all other offences were soon placed under amnesty or a statute of limitations. Many of the crimes committed at the Dachau concentration camp remained unpunished. 3243 Blick auf die Anklagebank View of the dock during the first Dachau 3244 Sitzung des US-Militärgerichts im Session of the US Military Court during the im ersten KZ Dachau-Prozess, 1945 concentration camp trial, 1945 ersten KZ Dachau-Prozess, 1945 first Dachau concentration camp trial, 1945 National Archives, Washington National Archives, Washington Abschrift Abschrift Ich wusste, dass die folgenden an Erschiessungen dabei waren, während ich DEPUTY THEATER JUDGE ADVOCATE’S OFFICE Lagerführer war: WAR CRIMES BRANCH SS Obersturmführer FRANZ HOFFMANN UNITED STATES FORCES EUROPEAN THEATER ” ARNO LIPPMANN ” JOSEPH JAROLIN SS Hauptsturmführer MICHAEL REDWITZ Alle Erschiessungen, die von höherer Stelle befohlen wurden, waren unter … der Aufsicht des Schutzhaftlagerführers. Die Erschiessungen haben in der Nähe des Krematorium stattgefunden. 1. TRIAL: The accused were tried at Dachau, Germany, from 15 November 1945 to Während meiner Verwaltung wurden Häftlinge erhängt, das war auf Befehl 13 December 1945, by a General Military Government Court appointed by paragraph des Reich Sicherheits Hauptamt in Berlin. 3, Special Orders No. 304, dated 2 November 1945. Headquarters Third United States … Army and Eastern Military District, so amended by paragraph 4, Special Orders No. Während meiner Verwaltung waren Sterbefälle wegen Typhus, Tuberkulose, 335, dated 3 Novembere 1945 … Durchfall, Pneumonie, Rippenfellentzündung und körperliche Schwäche die durch Mangel von Ernährung hervorgebracht wurde. Das letzte war besonders 2. FINDINGS: The offenses involved were: der Fall in Transporten von Häftlingen, die sehr schwach und krank in solchen Transporten ankamen. SS Obersturmführer Sylvester FILLEBOECK hatte die FIRST CHARGE: Violation of the Laws and Usages of War. Verteilung von Ernährungsmitteln unter sich. Ich hatte nichts mit der Verteilung der Ernährungsmitteln zu tun. Particulars: In that Martin Gottfried Weiss … and Friedrich Wetzel acting in pursuance Viele Transporte kamen während meiner Verwaltung. Die Häftlinge in diesen of a common design to commit the acts hereinafter alleged, and as members of the Transporten waren in einem sehr schlechten Zustand, und viele von ihnen kamen staff of Dachau Concentration Camp and camps subsidiary thereto, did, at, or in the tot an. Als Häftlinge in Dachau ankamen, wurden Akten über sie von der vicinity of DACHAU and LANDSBERG, Germany, between about 1 January 1942 and Politischen Abteilung, die von KICK geleitet wurde, angelegt. about 29 April 1945, willfully, deliberately and wrongfully encourage, aid, abet and participate in the subjection of civilian nationals of nations then at war with the … German Reich to cruelties and mistreatment, including killings, beatings, tortures, I knew that the following were present at shootings while I was camp commander: starvation, abuses and indignities, the exact names and numbers of such civilian nationals being unknown but aggregating many thousands who were then and there SS Obersturmführer FRANZ HOFFMANN in the custody of the German Reich in exercise of belligerent control. SS Obersturmführer ARNO LIPPMANN SS Obersturmführer JOSEPH JAROLIN … SS Hauptsturmführer MICHAEL REDWITZ All shootings which were ordered by higher authorities were under the supervision 3. SENTENCES: The Court, by at least a two-thirds vote of the members present of the Prison Compound Commander. The shootings took place near the at the time the vote was taken, sentenced the accused as follows: crematorium. During my administration prisoners were hanged but only on order from the Martin Gottfried Weiss To be hanged by the neck until dead Reich Main Security Office in Berlin (REICH SICHERHEITS HAUPTAMT). Friedrich Wilhelm Ruppert To be hanged by the neck until dead … Josef Jarolin To be hanged by the neck until dead During my administration there were death cases due to typhus, TB, dysentary, Franz Xaver Trenkle To be hanged by the neck until dead pneumonia, pleurisy, and body weakness brought about by lack of food. The Engelbert Valentin Niedermeyer To be hanged by the neck until dead latter was the case especially in the transports of prisoners who arrived very weak Josef Seuss To be hanged by the neck until dead and ill in such transports. SS Obersturmführer SYLWESTER FILLEBEK was in charge Leonhard Anselm Eichberger To be hanged by the neck until dead of the distribution of food. I had nothing to do with the distribution of food. Wilhelm Wagner To be hanged by the neck until dead Many transports arrived during my administration. The prisoners in these transports Johann Kick To be hanged by the neck until dead were in a very bad condition and many of them arrived dead. When prisoners Dr. Fritz Hintermayer To be hanged by the neck until dead arrived in Dachau, files about them were made by the Political Department which Dr. Wilhelm Witteler To be hanged by the neck until dead was headed by KICK … Johann Baptist Eichelsdorfer To be hanged by the neck until dead 3248 Hinrichtung des ehemaligen Lagerkommandanten, Otto Foerschner To be hanged by the neck until dead Martin Weiß, im Kriegsverbrechergefängnis in Landsberg, Dr. Klaus Karl Schilling To be hanged by the neck until dead 28. Mai 1946 Christof Ludwig Knoll To be hanged by the neck until dead National Archives, Washington Franz Boettger To be hanged by the neck until dead Anton Endres To be hanged by the neck until dead Execution of the former camp commandant Martin Weiß Simon Kiern To be hanged by the neck until dead 3246 Eidesstattliche Erklärung von Martin Weiß, Kommandant in the prison for war criminals at Landsberg, May 28, 1946 Michael Redwitz To be hanged by the neck until dead des KZ Dachau 1942/43, 30. Oktober 1945 (Auszug) Wilhelm Welter To be hanged by the neck until dead National Archives, Washington Rudolf Heinrich Suttrop To be hanged by the neck until dead Wilhelm Tempel To be hanged by the neck until dead Sworn statement given by Martin Weiß, commandant of the Fritz M.K. Becher To be hanged by the neck until dead Dachau concentration camp 1942/43, October 30, 1945 (excerpt) Alfred Kramer To be hanged by the neck until dead Sylvester Filleboeck To be hanged by the neck until dead Vinzenz Schoettl To be hanged by the neck until dead Johann Viktor Kirsch To be hanged by the neck until dead Walter Adolf Langleist To be hanged by the neck until dead Arno Lippmann To be hanged by the neck until dead Fritz Degelow To be hanged by the neck until dead Otto Moll To be hanged by the neck until dead Otto Schulz To be hanged by the neck until dead 3249 Verfahren vor dem amerikanischen Militärgericht Cases tried by the US-Military Court in the former Friedrich Wetzel To be hanged by the neck until dead im ehemaligen KZ Dachau, 1945 –1947 Dachau Concentration Camp 1945 –1947 Dr. Hans Kurt Eisele To be hanged by the neck until dead Dr. Fridolin Karl Puhr To be hanged by the neck until dead Emil Erwin Mahl To be hanged by the neck until dead 1945 1945 Peter Betz To be confined at hard labor for life Hugo Alfred Erwin Lausterer To be confined at hard labor for 10 years KZ Dachau-Hauptverfahren Dachau concentration camp case, main trial Albin Gretsch To be confined at hard labor for 10 years (121 Nachfolgeverfahren) (121 successive trials) Johann Schoepp To be confined at hard labor for 10 years 1946 1946 KZ Mauthausen-Hauptverfahren Mauthausen concentration camp case, main trial (60 Nachfolgeverfahren) (60 successive trials) 3247
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