Uni~~,.sity· .Sing . r;;.~~~ci-__. -Will 'Be Sunday O~ft-· " " R;S:. ~r: . ., The University Sing will take place Sunday, May 14,:aI: . '.ii: ~ ""_i 2 Ii: m. in \filson. F,ourteen.fr~ter.nities and sororities will~ !<:::t . ""'" I taking partthis year. Admission IS free and open to alL. : 1~5 ~ ~ !' Ju.dges for" this year's Sing i,~··-,.":"'.~ ; ~ill be John ~rtin;,,~nsel ~r. Thomas Reiber, BA '6!. Singing ~t;,.': >- """'..... tin, choral director from With· second will be PhI Delta Theta, . Z552 . " i/:-;? s:t",~ ::::: i . row.! High School; and Samuel directed by Earl Rischer, BA'62~ Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday, May 11,]~ ~ .~fl. XLVI, No. 2B Engleman,. College Conserva- witb "Almighty God of Our,l"a • N ~ \ tory of MUSIC. _ thers.", " If:::. :.! Chairman 'of the Sing is, Jobn' Next will be Triangle; directed . COme Hell, High Water ."""'~J '" " Betz, Eng. '62. '~y .ward Wells, Eng. '6~, ,~mgl:ng - Beta Theta" Pi will open the Climb Every Mountain, Pre- - . program singing "Western Med- sent~n~, "The~,Here's to Our ~~·a. - I- ht P ley" under the direction of ,termty. and, Sweetheart of S,I,g~ .Iuniors , 0n I9 ro m "rna' cnr, will be Sigma Chi, ,di~ HOId M O UC S d erected by Bruce Knowles, BA,' · / . .' tu ents an' '63. by Susy.' Hayes . ~ , "Fifth will be Delta Tau Delta, Corne heil or high water (prob- Pick Best Prof: directed by.Sam Fishel,', Eng. '61, ably high water), Junior Prom will , r . singing "Emitte Spiritum." Fol- :be held from 9 p.m. ItO 1, a.m: to- . - t W -lowing the Delts will be' Sigma Worlesth Ins Alpha Epsilon' with "Give:(\1e morrow taj Moonlite Gardens .as Your Tired, Your Poor,"-and <'di- previously announced" :Be~i~nin~ Mon~ay the' ~~siness rected by Tom.Williams, A&S '. At press time the Weather- Administration Tribunal WIll' spon- '62. ., Bureau said danger of flooding was SO! it '~Red Hot Professor Cont~st:" Alpha Sigma Phi, under the di- ,slight: '" , Slated to run through May 26, It IS -rection of. Don Bennett Eng. '64, All students are' welcome "to aimed at determining the "Red HoC • will' then sing "Within the Mystic ' atten"d 'the Prom. It is not re- Professor" on the UC campus. Circle" and "My Favorite Things." 'stricted to juniors, only. Tickets What does "Red Hot Professor" Directed by' Dave Oberlin, Eng, I are $3.50 per couple and can be mean? "Answer that for your- '64, Theta Chi will present "MaY. 60ught today a~d tom()rrOVV In self;" says Dick MHeham, BA'63,~' Now Thy Spirit." ( '. front of the Grill or alt the dance, chairman of the event. "Get Pi Kappa Alpha will complete your 'classmates' together and vote the fraternity section of the Sing Votes, can '.be cast at the time of buying theticket or at the dance for your most 'poputnr' professor. with "When Good Men Sing Ride until lD p.m. Only male under- Here's how: , ' the Chariot." They will be direct- graduate students ll1ay'-vote' upon Come to the voting stand. in ed by Charles Britton, Eng. '64. presenting their ticket stub and front of" the Union any. day be- Presenting "Inchworrn" will be J.D. card at the voting booth in tween, May 15. a,nd 2,6,bet'ween, ~1 two groups singing together: Sig- front of 'the Crill, and 1. For each penny 'tossed III rna Phi Epsilon, directed by Jay the pot, you .recerve one. vo~e for Nelson, Eng. '65; and Chi Omega, Candidates c for .queen "'jnclude t th.at lucky pr?f. A running score directed by Jan Stickney, N&H Ann Albanese,':Theta Phi Alpha; w111be kept n~ght,there and at th,e '62. Marianne Biehle, Tri Delta; Sandy end o~ the second,' w_eel~, UC s Three sororities will wind up Davis, Logan Hall; JoAnn Hill, !Moonlite' Gardens, hoped~for scene of the 1961 Junio~ Prom, is shown "favorite" professor WIIU be the afternoon's entertainment. Zeta Tau Alpha; Peg Hutchjnson~ here witho,ut the two feet of water that may inundate it if the river Memorial Hall; Marilyn M.eyers; known. ", .... Kappa Delta, directed by' Mary continues to rise. The Ga,rctens has been rented exclusively for' the use AI! -proceeds .WIll go to t~e Alexander, 'N&H '61, will sing Alpha Delta Pi; rand Nancy Pape, of ~ouple$ coming 'to the prom. Kappa Delta. ' Hewi tt . Memorial Scholarship "When You Choose" "Kappa Del- ~nd. "Remember-only volume ta Girl," and "Kappa Delta's Others vying for the crown are ! ed and atem,porary roof erected. '62, vioe president; Ken Nie- WIll Win, so' come one, come all G' 'Again" LeePoUock, Sigrna . Delta Tau; The W)est Gate entrance to Coney haus, BA '~2, treasurer; and Ann and let your choice1?e known," wme . ,-i1-Scb.m£d.t,-:-Chl Omega; Thale will' be used' the night of the 'Fry, XC '62. Mileham urged., (ContInued on Page 3) ."'~~'''; Schumacher, Alpha Chi. Omega; Prom. To gain 'gate entrance, one Carol .Traut, Kappa Alpha' Theta; member of each couple must be Committee chairmen are Sandy Beth Watts, Kappa Kappa- Gamma; able: to .display either his Prom. Davis, N&H '62, and Don Filamm, JoAnn Wleise, Trianon; Katie wu: ticket ora UC student identifica- Eng .. '62, invitations; Barb Bolan, Iiams, Alpha Gamma Delta; .and tion card. - " . A&S '62, and Jim Telfer, A&S '62, Outstanding Seniors .To Be Pat '\\llilson, Delta Zeta. Pee Wee H:unt'sband will be fea- presentation; R ut h Goldberger, Candidates will be presented at tured along with the band of Clyde A&S ':62, and Jim Hayes, Eng. '62, 11, p.m., escorted :by members of Trask in order' to provide continu- program; Giny Leimenstoll, :HEc Honored At Convocation the Junior Class. The queen and •ous music for those' in attendance, ->62,'and" Dan Dell, BA '62, candi- Ihercourt will then be 'announced. date co-ordination; and Sue Mood- The Annual Honors Day Con- Headin.g the pla,nning for the ler, N&H '62, and George Schueren- awards: If it J~ithe'r rains or becomes Junior Prom are the cless of- . vocation will be held on Tuesday, stuhl, Eng. '63, recorations. The Honors Day Convocation is colder, the sides of the MOOl1lite ficers: Neal Berte, A&S '62, May 16, in Wilson Auditorium at can be closed, the building heat- president; Carolyn Muster, .rc Other co-chairmen include Peggy 1 p.vm, held under the auspices of the Heisel; A&S '62r and Larry Wright, Thepurposs of this convocation All-University Convocation Com- BA 'Q2, flowers; Susy Hayes, A&S is to 'honor students who have mittee, Dean Spencer Shank: '62, and Jerry' Fey, A&S ~62, pub- made . outstanding contributions chairman. The program is -snon- [Icity; Judy Brock, A&S '6.2, and to their tcolleges and the univer- sored by Mortar Board and' Omi- Bob, Fee, A&S '62, tickets; Harriet Niehaus., ~. .... ., '~' To,Lead"" ..• - . sity.' President Walter C. Lang- cron Delta Kappa through their _"'"" D _ ;.,. Feller, HEc '62, and Bruce-Andree, sam will open the convocation, combined Honors Day Com mit- BA '62, trophies;.and,Simdy Reed, and Dr. Hilmar C. Krueger, dean tee, Kathy Woodward, NH '61, Pharm. '62, and Mike Templeton, .of the University College will pre- and Glenn Cooper, BA '62, eo- '61 Uni,on Board Eng, '62, voting. side over the presentation Of -the chairmen. by Susy Hayes silver bowls. Ken Niehaus, BA '62, was elect- ed Union Board president for the These retiring IIlemhers are: 1961-'62 school year at a Boar'd Alan Rosenberg, A&S '62, presi- Contest meeting. May 4.1 Other officers "Ugly-Mqn.'. Revived dent: Gerry Mallin, A&S '6..~, vice- for the COining year include, Lee Gwinnutt, TC '62, vice president- president; David Meisel, A&S '61,' and chairman of program coun- cu1turalc~ordinator; Judith Bell, cil; Dan Dell, BA '62, treasurer; A&iS '63, leadership training Siqma and Susy Hayes, A&,S '62, secre- At .!61S(gma Carnival chairman; and Dr., Frank Etges, tary. faculty re'P'resentative. r Keep your social calendar free Following tlie meeting the an- . nual U' ni on De~,n Ral'ph'" C. B~rsiek,. vice for the annual 'Sigma Sigiffi~ Car- Board B:apqu~'t president of the University and nival to be. held Saturday, May' was' held to" .. ~~ ep dean of 'administration, was the ,20,-jii~theUniversity's Arm- honor all mem- sp~aker of .the evening. bel's, of Urrion O'rY~F:ieldhous-;- This year's car- Niehaus, commenting on his commit tee s nival promises many entertaining and U 11 ion new position, said, "I believe that s{aff. Retiring, with the proper guidance and the . games and a really exciting car- rnemb er s .of excellent leadership on' Union' rival-'atm~sphere, 'as 3icaIhP~;S" or- the Board and Board, the Union 'Will remain the ganizatlop.s 'will sponsor a variety of Progr am center of campus activity as well Council were as improve the services it now : of booths: Mr. Niehaus presented WIth offers." - As an added attraction and for the revival of a popular old con- ,test, . e~~~~frate!..nit.! Nas he§ Rev: J. C. Herbert Named asked to participate in an "Ugly -",.-'" Man" contest. .Each such group Religious Advisor Of SRC may I artlficially reconstruct Hie face of one man, and the entire " . - The Rev. J. C.Herbert of the advisor for the-group. selection of "typical UC men" Evangelical United.' B ret h r e n . The new officers for next year , ' Church is the new religious ad- are: president - Jerry Stivers, will he on display in 'a separate visor of the Student Religious Coun- .Eng.
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