Typical Products quality MADE IN SICILY BlackBlackB Lentlack LentBli acklLent il Lentil il frofmro fLemroo Lemfnrof Leoonmrofteo nLerfteonrteforte The BlackThe BlackT Lheentil Black LT,entil he LBlack,entil , Lentil, growngr ownin gther ownin p thergovince inr ownp therovince pinorf ovince theEnna o fp Ennar,ovince iso fan Enna, is anof, isEnna an , is an ancientancient cultivancient cultivationancient cultiva whichtiona cultivwhichtion is typicalwhicha tionis typical whichisof typical this o fis landthis typical of .land this o.land f this. land. Its prItsope prrItsopeties pr rmaopetiesItsk repmaties ritope kan ema riteties xtkaneremely itmae xtanrkemely ee xtappit ranemely r appeciextarr emelytedappecia rtedeci app atedreci ated of prooteinsf prooteinsf andproteinso aandf lowerpr oteinsaand lower f aat lowerandcontent fat acontent flowera tbut content fbutat content but but nonethelessnonethelessnonetheless stanonethelessrting star tingon sta ther onting end stathe onrting endo thef the on oendf the o fend the of the occuroccurredoccur becausered becauseroccured otherbecausered other cultivbecause other cultivations cultivotherations wea rcultivtionse we bornre awe tionsborn, re born ,we re, born, mechanicalmechanicalmechanical manufacturingmechanical manufacturing manufacturing. manufacturingThe. blackThe. blackT lentilhe black .lentil Tplanthe lentilblack plant has plant alentilhas a hasplant a has a horizontalhorizontalhorizontal development developmenthorizontal development sho developmentr tsho stemr tsho stem nertarly stem shone touchingarlyr tn steme touchingarly n touchingtheearly the touching the the groundground, thisground, mathisgk, res maoundthis thek esma, c thistherkopes mac mechanistheropk esc mechanisrop the mechanis actionropa andtionmechanisa theandtion theandation the and the followingfollowingfollowing stages stagesfollowing of stages p roocessingf p stagesr oocessingf pr ocessingalmost of p almostrocessing impossible almost impossible almost impossible, impossible, , , in ordiner o rtodin erc oope tord erci nwope toiothr dc wthisopeerith to c thiswo cndiopeth c ithistoi onndw icth imethotoi onndthis imethot icondosnd methounidtcisonover un methodcsiovern ung cidovernsg unincgovering the ancientthe ancientthe Sicilian ancientthe Sicilian ancientru Sicilianral ru trradition alSicilian ru traditionral twe rruaditionrre alwe employed. trraditione we employed.re employed. were employed. PACKAGEPACKAGE PSIZEACKAGE: SIZEPACKAGE: SIZE: SIZE: 250g250g 250g 250g whwitehwite lenth itewlenthi llentiteil lentil il frofmro fLemroo Lemfnrof Leoonmrofteo nLerfteonrteforte The WhiteThe WhiteT heLentil White LT entilheis sown WhiteL entilis sown between isLentil sown between is betweensown between the middlethe middlethe o middlef Novemberthe of Novembermiddle of November of November and theand beginning theand beginning theand beginning othef January beginningof January of January of January dependingdependingdepending on thedepending on type the on typethe on type the type and eandxposu eandxposure e oxposuandfr thee o ef land.r xposuthee o fland. there oland.f the land. The harvestThe harvestThe ta harvestkesT heta placek esharvest ta placek ines the placeta ink period esthe inplace period the periodin the period betweenbetween betweenJune June andbetween June Julyand Julyand June July and July and theand bundles theand bundles theand abundlesre the le afr tebundles le afrte lef ta re left to dryto for dryto about for dry about tofor 5 drydays about 5 for days on about5 the days on g the 5r onound. days g theround. on gr ound.the ground. LentilL entilis chaL entilisr acterizedcha isLrentil acterizedchar isacterized by cha byracterized by by a higha high proteina highprotein contenta p highrotein content p, rcontentotein, content, , low phosphoruslow phosphoruslow phosphoruslow and phosphorus potassiumand potassiumand potassium and potassium contentcontent andcontent aand highcontent aand high iron a highandicontent.ron acontent.ir highon content. iron content. PACKAGEPACKAGE PSIZEACKAGE: SIZEPACKAGE: SIZE: SIZE: PACKAGE SIZE 250g250g 250g 250g 250g BLACKBLACKB LCHACK BCHILCKACK CHICKPEI ACHCKPSEAPISCKEASPEAS frofmro fLemroo Lemfnrof Leoonmrofteo nLerfteonrteforte The BlackThe BlackT Chickphe Black ChickpTheeas ChickpBlack eas Chickpeas eas representrepresentr epanr esentindigenous anrep indigenousr anesent indigenous an indigenous varietyvariety onvariety the on Sicilian thevariety on Sicilian the territor on Sicilian the territory Sicilian, territory, territory, y, they theyare r theyaoughre r ougha rtotheye rtheough toa rtouch ethe rtoough touch the and totouch haveand the havetouchand have and have a verya veryirregulara veryirregular airshape rveryegular shape irwhichregular shape which resembles shapewhich resembles whichresembles resembles This happens also because White Chickpeas can be the htheead h theoeadf a h roeamthefad a. r oamhfe aad. ram of. a ram. This Tkindhis Tkindohisf lesse kindoTf hislesser-known o kindf lesser-known o legumefr -knownlesse legumer-known legume legume UnlikUnlie thekUnlie White theke WhiteUnli the Chickp kWhitee Chickpthee as WhiteChickp, eas ,Chickp eas, eas, the Blackthe Blackthe ones Black ones rtheequi ones Blackrequire r requionese r erequi re Dried chickpeas need to be soaked from 12 to 18 hours longerlonger cookinglonger cookinglonger timescooking times andcooking times haveand haveand times have and have PACKAGEPACKAGE PSIZEACKAGE: SIZEPACKAGE: SIZE: SIZE: PACKAGEPACKAGE SIZE SIZE 250g250g 250g 250g 500g500g WHITEWHITEWHITE CHWHITE CHICK CHICKPEI ACHCKPSEAPISCKEASPEAS frofmro fLemroo Lemfnrof Leoonmrofteo nLerfteonrteforte from Leonforte This Tancienthis Tancienthis variety ancientT hisvariety ancient variety variety of Whiteof White oChickpf White Chickpoef as WhiteChickp ise asrich Chickpise asinrich is inricheas isin rich in The Cicerchia, like other legumes, carbohydcarbohydcarbohydratesr aandcarbohydtesr apandtesroteins pandrraoteinstes, pas randoteins well, as p wellasr,oteins as in aswell ,in as as well in as in It is a particularly important crop in areas commonlycommonlycommonly consumed commonlyconsumed consumed legume consumedlegume in legume the in world thelegume in world the. worldin. the .world . This Thappenshis Thappenshis happensalsoThis alsobecause happens alsobecause Whitebecause also White becauseChickp White Chickpe as WhiteChickp caneas beChickpcaneas becan eas be can be knownknown as a casrop a c oropf subsistence of subsistence as it aspr ovidesit provides digesteddigested digestedbetter bedigested thantter be thanothertter be thanother legumestter other thanlegumes , legumes other, legumes, , a good harvest when other crops fail. suchsuch as forsuch as e forxample as suche forxample easbxamplee ans.for b eans.xample beans. beans. The chickpThe chickpTheeas chickp cookingTeheas cookingchickpeas followscookingeas follows cooking a followspa raticular pa follows raticular pa rticular a par ticular methodologymethodologymethodology tomethodology ma tok ema themtok ema them taste ktoe themma taste atk etheir taste themat their best a tastet their .best a .tbest their. best. DriedDried chickpDried chickpeas Driedchickp needeas needchickpe toas be need to esoa asbe tokneed soaed be fkr soaedomto bef kr12edom soa to f r12 omk18ed to hours12 f18rom to hours 1812 hoursto 18 hours and thenand then andmoved thenmovedand on moved then a onlow amoved honlowea at hlowa eton alet hastaet low al efort asta th 3l eefor hours.aastt a3 tfor hours.le ast3 hours. for 3 hours. TheseThese chickpThese chickpeas Tchickphese aerase genuinely achickperase genuinely aree asgenuinely r oundare rgenuinelyound and round and randound and medium-sizemedium-sizemedium-size shapedmedium-size shaped and shaped haveand shaped haveand a mo have a rand emo tender a rhave emo tenderr ea tendermo re tender compactnesscompactnesscompactness thancompactness thanthe black thanthe black the onesthan black ones, the ones,black , ones, they theyboast theyboast a vegetable boast theya vegetable aboast vegetable taste a tastevegetable of g taste roefa gt char oe tastefa tgr acterchare aotrf acter cha greraacter t cha racter but well-balancedbut well-balancedbut well-balancedbut as well-balanced well. as well. as well. as well. PACKAGEPACKAGE PSIZEACKAGE: SIZEPACKAGE: SIZE: SIZE: PACKAGEPACKAGE PSIZEACKAGE SIZE SIZE 500g 500g 250g 250g 250g CICERCHIA from Leonforte The Cicerchia, like other legumes, has a high protein content. It is a particularly important crop in areas prone to drought and famine, known as a crop of subsistence as it provides a good harvest when other crops fail. PACKAGE SIZE: 250g LargeL aBrrLgeaorad LBgearr B ogeBeanadr oB adrBeano adBean Bean fromf rLeofomrno fLefmroo rLenmtefo Leonrofteonrfteorte NowadaysNowadays thisNowadays legumeNowadays this legume this legume this legume is consideis consideredis a conside typicalisred conside a rp edtypicalroduct ar edtypical p ar oducttypical product product of the Mediterof theo fMediterr antheoe fanMediter the Dietran Meditereanran Dieteanran Dietean Diet but it boasts but it buthighly boasts it but boasts ancient highly it boasts highly ancientorigins highly ancient, origins ancient origins, origins, , dating backdating evenda backtingd toa backting even5.000 back even to y e5.000ars even to ag 5.000 y otoe.ars 5.000 y agearso y. eagarso. ago. The LargeThe B rLaToadherge LaBT Bheerrangeoad La rBepr rgeBoadreesents anBr Boad reepan arBesents rricheepanr esentssourep a rrichesentsce a sou rich ar ce sourich r cesou rce of mineroalsf
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