Editorials ..................................... 4A Op-Ed .......................................... 5A Calendar ...................................... 6A Scene Around ............................. 9A Synagogue Directory ................ 11A News Briefs ............................... 13A WWW.HERITAGEFL.COM YEAR 44, NO. 16 DECEMBER 20, 2019 22 KISLEV, 5780 ORLANDO, FLORIDA SINGLE COPY 75¢ Johnson defeats Corbyn in UK By Cnaan Liphshiz LONDON (JTA)—Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party has defeated Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party by a large margin in Britain’s general elections on Thursday, exit polls indicate. The Conservatives re- JAO second grader lights menorah. Kindergarteners playing dreidel. ceived 368 seats out of 650 according to the polls by Celebrating Chanukah at the Jewish Academy of Orlando BBC, ITV and Sky News, with Jewish Academy of Orlando’s students loved celebrating Hanukkah with their friends. Here are a few peeks from Labour lagging far behind the week’s activities. with 191. Jewish Academy of Orlando serves central Florida students of all faiths from transitional kindergarten through Actual results from vot- fifth grade. The school delivers a whole-child education fostering academic excellence and character education ing stations are expected to rooted in Jewish values. Jewish Academy of Orlando is accredited by the Florida Council of Independent Schools. begin trickling in at about Boris Johnson To learn more about Jewish Academy of Orlando, please visit: jewishacademyorlando.org or follow the school on 2 a.m. local time on Friday. Facebook facebook.com/JewishAcademyOrlando. Many British Jews have anti-Semitism issue, saying said the elections are par- that Corbyn is “complicit in ticularly fateful for them prejudice.” because they believe that the If the exit polls are accu- Labour Party has become rate, it would be the worst President Trump signs executive order institutionally anti-Semitic performance by Labour under its left-wing leader, in any general election Jeremy Corbyn, who was since World War II, Michael addressing anti-Semitism in US education elected to lead the party in Thrasher, professor of Poli- 2015. tics in the School of Sociol- By Jackson Richman religion, so that it would fall world against history’s oldest After he was elected, many ogy, Politics & Law at the under Title VI, which prohibits hate at a time of surging anti- of the party’s new left-wing University of Plymouth, told (JNS)—U.S. President discrimination on the basis of Semitism on both sides of the supporters have said anti- Sky News. Labour received Donald Trump signed an race, color and national origin Atlantic,” he added. Israel and often anti-Semitic 262 seats in parliament in executive order on Wednes- in programs and activities The Republican Jewish things. The Labour Against 2017, an increase of 30 seats day, Dec. 11, addressing that receive federally financial Coalition hailed the upcom- Antisemitism group has from the 2015 vote. anti-Semitism amid the rise assistance. Religion was not ing move as a “historic and documented thousands of “It would be stratospheri- in hatred toward Jews in edu- included among the protected important moment.” cases of alleged anti-Semitic cally higher than even cation in the United States, categories. “This is a truly historic hate speech by members Conservative optimists had announced the White House Jewish and pro-Israel and important moment for since 2015. predicted. It’s a very, very, in a call with reporters on groups applauded the ex- Jewish Americans,” said Corbyn has pledged not very satisfactory result—if Tuesday evening. pected move. RJC national chairman and to tolerate racism within that is the true result,” The measure is particu- “It will have an immediate former Minnesota Sen. Norm Labour but leaders of British said John Bercow, a former larly focused on activities on impact on U.S. campuses Coleman in a statement. Jewry have said he is himself Conservative lawmaker who American college campuses, plagued with anti-Semitic “President Trump has ex- part of the problem. Critics is Jewish and who served as where the anti-Israel BDS and extreme anti-Israel acts, tended to Jewish students point to past statements he the previous speaker of the movement has taken a hold where many university of- very strong, meaningful legal has made about Israel and House of Commons, the among students and even ficials complained that the protection from anti-Semitic Zionists, and the fact that he lower house of the British faculty. lack of a working definition President Donald Trump discrimination.” has called groups like Hamas parliament. It would require the U.S. of anti-Semitism hampered At the Israeli-American his “friends.” Johnson called the elec- Department of Education to efforts to deal with anti- ficials and Jewish students Council’s annual summit on The previous chief rabbi tion earlier this year in a bid adopt the International Ho- Semitic incidents on cam- will be better equipped to Saturday, Trump addressed of Britain, Jonathan Sacks, to gain support for his plan locaust Remembrance defi- pus,” said Simon Wiesenthal deal hate attacks often as- the issue of anti-Semitism, last year called Corbyn an to take the United Kingdom nition of anti-Semitism in Center associate dean Rabbi sociated with the anti-Israel which he called a “vile poi- “anti-Semite.” The current out of the European Union evaluating such incidents on Abraham Cooper in a state- BDS campaigns.” son.” “My administration is chief rabbi of Britain last with or without a negoti- college campuses and at other ment. “Now, through this “More broadly, President committed to aggressively month published an op-ed ated trade agreement with educational institutions in ac- Executive Order, necessitated Trump’s Executive Order challenging and confront- in The Times of London, ef- Brussels, which economists cordance with the landmark by Congress’ failure to pass sends a strong message do- fectively calling on voters not have warned could trigger a Title VI, enacted as part of the legislation, university of- mestically and around the Trump on page 15A to vote for Labour over the financial crisis. Civil Rights Act of 1964. The new executive order will also label Judaism as a nationality, in addition to a Will third time be the charm? By Marcy Oster Gantz was willing to com- lawmakers. “Beyond the promise over a rotating pre- ego battle that took place JERUSALEM (JTA)—Israel miership either. Netanyahu’s for months, neither really will hold an unprecedented indictment a month ago on wanted a unity government, third election in less than a corruption charges added but rather another election.” year after lawmakers failed to complications to the unity The results of a third elec- form a government coalition talks. tion are not expected to be by Wednesday night. Netanyahu was unwilling substantially different than The date of the next election to step down as party leader the previous two. But a Chan- is set for March 2. Elections following the indictment. His nel 13 News poll published on are usually set for 90 days after rivals within his Likud party Tuesday showed that Blue and the dissolution of the Knesset, said if he had stepped down, White would get 37 Knesset but as that would have put they could have formed a unity seats in the upcoming elec- them on the Jewish holiday government without him— tion, up from its current 33, of Purim in 2020, legislators since Gantz had indicated a with Likud garnering 33, up set the date a few days earlier. willingness to make a deal from its current 32, but at the The government’s fall with a different Likud leader. expense of other parties in the comes after both Prime Min- On Wednesday, Likud an- right-wing bloc. ister Benjamin Netanyahu Benjamin Netanyahu Benny Gantz nounced it would hold a party and Blue and White party leadership vote on Dec. 26. Election on page 14A head Benny Gantz were each leagues to agree to support a majority, but he withheld his “The two major parties, unable to form a government candidate for prime minister. support for either, demand- which have 65 seats together, after the last elections on Sept. Avigdor Liberman, head of ing instead a unity govern- are responsible for another 17. Following those failures, the secular-right Yisrael Be- ment that involved them all unnecessary election,” Liber- lawmakers also came up short iteinu party, could have given together. man said Wednesday at a in their bid to find 61 col- one of the two top parties a Neither Netanyahu nor meeting of Yisrael Beiteinu PAGE 2A HERITAGE FLORIDA JEWISH NEWS, DECEMBER 20, 2019 Jewish Pavilion volunteers enjoy a ‘friendraising’ experience Wendy Levine Wendy Levine Sandy Silbert, who designed the plaques, is flanked by Jewish Pavilion volunteers Randi Every year, JP Connection attendees have the opportunity to shop for jewelry, Judaica, Cunningham (l) and Myrna Ossin, who were honored at the JP Connections luncheon. fashions, cosmetics and other items at the many sponsored tables. By Wendy Ring Levine residents in elder-care com- stories and laughter, shop- raising supports the mission long-term care communities. nors ($500 or more) will munities” by sharing their ping ‘till you drop, these are and programs of the Jewish They also participate in the receive exclusive gifts and Randi Cunningham and love and compassion. The the “friendraising” activities Pavilion. Friendraising sup- fundraiser and friendraiser a special presentation from Myrna Ossin were honored beautiful awards they received everyone shared at the JP ports the volunteers that events. Join us at the next Dillard’s executives before by the Jewish Pavilion at the were designed by artist Sandy Connections luncheon. complete the mission. friendraiser event—the Jew- the show. Call the Jewish annual JP Connections Volun- Silbert, another Jewish Pavil- According to Nancy Ludin, The exceptional people who ish Pavilion Fashion Show Pavilion at 407-687-7902 for teer Appreciation event.
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