Index Absurdist theatre 520 Aemilius Paullus 222 Academy 56, 213, 243, 248, 252n23, 302, 331, Aeneas Tacticus 473n37 336, 359 Aeneas (Vergil) 48 Achilles 36, 47, 51, 63, 83, 85, 104, 142, 146, Aeolic Greek 55, 444–8, 451–2 149, 150–151, 205, 211, 226, 311, 344, Aeschines 121, 210–211, 213–14, 244–5, 262, 348, 353–4, 358, 363, 376, 415–17, 419, 485n4 421–2, 462, 464–5, 467–70 Aeschylus 28–9, 32, 60, 86, 87n2, 98–9, 175, Achilles Tatius Leucippe and 177, 179–84, 187n32–33, 206, 217, 219, Clitophon 258–9, 264 454, 461, 467, 478–9, 481–3, 485, 486n6, Acts of the apostles 119, 128–9, 262 492–3 apocryphal Acts 128, 262 Aetnaeae 286 Actium 221 Ag. 179–80, 186n23 Acusilaus of Argos 456–7 Eum. 206 Adeimantus 246 Laius 29, 182 Adonean 452 Oedipus 29, 182 Aegeus 177, 358 Oresteia 287 Aegyptus 218 Pers. 85, 182, 287, 314, 330, 397n9, 518 Aelian Sphinx 29 Tactica 270, 272 Supp. 182 Var. Hist. 29, 328 Prom. 182, 397n8, 517–18 Aelius Aristides 129, 214, 257, 316, 458 Sept. 29, 181–4 or. 24 and 26 23n44 Aesop 388, 403, 501, 506 Panath. 119 aesthetics/aesthetic 31, 64, 78, 195, 220, 226, To Rome 119, 122, 337COPYRIGHTED228, MATERIAL 262, 267–8, 271, 300, 320, 381, 408, Sacred Tales 335 410–411, 417, 455, 461, 469, 477–85 Sicilian Orations 214 aetiology 100, 103, 152n5, 218, 402 Aelius Herodianus African American drama 523 Katholike prosodia 429 Agamemnon 142, 146, 179–81, 186n30, 223, Aelius Theon 227 354, 357, 381, 416–17, 468 Progymnasmata 213 Agatharchides of Cnidus 430, 432 The index was compiled by Markus Hafner, Annamaria Peri, Julian Schreyer and Janina Sieber, Munich. A Companion to Greek Literature, First Edition. Edited by Martin Hose and David Schenker. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 0002564634.indd 534 7/21/2015 4:10:54 PM Index 535 Agathias 191 Anaximander of Miletus 58, 81, 237–8, 251n8, Agathon 29, 86, 87n4, 184n7, 247 403, 406 Agesilaus 226 Anaximenes of Lampsacus 211 Agido 162 Rhetoric to Alexander 211–2 agôn/contest 59, 61–2, 67–71, 88, 114–15, Anaximenes of Miletus 81, 328 118, 197. see also competition Andocides 207–8, 210, 457 agora 11, 71, 96, 118, 156, 334, 347–8, 353, Andromache 65, 205, 418, 452 357–8, 360 Andron of Halicarnassus agriculture/agricultural 145, 402, 428 Epitomê tôn Syngeneiôn 431 Agrippa 227 Androtion 220 Aietes 102, 147 animals/beasts 145, 152, 186n26, 198, 241, Ajax 83, 149–50, 211 354, 364, 388–9, 407 Akkadian epic Anonymus Londiniensis 404 Enuma Elish 97 Anthologia Palatina 96, 156, 190–191, 193, Gilgamesh 54, 97 196, 201–2. see also Callimachus, Cillactor, Alcaeus of Lesbos 63–5, 156–7, 160–161, 285, Dioscurides, Honestus, Leonidas of Tarentum, 312–13, 451–2 Lucillius, Marcus Argentarius, Meleager of Alcibiades 209, 245 Gadara, Rufinus, Strato Alcidamas 211, 283, 348 Anthologia Planudea 191 Alcinous/Albinus anthropomorphism 81, 131, 145, 388 Didaskalikos 248 Antigone 183, 420 Alcmaeon of Croton 238–9, 242, 388, 404 Antigonid Dynasty 96, 98, 105n22, Alcman 18, 65–6, 68–9, 155, 157, 161–3, 327, 106n58 349, 449–51 Antioch 96–8 partheneion 162–3, 285, 449 Antiochus I. Soter 96–7 Alexamenus of Teos 252n28 Antiochus IV. Epiphanes 92–3 Alexander Romance 261, 262 Antiochus of Syracuse 457 Alexander the Great 29, 78–9, 89, 95–6, 150, Antipater 210 210, 221–2, 225–7, 229, 261, 291–2, 315, Antiphanes 185n21 331–2, 392, 416 Antiphon 207, 247, 392, 457 Alexandria 15, 20, 31, 35, 37, 89–104, 118, Tetralogies 207, 457 131–2, 178, 227, 230, 276, 292, 296, On Truth 207 301–2, 315, 316, 325–6, 331–7, 433 Antisthenes 211, 244, 252n22, 458 Alexandrian library 20, 31, 37, 52, 92–3, 95, Antonius 230 98–100 Antonius Diogenes Alexandrian scholarship/school of philology 37, The Incredible Things beyond Thule 259–60, 53–54, 95, 98–9, 130, 155–6, 162, 178, 383n40 200, 207, 257, 408–10, 433–4, 437, Anytus 179 450, 452 aoidoí/bards 50–52, 55, 82, 87n7, 101 Alexis (historiographer) 67 Aotis (goddess) 162 Alexiou, Margaret 165–6 Apollo 20, 51, 59, 61–2, 65, 69, 102, 149, Alimentus, L. Cincius 31, 336 181, 186n28, 206, 236, 315, 326, 334, alphabet 12, 18, 217, 302, 434 354, 357, 376, 416, 450, 484–5 Alvi, Moniza 524 Aphrodite 62–3, 67, 82, 147, 201, 311, 359, Amarna letters 32 378, 387, 417–18 Amazons 149, 358, 390 Aphthonius 214 Ambrosius 20 Apion (lexicographer) 434 Ammonius 22 apocalypse 103–4, 128 Amphinomus (mathematician) 411n16 Apollo 149, 181, 186n28, 206, 236, 416, 450, Anacreon of Teos 63, 66–8, 70, 156–7, 161, 484–5 285, 312–3, 349, 389, 452, 506 Apollodorus (in Plat. Symp.) 247 Anastasius Apollodorus (in the Demosthenic corpus) 211 Hodegos 10, 18 Apollodorus of Athens Anaxagoras 240, 289, 300, 330 Chronica 409 0002564634.indd 535 7/21/2015 4:10:54 PM 536 Index Apollodorus of Cyrene 434 Nub. 61, 178–9, 184, 244, 289, 466–7, 479–80 Apollodorus of Damascus 269, 328 Pax 86 Apollodorus of Pergamon 336 Ran. 22n11, 60, 178, 183–4, 287–8, 291, (Ps.)Apollodorus 297–8, 301, 305, 317, 331, 344, 359–60, Bibliothêkê 187n38, 434 424, 467–8, 477–9, 482–3, 485 Apollonius (king of Tyre) 260 Thesm. 29, 454–5, 480 Apollonius of Citium 271–2 Aristophanes of Byzantium 302, 429, 431–3 Apollonius of Perga 335, 405 Aristophon 210 Apollonius of Rhodes 52, 101–3, 144, 146–8, Aristoteles 30–32, 34, 163, 179, 182, 187n36, 292, 332, 521–2 213, 221–2, 225, 229–30, 238–40, 242–3, Argonautika 66, 99–100, 102, 107n81, 292, 248–9, 251n16, 252n23, 266, 269, 273, 461, 463–6, 471 285, 288, 290–291, 300–307, 432, 497 Apollonius of Tyana 261 Analytica posteriora 411n27 Appian 227 Aporemata Homerica (Homeric Problems) 303 Apsines 214 Ath. Pol. 16, 19, 23n38, 30, 220–221 Apsyrtus 147 De dissectionibus 272 Apuleius De poetis 412n31, 412n5 Metamorphoses 260–261 dialogues 408 Aratus 94, 144–6, 150 Gen. an. 388–9 Phaen. 99, 402, 408 Gen. corr. 411n23 (Ps.)Arcadius of Antioch Hist. an. 272, 431–2 Epitome of Herodian’s Katholike prosodia 429 Met. A 406 archaism 444–6, 448 Meteor. 411n23 Archias (Licinius Archias of Antioch) 194 NE 243, 388 Archidamus 226 Nomima 428 Archelaus of Macedon 94 On the Forms (F 185 Rose) 30 Archestratus 412n34 Part. an. 272, 388, 397n13, 431 Archaic age: literature 58–76, 78–80, 83, 142, Phys. 389, 252n36 155–7, 163, 169n8, 170n20, 190, 195–6 Poet. 31, 78, 84–5, 148, 157, 184–5n7, Archilochus 18, 32, 64, 66, 71, 81, 83, 156–9, 185n21, 212, 223, 244, 304–7, 408, 284, 312, 350, 423, 448, 453, 479 411n21, 412n31, 454, 456, 482, 484 Archimedes 99, 211, 404–5, 410, 457 Pol. 243 architecture 103, 118, 217, 406, 428 Politeiai 433 Archytas of Tarentum 405, 457 Protr. 30, 131, 244, 250 Arians, the 394 Rhet. 157, 205–6, 212, 283, 289, 411n19, Ares 82, 201, 311 415–16, 420, 424, 457–8, 485n4 arete 394, 405, 408 F 13 Rose 236 Argonauts 51, 99–100, 102, 144, 146–7, 362, 463 F 72 Rose 252n28 Argos 59, 177, 422 (Ps.)Aristoteles Argus (dog) 197–8 De Melisso, Xenophane, Gorgia 239 Arion of Methymna 60–61, 67, 69, 86, 451 Physiognomica 31 Aristarchus of Samothrace 31, 37, 38n9, 276, Problemata 405 292, 296–7, 304–7, 332, 433, 437 Problemata mechanika 406 Aristides 260 Rhetorica ad Alexandrum 211–2 Aristippus 244, 252n22 Aristotle’s Lyceum 56, 243, 252n23. see also Aristobulus 29, 221, 226 Peripatos Aristodemus 247 Aristoxenus Aristophanes 29, 78, 86, 177–9, 185n12, On Arithmetics 411n15 185n16, 207, 247, 423, 466, 480, 519 F 1 Wehrli 242 Ach. 18–19, 85–6, 88n19, 480, 482 F 81 Wehrli 66 Av. 22n12, 299, 402 F 123 Wehrli 482 Eccl. 390 Arius Didymus 429 Equ. 85, 466 Arrianus 226–7, 429, 458 Lys. 390 Anabasis of Alexander, Indica 226 0002564634.indd 536 7/21/2015 4:10:54 PM Index 537 Diatribes 429 Bakhtin, Mikhail 164, 229 Encheiridion 429 barbarians and Greeks/Hellenes 77, 219, 225, Epict. 22, 24n59, 115, 429, 458 390–396, 500 History of the Parthian Wars 32 barbitos 60, 64, 66 Tact. 270 Basil of Caesarea 134–5, 319 Artemis 180, 192, 236, 238, 390 Address to Young Man on the Right Use Greek Artemidorus 434 Literature 134, 319 Asclepiades 99, 418 Bathyllus 238 Ascra (Boeotia) 142, 444 beauty 63, 65, 67–8, 143, 145–7, 162, 354, Asia 221, 250, 393–6 361, 364, 417–8 Asia Minor 77, 117, 258 Bendis (goddess) 247 Asianism 208, 212, 336, 458 Berossus Asinius Pollio Trallianus 432 Babyloniaka 32, 97 astronomy/astronomical 95, 99, 145, 267, 272, Besantion 201 274, 333, 408 Bias of Priene 87n8, 236, 251n4 Athanasius Bible 28, 32, 78, 104, 127–134, 458 Life of Antony 134, 229 biblos (byblos)/biblion (byblion) 9–10, 12–5 Athena 49, 98, 148, 287, 354–8, 381, 387, 390, biography, biographical 127, 134, 168, 209, 418, 464, 484 217–8, 221, 226–30, 252n21, 257, 259, Athens 11, 16, 18–19, 29–31, 46, 55, 59, 66–7, 261, 409, 412n47 69, 77, 84–6, 88n18, 89, 94, 98, 119–22, biology 272, 273, 375, 388, 517 129, 145, 157, 169n5, 176–7, 179, 182–4, Bion of Borysthenes 94, 99, 249 185n8, 185n12, 194, 206–14, 218–20, Bithynia 226 224, 230, 241, 243–4, 246–8, 252n20, Boethius 69 283–91, 302, 310–317, 389–91, 395, 405, Boeotia 142, 157, 209, 401 424, 454, 457, 466, 478, 480, 482, 484 Bond.
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