4 4 Key Sites 68 4.1 Introduction 68 4.2 Ponders End Central 68 4.3 South Street Sites 73 4.4 Alma Estate 75 4.5 Ponders End Waterfront 78 Key Sites 424 PLANNINGKEYKey SITES POLICY Sites CONTEXT 4.1 Introduction 4.2.5 Subsequent to the grant of planning permission, the Queensway Campus site was sold by Middlesex University. A 4.1.1 The NEE area has a limited number of potential planning application is expected soon to bring forward a Free development sites. The key opportunities are: School on the site. The plans for a Free School signifi cantly • Ponders End Central; change the potential of Ponders End Central to deliver new housing and to meet all of the requirements of the • sites in and around South Street; adopted Planning Brief. However, the area fronting onto the • the Alma Estate; and High Street and Swan Annex continue to have potential for residential-led mixed use development, possibly delivering • Ponders End Waterfront. around 200 new homes. It is important that the AAP sets out 4.1.2 This chapter sets out a description and analysis of policy for the future development of Ponders End Central that each of these sites to support the development of principles has regard to the adopted Planning Brief whilst taking into and policies within the AAP. account the changes in circumstances. 4.2 Ponders End Central 4.2.6 The Planning Brief sets out an overall vision for Ponders End Central, and this and includes: 4.2.1 The Ponders End Central Area is shown on Figure 4.1 • Ponders End Central will be a more prosperous, inclusive, opposite. It comprises three distinct zones: clean, green and stable place with a mix of architecturally • the area fronting onto the High Street, including retail excellent homes of different tenures and sizes, supported buildings and the historic Swan Annex; by key local services and community facilities for all ages and mobilities. • the former Middlesex University campus site (also referred to as the Queensway Campus), incorporating the Broadbent • The area will be better connected, with Ponders End and 68 listed building; and Southbury stations and the local bus network providing excellent transport links into central London and across • the Queensway Industrial Estate to the north. the Borough. The provision of local services and jobs 4.2.2 The Council’s Core Strategy defi nes the Ponders End will reduce the need to travel thereby reducing carbon Place Shaping Priority Area, of which Ponders End Central emissions. forms a part. Core Strategy Policy 41 sets out planning policy • The town centre will be rejuvenated with support provided for the area, and sets out a range of objectives, including the to businesses to enable them to build on their trademark following specifi c to Ponders End Central: personal service and goods to suit the diverse needs of the A holistic development at Ponders End Central incorporating the community. former Middlesex University campus, Queensway employment • Design will be high quality and sustainable, rooted in its area, better use of land around the Tesco store and a vibrant, good historic context and respectful of the natural signature of quality local shopping centre and community hub, with vacant the area. Development will be responsive to the existing sites along Ponders End High Street redeveloped to complement built environment, to create a locally distinctive place the local offer. whilst responding to the challenge of climate change. 4.2.3 The area is the subject of the Ponders End Central 4.2.7 This vision is supported by fi ve principles: Planning Brief that was adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) by the Council in May 2011. The AAP will • Green, playful and accessible streets, parks and public update the guidance within the Planning Brief, and the Brief spaces that are rooted in their historic context. itself will be updated to refl ect the changes made in the AAP. • A healthy and welcoming neighbourhood with a mix of 4.2.4 Outline planning permission was secured for the affordable homes for all. residential-led mixed use development of the Queensway • A lively, prosperous town centre with more jobs and Campus Site and the land fronting onto the High Street in improved local facilities for all. 2013. This scheme re-named the site the ‘Electric Quarter’ and permission was granted for: • A well connected, inclusive and fair neighbourhood that’s easy for everyone to move around. • change of use of the Broadbent Building to residential and business uses; • A lifetime, low-carbon neighbourhood that will stand the test of time and have minimal impact on the environment. • 404 residential units; 4.2.8 The conceptual masterplan sets out a spatial vision • retail; and for the future of Ponders End Central and incorporates a set of • a new library. principles as shown in Figure 4.2 overleaf. NORTH EAST ENFIELD AREA ACTION PLAN FIGURE 4.1: PONDERS END CENTRAL LAND OWNERSHIP 4 KEY SITES 15 Queensway 14 03 04 High Street 02 13 05 06 01 07 08 09 Kingsway 10 12 11 18 Planning Brief Site Boundary 16 69 17 Former Middlesex University site Derby Road Private ownership Council ownership Source: Ponders End Central Planning Brief FIGURE 4.1 KEY 01 University Site 1 10 198 High Street 02 University Site 2 11 188-196 High Street 03 20 Queensway 12 Library and College Court car park 04 232-244 High Street 13 Swan Annex 05 Land to the rear of 228 High Street 14 Queensway Warehouse Buildings 06 Mosque - 228 High Street 15 Tesco car park 07 216 High Street 16 35-37 Derby Road 08 Police Station 17 31-33 Derby Road 09 200-202 High Street 18 Ponders End Park NORTH EAST ENFIELD AREA ACTION PLAN 4 KEY SITES FIGURE 4.2: PONDERS END CENTRAL ADOPTED PLANNING BRIEF CONCEPTUAL MASTERPLAN 01 Improved train service and access 13 WR6RXWKEXU\6WDWLRQ ,PSURYHPHQWVWRWKHMXQFWLRQRI1DJV 01 Head Road and High Street. 02 Potential step-free pedestrian and 14 Redevelopment of this section of F\FOHDFFHVVWRVRXWKERXQGSODWIRUPDW the High Street providing 90-110 new 6RXWKEXU\6WDWLRQYLD(PLOLD&ORVH homes including those above new shops. Taller elements mark civic uses or act as 03 A combination of off-street and on- landmark features. VWUHHWFDUSDUNLQJ$URXQGVSDFHV home. 15 A revitalised High Street with HYHQWVWKURXJKRXWWKH\HDUDGHHS 04 4XHHQVZD\VWUHQJWKHQHGDVDNH\ clean, decluttering, and improved shop HPSOR\PHQWDQGOLJKWLQGXVWULDOVWULSZLWK the addition of creative industries. IURQWDJHV7DNHDZD\VUHVLVWHG 16 A mixed use development on the High 02 05 (PSOR\PHQWXVHVWRZDUGVWKHQRUWK Street, retaining as a minimum the original RIWKHVLWHFORVHWR4XHHQVZD\RULQ workshop element of listed building. façade for its historic value. 17 Green Link enabling access into the 06 Listed Broadbent Building converted within landscaped gardens. 4XHHQVZD\&DPSXVVLWHDQGEH\RQGWR 6RXWKEXU\6WDWLRQ 70 07 0HZVRIWDOOWHUUDFHGIDPLO\ 18 WRZQKRXVHVGH¿QHVWUHHW ,PSURYHPHQWVWRWKHMXQFWLRQRI6RXWK Street and High Street to include memorial to lives lost in the Two Brewers Pub, 08 Potential new public pedestrian and bombed during World War II F\FOHFRQQHFWLRQ 19 3XEOLFSHGHVWULDQF\FOHFRQQHFWLRQ 09 Taller building elements stepping down from the tallest point nearest the into Ponders End Park towards the Lee High Street towards the listed building. 9DOOH\ 20 3XEOLFSHGHVWULDQF\FOHOLQNLQWR 10 $URXQGQHZKRPHVRU KDELWDEOHURRPVSHUKHFWDUHRQWKH 4XHHQVZD\&DPSXVVLWHLQFOXGLQJ 4XHHQVZD\&DPSXVVLWH SDUNLQJUHSURYLGHGLQDKRPH]RQH¶VW\OH OD\RXW,PSURYHGOLJKWLQJSXEOLFUHDOP JUHHQVSDFHDQGGH¿QLWLRQRI&ROOHJH 11 Maximum heights of new buildings to respond to existing built form. &RXUWKRPHVERXQGDU\ 21 3XEOLFSHGHVWULDQF\FOHFRQQHFWLRQ 12 Potential new public vehicular, SHGHVWULDQDQGF\FOHDFFHVVLQWR7HVFR Source: Ponders End Central P 22 Mixed use development on part of the IURP4XHHQVZD\WRDOOHYLDWHFRQJHVWLRQ on the High Street. Tesco site and potential new access in. NORTH EAST ENFIELD AREA ACTION PLAN 4 KEY SITES 13 12 22 04 15 4XHHQVZD\ High Street 03 05 16 06 09 71 10 11 21 14 07 20 17 08 19 'HUE\5RDG 18 ng Brief &RPPXQLW\ Taller Residential Retail (PSOR\PHQW Light Industrial Housing NORTH EAST ENFIELD AREA ACTION PLAN 4 KEY SITES Ponders End Central: View towards Mosque Ponders End Central: Ponders End High Street 72 Ponders End Central: Ponders End High Street Ponders End Central: Library building Ponders End Central: Aerial view of the central area of A1010 Ponders End High Street NORTH EAST ENFIELD AREA ACTION PLAN 4 KEY SITES 4.3 South Street Sites 4.3.1 South Street has already begun to be transformed: public realm works have changed the character of the street, making it more pedestrian and cycle friendly and the completion of the Oasis Hadley Academy has created a new architectural and social landmark. A planning application has been approved for residential development at Dujardin Mews (formerly known as Academy Street) and this is due to start on site in 2014. The Council has selected a preferred development partner for the regeneration of the Alma Estate, and a planning application is expected to be submitted in 2014 with construction due to start - subject to securing planning permission - in late 2014. 4.3.2 However, the area still has a number of issues that need to be addressed and opportunities for improvement. Fig 4.3 overleaf sets out these issues, which include: • the cluster of existing community uses (the MUGA, Youth The Oasis Academy Hadley introduces a high quality building into the area Centre and Welcome Point) do not relate well to South Street and the buildings are of low scale and quality; • the buildings on the Alma Estate relate poorly to South Street, and the green open spaces feel somewhat ‘left over’; 73 • Ponders End Station is unwelcoming, and the bridge providing links for pedestrians and cyclists is functional but unattractive; • Dujardin Mews will introduce a new high quality street, with the buildings designed to positively terminate views • In contrast, the student housing (Robbins Hall) on Gardiner Close is of very average quality and misses an opportunity The redevelopment of 171a and 171b South Street have the potential to to respond to the view southwards along Nelson transform the area around Ponders End Station.
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